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ACT [kyrieru] Eroico RE115470 RJ115470

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

i for one just think that a male would not fight women who want to have sex with him... normally a character would just fuck her and say "thank you, now i feel great!" ... if he's not mentally underdeveloped, overly religious, married (lol) or a child and that's not like a hero.
so there is much more tension in playing a game with a "weak" female heroine, who just wants to fight evil while avoiding those perverts craving to take her, because her heroine suit is just so damn sexy.

Ah, I did leave out that part about how guys and some girls also get off
from hentai by enjoying the whole "Watching the character slowly become corrupted by lust" thing.. That is an important factor, and it definitely turns me on from time to time in certain games..

But for me, there's a line between giving in, an just plain being sexually abused and not enjoying it, and most if not all RPG maker hentai games I've seen cross that line every single time, which is why I kinda stray from them.

With a male character, it's not about him being corrupted by lust, the FEMALES are corrupted, and you're just some innocent guy who just wants
to get to the east side of the level..

The neat thing about male protagonists is that they never get corrupted, even whilst being raped, before, during and after, they stay seemingly pure and innocent.

That appeals to the innocent side in me, who froze solid like a statue the first time some woman decided to reach for my gear-shift without my permission.

Any man can be a white knight or a hero, but in doing so they have strong morals.. It would be a pretty sickening sight to see a male protagonist in a hentai game become corrupted, which is why that never happens in an RoR.. The hero has a strong moral core, but that makes him slightly shy and insecure..

He wants to deal with these cat-women and naga-slime girls peacefully, but if he has to slash his way through he must.. When one jumps him, he's not exactly enjoying it so much as he's desperately trying NOT to.. It's hard to explain, but I guess you just have to have lived your life a certain way to really understand what I mean..

"Monster Girl Quest" Would be the best example I have to offer in such a situation. (Though in that game, the male character becomes corrupted if you lose)

In conclusion, I guess male protagonist hentai games is a rare breed of game because it pleases a small crowd.. Not a lot of "Sexually submissive" guys out there I guess.. : |
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Any man can be a white knight or a hero, but in doing so they have strong morals.. It would be a pretty sickening sight to see a male protagonist in a hentai game become corrupted, which is why that never happens.. The hero has a strong moral core, but that makes him slightly shy and insecure..


(best white knight ever)
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

So, my joke and the gender-discussion aside, I tried the demo now.
I haven't read much of the impressions here, so maybe some stuff you've already heard:

I love the artstyle, everything looks fluid and bright. A very good atmosphere and the enemies are cute as fuck. I want to have that catgirl in half-size as a pillow. Would be so comfy.

The gameplay is fast and once you've gotten used to it very intuitive. Some very nice ideas in here as well (the accelerating blocks for example). Nice work. I'm really impressed.
I'm a fan of challenging-but-fair games, so I have no complaints about the difficulty. But then again, I haven't played the first version, so maybe my reaction then would have been different.
There isn't much else I could talk about, cause everything was fine. I really enjoyed it.

But one thing bugged me the whole time: why did you make it an H-Game? The animations ingame are so small and with so few details, you could have just left them out.
Serious question: If you want to make a living out of your games, wouldn't it be better to leave the H-content out and go for a broader audience? With your qualities that should be feasible, I'm sure.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

As long as the story is good I don mind the perspective, or in this case challenging/appealing. It does change the enemies in play though, however male characters can have gross characters after them just as well. Machines who's sole purpose is to collect, sucking leech like creatures after nourishment, things of the other persuasion, ect. I don put myself in their shoes usually, I'm just the one controlling them and trying to make them succeed.

As for why the hero is avoiding sex? Maybe he doesn't focus on sex. Maybe he has high morals. Maybe he isn't a manwhore. Or maybe he's just busy not getting busy.

Boss issue/strategy
Not sure if intended or not, but the boss is very open to bouncing. Jump and down c over and over while it is in tree form. I'd say keep it for easy and normal mode. For hard could you add an occasional flower blossom? It would do the trick and keep the player moving. Hard modes are better when small things are added, more than just more health for enemies less for you.

