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Kayla (orcha)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

For another moment Gisele seemed to pause, before responding.

"From what I've been able to piece together, I believe she's either hiding somewhere on this planet, trying to help others and work a means to escape herself, or she's a prisoner as well, and being forced to help. I'm more leaning towards her being a prisoner as well. I've had the chance to see her more than you, and there are days she appears worse than others. I think what we're seeing is more an image projection of her, rather than a spirit or something similar. I can say for certain though, she's not Mathosian, and she isn't Norn. We can brush spirits with them if we are attuned to that, which I am. Whatever species she is, I've never encountered it before."

Eventually the women came to an empty area, with only some tracks to greet them.


1: Keep moving.

2: Try to set an ambush and wait for the patrol.


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla nodded at Gisele's words. "I'd like nothing more than to believe her, but... with her showing up like that right after I wake up, it just seems too convenient. I'm not saying we shouldn't listen to her, but maybe we should keep our guard up."

At this moment, the women came across what looked to be the tracks of a regular patrol, with several sets of footprints repeatedly crossing over each other. Kayla looked around, and gripped her bow. "I don't know about you, but I don't like the idea of whatever is making these tracks surprising us. Maybe we can set an ambush of our own?"

2. Try to set an ambush and wait for the patrol


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Gisele nodded.

"Worth a shot anyway. At least either way, we should have an idea as to what we may be up against later on. Oh, here, let me see if we can remove that damn parasite for you..."

((So I just now realized she never removed that damn parasite ... Gonna see if she can remove it now. Fortunately, nothing got borked since it's affliction is going to change after this turn, and it was an MP drain, that will now be gone.))

Parasite Removal Attempt:

Gisele: 11 vs. Parasite: 8.

With some gentle tugs, Gisele is able to remove the parasite! With that, Kayla's futa cock shrivels up and vanishes!

Initiative Roll:

Slime Blob (1): 8 (Last)
Slime Blob (2): 23 (2nd)
Karsetti (1): 10 (5th)
Karsetti (2): 17 (4th)
Kayla: 27 (1st)
Gisele: 18 (3rd)

(1) = Level 1 Variant. (2) = Level 2 Variant.

Four enemies, two of which were Slime Blobs, and two Karsetti appeared. With their position well hidden, Kayla knew at least she could get a shot off first if she chose to.


1: Attack a target (specify which).

2: Run away!


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Relived to be free of the parasite, Kayla concealed herself in the foliage to the side of the path, and watched as Gisele did her best to hide her tall frame on the other side of the tracks. The wait was not a long one, as soon after the women took their positions, four creatures appeared on the well traveled path.

Kayla's eyes were first drawn to the two green blobs of slime, which slithered along the ground leaving a shining, viscous trail behind them. As the Amazon looked at the vile creature, her mind was suddenly filled with a vision of the slime flowing around her nubile body, restraining her feeble attempts at escape, and driving itself inside of her pussy over and over until she shuddered in helpless orgasmic bliss. Feeling color rush to her cheeks, Kayla tore her eyes away to examine the other pair of creatures.

The tentacled monsters were somehow hovering over the track, their sinuous limbs undulating as they followed their slimy companions. Kayla found herself imagining what those tentacles would feel like sliding inside of her cunt as the squid..."Goddess, what is wrong with me? This is no time fantasy!" Determined to rid herself of the visions, Kayla grabbed her bow and took aim. In a flash, she unleashed a punishing hail of arrows, targeting the larger of the flying creatures.

1. Kayla attacks Karsetti (2) with a Punishing Arrow Chain.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Attack Roll:

Kayla: 4 vs. Karsetti (2): 7. Counter Attack = NO.

Kayla misses her attack, and then things suddenly get weird.

There was a sudden roll of thunder, despite the skies being clear, and suddenly a hail of arrows that appeared to almost be ghostly in nature rained down. All of their enemies were struck, falling dead instantly! Kayla caught a glimpse of a ghostly figure, similar to herself, who smiled slightly at her, then regarded the corpses with a wagging of her finger, as if to say "oh no you don't." Then, it was gone.

((First appearance of ANYONE for the Guardian.))

Loot Phase:

Karsetti (1): NOTHING.

Karsetti (2): HP Potion.

Slime (1): MAP PIECE!

Slime (2): HP Potion.

Both women gain 600 XP.

After collecting the 2 HP potions, and the Map Piece, Cassidy suddenly appeared again, and they were taken to an area with an energy barrier, and Cassidy explained to them that one of them would have to allow what essentially looked like a fake pussy device to rape them until it deemed them worthy of passing through.

