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Laeyna (Zilrax)


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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This will be a game set in an apocalypse-scenario modern world, where a bacterial infection is spreading like wildfire and mutating humans into monsters. As usual, I'll ask the player to fill out a character sheet and such. The name has already been decided, the rest needs to be determined.

Name: Laeyna
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Equipment/weaponry/personal possessions/etc:

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):

Please fill out this fetish survey, and add in any fetishes you are uncomfortable with:
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often. If a major fetish, put 6.)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa/Futa: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Egging/Oviposition: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Various Non-Humanoid creatures): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Either Transformation or otherwise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Unbirthing/Vore: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Inflation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Breast Expansion: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Milking: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Large Insertion: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Cybernetics (Sex Machines, mostly Cyborg enemies, robots, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):

If I missed any fetishes you want to see, feel free to say so.
Last edited:
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Name: Laeyna Collins
Age: 24
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Laeyna wears jeans and loose shirts, somewhat torn up.

Equipment/weaponry/personal possessions/etc: Mechanic's Tool Box, Monkey Wrench, Canteen, Dog Whistle, Two Molotovs, MACE Spray, Crowbar

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.):Laeyna is very much a rough type. Tough, quick with a curse or a laugh, she very much is physical. Can be a somewhat destructive drunk. Laeyna is the type who likes to work with her hands and construct, and likes to help out, though she has little patience for slackers. She's very insecure about her appearance, though hides it behind bravado. While not really trained in survival stuff, she is pretty good at improvising.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Well have a general idea what I like by now I assume but unusual breeding locations (breast preg, cock egg/preg, other etc) and other things are nice to have, but only if you feel comfortable etc heh.

Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 3
Female/Female: Y 3
Futa/Female: Y 4
Futa/Futa: Y 4
Pregnancy: Y 6
Egging/Oviposition: Y 6
Birthing: Y 6
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Various Non-Humanoid creatures): Y 5
Corruption (Either Transformation or otherwise): Y 5
Unbirthing/Vore: Y 4
Inflation: Y 3
Breast Expansion: Y 3
Milking: Y 3
Large Insertion: Y 4
Cybernetics (Sex Machines, mostly Cyborg enemies, robots, etc.): Y 3
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): 2-4 depending.

If I missed any fetishes you want to see, feel free to say so.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

It began with a simple cough. A sickly man on a major Manhattan subway car coughed, and set the dominoes falling. Every one of the people on his car were infected, and as they went about their lives, they infected more and more people. Soon, the strange virus had infected a large majority of the city, and nobody knew what it did beyond actually strengthen the host. Most people thought nothing of it, going about their lives. Until four months later. One of the infected was bitten by a rapid dog. The rabies virus mutated together with the pathogen, at that time labeled UP-115, and the victim rapidly mutated into a twisted amalgamation of dog and man. Everyone he touched with the infection began to mutate as well, and soon the whole city began to go to hell.

Laeyna, being a mechanic at a small automotive shop, is completely alone at the shop that day, and so when the breaking news comes on the TV, she has a little warning. Animalistic howls and screams of terror ring out through the city, as the news tells of a bunker for civilians to evacuate to. With the mutated infected right on her heels, she manages to enter one of the bunkers, where only a few hundred have made it there without mutating, a few hundred in a bunker meant for thousands. Now, they wait, hoping, praying that they'll be safe, that someone will save them.

It has been four months since the outbreak began. The news stopped broadcasting to the area two months ago, and dissent is spreading. Some people want to leave the bunker, and see what has happened. The three people elected by majority vote to make major decisions for the bunker forbid anyone from leaving, as the food and water stores should hold out for four more months. Tensions are high, and Laeyna, being a mechanic, is useful to the bunker...But does she really want to stay here for the rest of her life? Living without the sun, forgotten by the rest of the world? She may yet have a chance to escape, if she talks to Clint, the man who leads the group of survivors who want to leave the bunker and explore the city, and see what has happened.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Fuck sakes, she had not asked for this mess.

It had started as such a good day too. Had just got a new machining table in, had an old car she had been working on for months nearly rebuilt from scratch. Had good drinks and hadn't smashed anyones head into a table for being assholes even. Then it all went to hell.

Her catching the news was pure happenstance. She had just been flipping through channels when it had all popped up. She rarely watched television, but for once it actually saved her. She was incredulous at first, but there it was on every channel. So she grabbed her tools and what she could scavenge in a rush and slipped out.

It had been chaos out there. Infected dogs and dog people and god knows what else. A virus that gave super strength, she had seen it in action prior. Her boss had gotten it. But now it had become something insane? She avoided the streets, they were utter ruin. Moving alley to alley, even taking the sewers at one point. Way safer.

