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Kingdom of...

Re: Kingdom of...

Aren't we already close in? I say A3A2! We've got her down and we shall keep her down!
Re: Kingdom of...

Quickly taking the offensive you knew that it had to be done. Vibrating your body abit to produce a small fluid-like substance and basically launch it at her. [Magic spit] The girl covering her head as this attack landed on her, mostly on her [torso and sides]. The fluid burns slightly on her, but for some reason doesn't leave a mark or goes under the skin. Also parts of her clothing seems to 'melt' away when the fluid made contact, some of it slid down revealing her breast. "Ugh.."

Not wanting to take anymore chances you lung in an attack against her body slamming hard into her [body], knocking her over onto her back. Your body landed ontop of her; she fell unconscious.

Ontop of her, you felt strange, as though you've become stronger. But there was something else, an urge. Unsure what it is but it was there calling in the back of your mind, 'relieve your frustration'.

A] Sexual relief
1) Tease
2) Penetration (Choose a destination, mouth, vagina, ass)
B] Kill her
C] Head somewhere (Back to village, or another location

LVL-2 (Meatball)
HP: 43/56
MP: 15/29 [Magic spit - 2]
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Urge: 00
Neurotoxin lv1
Dimension field alteration lv1

Level up bonus
Re: Kingdom of...

A1 + 2. Peel off the rest of top and her skirt and begin molesting, getting her all hot and bothered, and then go pussy and mouth.

Or if thats not possible, A2. Pussy.

Also B for level up bonus.
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Re: Kingdom of...

A1 + 2. Peel off the rest of top and her skirt and begin molesting, getting her all hot and bothered, and then go pussy and mouth.

Or if thats not possible, A2. Pussy.


Also, grab some MP as a bonus. Magical Glass Canon ho!
Re: Kingdom of...

C. Raping sailor scouts is cliche, maybe we can make the rest think we're benign and get consrnual sexings later. To the.forest.

Or maybe we can turn into living flesh armor and empower her in return for sexings.
Re: Kingdom of...

C. Raping sailor scouts is cliche, maybe we can make the rest think we're benign and get consrnual sexings later. To the.forest.

Or maybe we can turn into living flesh armor and empower her in return for sexings.

Meh, theres already a cyoa featuring a friendly tentacle

I vote A2 Anal, she was a pain in the arse her punishment should fit accordingly

Level up MP
Re: Kingdom of...

I'll just vote on the level up stuff going with B MP.

What does Magic Spit do? Melt the clothes? Hopefully that's not all...?
Re: Kingdom of...

A1 + 2. Peel off the rest of top and her skirt and begin molesting, getting her all hot and bothered, and then go pussy and mouth.

Or if thats not possible, A2. Pussy.


With just health bonus instead.
Re: Kingdom of...

A1 + 2. Peel off the rest of top and her skirt and begin molesting, getting her all hot and bothered, and then go pussy and mouth.

Or if thats not possible, A2. Pussy.

Also B for level up bonus.

+1. I like this one.
Re: Kingdom of...

For the split second you had the decision you decided on giving into your carnival urges. Slowly sliding down her body you found yourself drawn to the section between her thighs. Flipping your body over the fabric of clothing that is her skirt, you land right infront of her entrance and face it as one single cloth of panties are all that stands before you and fulfilling this urge. It strange, you have no real clue as to what your doing it is as though your body is acting on its own and you just went along with it.

Leaning upwards you moved the panties aside for a better visual of the thin vaginal entrance. As you move the clothing your flesh brushes against her skin causing a slight tremble from her legs.

Moving fowards you gently rub through the outside of her entrance as to investigate, a sensation pass through you as you felt the warmth of the welcoming hole. Not wanting to wait any longer you lifted yourself up and made way into her tight pussy. A moan escapes her lips although she doesn't wake.

Entering her, you find a small wall of resistance but broke through easily. The inside was moist and tight, and it tighten much more around your body as you deepen. The walls clamped around you and your body started to fight against it pushing back and forth, eventually you found yourself making way until there came another wall, one you couldn't pass. There was a smaller opening but you wouldn't be able to fit your whole body.

While inside, you were supposed up against the side walls as they squished down against your body. Expanding yoursides against it, you and the walls simply went back and forth with this rhythm. Inside your body it felt as though something was building up, an uncontrollable urge to 'release'. Moments before it went up to the point you couldn't hold it, the walls suddenly went around your body in a vice grip as though not to let you go. Feeling a fluid wash across your body and out to the entrance of the girls body, however some other feeling spread along your body as though you were absorbing something.

The build up in your body couldn't be contained any longer...

A] Release it outside of the girls body.
B] Release it there where you are.
C] Release it through that tiny hole you can't enter.

LVL-2 (Meatball)
HP: 56/56
MP: 31/31
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Urge: 00
Neurotoxin lv1
Dimension field alteration lv1

@Catpaws, its suppose to slightly burn, but at current state the body isn't that good enough.
Re: Kingdom of...

A Now, we don't want to poison her anymore than we already have, right?