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ACT [Kredyn] Drain Mansion


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
It's simple really, guys.
The more they earn the more time they can focus on making the game, thus coming out faster (and surely, because for free they don't have any obligation).
Now, don't get me wrong, i wave my skull % crossbones flag all day all night. But it's just that. Don't want to support? Don't. But then do not demand.
And vice versa ofc, obviously, if you pay, demand them creators give shit on time and as scheduled( previously agreed). Don't know the general terms btw, i'm just butting in out of nowhere and uncalledly-for


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
I may be a lazy cunt and heavily-opposed to patreon, but is there a plan to release the current build to non-patreons in the future? The public version wasn't really worth giving a dime for, so I would hope there is a plan to further incentivize possible investors.
There is. I wanted to tell that here as well but somewhy the board was bugged for me and I couldn't. I'm gonna release V1.0.1 public early October and also I'm gonna release V1.02 somewhere in the future. Not sure how long the public releases will keep up though.

Gonna have to side with bob on this one. People with patreons have been getting a bit fast and loose with how they hand out demos these days.
Back in my day, you made a game, the demo represented around 10% of the total game, and was free, and the full game was a fair price.

Now we've got devs shoving plates under the door with a single mostly-eaten pizza slice and a sliver of cheese, tastefully placed underneath an empty donation envelope with a winky face on it.
Next thing you know we'll have devs just showing up on ulmf's doorstep with posts like "I'm going to imagine a hentai game in my head, it's going to be the best game ever, please give me cash now."

There's a clear line between "I need the money" and "I want the money".. When you need the money, you work for it, and earn it.. When you want the money, basically just do the opposite of that.
I'm sorry but I don't quite agree. My demo is about 10 percent of the game, it's free and the full game will have a fair price (I' will try I promise...). You can clearly see what game to expect from the demo. I could have opened a Patreon much sooner, but I'm ass well was against it as long I didn't have something that at least represented the basic mechanics/graphics and feeling of the game.

I don't want to get personal here, because I don't know you... For me making this game would certainly be impossible without the support of the patrons. No, not because of the money. The money is always nice, I'm not gonna say bullshit here, but for me, it's more like that there are people out there who loved my game so much that they are willing to pay for it 5 bucks. This shows me that they trust and that they DO want me to finish this game. I tried to make games before, non NSFW games but I always got bored after the demo. While they got a positive reception after a few ppl said "It was good, waiting for the full release", nobody really cared and I was there pouring months of work into a game and now I would need to do this for maybe years just to get some ppl to play it... Dunno, maybe it's just me, but this just killed my motivation. It's a ton of work to make graphics by yourself and code the game as well. I'm pretty sure that if I went full free, there wouldn't be this much work that I did after the free release. So no I don't agree with what you said about Patreon (what surprise there), it helps content creators to not have their motivation killed.

So in the end I would say, I don't need the money, I need the motivation. And fck me I know, but money motivates me. To be honest posts like these always make me a little sad, because I tried not the be the typical here are 2 images give me 10 bucks per month Patreon creator, but sometimes I'm not sure I succeeded. I still try to release new builds every month with at least 2 new animations put into the game and both this and the previous build have a lot of systems added into it.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
Using money as your own personal incentive and "inspiration" isn't totally a devil's gambit, but remember that those people who are giving you that money may have higher expectations than you
can offer, and seeing them draw away their support when they start to think you're slumming it will kill your inspiration a lot faster than whatever did 'before' you used patreon.

We wouldn't want another yanderedev on our hands, now would we.


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
Using money as your own personal incentive and "inspiration" isn't totally a devil's gambit, but remember that those people who are giving you that money may have higher expectations than you
can offer, and seeing them draw away their support when they start to think you're slumming it will kill your inspiration a lot faster than whatever did 'before' you used patreon.

We wouldn't want another yanderedev on our hands, now would we.
If that happens then that happens... It's always a possibility and you should know that with every Patreon/early access/Kickstarter you decide to support. If someone is afraid that this will happen then they shouldn't pledge money for it. Simple as that.
Not sure how yanderedev comes here though...


