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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I typically don't care about CGs in an action game. There are swathes of static CGs available on DLSite, I play action games for the ingame animations.

Exactly. As a rule, I honestly dislike hentai, and stills in general.

I've found there's simply so much more information conferred by video as opposed to stills, that I find it hard to enjoy stills for the mostpart. I can, but it requires concentration. If I see boobs bouncing around in a video, or even a looping 4s animation, my brain can apply textures, densities, elasticities that heighten the realism of the image in my head. After all, a video is just a bunch of stills played in succession.

With hentai, there isn't nearly as large of a gap between stills and full animations. However, there's something to be said for the movements themselves that elicit arousal; I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty much attracted to doggystyle itself. Even if the girl's ugly, the dude's ugly, the sound's bad, the fidelity's low -- just seeing the general "bent over person + less bent over person" movements is a big deal for me.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I, and I'd imagine most people, come to h-games EXCLUSIVELY for the animations. CGs are completely lost on people like me, and I don't think I'm a rare breed in that regard.

Just a thought.

EDIT: Why on earth would anyone give me negative rep for this, with the note being "..."?
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I, and I'd imagine most people, come to h-games EXCLUSIVELY for the animations. CGs are completely lost on people like me, and I don't think I'm a rare breed in that regard.

Just a thought.

I want to start doing animated CGs for my games, when I can, since personally stills don't really do it for me either. Not unless the writing is good enough to carry the scene, which is uncommon, and not something I see happening in my games for quite a while..
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I would argue that it's not the animations or the CGs, it's the gameplay.
At worst, when I'm wasting time on porn I get to waste more time on playing through a game. I'd call that a win/win.
At best, the game supports the porn and adds interactivity.

At the end of the day, I'd say what gets you off isn't the image, it's the idea.
Images tend to be the fastest way to push an idea, but not the only one.
If a game has porn-related mechanics (BF being the most obvious), that gives you interactive porn.
The advantage of that is, if it's done well, you get infinite small stories - the heroine enters the lab, gets cornered by three zombies, and barely escapes, dripping on her way out.
I'm not just refering to text-based games - those are the most obvious, but the same thing happens in an RPG or a platformer.
As a concrete example, in sakuraarumeru's creature hunter, each combat is a miniature story of how your party survives getting knocked down and up.

I find it problematic when games just do "porn as a reward" - sure, you can be motivated to waste a lot of time that way, but that gets unsatisfying:
You'll usually find better mechanics in regular games, and better porn on galleries on the internet.
I mean, I don't mind replay galleries that unlock during gameplay - but I figure the porn should be part of the game, not tacked on as a bonus.
So I figure the question isn't necessarily how good the graphics or animations are, it's how well it fits into the game.

Of course, you could argue that kyrieru's games are fairly far on the "reward" spectrum, since you only get H-content on death/mistake.
However, I'd argue that unless you're a platforming god, you die to every enemy a few times anyway.
Also, the platforming is fluid and solid enough that it could be a standalone game, so that's a plus.
You're controlling the main character enough that it's not just some anonymous sexing, you're emotionally invested.

But at the end of the day, I'd say what makes games different from traditional art is the interaction between player and game.
If a game is just delivering some pre-made CGs with simple cookie-cutter mechanics, it's not really interactive.
It can still be enjoyable, of course. But it's not realizing the potential of the medium very well.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I think the beauty of it is the finality of the words GAME OVER... we've all grown up hating it, but the hentai sort of makes it a bit more fun...

ughhh im always more eloquent in my brain
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I don't think there needs to be many words. Your heroine failed and is now either dead (not usually the case in your games thank goodness) or broken and enslaved. Never to leave this dark place. I for one really like it. Kuro didn't have great CG I will say that, but Eroico was a little better.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Just to chime in with another opinion here, I actually really do like H CGs in these games. I understand the argument of 'Well just go to exhentai and look something up then', but I find it a lot more engaging if I'm trying to fight these things off and eventually get taken out to end up in this situation. Just like how a good story makes a picture better, the gameplay makes a CG more interesting on a lost fight.