Course, the problem with sewers is the scent clinged to you and the infected, or at least some of them, seemed to get what that meant. She soon had a whole pack on her heels. It was pure luck she made it to the bunker in time. Stronger, faster, she had barely made it. She didn't know what the hell woulda happened, but she was glad she got in before she had to find out.

And now. Now it had been months. Keeping this place up had been heck. She was no expert electrician or plumber, but she knew enough about machines to manage to help out. And keeping some of these machines was useful. The world outside had gone dead a couple months back far as anyone knew. Complete silence.

Four more months of food remained, but that wasn't much. Sooner or later they;d have to go out, back to see what remained. Laeyna wasn't very confident things had gotten better outside. If anything she was horrified to see what lay beyond the stone confines. Those things with sharp fangs and brutal strength, and such speed...

But staying in here just wouldn't be possible. Someone had to go out. Others wanted too. And she would join them. So she went off to go find Clint. Time to man up, she supposed.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Clint, a rather burly fellow from Brooklyn, leads a group of three other survivors who want to go out an explore the city. With him is Sam, his younger brother, Rasheed, a taxi cab driver who worries for his own family who didn't make it to the bunker, and Jane, a petite woman who has had her eye on Laeyna since first arriving, and has shown the signs that she's physically attracted to her. The four survivors are currently holding makeshift weapons, and are at the door to the bunker. The three leaders are currently there as well. As she approaches, Laeyna can hear the conversation. "...Very well, Clint. If you four want to go out there and become monsters, be our guests. You can come back, but if we see one part of you that doesn't look human, that door is staying shut." the voice of Marcus, the de-facto leader of the three officials, says, Clint nodding. The four of them turn towards the door, and Clint notices Laeyna, raising an eyebrow at her. "You comin' along too, string bean?" he asks, the three leaders looking at her with mixed looks of shock and fear, likely afraid of losing her.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna wouldn't describe herself as oblivious, but she would say she's not very good at reading people. She tended to view people as sleazy til proven virtuous, boys or girls alike. So Jane's attraction to her went basically unnoticed. Didn't help that Laeyna basically assumed she was too unattractive to be liked.

Currently her attention was on the discussion going as she moved over, having stashed her tool box and things into a pack, what she didn't keep on her belt anyways.

On being noticed, she stepped forwards. "Who you calling string-bean, potato man? Just cus I ain't ripped doesn't mean I can't lay your ass out.," says Laeyna with a smirk, "Yeah I'm coming. Someone needs to secure supplies, and if there's any working machines out there, or salvageable ones, I'm your man."

She looks over to the three leaders. "Calm your tits. I trained some of the guys to cover our bases, they can keep your shit going for your four months. But fact is, we are gonna have to go out sometime. Better to send scouts to check it out, see if we can;t secure something or get supplies. I can fix cars, build barricades, and after running around in here, fix most shit that doesn't take fuckin' master's degree in some theoretical shit. And we might need it out there depending how bad shit is. So I'm goin' out into that hell hole too."

She gave the leaders a flat stare, making it clear she was not going to be dissuaded. This was for everyones good. They had to secure the area and get supplies for them all.

She looked over to Clayton. "I hope you've got a plan. Cus I figure our best bet is to secure the area round the bunker before ranging out. Last thing we need is t' get cut off."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The leaders nod at Laeyna's decision to leave, as Clint smirks, heading for the door and leaning against it. "The school right above the bunker seems like a good place to start. Barricade the windows, only one way in and out, make it into our own little base. Then once we got that in order, we start scavenging the rest of the area. We'll set up shifts for watching the door, of course. And anything the bunker might need, we bring back. Stockpile a bit of food for ourselves, find some bottles of water, that kinda stuff." he says, as the other three survivors nod their heads, and the light over the door shifts from green to yellow, indicating it's about to open.

The leader speaks up from next to the control panel, where a screen leading to a camera outside shows it's all clear. "We will still allow you to return with your spoils if you wish to return permanently...And...Good luck out there, you five. Don't become monsters." he says, as the door light turns red, and the massive bunker door begins to open inward, opening to reveal the dark passageway up into the school, as Clint leads them.

A floor panel slides out of the way once Clint punches in a code he reads from a slip of paper, and the group exit out into the principal's office, at the very back of the building. The lights are mostly out, forcing the survivors to rely on flashlights to navigate, and find the light switch.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna listens to the plan and nods. "Sounds good t' me, I can probably get most things runnin' again. That aren't, y'know, conked the fuck out nationally."

