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ACT [KooooN Soft] Shinobi Girl (RJ078162)

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Re: Shinobi Girl

Edit: Whoops wrong thread.

Dammit, now I need to fire you and find a new badge maker. I'd do it myself but it would cut into my procrastination time.

Also, my badge gives me access to v.9001 of Shinobi Girl AND Mystic Girl :p
Re: Shinobi Girl

Joke's on you Oni. Mystic Girl's already on v 1.6.
Re: Shinobi Girl

I have beta access to Mystic Girl 2.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well I have ... no idea what mystic girl is! So there !



The original reason for the ULMF, and you don't know what it is? LineMarvel's most amazing flash game ever, with:

  • Fifteen stages, each more challenging than the last
  • Forty unique enemies, plus five "hidden" ones that only appear in Youma Mode
  • Over seventy different rape animations, including DP, Airtight, and Yuri/Futa
Though I was just a lurker way back when (as opposed to the occasional post recently), I remember when practically the only thread on these boards - when they were still at Proboards - was about if LM was ever going to finish MG.

Thankfully, I managed to get a copy of the GotY Edition of LM's Mystic Girl. Best $50 I ever spent at Best Buy, especially since the two expansion packs were included.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Silly fool, you only got two expansions? Us who were there from the very beginning and donated a certain amount of money to LM got the third secret expansion pack when he released the game. It almost doubles the content of the game, that includes everything in the other two expansions.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Linemarvel emailed me Mystic Girl a while back. Then I opened it and it was Meet N Fuck: Barney.

.... asshole
Re: Shinobi Girl

I sent him a better donation than just money. I gave him a Summoning Ritual for Cthulhu so he could do more accurate research!

Hmmm. In hindsight, I probably should have given him the Binding Ritual as well.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well I'm on the Mystic Girl alpha team. In fact, I am mystic girl...her understudy to be exact. You know, the one who goes in when the real Mystic Girl is sick, tired, whiney, or worn out by too much tentacle and slime sex. It's a tough job but someone has to do it. My only complaint is Line marvel, he's a cheap and lazy boss that pays me in sporadic hentai dumps. Oh? You didn't know mystic girl is a motion picture production? Jokes on you.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Well I'm on the Mystic Girl alpha team. In fact, I am mystic girl...her understudy to be exact. You know, the one who goes in when the real Mystic Girl is sick, tired, whiney, or worn out by too much tentacle and slime sex. It's a tough job but someone has to do it. My only complaint is Line marvel, he's a cheap and lazy boss that pays me in sporadic hentai dumps.

You should demand a raise ! Or a promotion !
Re: Shinobi Girl

Linemarvel emailed me Mystic Girl a while back. Then I opened it and it was Meet N Fuck: Barney.

.... asshole

Re: Shinobi Girl

I'm pretty sure most of you are trolling, but since this thread is now apparently about MG, how do you find Hastur?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Hi I'm probably going to get yelled at for saying this but I honestly can't tell if you're joking...and if you're not I have to say. OMG MYSTIC GIRL WHERE?!!!

And now I'm going back to lurking and waiting in the shadows for game updates.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Behind you!

Nice one. I commend you on your amazing skill at humour.

(Not sarcasm but way over exaggerated. Why? *Shrugs* I'm bored and slightly drunk.)
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Re: Shinobi Girl

What happened to this..... thread?

Like for real, wow..
Re: Shinobi Girl

Stupid happened to it. Never under-estimate the power of stupidity. If we could harness stupidity as an energy source, we'd have enough energy to power the whole world forever.

You know... maybe we could build a giant incinerator and hang a sign over it saying "Free cake".
Re: Shinobi Girl

Hi I'm probably going to get yelled at for saying this but I honestly can't tell if you're joking...and if you're not I have to say. OMG MYSTIC GIRL WHERE?!!!

And now I'm going back to lurking and waiting in the shadows for game updates.

It used to be for sale, but not anymore... If you want it you'll have to contact LM. Good luck with that.
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