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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

You seem to be getting awfully worked up over a developer missing his deadline by one day and making a typo. It's not like this game is a that serious a matter, just be patient.

One day?
Did You know how many times He said it will be release "This Month"
Guess You didn't know
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Still no reason to be upset about it.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Yeah, seriously, calm down. Kyrieru is cool and missing the "deadline" by a few days is nothing to be worried about or even comment on.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Man, with the way things seem to go for these quality/innovative H-game developers, saying "unless I get shot" is really tempting fate!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Now I regret spending all my money on the new champ and skins on LoL. Guess I'll be pretty late buying this game.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Yeah, missing the deadline by a few days is really no big deal. I'm glad he's as talented as he is - hell, I'm also glad he's as punctual as he is. Few developers, even of triple-A titles like Call of Duty with hundreds of millions of dollars of funding, can start a game, make decisions, and get it done within one well-defined timeframe.

Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy it for a long time, so... my life sucks, but I still don't think you should let one minor setback in schedule discourage you from buying it. It's a fun game in a niche market, and you're supporting an artist who deserves it.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

ZOMG he missed his date, he sucks sooo much!!! RAWR!!!

Haha so silly how people overract on these boards sometimes.
Keep up the great work Kyieru! Can't wait to play this and see more on your next game!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Sweet, all that's left now is some bugfixes. I hope it's available before I go to sleep tonight. Anyone have theories what kinda biomes will show up? We know about forest already, and there's probably gonna be some kind of castle with the semi-final part of the demo's tileset.

It'll be cool if there's some kind of volcano or ice level, hopefully without too much in the way of frustrating falls into pits induced via slippery floor or falling fireballs.

Maybe it'll be some kind of 4 elements set-up, and the forest is the earth level. A floating castle where you hop from cloud to cloud could probably use the dash blocks for some pretty crazy platforming.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Countdown till "wow, some of these bugs are way more stubborn than I anticipated", then his dog get leukemia and he falls off the face of the planet

God I'm an asshole
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Countdown till "wow, some of these bugs are way more stubborn than I anticipated", then his dog get leukemia and he falls off the face of the planet

God I'm an asshole

Dude, shut the fuck up, cancer is no joke. My dog died of cancer last month.

...wait, you said leukemia? HILARIOUS
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-


Dude, just play something else if you're gonna be like that. Here:

This should keep you busy till Eroico comes out.
Last edited:
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-


Dude, just play something else if you're gonna be like that. Here:

This should keep you busy till Eroico comes out.

Someone didn't get the joke.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm not that worried about the game itself, just commenting about how independent game developers sometimes seem to lead cursed lives.

Also I could totally envision myself trying to make a game and posting updates and then slacking and being so ashamed that I make up some story or blame some vague "real life totally hammering me right now" to divert attention from my slackerness. But I'm probably the only one cowardly enough to do something like that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm not that worried about the game itself, just commenting about how independent game developers sometimes seem to lead cursed lives.

Also I could totally envision myself trying to make a game and posting updates and then slacking and being so ashamed that I make up some story or blame some vague "real life totally hammering me right now" to divert attention from my slackerness. But I'm probably the only one cowardly enough to do something like that.

That would make you 9/10 self-proclaimed "indie game developers".
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

That would make you 9/10 self-proclaimed "indie game developers".

I'm a lazy man from the get go, but i find myself oddly engaged with game making in a way that nothing else does... no way i could do any other kind of work for 10 hours straight with no breaks...

however i do get wrapped up in my problems, esteem from being compared to kyrieru (my fault for trying a metroidvania)... also my mood is volatile and I lose the ability to draw sometimes (i think chemically, cause i'm prone to sugar crashes too)

:D hoping kyrie get's his game out soon, i'm on the clock too need my game finished by the end of the month
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I've never met any of my own self-imposed deadlines. Who does? It's a rare individual that can accurately predict how long a project is going to take him.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I'm a lazy man from the get go, but i find myself oddly engaged with game making in a way that nothing else does... no way i could do any other kind of work for 10 hours straight with no breaks...

however i do get wrapped up in my problems, esteem from being compared to kyrieru (my fault for trying a metroidvania)... also my mood is volatile and I lose the ability to draw sometimes (i think chemically, cause i'm prone to sugar crashes too)

:D hoping kyrie get's his game out soon, i'm on the clock too need my game finished by the end of the month

Never understood why people always feel the need to compare one man's work of art with another just because they are of a similar vein. meh:rolleyes:
So long as you are happy with your work, to hell with the rest of em.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Never understood why people always feel the need to compare one man's work of art with another just because they are of a similar vein. meh:rolleyes:
So long as you are happy with your work, to hell with the rest of em.

every time i make meaningful advancement and post about it, it gets immediately driven of the first page so hardly anyone is discussing it...makes me a bit sad
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

every time i make meaningful advancement and post about it, it gets immediately driven of the first page so hardly anyone is discussing it...makes me a bit sad

Are you adding a significant amount of content, or are you just adding more words to a generic RPGmaker game? Interesting content is important. And around here, interesting content usually means "I added more porn, guys."
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Just letting you all know that the game is finally out and it's once again $5 dollars from his site.