Laeyna heads out after the others, taking her monkey wrench off her belt and holding it carefully, in case she has to lash out fast. She moved cautiously after the others, watching carefully. Never knew when trouble might pop up. She kept her ears open, since visibility was poor right now.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

One of the survivors finds a light switch, and flips it on. The sight they're greeted with is...Less than ideal. The office is in shambles, papers and folders scattered everywhere, and a strange, brown slime seems to coat the walls in various places, outlines of rough circles at the center of the slimy splotches, and the same can be found on the carpets. Outside of the principal's office, it's much the same. The building is in ruins, and there's signs of people having taken refuge here, as well as more signs of whatever it was that caused the slimy splotches on the walls. The group begins to sweep the school, finding no evidence of anything alive, the windows and doors all welded shut and covered in metal plates, as if to prevent anything from getting out, or in.

The doors to the Gymnasium are in much the same shape, welded shut to prevent access, and when Clint puts his ear to the door, he motions for everyone to be quiet. A few moments later he pulls back, looking at the others with a puzzled expression on his face. "I hear movement in there...Whatever it is, it must have scared a lot of people, to get them to lock this place up so tightly." he says, as something slams into the big double doors of the gymnasium, a loud screeching roar heard through the metal, making all present clutch at their ears, Clint motioning for them to get away from the doors. Once they're out of range of the painful scream, Sam pipes up. "Anyone know what the hell that was?"
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna followed them up when a light switch was tossed. "Huh, powers still running, that's a surprise. I was sure the grid would have blown by now... Well, all the better for us. Still, fuck, what a mess..."

Moving through the school, it seemed well secured despite being quite derelict. Clearly someone had occupied this place at one point or other. But why had they left? Something clearly had come through, based on the brown... Stuff. Reasonably recently too.

Soon they came to the gymnasium, which had been sealed off. From the sound of the chaos that unleashed from within, it must hold whatever caused this trouble. They moved away from the doors to get away from agitating whatever it was.

"Well, we can't secure this place long as whatever infected is in there is still there. On the other hand, we aren't exactly carrying machine guns and shit to deal with it either. We'll need a plan to deal with... Whatever it is.," grimaces Laeyna, musing a bit.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Well, we don't even know what it is. How can we make a plan?" Rasheed asks, clutching his pipe wrench a little tighter in his hands. Clint begins to rub his chin in thought, and Sam speaks up. "It could be literally anything. We don't even know if the virus has mutated to start infecting animals. For all we know, that's a giant lizard or something locked up in there." he says, Jane remaining mute on the matter as she holds a simple knife in her hand, rubbing that arm with her free hand. Clint looks over at Laeyna, opening his mouth to speak before there's another slam on the door, and a groaning of metal. Clearly whatever is locked in the gym wants out, and now. The door is visibly buckling outward where the creature hit it, the weld barely holding.he and the other survivors turn to face it, and the lights begin to flicker. The doors sly open, giving the five survivors barely a second to catch a glimpse of the spindly, black creature, before the lights flicker and it's nowhere to be found.

Clint looks about as he readies his tire iron, the others forming a circle to watch all angles. "Whatever the hell that thing is, it's big...And strong...Watch yourselves." the de-facto leader of the group says, the lights once again flickering as they stand in the center of the hallway, on alert.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"I ain't arguin'. But we can't ignore it either. Whatever it is, it has t' go. And shit, can't tell the infected from animals anyways..." Clint was going to respond, when suddenly it seemed the critter was agitated enough to try and smash its way loose.

She barely caught sight of it as for some reason the lights chose then to flicker. Big, black, weird thing. It was gone so fast. Everyone went back to back, watching about nervously. Laeyna watched about as well, doing the same, idly taking a glance for the ceiling, just in case.

"We should probably get some place more secure... Somewhere we know it's not and we have room to maneuver... Could go in the gym maybe...," offers Laeyna as she watches about, "That or try and fight it outside. Got a couple molotovs..."
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Clint begins to move, the other survivors remaining back-to-back with him, as they begin to go back down the hallway towards the Principal's office. "Can't get out. Every single door out of the building is welded shut." Clint says, as the lights suddenly go dark for almost a minute, a muffled scream being heard behind Laeyna.

When the lights come back on, Sam is nowhere to be found, and Clint seems visibly shaken, as does Rasheed. "We never shout have left the bunker, Clint. How can we fight that which we cannot see?" he asks, as the lights begin to flicker again, Laeyna seeing the creature between flickers, before the light comes back on and the creature has completely vanished again.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

"Then we have to try to get into a class room, anywhere with one way in or out.," curses Laeyna as they moved. Suddenly the lights flicker, and a cry behind her. And just like that, Sam was gone.