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
There is. I wanted to tell that here as well but somewhy the board was bugged for me and I couldn't. I'm gonna release V1.0.1 public early October and also I'm gonna release V1.02 somewhere in the future. Not sure how long the public releases will keep up though.
The big thing I would argue is that, instead of making us pay for the full version while Patreon supporters get the full version upon completion, why not just make it so the patreon supporters get the most recent updates while you delay the free version for a couple updates? It is a bit more clerical work in terms of keeping track of versions and updates, but it also incentivizes people to either pay and get the newest features, or wait x months before getting a taste of what the current build is.

I don't want to get personal here, because I don't know you... For me making this game would certainly be impossible without the support of the patrons. No, not because of the money. The money is always nice, I'm not gonna say bullshit here, but for me, it's more like that there are people out there who loved my game so much that they are willing to pay for it 5 bucks. This shows me that they trust and that they DO want me to finish this game. I tried to make games before, non NSFW games but I always got bored after the demo. While they got a positive reception after a few ppl said "It was good, waiting for the full release", nobody really cared and I was there pouring months of work into a game and now I would need to do this for maybe years just to get some ppl to play it... Dunno, maybe it's just me, but this just killed my motivation. It's a ton of work to make graphics by yourself and code the game as well. I'm pretty sure that if I went full free, there wouldn't be this much work that I did after the free release. So no I don't agree with what you said about Patreon (what surprise there), it helps content creators to not have their motivation killed.
I'm not a fan of ad hominem openers of "I don't know you, so I won't bash you, but..." It smacks of someone who has no issue about being condescending to others about a subject they are familiar with.

As a boss once told me, "unless you are passionate about this work, I don't want you. If this is just another paycheque, you're gonna burn out on me." I find that holds true across the board in terms of "passion projects" and whatnot. You can't go into a job or "passion project" looking to make money, or else your art will suffer. You say Patreon is a means for content creators to stay motivated, but what's to keep them from posting maybe one or two updates a year, and then disappearing? The appeal of free money is much more incentive to not try than it is a means to keep the momentum going.

Also, there was a kickstarter for a guy to make potato salad, and exceeded its campaign goal by a golden mile. People don't trust you, bud. They're just mouth-breathing morons who will throw money at literally anything for the sake of either feeling like they're getting good vibes, maybe feeling like they're helping someone achieve a dream, and/or because memes. Don't misunderstand that. I could start a Patreon to record myself taking a shit every time I need to take one, and probably make more than you do.

So in the end I would say, I don't need the money, I need the motivation. And fck me I know, but money motivates me. To be honest posts like these always make me a little sad, because I tried not the be the typical here are 2 images give me 10 bucks per month Patreon creator, but sometimes I'm not sure I succeeded. I still try to release new builds every month with at least 2 new animations put into the game and both this and the previous build have a lot of systems added into it.
Harkening back to that one boss of mine, if the money is your motivation, get the Hell out ASAP. You're wasting our time and your time. Money should not be your motivation, full-stop. It should be the passion for the project, for completing it and seeing it through. Threshold (guy who is developing "Monster Girl Dreams") has a Patreon, but in discussions about how his intended audience would like certain things to go, he seems sincerely invested in what he is selling us. Heck, if he could just live the Star Trek dream, I have no doubt that that game would be further along.

My other bit of advice is, even if your audience compares you against other content creators, take only the hidden criticism at its value, and not the name-drops or "subtle" references to others. The intent from that whole thing is to provide context for the criticism, not to tell you someone else is better than you are. If you ever feel like you're better or worse than someone else is in terms of progress, again, don't. You're setting a really bad precedent for your own standards. As a friend said last night, "You have to be the hardest on yourself, because nobody else will be. You have to come down on yourself the hardest, because nobody else will ever feel qualified to criticize or correct you as harshly."


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
The big thing I would argue is that, instead of making us pay for the full version while Patreon supporters get the full version upon completion, why not just make it so the patreon supporters get the most recent updates while you delay the free version for a couple updates? It is a bit more clerical work in terms of keeping track of versions and updates, but it also incentivizes people to either pay and get the newest features, or wait x months before getting a taste of what the current build is.
Yeah, that's where I'm leaning as well... In the beginning, I wanted to try selling the game on steam and if I did, publicly releasing everything after a while would have beaten the purpose of a steam release. But like you said I want more ppl to know about the game so I'll probably just keep releasing older builds for the public.

