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ACT [KooooN Soft] Shinobi Girl (RJ078162)

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Re: Shinobi Girl

Don't lie, John. You didn't think that was a good point. Right now, you're itching to type up a wall of text to counter it.

That or you just made the smallest post you've ever written here.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Don't lie, John. You didn't think that was a good point. Right now, you're itching to type up a wall of text to counter it.

That or you just made the smallest post you've ever written here.

I think i made a post somewhere with just "...".
Anyway, for once hooker seems to have made a good point, it is so simple and true that i can't find any good reason to try to prove it wrong, mostly because i think reducing the population would extremely effective in fighting pollution, but i guess we should still consider other ways of realizing this ideal, rather than using incinerators, even the most advanced prototypes still can reach a complete perfect combustion. Also considering that the human body is mostly composed of water, it doesn't burn particularly well either, there would be a need for other substances to fuel and mantain alive the combustion for prolonged amount of times, the amount of effective energy we can produce from humans would be rather small and the cost would be too high to justify it's use as an energy source.
I've been thinking about the way machines use humans as batteries in Matrix, but the cost to produce the tecnology and structures would be prohibitive, also the maintenance and management would would require a lot of manpower and resources, although this could be a positive thing considering it would open new job opportunities, but with a reduced population that could not be a problem anymore.
The most effective way to use humans as resources that comes to mind is using them as food, fertilizer, organ transplanting, blood samples and other biological products that are used in everyday's life, the only real cost would come from storage facilities, refrigeration would be a must to keep the products usable for prolonged amount of times, but it shouldn't be very expensive and is pretty much already avaiable. Could always keep some as livestock or pets, who wouldn't want a pretty girl as a pet?
This would be a far more effective way of handling the wide variety of resources one could obtain from the human surplus, than just plainly burning them.
If it wasn't for things like morals and ethics, what a wonderful world this could be?

Damn you Dark, look what you made me do...it's all your fault is an idiot pops out and takes me seriously!
Re: Shinobi Girl

You know... maybe we could build a giant incinerator and hang a sign over it saying "Free cake".


Imma fap to the information that there is free cake..

mmmmm .... cake, you so crazy.

Re: Shinobi Girl

Lurking this site is a never ending bombardment of amusement.

In other news:

maikochan: "If we could harness stupidity as an energy source, we'd have enough energy to power the whole world forever."

Not only is this amusing but it's almost a word for word quote of what one of my friends had as there MSN status thingy for a while. Coincidences are fun.

(I know I should have just quoted but I had hit the reply to thread button before noticing this and I'm too lazy to go back and hit the quote button. So improvised quote.)

(Why do I feel the need to explain everything I do?)
Re: Shinobi Girl


There's a lizardman now.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Woah really. Can you link the SWF? Please?
Re: Shinobi Girl

haha, no I can't
Re: Shinobi Girl

But I can't find the link. Please, Toxic?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Theres so much sarcasm in this thread, i cant even trust cupcakes anymore.
Re: Shinobi Girl

No, you don't understand. I can't

Of course I wouldn't post a link even if I could, considering the developers site was ALWAYS in this thread.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Speaking of which, i checked out his newest blog post. Seemed more like he was answering fanmail than posting an update really.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well that shut everyone up. My job here is done.
Re: Shinobi Girl

*Will not touch Shinobi Girl until she is uncensored*
Re: Shinobi Girl

I know at least someone has probably seen this before but if not. I just noticed this.

Looking at it makes the wait even more unbearable but at the same time more awesome.

(Also because I'm a gullible idiot and still kind of unsure...Toxic was just messing with us right?)
Re: Shinobi Girl

No he wasn't. He's being an asshole and won't give us the link. What a jerk. ):< Go check the blog again. What do you think?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Yes I was and most of those are enemies that were in Angel Girl, so I don't know the validity of that picture.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Hold up - Shinobi Girl will have a yuri succubus as an enemy?

Fuck YES!
Re: Shinobi Girl

I know but it was on the creators site. Under the post for Shinobigirl 0.10. Even if it's not valid at least some of those will probably be in so still cool.

(This page is where it is: )
Re: Shinobi Girl

Oh man, I'm successfully joining in on an active discussion.

Succubi do sound good though...
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