In the meantime, Gisele blinked at the sudden carnage.

"What in the hell was that? I hope it stays on our side!"

When told of the device, and seeing it, Gisele placed a hand on Kayla's shoulder.

"I'll get this, sit down and rest, and keep watch that nothing tries to sneak up on us while this ... thing does what it's going to, although I have a pretty good idea of what it'll do."


1: Let Gisele take one for the team.

2: Tell her you'll do it instead.


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla watched her arrow fly wide of her target, and cursed through gritted teeth, beginning to draw her bow back again. The creatures reacted quickly, turning to her position, and closing in rapidly. The Amazon was just about to shout for Gisele, when a roll of thunder broke over the scene. All of the participants, heroine and monster alike, paused and looked up into the clear sky in alarm and wonder. Immediately, a rain of ghostly arrows fell on the attacking creatures, each one passing through their flesh with ease. The slimes burst and deflated, while the flying squids crashed to the ground in a heap. In seconds it was over. Kayla spotted a ghostly figure amidst the carnage, somehow familiar. The spirit smiled at her, then was gone. Someone is looking out for me I guess.. Hearing Gisele's question, Kayla shrugged. "I have no idea what that was about, but I felt a... connection of sorts with that spirit. I do hope it sticks around, but I have a feeling we shouldn't depend on it"

Kayla walked over to the bodies of the monsters, bending down to search for any useful items. She found a couple of healing potions, and what looked to be a map fragment. Straightening up, she was about to report her discoveries to Gisele, when she noticed the hazy figure of Cassidy floating in front of her. Kayla had time for a surprised "Oh..." before the scene around them blurred and the two companions found themselves before an energy barrier. As Cassidy explained the ultimatum, Kayla tried to get her bearings back. When Gisele volunteered to take on the barrier, the Amazon nodded and drew her bow again, standing guard as her friend approached the glimmering wall.

1. Kayla lets Gisele take this one, while she watches her back.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Gisele nodded slightly, walking up to the device. For a long moment, nothing seemed to happen. Just as the two might be wondering what kind of joke this was, there was a magical surge in the air, and if Kayla were paying attention she'd suddenly see a DICK grow on Gisele's body.

Before the woman could react, she was suddenly YANKED forward by an unseen force, and with a slight grunt, forced to penetrate the device, which seemed to truly be a fake pussy. Gisele was unable to pull away even had she 'wanted' to, knowing this had to be done regardless. Still, she could tell pulling out wasn't an option, even as the device stroked her. Soon, she was brought to a climax, her body tensing, and firing off a load as she had her first orgasm for it.

Kayla might catch a glimpse of Gisele's orgasm, the woman actually having to hold onto the 'sides' of the device to keep from collapsing. Possibly expecting the device to release her after an orgasm, neither woman was prepared for it to CONTINUE raping her, but it did. Gisele did her best to hide her feelings, but even she couldn't completely hide the fact from Kayla that this was having an effect on her. Over and over she was raped to orgasm after orgasm, and finally, almost thirty minutes later, the device released her, and they found themselves in an empty area on the other side of the barrier.

Gisele's added KP: 7,475.


1: Try to move on.

2: Insist Gisele take a moment (even though stats wise she's fine).


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla blushed as she watched her companion twitch in the throes of another orgasm, recalling her own encounter with a similar suction trap. She forced her eyes away, scanning the area for any danger, Gisele's gasps and moans a constant background to her watch. No enemies presented themselves, and Kayla's eyes slid back over to the enthralling sight of her companion being sucked off to another orgasm by the device. Gisele's back arched, small beads of sweat sliding down her flushed skin as she released another load into the machine.

Finally, after an eternity, it was over. The machine released Gisele, and in another disorientating flash the two women found themselves in the middle of a clearing on the other side of the barrier. Kayla looked over at her friend, clearly exhausted by the ordeal. Her heart went out to her, but something told her that they were not in a safe place. Walking over to Gisele, the Amazon lent her a hand. "Are you alright? We should move on from here if you feel up to it. I.... thank you for what you did. I'll take the next one, I promise. Though I hope there is no 'next one'".

1. Try to move on if Gisele feels up to it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Shakily standing at first, and then growing more confident, the woman nodded.

"Let's go, I don't want to be a sitting duck. I have an awful feeling there will be more though, and that both of us will be forced to share turns."

They continued to move on, fortunately coming to an empty place, except for more tracks.


1: Keep going.

2: Set another ambush.