I just shortly want to reply to what you said, because this really has nothing to do with the game itself. Thanks for the critique, I'll try to take it to heart. And just because what I've said before doesn't mean that I don't have passion for my project... I don't really know where this comes from, I think I'm really making a lot of work done with the game and I like how it's developing currently.

Also, there was a kickstarter for a guy to make potato salad, and exceeded its campaign goal by a golden mile. People don't trust you, bud. They're just mouth-breathing morons who will throw money at literally anything for the sake of either feeling like they're getting good vibes, maybe feeling like they're helping someone achieve a dream, and/or because memes. Don't misunderstand that. I could start a Patreon to record myself taking a shit every time I need to take one, and probably make more than you do.
This is your opinion and I completely disagree, but that's fine.

Also, I'm not sore what you are talking about in your last paragraph?


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
I just released V1.0.1 for the public.

V1.0.1 changes:
- New enemies:
- Red-haired bratty princess succubus. She will make you her slave!
- Blonde-haired succubus. She has big boobs and is quite lazy, but she likes to eat, so she will still gladly milk you!
- New scenes:
- After the library puzzle, if you go back to the library, the succubus chasing you will be there and be quite surprised that you went back after escaping.
- When going back from the dungeon to the mansion, the brown-haired succubus will be very pleased that you went back to her.
- The red-haired succubus has two slightly different scenes now, one is if you encounter her normally and the other one is if you let her out of her cage.
- Lots of new environment graphics for the dungeon.
- 5 new maps.
- Pressure plates.
- Options menu added.
- Now start game puts you into the tutorial, instead of it having a separate button.
- Dungeons have new music.
- Added exception logger. I hope this will help me track down bugs. If the game will have an internal crash, then it will be logged into a .txt file called errorLog.txt.
- Added the ability to give up when caught.

QOL Changes:
- Added icons to switches and objects where items can be used.
- Talk text is a little smaller, now more text fits into the talkbox!
- There can be multiple sounds now during an animation!
- Added little flashes during scenes and when an enemy catches you.
- Reworked tutorial a little.
- Lots of small bugfixes...
- It was possible before, that if an enemy has seen you, it just suddenly lost interest.
- Enemies now don't animate when moving towards walls.
- When only 1 strength of succubus remained while raping, in the endless scene, after pressing enter, the player could break free.
- Lots of others, I don't remember...


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
There should be some indication that a succubus is about to turn around, like her vision field turning from green to yellow.

Is the second stone the end in the dungeon for version 1.0.2?

Also, the succubi talk a lot about sucking you dry / to death; do you plan to add a game over scene showing that actually happening?


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
There should be some indication that a succubus is about to turn around, like her vision field turning from green to yellow.

Is the second stone the end in the dungeon for version 1.0.2?

Also, the succubi talk a lot about sucking you dry / to death; do you plan to add a game over scene showing that actually happening?
Yes, the second stone is in the next version.

Yes, I do, there are 2 scenes like this, that I planned in the future.


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
Seems like the next version (1.1.1) will contain some snu-snu:


Demon Girl
Mar 27, 2010
Reputation score
The public version of 1.0.2 has been released.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
Apologies where is the save file located? I already beat the last version of the game so I don't feel like going through the same things again. if its the documents or the local data there's a good chance I can still take the save from the last version.

edit: nvm I don't know how but I've met a game breaking bug. I took one the succubus stones and used it on the statues early. Then when I ran the full gambit the puzzle reset but all I had was one stone and one tablet meaning I can't fill all the statues and move on. There's no way to get the other stone.

Update: I've restarted the game and I get the same problem. I am sure this time that the succubus chase through the rope nooses is bugged in that its technically unbeatable, she moves too fast and the box is placed in the wrong spot for you to be able to depress the button in time. But you can still beat it by pushing the box over the switch you just have to run to the door because she gets through the gate. I still only have one stone and one tablet, the item for the third statue is just plain missing.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
Apologies where is the save file located? I already beat the last version of the game so I don't feel like going through the same things again. if its the documents or the local data there's a good chance I can still take the save from the last version.

edit: nvm I don't know how but I've met a game breaking bug. I took one the succubus stones and used it on the statues early. Then when I ran the full gambit the puzzle reset but all I had was one stone and one tablet meaning I can't fill all the statues and move on. There's no way to get the other stone.

