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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

No, I'd like it in Japanese so I can play those H-scenes that use it. Must've herp derped the lingo, sorry
Re: virgin island

Unless something's changed without my knowledge (very possible, with this being the internet and all), Moonspeak/Moonrunes has ALWAYS meant Japanese.
Re: virgin island

Unless something's changed without my knowledge (very possible, with this being the internet and all), Moonspeak/Moonrunes has ALWAYS meant Japanese.

No, moonspeak is when you don't have Japanese language pack installed so when extracting it gets weird characters, THAT'S the moonspeak, however, there is a huuuge misconception on Japanese being moonspeak, not on it exactly being a huge mistake, but A LOT of people making that mistake, so over the time the real definition got kinda lost, but real Moonspeak should be something in the lines of this (the new game / continue / gallery / quit menu):


Hope it helps :)
Re: virgin island

or I can find a link to download rpgmaker vx rtp japanese version ,I can not found a site to download it

here's a that has all the rtps listed below. just go to the very bottom, click on the rtp type you want. then look for anything that says .zip, that's usually the link for the rtp file. the one you want is vx rtp, but might as well get the rest if you intend to play other rpgmaker games, so you'll have the necessary rtps by then
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Re: virgin island

That's why, right there. Don't get me wrong, I play the game straight, but if I had to pick between using a free option and having to pay sixty bucks, then the answer is fairly obvious.

About 40% of all RPGMaker VX / RGPMaker XP Copys are pirated. Since I play allot with these Japanese Maker-Games, I always backup my Installation files and cracks for the Maker. So... it's easy to get a free version on your own.
Re: virgin island

Okay, so for those who DO want to cheat, i figured out how.

1st off, cheat-engine doesnt work because values arent really saved in ram, but straight to disk. In order to edit values, you must use a hexeditor on the save file. Search for the test string: "goldi" to edit gold. Look for the hex value of your gold, should be 16 bit, and set to FF FF.

Not to wade into this pretty pointless "debate", but in order to counteract incorrect information cheatengine actually DOES work with VI if you know what you're doing (and the best part is, despite being all snarky about it Starke actually told you what you needed to do).
Re: virgin island

I don't see why people need to find a cheat engine for this game when this is made on RPGMakerVX.

RPGMakerVX has a save editor out there. Derp.
Re: virgin island

No, I'd like it in Japanese so I can play those H-scenes that use it. Must've herp derped the lingo, sorry

Anyways to answer your question if you haven't gotten it already


And the file map if anyone else needs it

Re: virgin island


I'm sorry but a lot people don't like me because I don't sugar coat things, I'm not the guy who puts a safety label in things to warn stupid people about the obvious, I'm sorry, not that guy so feel free to hate on me.

First of all, cheat engine works exactly the same way for EVERY game in EVERY rpg maker in ANY version, xp, vx, vx ace, you name it. THAT's what I was refering to, instead of searching "cheat engine rpg maker" (yeah, newsflash for future references, keep it short and simple when searching on google, keywords is all you need) you probably searched "cheat engine codes for virgin island" which by the way is a ROUGH translation of the game's true name, no wonder you didn't find shit, this is the part where you're dumb.

Virgin Island is probably right now THE most known/hyped RPG Maker hentai game out right now maybe second only to Violated Heroine, not that this is any useful for the business at matter.

I don't care why you cheat, I didn't ask why you cheated, cheating is for losers, I don't care how many excuses you make, the game doesn't need any grind and you don't need the money, it just takes a brain to finish the game, not even kidding, but well, I think we already reached the conclusion that you're missing one of those, now I'm just going to put you on ignore to stop the off-topic.

G'day sir.

P.S. The save game has the actual scenes, not just the CG and I did post the complete save with all the gallery unlocked, in this thread also, but hell, we all know about your legendary searching skills, your problem is not lack of time, you're just hella fucking lazy and want us to do the work for you.

