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Kingdom of...


Jungle Girl
Jul 8, 2010
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Well, reading all these CYOAs I wish to announce that this will be my first chance at doing one of my own. But just for the heads up; my grammer and spelling isn't great so bare with me on that. And given that this is my first time, the story maybe be a bit bad.

Kingdom of: A tale of the downfall​

Villia-fall, a beautiful area of the continent. Home to may types of species that live within harmony with one of another. Within the air a peaceful feeling of energy that flowed out into the different directions. Without much understanding this energy was that is 'magic', an energy that is implimented in the everyday lives of the creatures that walk this planet. Some use it for the small things such as work, exercise, or simple thing. Other need this energy to live.

"Magica" is one of a term used for this energy. But also the name of a race that is born of it. "Magica" as the race is called is a mass of entities which exist within the energy, developing a self-conscious of its own and seperating from the energy which it is born from. This being physical form varies from just being part of the wind to being part of the planet it walks on, spreading its existance across the land. A peaceful creature who would live alongside those of different races. But even being peaceful with others brings such despair, its very existance carries that of latent powers. This latent power can bring 'evolution' to those who wield it. Fearful of this power entering the 'wrong hands', the Kingdom of Helim declared a crusade against the "Magica". Wheither good, evil, or neutral the race is hunted down.

Dark smoke from powerful flames expelled into the sky, reducing that of the beautiful blue air into a cold dark cloud. The grounds burnt to the point it became completely covered in ash.

The shock of this blueish energy that burns the same as the flames that you 'ran' through numbed your entire 'body'. Feeling weak and incapable of moving, you found yourself on your 'back'. Staring up at the darkened sky partically blocked by this figure, this hunter, this killer, this... human. The being which by hand carried out the destruction of your race. It wasn't just one human, it was millions of them. Wielding a mix of physical weapons and that of magical, they cast this weapon against your race. No hatred, no love, just fear. That is the reason why they do this, that is the reason why your existence must come to an end.

You couldn't do anything. Nothing at all as this wielder pointed their weapon at you. Your vision is engulfed from the blinding white light emitting from the weapon. And everything is turned to darkness....

Incapable of doing anything, you felt as though your existance is slowly being pulled into the abyss, the void of nothingness. A void which erases all that enters.

"Is this what you desire?" A voice seemingly talks to you.
Its strange, why can you understand it? These 'words' which the humans use with eachother. Why are they talking to you?

"What did you seek for? Why did you exist for?" It continued, its strange. Why are these 'words' here? It is as though you knew them your whole 'life'.

"Are you going to let youself disappear?"
'No....' Thinking to yourself, your body continue to descend.

"...Reach up if you desire something. Reach up if you wish to continue." The voice continued. 'Reach up'? How is that possible? You are an entity that has no form, a form which has nothing, a form of...

A)A Humanoid
B)A Mass of flesh
C)A Beast.

Your 'body' moved, you felt something 'inside you' push forwards. A 'desire', a thing which you want, a thing where you will not 'die' until this 'desire' is fulfilled.

Your descent has cease, and your 'body' was at a standstill but there was something there, something extending out to you, a hand. That which belongs to a human, a being of the same race as the one which destroyed your race, a being you do not know and yet have some familiarity to it...

"The Witch of Babylon"

1)Mass control lv1 - Increase your physical power and body defenses. Eventually you will be able to manifest parts of your body in how you desire in any shape or form.
2)Neurotoxin lv1 - Develop an ability to release somesort of toxin from your body, it can slowly evolve from a liquid form to a gas form.
3)Phantom flame lv1 - A flame of energy which is born inside you can be wield in however you desire.
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Re: Kingdom of...

A. Humanoid, preferably female.

Then mass control one so we can be the strangly tough and strong amnesiac girl, that is naive and easily taken.advantage of.
Re: Kingdom of...

C - Male and wolf/dog-like, preferably. :3

Re: Kingdom of...

A. Humanoid, preferably female.

Then mass control one so we can be the strangly tough and strong amnesiac girl, that is naive and easily taken.advantage of.

Herm :3
Re: Kingdom of...

This strange sensation feels your body with pricks of pins-and-needles. What? Confusion slipped through your mind as these thoughts seemingly flood in. On impulse you felt your body shake violently as to understand what is happening, your eyes open up slowly. Feeling as though you have control over them and yet they don't exist on this single slab of meat which can't even be called a body.

Vision blurred and yet is recognizable, the sky which you died under. The burning smoke continued to blanket any trace of which is the blue air. Taking in a breath somehow you allowed that vision of yours to focus.

"Ah, welcome back to the world of the living." A voice seemingly attracts your attention, but for some reason you can't move your body in anyway. Scanning over to your side, the source of the voice comes into view. The figure of a young human female, her body somewhat crouched down next to yours. Taking in some the features of her face and body, she had long blondesh hair that appears to be in a disarray, grey color eyes with pale skin. To her attire appears to be a large strange hat seemingly hanging over on the backside of her head, a dark color mantle that hung over her shoulders. And the other stuff that suppose to cover her body were nothiing more than two thick belts, one wrapped around her upper body tightly fastened around her what, B cup breast maybe. The second belt appears to be just hanging off of her waist, there was no attempt at covering her vagina which was fully expose, no embarassment, nothing at all.