Jane was quiet as ever but the boys seemed shaken up. Laeyna looked around, before spotting the creature once more, before the light flickered and it was gone again. "It must be fucking with the lighting somehow! Look, we need to get into one of these side rooms. We don;t even know if there;s only one. If we can beat it down, we can find Sam after, but we gotta get a choke point of some sort!"

Laeyna quickly looked for a side room, and if there was one, she'd quickly gesture to it before moving in, ready to lay a beat down. She hoped they could handle it if they were quick and careful. All else failed, she could burn the place down, make sure at the very least when the others came out they would have a clean slate. Once they cleared the mess away anyways.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna does indeed notice a door off to the side, but before she can point the others to it, the lights once more black out entirely for a solid minute. Rasheed screams in terror, and then the lights are back on, the cab driver nowhere to be seen. Clint rushes at the door, barreling through it and breaking the lock, Jane swiftly following him inside, a terrified look on her face. "Oh god...We're next...We're so dead." she says shakily, cowering under a desk and clutching her knife in both her hands. Clint moves to shut the door as soon as both the women are inside, and the lights flicker, the creature inside the room behind clint, and Laeyna only able to see it because of the flicker and her presence of mind. She still can't make out any definitive features, beyond the fact that it's big, it's black, and it has a tail with a wickedly nasty club on the tip.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laeyna curses as they manage to get into the side room, but not before Rasheed disappeared next. The hell was going on?! Jane was starting to freak out too now.

Clint managed to get the door shut, but suddenly the creature had appeared behind him! How the hell was this happening, it was like it could teleport in the darkness! "Lookout! Flashlights out!"

Laeyna cave a swipe to the side of the creature, trying to knock it away as she two handed the heavy wrench. "Back off, monster! You're not getting them too, fucker!"

It was way too fast. Could it defy shadows? Or was there more than one...
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

The creature hisses as the woman hits it with the wrench, and then vanishes when the lights return to normal. A low growling can be heard from out in the hallway, and another ear-piercing screech rings out, this time, the bulbs in the overhead lights shatter, plunging the room into darkness. The sound of the door flying open is heard, then Clint's screams of fear, which soon fall silent. Then Jane shrieks as well, and Laeyna can hear her no more.

Laeyna feels massive, bony hands clutch at her torso, gripping her arms against her sides as they lift her off the ground, giving her enough time to scream, before something wet and sticky slaps into her face, completely preventing any sound from escaping her lips, and releasing a foul stench into her nostrils that swiftly robs her of consciousness.

When Laeyna comes to, she finds her eyesight blocked by a thick, black membrane, wrapped around her head and holding her to a wall, where her arms and legs are coated in that sticky material that had hit her in the face, binding her to the wall, and she can feel all of her clothing is missing, leaving her completely nude. Off to the right, she thinks she might see another humanoid form through the membrane and the black material they're both bound to the wall with.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Laenya managed to knock the creature aside, but then it was dark, and nothing. Then the lights smashed once more. The others disappeared. She swung wildly, but found herself grabbed, before something foul rendered her unconscious.

When she came too, she was almost blind, nude and bound to a wall by some sort of foul material. She immediately began struggling to break her bonds, grunting a bit. Someone seemed to be bound nearby as well. She wasn't sure what was happening but she refused to be trapped like this. She refused to surrender to panic.

She got away once, she;d do it again, and show these fuckers she wasn;t to be trifled with. She just had to figure out how, maybe find a weak point in her bindings.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

When Laeyna struggles, the bindings respond back by tightening further. When she relaxes, they loosen once more, though they never get loose enough for her to escape. She finds the obstruction to her voice is completely gone, and the same can be said of the other captive. "H-Hello? Who's there?!" the other prisoner asks, her voice familiar to Laeyna as Jane's, clearly alerted to her presence by her struggles.
Re: Laeyna (Zilrax)

Damn stuff was like elastics. If she pulled, it pulled back. She relaxed, it went slack. Just not slack enough. It did draw attention though, from Jane it seems who was who she could see.

"It's me, Jana. Fuckin' hell, swear they can just appear anywhere there is darkness. Wish they didn't smash the flash lights... I can't get loose, but I'm not giving up that easy. You okay over there?"

She grumbled and started rocking her limbs in a circular fashion, trying to get the stuff to bind tight, tight enough she could possibly snap it off. It was gonna hurt but she would try. She'd consider more desperate solutions after.

She also tried to peer for something sharp jutting out she could try to use to slice or scrap the gunk off part of her body.