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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

On the topic of male vs. female: female has been done to death and exposure. I, for one, like both; so, like bilingualism and ambidexterity, I can only feel sorry for people who can only like one of the two. Branch out. You might just be pleasantly surprised, or surprisingly disgusted, and learn that you like the disgusting.

Shh, stop that notion! Don't you know anything about society? If you give the people options, they'll die from the overuse of brain cells not normally used! You have to guide them into a choice, but make them think they are actually choosing for themselves.

But on a serious note, I'm happy there's more good action H-games coming out. Even me, a diehard RPG junkie is getting kinda burnt out.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I, for one, would like for you all to stop trying to talk people who make good games with porn into not making good games with porn. You are the reason we don't have good games with porn. Let the man make something good for us. Stop trying to talk him out of creating a good product!

I mean, it's like someone hands you a golden goose on the street, and you're unhappy that he didn't give the golden goose to the people that run the bank. Enjoy your damn golden goose, and don't mess it up for the rest of us!

On the topic of male vs. female: female has been done to death and exposure. I, for one, like both; so, like bilingualism and ambidexterity, I can only feel sorry for people who can only like one of the two. Branch out. You might just be pleasantly surprised, or surprisingly disgusted, and learn that you like the disgusting.

Isn't that a bit of a mixed philosohpy you got there, you want him to stay where he is, i.e, to not branch out from hentai and then advice people to branch out and explore new territory and new stuff they might enjoy... what if by branching out from hentai he finds out he likes making non-hentai games more? I know they are different subjects, game making and likings, but still... mixed signals.

On the subject of hentai non-hentai, he should do whatever he wants, and if he is doing a hentai game right now, is because that's what he wants to do. Even though I wouldn't mind either way.

The fact that there's an on/off selector doesn't really take out the prejudice of the "normal" game community... I think.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Isn't that a bit of a mixed philosohpy you got there, you want him to stay where he is, i.e, to not branch out from hentai and then advice people to branch out and explore new territory and new stuff they might enjoy... what if by branching out from hentai he finds out he likes making non-hentai games more? I know they are different subjects, game making and likings, but still... mixed signals.

There's a difference between liking two things, and convincing someone to stop doing one of those things and go do something else. You can walk or you can fly, but you can't do both at the same time. I just think it's rather amusing and horrifying that people want good games with good ero content, but the moment someone shows up with talent, ambition, and experience to make those games, we tell them to bugger off and do something better with their lives, as if making money is the penultimate goal and what we enjoy is a horrible use of their time.

I have met very few communities as self-hating as the ones that embrace erotic content and ideas. It's like there's a palpable fear that, if we get good things, we'll never be able to go back. If we stop being afraid of our fetishes, and just embrace them, something bad is going to happen. We want more games like Kyrieru's, with quality, but we'll whine about the details or shoot ourselves in the feet by being concerned with the far, far future. If you want Kyrieru to be successful, and you want your porn, then have your cake and eat it, too: reward him richly, so he doesn't HAVE to run off and appeal to a glutted, non-porn game market.

The fact that there's an on/off selector doesn't really take out the prejudice of the "normal" game community... I think.

I like my regular games AND my porn games. Why do I care what people who can't handle one or the other think? You end up living a life of fear when you make "normal" your god. As long as enough people like me buy Kyrieru's games, it'll probably work out. If he ends up making non-porn games exclusively, then that's too bad. If he goes half-and-half, then I hope he can keep up the quality. I don't think it's up to us to tell him what to do, but I'll be damned if I don't say how much I like the types of games he's already made, and how much I'd like to see more of them. Unashamed, forever!
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

"Fuck you, fuck the minority, and fuck this game."

I don't know who negrep'd me with this because of what I said, but you should be careful when talking about the minority. Us H gamers are definitely a minoriti. If the majority decided to think exactly like how you're thinking, then we can see this whole community crumble and we'll have to hide on the dark webs. I don't care if you don't like something, but don't think it deserves not to exist, because people most likely think that things you like shouldn't exist as well. I'm sure you'll be singing a different tune if people wanted to kill something you liked.

