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Kingdom of...

Re: Kingdom of...

B2 then C2, all F

No sense in expending energy to make cover when we can just float behind a wall or around a corner. And lets make this an Aggressive retreat!
Re: Kingdom of...

Flee forever. C2, then panic and C2 off into the distance some more!
Re: Kingdom of...

Thinking about it, there were two magical girls here. And if the other one comes out to help, you are screwed. On the moments notice you needed something to protect you while make a retreat.

Focusing the energy around you, a thin layer of magic forms right over your flesh. [Magic barrier]

While doing this, the girl really didn't bother on waiting as she charged her attack. Launching it at your body it had landed in the point where you were, however lucky for you. You were already on the moving, making a quick dash to escape from her. For a meatball you were surprising fast.

"You can run!" The girl said as she was about to give chase but, "What is going on here?" The other girl came out into the hallway of the building.

"There was this thing. It took one of the crystals."
"Do you need help with it?"

"No I'll take care of things, you should stay here and watch the others just incase it comes back or there are more of it." She said as she continued turned to give chase after you. Give the short delay she had and how much your forcing your body to move, you have a bit of a headstart. In a haste you were moving out of the village.

You don't know how far she's going to chase you, or if she'll ever give up.

A]Keep running
B]Find a place to hide
C]Fight her

LVL-1 (Meatball)
HP: (Receiving crystal bonus 58/50)
MP: (Receiving crystal bonus 25/25) [Magic barrier - 3]
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Body unstable-adapting to crystal powerup
Neurotoxin lv1
Dimension field alteration lv1
Re: Kingdom of...

C Oh yeah! She's isolated herself now.
Re: Kingdom of...

can we do B and then C

Surprise attack from behind.

If not then just C
Re: Kingdom of...

As you distanced yourself from the village, you find yourself turning around to face the pursuing enemy.They having to run and catch up for the short headstart you got earlier. Despite moving so much and trying to keep this body up to shape you manage to get this far.

Your body felt strange, it was empty as though the crystal vanished but it felt as though the benifits, the energy and the powers were still there. Like your body had completely absorb the crystal and you could now use the powers that you have gain from it. However unsure if this will last or if it'll disappear soon, you decided to take your chances now than later when its too late.

"Deciding to actually fight, eh?" The girl said as she slowly approached. Both of her hands were emitting a purplish like flame around them. She looked like she was ready to fight a heavy battle. Thinking to yourself you don't know you can win, but you can't keep running forever.

A] Offensive
1) Tendril
2) Tackle
3) Magic spit

B] Defensive
1) Reinforce
2) Find cover from next attack
3) Magic barrier

C] Other
1) dimension field alteration
2) Runaway
3) Distances yourself
4) Close-in


Enemy- Medium Distance
LVL ??
HP: ??
MP: ??

LVL-1 (Meatball)
HP: Recieving bonus 54/50
MP: 25/25
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Neurotoxin lv1
Dimension field alteration lv1
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Re: Kingdom of...

B2 then B3 Let's have her waste some energy trying to hit us, and make her think we don't have any attack abilities. Get her to recklessly over commit to blasting away thinking we'll be easy before overwhelming her while she's tired.
Re: Kingdom of...

B2 then B3 Let's have her waste some energy trying to hit us, and make her think we don't have any attack abilities. Get her to recklessly over commit to blasting away thinking we'll be easy before overwhelming her while she's tired.

Re: Kingdom of...

C1, A1. Dodge out of the way of anything, and pin her from behind.
Re: Kingdom of...

B3, C1
btw how do we effect victims with neurotoxin - do we spit it into them, inject them or spread it into area?
Re: Kingdom of...

B2 then B3 Let's have her waste some energy trying to hit us, and make her think we don't have any attack abilities. Get her to recklessly over commit to blasting away thinking we'll be easy before overwhelming her while she's tired.

Sounds like a plan to me.
Re: Kingdom of...

B2 then B3 Let's have her waste some energy trying to hit us, and make her think we don't have any attack abilities. Get her to recklessly over commit to blasting away thinking we'll be easy before overwhelming her while she's tired.

I like this plan