^ That is me being a douche

Just saying 2x+1 doesn't exactly count as an explanation to using cheat engine. And it would do better to not insult me for no reason, calling me a loser for cheating. I already have the save with the gallery but i enjoy much more if i actually do it myself. Once again, your dumbass assumptions make you look like a total douche. I wasn't asking for a sugar coat, either, just a simple answer to my question.

And grinding to level 40 to beat the boss is a long fucking grind. So fuck me if i don't want to spend my weekend pressing z all day.

And to the rest, thanks for the help without the insults, i appreciate it. And i appreciate the translations also, really looking forward to more. Never really played rpgmaker games before, last time i tried was in like 2005, so i didn't know about a save editor. Hex editor worked just fine though.
Re: virgin island

Just saying 2x+1 doesn't exactly count as an explanation to using cheat engine. And it would do better to not insult me for no reason, calling me a loser for cheating. I already have the save with the gallery but i enjoy much more if i actually do it myself. Once again, your dumbass assumptions make you look like a total douche. I wasn't asking for a sugar coat, either, just a simple answer to my question.

And grinding to level 40 to beat the boss is a long fucking grind. So fuck me if i don't want to spend my weekend pressing z all day.

And to the rest, thanks for the help without the insults, i appreciate it. And i appreciate the translations also, really looking forward to more. Never really played rpgmaker games before, last time i tried was in like 2005, so i didn't know about a save editor. Hex editor worked just fine though.

"X*2+1 in the search engine" is not explanation enough? Then I am sorry you don't know how to work with memory address modifiers unless someone writes you a step by step or as much as do it for you, you said you tried using cheat engine with RPG maker, and it didn't work, so I assumed you knew how to use cheat engine, just not the formula required for RPG maker, now it seems you can't use cheat engine unless it's 4/8 bit fixed values. It's pretty straight forward, I teached my 8 year old niece how to do it in Pokémon and she learned in 5 minutes, not exagerating here, she can make no random encounter codes, when you learn how to do one of those you will stop asking people how to use cheat engine you know why? It takes a brain, no offense but it's true, finding the HP is the easiest shit ever, search the HP value, take a hit, search again, no? Try other value, if all that fails, go with the unknown initial value and work from there, it's like impossible not to crack a game with Cheat Engine, non-online that is, it just takes some inteligence and a line of thought + not being lazy because it can take 20 minutes to find out what you're looking for, less if you know where to look for it.

You can beat the final boss with level 20. I did it at 22.

"Cheating is for losers" is a common catch phrase, if you feel so offended by it, stop cheating.
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Re: virgin island

Okay, this is going to be my last reply to you, because your ignorance knows no bounds, and i'm sure the admins don't appreciate it.

Like i said before, this is my first rpgmaker game, so i wouldn't know off-hand the formula for values. I've been using cheat engine for 5+ years now, and never had a problem, so don't presume i don't know how to use it. Already beat the final boss at 24, was planning on doing it again w/o prayer beads, which is why I don't want to grind.
I'm not offended by "cheaters are losers". I'm just baffled by how idiotic you are by spouting that. Still in high school, buddy? Time to grow up.
Feel free to make a response, but i won't be responding. Tired of talking to an ignoramus.
Re: virgin island

Anyways to answer your question if you haven't gotten it already


And the file map if anyone else needs it

Awesome, thank you very much. +rep
Re: virgin island

I am loser
Sorry i cheated this game, i make walkthrough after clear this game, when making want test in low lvl and dont want camp exp again so cheated. BTW first clear is not vrigin play and lvl 5x (get exp x 5 item, kill 4 mob can lvl up so killed alot lol)
Some game like rance quest, used 1xx hours for clear first time but still have 2 more times need clear... so cheated (btw lazy clear it now lol)
If game have casino and need item there i alway cheated for coins, because my luck very low... how luck low? like rock-paper-scissors 1.jpg < this game i need tried around 2x for clear it...
Some game like mahjongg 2.jpg i alway cheated (because i dont like play mahjongg and game normal play need xx hours...)
If game like RE:アニスVer2 also cheated, after maker add down status i feel power down easy then power up a lot... sometime hell like online game, when died no exp rez...
If game like 種づけ孕ませ☆魔法少女~The_RPG~ old version also cheated, because no dash... i dont know why ppl make game in slow moving speed, because they are super S? if no cheated on moving speed i will change to super M lol