Anyways I'm not a huge huge fan of reverse rape, but I'll defend your right to enjoy it. I'll still buy this when it comes out as the game play and music is still solid and the H is good as well. The second part of the boss fight was a bit easy if you used the spiral move on her head constantly. Maybe you should have her do an up attack as well so you can't spam her with it.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

"Fuck you, fuck the minority, and fuck this game."

I don't know who negrep'd me with this because of what I said

I don't either, but with an opinion like that I have to wonder why they would even be on this forum to start with. Regardless of your opinion on his game or the H-content within, Kyrieru is a damn hero to this community. It's not just a matter of someone creating a decent indie H game outside of Japan, he's proven that they can be great games just based on their mechanics, and developed well enough to compete with the foreign titles we're used to seeing.

Anyways I'm not a huge huge fan of reverse rape, but I'll defend your right to enjoy it.

This. While I know I've made my personal opinion clear by now, I'm sure, maybe I haven't stressed enough that I know there are many other people who enjoy exactly this kind of game, and I have no problem with that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

cool down, this board is full of not very clever people and the reputation system is far beyond any fairness. sometimes you just get like -80 points for a normal post with a totally retarded comment, sometimes you get +2 for hours of uploading. that's just the way it rolls.
so better just lol about it :)
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Anyways I'm not a huge huge fan of reverse rape, but I'll defend your right to enjoy it.


He died as he lived...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

cool down, this board is full of not very clever people and the reputation system is far beyond any fairness. sometimes you just get like -80 points for a normal post with a totally retarded comment, sometimes you get +2 for hours of uploading. that's just the way it rolls.
so better just lol about it :)

cool down, this board is full of not very clever people and the reputation system is far beyond any fairness.

cool down

Cool down...did you tell me to COOL DOWN?! How dare you! Oh F that I'm neg reping you to the moon and back!

Kidding aside. I honestly didn't mean for this topic to get a smidge derailed,less talk about the game and more on personal preference. If I had a chance to remake this thread i'd probably would have kept out the male part bwaha.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

If I had a chance to remake this thread i'd probably would have kept out the male part bwaha.

This would have happened regardless. At best, we can use this topic to air everyone's grievances and get over it, and then move on. And may as well sort the issue out now so when the game comes closer to completion, we can focus on, well, the game.

Which is good, have I mentioned how good it is? I don't even like platformers, but I like them when Kyrieru makes them. Maybe he just makes them better.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Pretty awesome to see my Xbox 360 wireless controller working from the get to go.

Pretty awesome stuff man.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Shit fuck dicks this game is hard.

I would like to ask to get save points more often and/or increasing the potence of healing. Getting back only a quarter heart when that's the exact amount a catgirl does when she hits you is really punishing. Regarding save points, as nice as lookin' and well-handling as the game is, not being able to get -anywhere- because I can't fight through three screens of stuff to see the rest of the game is kinda shitty, too. A little checkpoint at the start to heal up would also be kinda nice. >.>

Also, I don't recall, but does the gallery have the sprite animations in it? If it doesn't, could that be added? Possibly with the ability to increase the sprite size - like, say, x2 or something?

I also kinda want block and down bindable to different things, if that's cool. It confuses the shit out of my fingers when I go to fight, having it bound to that, so consequently the lethality of fightan is all the more dildos.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I don't mind the male protagonist as long as the enemies are predominantly (or better yet only) female.

I actually wouldn't mind the difficulty if there were more frequent checkpoints. 1 every 2 or 3 screens would be often enough, and I would probably play it on hard mode if this was the case.