3: Wait for a turn or so. (no real need, chance to be caught)


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Concerned, Kayla kept a wary eye on her drained companion, but her worries were needless. Gisele seemed to be regaining strength with every step, and soon the ordeal seemed to be behind her. Still, both women knew that the encounter left its mark on Gisele, and Kayla shivered involuntarily when she thought about their future trials.

They made good progress through the alien forest, and before long they found themselves before another set of tracks. "Considering how well things went last time, I think we should try for another ambush. No reason to let them get the drop on us, and there is plenty of cover around here." As she spoke Kayla took her position to the side of the path.

2. The women set another ambush.
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Laying in wait, soon enough the women spotted a pair of targets, only this time, things didn't go quite as smoothly at the start.

Kayla: 11 (3rd)
Gisele: 16 (2nd)
Bug: 7 (Last)
Virago: 23 (1st)

Enemy Encounter:

Level 2 Demonic Bug: Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Cold.

Level 2 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

The Virago seemed to see the two women, perhaps because she was half flying. Either way, suddenly she lunged right at them!

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 18 vs. Kayla: 14+3=17. Counter Attack = NO.

Kayla isn't fast enough to avoid being suddenly grappled and pinned by the stunningly sexy looking avain woman!

Gisele casts her Mantra of Speed, giving both women two turns each. She loses 50 MP and has 70 left.

Attack Rolls:

Gisele: 17 vs. Bug: 2.
Gisele: 13 vs. Bug: 10.

Gisele makes the most of the situation, changing her targets and double blasting the Bug with holy magic, killing it!


1: Try to get free before you get tight pussy riding you.

2: Wait to see if Gisele can free you, or how the Virago's pussy will feel.


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla grunted as the tiny avian woman slammed into her and bore to the ground. To her surprise, her attacker didn't seem to be interested in hurting her, but instead seemed to be trying to positioning her pelvis over Kayla's crotch. Of course that's what you're after... well not this time!

Out of the corner of her eye, Kayla noticed Gisele rushing into the fray, taking out the demonic bug in two quick hits. Encouraged by her ally's success and knowing that help would soon arrive, Kayla vigorously struggled against the small woman, desperately trying to buck her off.

1. Kayla struggles against her attacker. If she gets free, she uses an Arrow Deluge on the Virago. If she fails, she'll continue to resist any advances of the creature as best she can.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Kayla: 22 vs. Virago: 26

Kayla: 3 vs. Virago: 20

Kayla can't get free!

Penetration Attempt:

Virago: 15 vs. Kayla: 2.

Kayla can't stop the Virago from magically making her a futa, nor can she stop the Virago from lowering her pussy over Kayla's new cock! Kayla finds herself sheathed inside of a very tight pussy, and in short order the Virago begins to ride her off! Kayla suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP from the sex. Kayla has 90 Stamina left, as does the Virago.

Free Kayla Attempts:

Gisele: 23 vs. Virago: 24

Gisele: 18 vs. Virago: 26

Gisele can't free Kayla!


1: Try to struggle free.

2: Enjoy being ridden in a pussy.


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla groaned in frustration as she felt the small woman somehow overpowering her. Despite her best efforts, the avian creature was winning. To the Amazon's growing horror, she felt a wave of the Virago's magic wash over her. Her cheeks flared bright red as she felt the by-now familiar sensation of an erect cock sprouting from her groin. With a victorious cry and superior smile, the small woman deftly took advantage of Kayla's shock, and deftly mounted the woman, sheathing her tight pussy over the Amazon's dick.

Kayla's eyes rolled up in pleasure, her mind assaulted the the sensations of an incredibly tight cunt sliding up and down her shaft. A lewd moan burst forth involuntarily from her lips, "Oh...Goddess..." Despite her best efforts, the Amazon felt herself falling into the pleasurable trap of the Virago's pussy.

2. Overwhelmed by the sensations, Kayla doesn't fight back against the Virago for two turns. After that, she will begin to struggle once more. If she's freed by Gisele before then, she recovers, and attempts to attack the Virago with an Arrow Deluge


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla has given in for two rounds.

Round 1:

Kayla not fighting.

Kayla takes 45 pleasure and gains 45 KP, and both she and the winged woman have 45 stamina left until they share an orgasm!

Free Kayla Attempts:

Gisele: 7 vs. Virago: 21.
Gisele: 15 vs. Virago: 22.

Gisele can't land a hit, as the winged woman swats her away with ease!