BTW save in lower all normal play so i think no bug hehe
Re: virgin island

No, moonspeak is when you don't have Japanese language pack installed so when extracting it gets weird characters, THAT'S the moonspeak, however, there is a huuuge misconception on Japanese being moonspeak, not on it exactly being a huge mistake, but A LOT of people making that mistake, so over the time the real definition got kinda lost, but real Moonspeak should be something in the lines of this (the new game / continue / gallery / quit menu):


Hope it helps :)

Honestly, I have a hard time believing that, since I first heard the term many years ago and there's nothing I can really find on the internet to support it (at best, all I can find that it's a term that encompasses any foreign language, especially East Asian ones).

Of course, it's hard to just completely dismiss something I've known for years just because some guy on the internet said something, you know?

If game have casino and need item there i alway cheated for coins, because my luck very low... how luck low? like rock-paper-scissors View attachment 12315 < this game i need tried around 2x for clear it...

Is that the mariongamebooks RPG? I had no idea it had a strip RPS game in it. I guess I should have played it more.
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Re: virgin island

Okay, this is going to be my last reply to you, because your ignorance knows no bounds, and i'm sure the admins don't appreciate it.

Like i said before, this is my first rpgmaker game, so i wouldn't know off-hand the formula for values. I've been using cheat engine for 5+ years now, and never had a problem, so don't presume i don't know how to use it. Already beat the final boss at 24, was planning on doing it again w/o prayer beads, which is why I don't want to grind.
I'm not offended by "cheaters are losers". I'm just baffled by how idiotic you are by spouting that. Still in high school, buddy? Time to grow up.
Feel free to make a response, but i won't be responding. Tired of talking to an ignoramus.

My ignorance knows no boundaries? You mean the fact that I don't take it easy with dumb people? You get into an argument and then after realizing you're making little to no sense you pull the admin card, sorry mate but the admins don't care if you get into an argument and then someone mops the floor with you. Honestly the admins don't care about much around here since there's way worst things going around unpunished.

First of all you've been using Cheat Engine 5+ years now? Wait, is that supposed to make you good at something? I've been using my dick for 27 I must be the god of Sex. Just saying... You've been CLEARLY using it at a script kiddie level / a noob if you may, if you were good at it you wouldn't be asking the formula for Virgin Island because it's hella easy to find it out, hell if anything else google but even at that you fail, you're just dumb, I'm arguing at an ignorant level refuting basic common sense like explaning how you're contradicting yourself and how you make no sense in what you say, THAT'S how I know you're dumb, I'm actually not making an argument, I'm just showing how yours are stupid.

You were the one to say you needed level 40 to beat the boss. So your argument went from "I don't have time" to "I have played the entire game once and now I want to beat it again and I don't want the grind" key part: "don't want to". Again, don't even need to make arguments, over three posts related to this I think you beat yourself in an argument.

Cheating is for losers is a catchphrase created to explain how cheating takes all the fun and the challenge of a game, the way you take it to heart makes me think that you make cheating an habbit in everything, "if there's a shortcut take it" type of guy, life must be a huge ammount of successful milestones for you right chap? Not used to take criticism to your short display of intelligence or you're just mad because you get it too often? Don't bother replying, the answer wasn't that interesting anyway.