Also, I like Kyrieru's art.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Why not....static CGs can get pretty nice I guess...but if it is going to be a pain to do them and/or you don't like doing them, don't bother. Your games are good enough that you don't really need them. Some sort of in-game animations gallery is more than enough to compensate. Easily.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm perfectly fine if this game has no CG. To me, I would simply look at fan art for free or draw some myself. Noika's system for handling failure is quick, efficient, and saves the dev time to work on bugs, extra content, and such. But there's no way of pleasing everybody and it certainly couldn't hurt to have them should Kyrieru add them.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I keep replaying the demo, but I never get any further~ I wonder if he's going to change the hit system to make the spreadshot not so powerful.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I keep replaying the demo, but I never get any further~ I wonder if he's going to change the hit system to make the spreadshot not so powerful.

I don't know why people are so worried about things being overtuned in games like this. It's not PvP. You can just choose not to use it if you think it harms your enjoyment of the game.

Now, there's something to be said for the presence of an overpowered gun in your inventory, and how that in itself can detract from your enjoyment in a game... But it's not a huge deal, so long as you have a quantity of self control that I'd consider mandatory for making it past age 10 or so.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I don't really think it's overpowered anyway. The blade gun has some advantages over it, and guns that aren't in the demo also have advantages over it. Pretty sure that even the regular gun has a higher damage output against single enemies.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I don't really think it's overpowered anyway. The blade gun has some advantages over it, and guns that aren't in the demo also have advantages over it. Pretty sure that even the regular gun has a higher damage output against single enemies.

It depends on how the bullets hit. There's a strange effect where if you hit with the spread at the proper range, it can kill an enemy in one hit. If you fire up close, it does pathetic damage, but at about midpoint, especially against enemies that rush you, you can kill them in a couple of bursts.

Why? No clue. I don't use GameMaker. I can only report my tests.

I don't know why people are so worried about things being overtuned in games like this.

I'm not worried. I was just musing. I tend to use the weapons that I find the most fun to use. Sometimes, they are overpowered, like using the Ripper in Dead Space 1/2. Sometimes, they are not overpowered, like using some of the weapons in Dynasty Warriors that I like, that are simply weak.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

:( Good luck with finishing Noaika, Kyrieru!

Have you considered drawing a quick comic or something as a donation incentive? That might shore you up another month or so if you don't need much more time.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

And another update:

TL;DR: It's not out yet, but you can pre-purchase the unlock key.
This gives you no benefits over buying the game once it's out, no preorder bonuses or anything,
just a way of throwing money at the screen hoping Kyrieru won't get run over by a bus before the game is done.

Obligatory pre-order warning from me: This isn't a perfect world. Even with the best of intentions, these things don't always go to plan.
Only pre-order something if you really trust the devs, want to do something for them, and would be okay not getting what you expected with no refunds.

Aand promptly the purchasing site crashed. Coincidence? I think not.
(Edit: seems to be back now.)

As an aside, I gotta commend Kyrieru for not providing a promised release date.
I know people will be screaming for one, pre-order and all, and I see their point.
But this is a one-man development project, and you just can't predict how long those last bugs take to fix and when that final level will be done done.
Truth is, any date would be an estimate, and could easily be off by weeks or months.
And the disappointment from seeing the date missed would be much bigger than excitement people get from seeing the date promised.
At the end of the day, having a date wouldn't make the game come out any faster anyway, all you'd be doing is delaying it with artificial stress and reducing quality.

Anyway, Kyrieru, I wish you all speed and progress.
May the concentration and code sense be with you in this final hour.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Noaika... "no Aika?" :p

Seriously, though, I like your work, Kyrieru. It's a damn shame about those bankers--I suspect that at least half of them enjoy adult games in private. Anyway, keep on doing what you're doing. Your work is always worth the wait (and the money).
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Kyrieru takes pride in his work and doesn't want to release a substandard product, its really admirable as too often these days devs do exactly that and then abandon the game since they got most of their money.

Kyrieru has eluded to making smaller games in the past and i think he should explore this possibility, his art skills and his programming is good enough to release a really small and focused game and he could probably sell it assuming it was as high of quality as his other games.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I've played the demo. It really is well done. I love the lighting. And you have the hentai option when you press H. Great thing.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Is there anywhere else left to go after you've gotten all the upgrades and robot parts? Is there a boss in the demo?