"..." Unable to respond to her as you lay.
"...I wonder if this is what they call 'came back wrong." This girl mumbled as she tips the edge of her right index finger against her bottom lip. "But I suppose it was a success. One in a million eh." Seemingly trailed of for a second before bringing that same right finger and gave a slight poke against your flesh, a jolt of that feeling of pricks quickly spread throughout your body.

"Its only for now I guess." She said as she slowly stood up straight. Looking down at you. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. I may or may not have an answer to all of them. But to give you some tidbits, you died 3 hours ago. Killed by the soldiers of Helim, a 'magical girl' if you wish know. A crusade that ended 3 hours ago... Or suppose to, if you didn't 'hear me', if you 'ignored me', if you 'couldn't reach' than it would've be a success."

You layed there, the senses of your body coming under your control as she spoke.

"You know why they hunted your kind. Take it as you will, but you are indeed the last of your kind. The last of your race, the last capablity of magic becoming self-aware." You began to inhale uncontrollably as she continued, unknown to how your even breathing.

"I had decided to give you a second chance. But I find myself questioning wheither this is the right choice or not. Hate me, hate them, hate anyone you desire. You are given a second life, it is how you make of it and this body will allow you to do so. Take it or throw it away, seek revenge or not."

As she spoke, you can find yourself 'stand up'. Does this body even have an up or down? While you moved, this girl took a few steps back away from your 'jiggling' body.

"But as you are now, you are incapable of carrying out revenge. If you desire so you will need to become stronger." She said calmly. "There are multiple paths for you to take and its up to you to decide."

Saying that as though it she make it sounds like she finish speaking, she begins to turn away. You feel as though you need something, but don't know what.

A)Let her leave
B)Attack her
C)Inquire info

LVL-1 (Meatball)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Numb-recovering
Neurotoxin lv1
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Re: Kingdom of...

C. Who is she, where am I, why did you want me to have second chance, what is a meat lump to do in this world?
Re: Kingdom of...

"W-Wait." You somehow call out to her. Somehow knowing to use these 'words' that humans use and topping it all off is that you aren't even using a mouth. What is happening is that the flow of magic is moving along with the things you wish to convey.

"What is it?" She asked without turning her body to face you.
"I don't really understand what has happen.?" You asked although she gave a sigh.

"You died, I brought you back. Although I was hoping something better would comeback. But given what you are, I'll let you live out your own life whatever it maybe." She said calmly.

“…So you wanted some sort of familiar, correct?”
“Yes. I have my reasons for doing so. I suggest you try not to pry in too deep.”

“But who are you?”
“Don’t you remember? The name, which revived you.”

Recalling in the words that you said before, when that hand reached out for you. Her name, no title it was something that is known throughout history even among his race. Those who wield such great magic wheither are usually given a title to suit what type of magic they use. “Witch of Babylon.”

“Now than. I rather not try and repeat myself. The choices you make and the answers you receive are for you to find out. The ones that killed you are still out there, what will you do?” She said as she slowly started to walk again.

“W-Wait!” Trying to call her again, but in that instant she had disappeared leaving you alone in this smothering field.

As quickly as she left, a weight on your body felt as though it was lifted making it somehow easier to breath. There was a presence that strangely enough was holding you down while she was here, but the fact that she had left that feeling disappeared.

‘Standing’ silently there, not all questions were answered. Unsure of what to do you find yourself slowly moving in an unknown location, wheither it was impulse or not you just couldn’t stand there for long.

With this body you are incapable of any easy transportation, it just feels like you are rolling on the floor.

Coming to a halt, you could sense something from afar. Its not just one direction you can sense something, its in multiple directions. Taking some time you turn your body to one direction.

To the West it feels as though there are three lifeforms moving away at a slow pace, you are unsure of what these lifeforms are.

To the East there appears to a massive of stale amount of magical energy. From what you can recall, this amount of energy usually means that there is a city or a castle.

To the South, there appears to be nothing but a forest. Although you know what is in that direction, it’s a special fountain of magical energy. To you and your race its almost like food in a sense, but right now you don’t feel like ‘eating’.

And to the North, is where you once came from. A place where you ran from in order to escape.

A) Head towards/after the Lifeforms. (West)
B) Make way to the amount of stale energy (East)
C) To the fountain (South)
D) Back to the place where you came from. (North)

1)Move as fast as you can
2)Take a nice and steady pace
3)No need to rush, you'll get there when you get there.

LVL-1 (Meatball)
Alignment: 00/00/00
Status: Normal
Neurotoxin lv1
Re: Kingdom of...

A2. West we go ^^