Update: I've restarted the game and I get the same problem. I am sure this time that the succubus chase through the rope nooses is bugged in that its technically unbeatable, she moves too fast and the box is placed in the wrong spot for you to be able to depress the button in time. But you can still beat it by pushing the box over the switch you just have to run to the door because she gets through the gate. I still only have one stone and one tablet, the item for the third statue is just plain missing.
There is no bug there. This is how it supposed to work. You have to push the crate onto the switch. Also, there are only 2 tablets in this version. The third one comes in the next one.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
There is no bug there. This is how it supposed to work. You have to push the crate onto the switch. Also, there are only 2 tablets in this version. The third one comes in the next one.
Oh okay so I was at the end of the demo.

As for the crate thing it seems like a bug because the succubus gets through gate regardless but if you don't push the crate on the switch she goes through the door and gets you. But if you do push the crate on the button going through the door somehow makes her disappear even though logically the gate only works when she's on the other side of it.


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
Oh okay so I was at the end of the demo.

As for the crate thing it seems like a bug because the succubus gets through gate regardless but if you don't push the crate on the switch she goes through the door and gets you. But if you do push the crate on the button going through the door somehow makes her disappear even though logically the gate only works when she's on the other side of it.
The gate is operated by the switch. If something is on it, it is closed, if not it's open. So if you don't pus the crate on it, nothing is stopping her from reaching you. If you do, you close the gate behind you and she can't come after you.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
The gate is operated by the switch. If something is on it, it is closed, if not it's open. So if you don't pus the crate on it, nothing is stopping her from reaching you. If you do, you close the gate behind you and she can't come after you.
Yes but there's not enough time to close the gate. So by the time you push the crate onto the button she's already right next to you well past the gate. Then you go through the door and she disappears because the "gate stopped her"? Are you getting what I'm finding odd here? In the version of the game I'm playing the girl is so fast that you will always escape with her just right beside as you go through the door.


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
Yes but there's not enough time to close the gate. So by the time you push the crate onto the button she's already right next to you well past the gate. Then you go through the door and she disappears because the "gate stopped her"? Are you getting what I'm finding odd here? In the version of the game I'm playing the girl is so fast that you will always escape with her just right beside as you go through the door.
Oh, I see now what you mean. Yes, the game only checks if the crate is on the switch, if it's on it, the next map she doesn't appear. I didn't know it was possible for her to go over the gate and not get caught by her lol.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
Oh, I see now what you mean. Yes, the game only checks if the crate is on the switch, if it's on it, the next map she doesn't appear. I didn't know it was possible for her to go over the gate and not get caught by her lol.
Yeah the crate is on the right side of the button so you have to double back to push the crate onto the switch. I think you meant to place it to left the button so you just run into the crate to push it onto the button? I don't know, if you have the time try out the public version yourself and see if that chase goes the way you intended it to. It certainly had me confused and doubly confused when I survived lol.


Jun 8, 2012
Reputation score
I've decided to update this thread because a long time has passed since my last update and the game has changed a lot. The newest public version is now 1.1.4, which can be downloaded here:


Demon Girl Master
Feb 7, 2016
Reputation score
A full unlocked gallery in a demo? That earns my respect.

Galleries in demos can be risky if you're absolutely 100% sure you're going to finish making the game 'and' charge a good buck for it, since you're basically giving away most of the content
right up front, and thus might discourage people from wanting to spend any money on more. (With the exception of projects that whole-heartedly promise over 2x the amount of new content than whatever was released in the demo)

But galleries in demos where the dev might mysteriously disappear, or lose interest and start making another game leave a positive impression (You know, like 90% of new devs these days), because even if you stop development, you've left behind a metaphorical gift basket of content in your wake, leaving those who enjoyed it with a good impression of you and your work, thus encouraging people who did enjoy your old discontinued work to eagerly jump on the bandwagon when you decide to make a new project.