I'm sorry, I'd love to be in high school and having nice chats like this by the football field, I remember those days... They were nice, but I finished a degree in computer engineering and I now have my own business and I'm real close to start a second one in my fiancé's name, but oh well, the admin card and trying to hit me with the highscool play, those arguments man, good shit, I mean, for a second there I even said "OH SNAP"! But then I realized I wasn't saying it because of some punchlines, it was more like "OH SNAP! This kid is way dumber than I possibly imagined he could be", how way? WAY WAY, this much way:

Okay, so for those who DO want to cheat, i figured out how. 1st off, cheat-engine doesnt work because values arent really saved in ram, but straight to disk. In order to edit values, you must use a hexeditor on the save file. Search for the test string: "goldi" to edit gold. Look for the hex value of your gold, should be 16 bit, and set to FF FF.


Do you actually believe the shit that you say? I mean, YO you guys are a having "who can look the dumbest on ULMF" contest secretly? Who's playing, you and who else?
Really, my vote is to you, keep doing a great job man, we know why you won't reply, because honestly, you're stupid and you feel stupid, if you weren't talking shit MAYBE I would have left your idiocy go by unnoticed, but now? I doubt you even have the balls to post again in this forum, at least under that name.

Like someone said in a +REP "Starke: Cleaning ULMF one begger and idiot at a time"

Honestly, I have a hard time believing that, since I first heard the term many years ago and there's nothing I can really find on the internet to support it (at best, all I can find that it's a term that encompasses any foreign language, especially East Asian ones).

Yeah, I get your point of view but be known that this therm has at least 12 years.

It started like I said, then it switched to Japanese, and nowadays is becoming everything that is not English...
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Re: virgin island

The phrase "crazy moon language" has been around for a very long time as a way of referring to indecipherable or foreign languages.

Origin of the phrase, or at the very least what made it popular:
youtube.com/watch?v=VMZxm-EisrQ#t=8m10s (The Tick, 1996)

From what I can gather it found its way to early 4chan, where you had lots of people who don't understand a word of Japanese posting lots of Japanese stuff. From there it somehow got shortened to 'moonspeak', and like everything from 4chan it inevitably spread to everywhere else.

I've found nothing predating this that refers to mojibake as moonspeak.
There may be something in the SomethingAwful forum archives that confirms the origins of the term, but I'm not interested in paying to access that stuff.

Re: virgin island

lol so many people not wanting to step in and give any useful help to the poor guy, okay to use cheat engine with any rpg maker game, all you do is search for the value you want, times it by 2, then add 1
so as an example
let's say you had 500 gold, to search for it you would search for
500 x 2 + 1 = 1001
so 1001, then say you bought something for 50g, okay now you have 450g so to search again you would put in 901g, which is 450 x 2 + 1
the formula for all the rpg maker games is always the same, the value you want, doubled +1 if you have troubles you can always use a calculator.
now after you find your value of gold, or any other number, you have to use the same formula to enter it in, if you just put in like 1000000, the game will crash cause your trying to change the number into a decimal, if you wanted 10 million, you would have to put 20000001 as it divides your number by half and add's 1 to it to get the new value
so for 10 million you would need 20 million + 1 :D
Re: virgin island

Defcab that is true Moonspeak or Moonrunes has always meant Japanese Kanji that other stuff with all mumbled english text isn't moonrunes or moonspeak, that's just the operating system missing the required fonts to display properly. so more or less a graphical error.
well at least in the last 18 years I've known about moonspeak/moonrunes :D
Re: virgin island

Defcab that is true Moonspeak or Moonrunes has always meant Japanese Kanji that other stuff with all mumbled english text isn't moonrunes or moonspeak, that's just the operating system missing the required fonts to display properly. so more or less a graphical error.
well at least in the last 18 years I've known about moonspeak/moonrunes :D

Really? You had internet in 1994?
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Re: virgin island

Need some help here... Have been following X3R3X's walkthrough step-by-step for non-virgin and got stuck at the sewer. I checked the rope there but it does nothing. Reducing H level to 0, talked to the maid and the bald thief didn't do anything.

And on that his guide, he mentioned something about male npc at the Inn that offers 50 gold for staying and h scene, but that NPC didn't show up.