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Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength/Horny)

As Toxic approaches the two she sees that the man is completely naked and is humping either a dead woman or a woman who is sedated as she didn't make any movements at all. The man looked up at Toxic and then down at her crotch, it was obvious was the man wanted and was deciding if it was worth to go after a 'live' target.
7 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Try To Talk To Him} {Attack {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita could almost see the look in his eyes. With a whimper, she and her burning loins took a step back. "Erm, stay???" she whined to the man. (Talk)
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (Against A Wall)

Toxic told the sex crazed man to stay and almost as if it was on command he leapt towards her the moment she said stay. He pinned Toxic quickly against the wall, his body pushing tight up against hers, even his member could be felt pushing against Toxic's thigh as well as her own body was starting to get hotter.
6 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Let Him Take You} {Attack} {Masturbate} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita gave a shrill yell of surprise as he slammed her into the wall. Her old fury starting again as she tried to kick him free quickly. She needed him off him now because she was in no condition for a extended fight.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Masturbating/Horny)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][75-48]}

Aphrodisiac takes major effect.
Toxic gave off a hard and swift kick to the man's crotch, making him topple over in pain but as soon as she had. She felt her legs start to have wetness drip down and it was far too much for her to handle anymore. She placed one hand down between her legs and felt her fingers, nearly uncontrolable movements, working on herself. The man stood there and stared, dumbfounded on it but at the same time you could see he watched every movement she made on herself.
5 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Let Him Take You} {Attack} {Wait} {Try To Run}

(Nice massive damage roll, bad aphrodisiac roll xD)
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita whimpered slightly, her fingers possessively working her own slit. Weakly, she tried to kick at him with one of her spread-out legs, trying to drive him away.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Stunned (Masturbating/Horny/Orgasmed)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][27-15=12]}

Toxic swung a shakey leg towards the sex crazed human and successfully knocked him over, doing some more damage to the sick man but her one hand never stopped working on herself until all of the sudden she feels her fingers get wet and her body shivers. Almost like a pleasureful paraylizing drug, her body freezes up on her and she orgasms. Even though she was frozen from thinking straight her fingers still worked on her vagina and clit, never slowing down. The man stood up and tried to grab Toxic and 'help' her with her problem but he grabbed the air, the kick had obviously left him seeing double.

4 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Unable To Do Anything This Turn}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita screams out in pleasure as her legs shudder, causing her to spread them wider as she finds herself layed out for the creature's whims, compleately left open. It was a feeling she hated, even under the bliss of energy-filled release.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Being Raped (Masturbating/Penetrated/Horny)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][12]}

Toxic was barely recovered from the orgasm, still feeling her body ache for more due to the aphrodisiac running through her body. She started to get up when she felt something pierce into the depths of her vagina. The sex crazed human had taken her immobile body and took the chance to enter her and start raping Toxic while she wasn't able to fight back. Though Toxic's body ached for the thrusts and feeling, as well as even one of her hands still caressed herself while he thrusted inside of her.

3 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Attack} {Give In(no hp/stamina loss, risk of pregnancy and loss of exp[if had any]) {Try To Escape Rape}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Her body may be feeling bliss right now, but her mind was pissed. As best she could with her confused limbs, she tried to kick and beat her assailent off her.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Being Raped (Masturbating/Penetrated/Horny)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][12]}

Toxic tries to kick him but her legs don't let the actions she wishes to do go through. So unknowing to the man, he dodged a bullet so to speak. Though even with the added pleasure of aphrodisiac and the hard throbbing member inside her, she was able to resist letting her body go once more into the blissful state.
2 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.

{Attack} {Give In(no hp/stamina loss, risk of pregnancy and loss of exp[if had any]) {Try To Escape Rape}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Kita continues to try and fight him off, knowing that she can't hold on for much longer...
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Horny)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Toxic gets off a lucky punch to his face which drops him like a light, his body going limp on top and in her. The man was obviously dead or out like a light but lucky for her she hadn't let herself go again. Able to keep a somewhat straight head at what she needed to do.
1 Turns Left That Aphrodisiac Is In Affect.
Gained 99 experience.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

She panted from exaustion, she knew the aprodisiac would be done soon, so she decided to Move On
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic entered the next room and upon entering she can see that the room looks rather empty besides the coffin leaning up against the wall. It seemed to be cracked open just a hair and the only other point of interest was the exit across the way.
The Aphrodisiac Ran Out.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Coffin} {Open Coffin}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Hmm. Coffin=Vampires, Mummies, Necrons. Exit= Hopefully a way out of this crazy madhouse. Still...

Curious, she goes to look at the coffin.
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic slowly looks at the coffin and peeking inside the small crack she can see that theres a young looking woman inside, seemingly sleeping. Though the woman made no signs of movement, wasn't even able to tell if the person was alive.

{Move On} {Wait} {Open Coffin}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Yup, definately vampire. Time to go!
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Level 1
Experience: 99/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][110]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Toxic takes off out of the room, praying the vampiress didn't hear her and indeed she didn't. She was in a deep sleep and hadn't even noticed Toxic peeking in on her. As Toxic enters the next room she sees a string dangling in the middle of the room and at the bottom is a piece of paper or at least it looks like paper.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Piece of Paper} {Take Paper}
Re: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku [lurker]

Her unorthidox mind figured it was a trap, so she examined it first to make sure.