In my opinion, games should be hard because they make you do hard things, not because they make you do a lot of individually easy tasks but brutally punish you by making you redo it all for making mistakes.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

If you are having trouble, play easy mode. You'll have around 8 hit hp. After a practice run I can get through it pretty easily. Just learn your controls. Falling toward an enemy? Downward slash and you'll bounce off them. Don know how to get to the goo lamia? Up slash to return fire. The game rewards you for taking it slow and using the block or the space dodge. The status effects from them grabbing you havent even been implemented yet. Kyrieu games appeal to the SNES hard difficulty. I would very much like that they stay that way as I love challenging games that aren't 'keep dying till you find the spot you're supposed to land on and repeat'. If you are having trouble, play easy mode. You can seriously just run and jump over or get hit and run through the tough spots and you'll have health to spare to the checkpoint. If you need advice I'll be glad to offer more.

Game question
Is there supposed to be 2 ways to that sealed off heart fragment? High leap through the trees *hidden path* and using the lever to lower the barrier?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

It's not a bad game thus far, though I'll second the notion of 'not enough checkpoints'. If someone wants to intentionally lose to get CG, there can be some heavy backtracking. Hopefully the enemy arena thing will compensate for this.

Dunno why people are bitching around male protagonist though; I fail to see how Monster Girl Quest is fine, but an action game based on the same concept is a pass. It's not like Toon Pimp's shit where any game with a male protagonist means gay furry sex.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Dunno why people are bitching around male protagonist though; I fail to see how Monster Girl Quest is fine, but an action game based on the same concept is a pass. It's not like Toon Pimp's shit where any game with a male protagonist means gay furry sex.
people can be strange, and I am trying to say that with a straight face while posting here.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Hah, I just realized Eroico has an ULMF thread. I'd been posting all my comments anonymously on the blog.

Game's a lot funner now. Normal mode gave me the durability to try new stuff, and I actually might have learned enough to give the old demo a go now that I've played through Normal once or twice.

I like how the block and dodge are both effective enough that you have multiple good options for avoiding damage.

It's a little sad that you take contact damage in addition to damage from attacks, but now that I have a better handle on the controls I don't really mind anymore.

Will you be able to backtrack to old areas in the full game?
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Wait, are people actually complaining about a games fetishes? I mean we have gor and vor games all the time and I rarely see anyone complain about them. Is reverse rape that terrifying of a concept to people?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

it's not about complaining. it's about hoping that he considers some opinions for his other projects. and since he wants to make money, a battalion of crying people may be able to change his mind or at least alter some decisions... for better or worse. :D
he's just one of the most anticipated game developers here. so its only natural everyone wants a game according to his own taste.

i think it's a good thing to actually being able to get some ideas to other more gifted people who get things done. if that would be possible at the regular gaming industry, i would never stop flooding all channels with "I WANT DUNGEON KEEPER 3, U ASSHOLES, STOP WASTING TIME WITH SHIT LIKE INFINITE COD CLONES."
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

@ hel
I disagree, I'm seeing post saying people wont even play this game because the main character is male. beyond that i'm not going to comment any more on the subject unless it's in PM. (Can i even do that at this post count? I better check the forums rules again)

Anyways i just tried the game and i have to say, on hard; the concept of how to beat the game is really easy so far. Basically i'e figured out that for the neko girls and the slime girls all you have to do is use your shield and your safe. You can even attack from that stance! I think kyrieru should consider adding a mechanic where the hero lose grip of his shield if gets attacked to many and doesn't move. Also the slime girls are attacking from above, i think you should not allow the shield to block their attacks. At least not the way it's right now being handled.

My thoughts on the game:
Well i'd say that if i was physically able to, had the money, and thought i could keep this private; then i would buy this game for 5 or 10$.
5$ is a easy sell, but 10$ i think would be reasonable. Now i haven't gotten far in the demo so i'm basing this off the engine i'm seeing right now and not on the map.

By the looks of it, this game uses the same rape animation for the hero, just with a different monster on top of him depending(only been raped by 2 monsters); i suggest you try some different stuff. I was thinking for something like the slime girls, you could have them do it doggie style and they use goo around his knee to keep him from running. That being said it would take time to animate the characters now, and i don't know if that would even look good.

Anyways that's my thoughts on the game and how to improve it; however i do notice that at this stage of the program, it might be a bad idea to add new features. Good luck