(Edit: My post seems a little out of place now, sorry. (Would have been right after Toffi's joke, though not referring to it) I wanted to check hard mode first.)
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

i for one just think that a male would not fight women who want to have sex with him... normally a character would just fuck her and say "thank you, now i feel great!" ... if he's not mentally underdeveloped, overly religious, married (lol) or a child and that's not like a hero.

This about sums up my thoughts on the matter...I mean, there isn't any plot to the game yet, but when I was playing all I could think of was, "I'm in a forest surrounded by topless cat-women and slime girls who just want to have sex with me. Better kill everything that moves!!"

Although, if I remember right you were saying you wanted to make a living making games? I don't remember how well your last game did but I think you would have a much easier time doing so without the adult content, get it on steam and bam... this game is solid enough to stand on its own I would say
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I think you would have a much easier time doing so without the adult content, get it on steam and bam... this game is solid enough to stand on its own I would say

I wonder how Steam sales compare to something like Dlsite sales for small 2D games like this one, anyone knows?
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

"never happens"

Yep, strong morals that one... /sarcasm

I said...
which is why that never happens in an RoR

As far as anime goes anyone can be corrupted, hentai anime is just
weird to me.. It's creepier in some ways than actual porn, since they
are able to get WAY more creative with it.. I can honestly say, from the hentai anime
I've seen, I've laughed at the comedic scenes way more than I was turned on during the sex scenes.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

rance is just the best male hentai protagonist ever.
and i think rance games are as much about lol as they are about fap... mhhh... maybe much more about lol :D
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I said...

As far as anime goes anyone can be corrupted, hentai anime is just
weird to me.. It's creepier in some ways than actual porn, since they
are able to get WAY more creative with it.. I can honestly say, from the hentai anime
I've seen, I've laughed at the comedic scenes way more than I was turned on during the sex scenes.

Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

So, my joke and the gender-discussion aside, I tried the demo now.
I haven't read much of the impressions here, so maybe some stuff you've already heard:

I love the artstyle, everything looks fluid and bright. A very good atmosphere and the enemies are cute as fuck. I want to have that catgirl in half-size as a pillow. Would be so comfy.

The gameplay is fast and once you've gotten used to it very intuitive. Some very nice ideas in here as well (the accelerating blocks for example). Nice work. I'm really impressed.
I'm a fan of challenging-but-fair games, so I have no complaints about the difficulty. But then again, I haven't played the first version, so maybe my reaction then would have been different.
There isn't much else I could talk about, cause everything was fine. I really enjoyed it.

But one thing bugged me the whole time: why did you make it an H-Game? The animations ingame are so small and with so few details, you could have just left them out.
Serious question: If you want to make a living out of your games, wouldn't it be better to leave the H-content out and go for a broader audience? With your qualities that should be feasible, I'm sure.

First. as stupid as this may sound, i'm glad you gave the game an honest try instead of just dismissing it from how it seemed in your first post.

Second I kind of agree. I think he has talent to branch out and make games for steam and the like. The skill is there and with a bit more time I'm sure it could sell decently enough. Mind you it would mean I'd miss out on some great H-games if he stop but still...
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

Serious question: If you want to make a living out of your games, wouldn't it be better to leave the H-content out and go for a broader audience? With your qualities that should be feasible, I'm sure.

Second I kind of agree. I think he has talent to branch out and make games for steam and the like. The skill is there and with a bit more time I'm sure it could sell decently enough. Mind you it would mean I'd miss out on some great H-games if he stop but still...