Round 2:

Kayla can no longer hold back her pleasure, and since she wasn't fighting anyway, it's all the more erotic for her. The Virago mercilessly rides her, and finally, she can't take it. Kayla can feel the sudden milking contractions of the Virago's pussy around her cock as the Virago has an orgasm, at the same time Kayla does! The sensation of the near vice like pussy milking her intensifies the pleasure Kayla feels, doubling it, and she wildly spurts in an orgasm! Kayla suffers 90 pleasure and gains 430 KP, unable to stop the shared orgasm. As she helplessly climaxes, Kayla somehow becomes aware that she has given up her seed, and IMPREGNATED the Virago!

The Virago has 135 stamina until she milks Kayla again, while Kayla has only 90 stamina until she has another orgasm! Kayla is in the adrenaline boost state, but for how long?

Free Kayla Attempts:

Gisele: 13 vs. Virago: 24.
Gisele: 9 vs. Virago: 16.

Gisele growls in frustration as she can't free Kayla, and can only watch as she orgasms for her rapist!


1: Try to get free!

2: Enjoy some more sex.

3: Be stunned at the idea you just impregnated another woman, and weakly struggle (not trying to get free, but trying to resist sexual pleasure).


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

In a daze, the Amazon watched as the Virago rode her cock, the avian easily fending off Gisele's attempts to force her to abandon her prey. The small woman sped up the motion of her hips, clearly approaching her peak and Kayla moaned helplessly, knowing her own orgasm wasn't far away. Moments later, she felt the Virago's pussy contract even tighter as a shudder passed through the body of her assailant. The added sensation was too much for the busty blonde, and she joined the woman in orgasm, spurting her seed deep into the Virago's wet cunt, her own hips twitching helplessly from the pleasure. Even as she came, she was strangely certain that she had impregnated the monster woman riding her.

After it was over, the listless Amazon could only watch as the avian woman smirked with satisfaction and resumed riding Kayla's still stiff cock with hardly a break.

"Oooh....not..again..how.." Kayla couldn't muster the energy to push her assailant off of her as her dick was once more squeezed by the tight pussy of the Virago. The best the Amazon could do was to try to fight against the pleasure.

3. Kayla tries to resist the pleasure. If she succeeds, she'll then try to throw the Virago off. If she fails, she'll submit for another turn.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla isn't trying to get free yet.

Pleasure Roll:

Virago: 26 vs. Kayla: 20+5=25.

Kayla can't quite fight off her pleasure, and the Virago continues to mercilessly ride her! Kayla suffers 45 pleasure and gains 45 KP as the rape continues. Kayla has 45 stamina until she has another orgasm!

The Virago has 90 stamina left.

Free Kayla Attempts:

Gisele: 15 vs. Virago: 20
Gisele: 18 vs. Virago: 8.

Gisele is finally able to free Kayla!

Kayla: 7/8 Adrenaline Left, Virago 19/20 Pregnant.


1: Kill her!

2: Try to jump her and fuck her.

3: Try to jump Gisele and fuck her instead!


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Despite her efforts to ignore it, Kayla couldn't fight down the pleasure the Virago was bringing to her. Unconsciously, her hips began to jerk in time with the avian's thrusts, driving her insatiable cock deeper into the tight pussy of the Virago.

When Gisele finally pulled the creature off of her, Kayla was torn between disappointment and relief. Looking at Gisele as she continued to struggle with the Virago, she couldn't help but admire her companion's figure, and wondered for just a brief moment what it would feel like to be inside of her.

Stop it! You're letting this place get to you! Ashamed of her thoughts, Kayla jumped up and joined Gisele in fighting off the Virago.

1. Kayla attacks the Virago with an Arrow Deluge.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Attack Roll:

Kayla: 14+5=19 vs. Virago: 25. Counter Attack = NO.
Kayla: 2+5=7 vs. Virago: 23.

Kayla fails to land a hit, the Virago swiftly dodging her attacks.

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 13 vs. Kayla: 21+5=26. Counter Attack = NO.

Likewise, Kayla dodges the Virago's take down bid.

Attack Roll:

Gisele: 3 vs. Virago: 29. Counter Attack = NO.
Gisele: 14 vs. Virago: 4.

Gisele lands one hit for 300 damage, leaving the Virago with 300 HP remaining.

Kayla: 6/8 Adrenaline Left, Virago 18/20 Pregnant.


1: Finish Her!

2: Other.


Mystic Girl
Jan 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Grunting in frustration as the winged creature dodged her attack, Kayla readied another strike, her confidence boosted by the damage Gisele had managed to do.

1. Kayla attacks the Virago with another arrow deluge.