While it's true Kyrieru has the talent to make great games for Steam, we have to ask ourselves, do we want to risk losing one of the very few great english H-game developers we have? most of the H-game makers who finish games are in the japanese region so we are at the mercy of translators or waiting for a translation patch. Then there is the balance of H content and gamplay, Kyrieru has found a very good balance of the two which leads to enjoyment on two fronts.
Granted wanting to chain Kyrieru down into one path is a selfish idea and in the end what he prefers is purely up to him, but should he choose the more clean game route perhaps he could make the game clean and innocent and after it has been put up work on a more adult mod for us H-gamers and put it up under a different name should he want to avoid a Hot Coffee fallout and encourage other modders to make mods to cover his tracks more. A bit of a long winded idea but might be a good middle ground to appeal to both sides of the gaming world.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

But one thing bugged me the whole time: why did you make it an H-Game? The animations ingame are so small and with so few details, you could have just left them out.
Serious question: If you want to make a living out of your games, wouldn't it be better to leave the H-content out and go for a broader audience? With your qualities that should be feasible, I'm sure.

i'm just a lurker but what toffi says is basically what i was wondering,if you made a game like this one without h-content,i'm pretty sure it would sell well.
your game has good atmosphere,good gameplay,fluid 2d animations,not to mention that your game and art style is just stylish(closest word i can get to what i'm trying to say heh).
regardless,i'd rather a female mc and yatta yatta, i'll still play your games so long they're cool like this one,in the end,it's your call.
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Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

but fallout new Vegas has H-modding already.
L4D needs mods! I want to be raped by Zombie.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

but fallout new Vegas has H-modding already.
L4D needs mods! I want to be raped by Zombie.

I diden't mean fallout in that sense :D I meant more in the people having a shitfit over a small and not that interesting sex scene minigame in GTA:SA sense. I would hate to see Kyrieru cop that kind of flak from ambulence chasers like Jack Thompson looking to cause trouble to make their own twisted morals seem pure and correct.

Whoops let a bit of gamer rant and pet peeve slip out for a bit there.. but as for a Left 4 Dead sex mod that would be interesting to see, mass zombie gangrape then a Tank shows up for a piece, with a very tiny dick and balls from the steroid abuse before becoming infected. I can't help but chuckle at the weird thought of that image now. Also wonder how the witch would do things in a mod like that.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

>monster girls

My favorite thing!
Will definitely support and buy when its completed.

Its only a matter of time before a crazy scientists becomes successful in creating and breeding such delightful creatures.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I, for one, would like for you all to stop trying to talk people who make good games with porn into not making good games with porn. You are the reason we don't have good games with porn. Let the man make something good for us. Stop trying to talk him out of creating a good product!

I mean, it's like someone hands you a golden goose on the street, and you're unhappy that he didn't give the golden goose to the people that run the bank. Enjoy your damn golden goose, and don't mess it up for the rest of us!

On the topic of male vs. female: female has been done to death and exposure. I, for one, like both; so, like bilingualism and ambidexterity, I can only feel sorry for people who can only like one of the two. Branch out. You might just be pleasantly surprised, or surprisingly disgusted, and learn that you like the disgusting.
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

I diden't mean fallout in that sense :D I meant more in the people having a shitfit over a small and not that interesting sex scene minigame in GTA:SA sense. I would hate to see Kyrieru cop that kind of flak from ambulence chasers like Jack Thompson looking to cause trouble to make their own twisted morals seem pure and correct.

Whoops let a bit of gamer rant and pet peeve slip out for a bit there.. but as for a Left 4 Dead sex mod that would be interesting to see, mass zombie gangrape then a Tank shows up for a piece, with a very tiny dick and balls from the steroid abuse before becoming infected. I can't help but chuckle at the weird thought of that image now. Also wonder how the witch would do things in a mod like that.
I feel better now, I'm not the only one who thought about it. I was really just thinking common, Zombie pants-less dudes with raging hard-ons running at you, hunter now face fucks you, and the boomer would be modded to be a dude with huge Balls that cums all over the place. oh and the jockey could fuck you in the ass and donkey punch you.

(spitter could become the squirtter?)
great I'm never going to be able to stop thinking about this now so that means kyrieru you now must make this game!
Re: Eroico -Develouped by kyrieru-

From what I understand, Kyrieru is involving a little on/off switch for adult content in order to appeal to both audiences. On one hand he's got the people who want H-content, and on the other he can sell his game to the general audience who can play the same exact game but with zero H-content.

Which I think is a fancy little idea.