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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1b, 2a, 3b.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes, 1B, 2A, 3B.)

Romani shivered as she looked at the filthy splatter on her window, it disgusted her greatly, and she immediately rushed off to grab a wet rag, opening the window and wiping up the filthy mess, though there was more there than she first thought and it took two trips with her rag to get the bulk of it, before she could finally wipe it clean at last.

Cleaning up the filth on her home felt like washing away the filth of her deed, feeling refreshed and recovered slightly, even if it was still a bit embarrassing.

(Romani gains 1 LS.)

Grabbing up her daily clothes, Romani threw her dress on again and hastily laced it up, though she briefly glanced at the rest of her clothes in a nearby closet, she quickly decided against them. Giving her dress' laces a light tug, she nodded. "If I'm going to be attacked, I'd at least like to be in the clothes I'm ready for it in."

She looked at herself in the mirror and remembered how her dress was tugged off before by attackers... it wasn't quite an easy task, but it was far from hard... And the outfit had no real advantage otherwise... But she nodded and accepted this was what she wanted to wear.

(Romani is wearing her dress.)

Grabbing up her bow and arrows, Romani decided on her next course of action, rushing downstairs in the dark and slipping outside, she praised the darkness... Just enough she could work without being seen easily, but bright enough that she could watch for moving figures in her field.

A single pitfall, an old hole that wasn't buried yet...
Several arrow traps and tripwires, anyone hitting one would get stabbed pretty badly... but in no way as bad as if Romani shot them herself.
A couple well placed farming tools. Sharp blades, dangerous points. She was happy they did this kind of work, as it gave her a lot to help her task.

Romani worked hard for just over an hour before she finally nodded... 15 traps prepared. Some of them were almost too hastily put together, a few were nothing more than a pitchfork positioned in a particularly dangerous location, waiting for someone to run into it when not paying attention. They were good traps though, and they would work. She was sure of that.

(15 dangerous traps prepared. 3 stamina spent.)

Romani looked out over the field and thought back to her last encounter with these thugs... then her mind wandered back to with the so-called ghosts when Link was here...

She shook her head fiercely, breaking her flashback before it stared. Now was not the time for such daydreams.

She'd used up all of her arrows, the traps good but still not enough, and in the distance she already spotted a new scout...

The attack was coming soon.

Romani's Stats: 4/5 LS, 3/20 stamina, 5/5 Hearts, 0/10 Arrows.

Vote 1) Only moments left before she's spotted, Romani...
a) Lets herself be spotted so she can rush out and restock her arrows from the crate nearby. (Loses surprise, gains arrows.)
a1) And attacks immediately.
a2) And tries to lure the scout back towards her traps.
a2+) By flashing and taunting the scout.
a3) and simply retreats to wait for the battle.

b) Rushes back into her home to pretend to be asleep again...
b1) Hiding downstairs, ready to attack.
b2) Stripping and laying in her bed once more.
b3) Staying dressed, and hiding under the covers in her bed.

c) Tries to hide someplace and prepares to attack the scout right away.
c1) Hiding behind the arrow crate. (Best chance of ambush, but no traps out here.)
c2) Hiding just inside the barn. (Best chance of traps, but the scout may ignore the barn entirely and go for her house.)
c3) Hiding behind her house. (Mid chance of traps, ambush will be hard, but likely to occur since the scout is probably here to check on Romani, who it assumes is in her bed.)

d) Romani attempts to make a deal with the scout before the battle.
d1) Threatening she's ready for them and they shouldn't waste their time.
d2) Offering a cow or two as a bargin against her entire ranch being lost.
d3) Offering herself against the ranch being lost, working at the Milk Bar.
d4) Using it as a trick to lure the scout in and defeat him quickly with her traps.

Vote 2) Romani realizes that this battle is likely to get rough and her outfit probably won't survive. She decides to get a backup outfit of...
(Same clothing vote as before, minus A as an option. Work bonuses will apply as combat bonuses instead.)
b) Choosing a rather skimpy swimsuit that's still fairly covering. (Easily removed, may fall off, but won't get in the way working. Minor LS risk just by wearing it.)
c) Wearing an old armored tunic she got during her crush-on-Link phase, even if it's too tight and doesn't really fit. (VERY tight, practically exposed breasts, digs into her pussy, hinders work a bit, but high defense and difficult to remove. Mid LS risk just by wearing it.)
d) picking up little more than panties and a bra. (Very exposed, no defense, no penalties working, but won't fall off on its own, for what little good that is. Large LS risk just by wearing it.)
e) deciding after a moment to simply wear nothing and go work like this, hoping it will encourage her to work faster. (Totally exposed, no defense, naked. Boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk by ... not? wearing it. Special effect.)
f) Putting on a shamefully ill covering outfit for bargirls at the Milk Bar. (Breasts exposed, pussy easily exposed, most shameful attire...)

F1) Deciding it would inspire her to work faster, knowing wearing this daily would be the penalty for losing. (Greatly boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk. Special effect(s).)

F2) Hoping it will be a distraction to the group attacking the ranch and trying to show off to lure them into her traps. (Boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk. Special Effects. Lure Enemy ability.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1 - c2)
2 - c)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1A2, 2B.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1-c1) arrow crate
2-c) tunic
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1- Mixed C3/B1. 2-C.)

Romani rushed back to the house, barely ducking behind it in time to watch the scout rushing over the area, a couple quick motions and he was already up at her window, staring into her room, having easily slid by all of the traps she'd laid out.

The girl cursed silently, realizing she couldn't ambush him like this, and rushed inside the house while he was distracted...

It was a mistake... the entire thing was a mistake... she'd left her bed unmade, the sheets thrown haphazardly around, and it was impossible not to see she was up.

The scout moved to her front door and pushed it open slowly, Romani still unprepared, she was standing practically in the middle of the room, not having had a chance to hide well, and the creature lunged at her without hesitation now... emboldened by the knowledge his allies would be here shortly.

Out of nowhere, Romani saw a blade whip out, and she barely missed feeling it against her skin as a line was sliced across her dress' front, just under her breasts.

She grabbed the only thing she could to retaliate, one of the heavy chairs, swinging it with all her might even as she heard her dress ripping more.


The attack staggered him, having connected right against the monster's skull, he seemed badly dazed, but the fight wasn't over yet.

It swiped back at Romani again, missing horribly... *THUNK*... The fight was over, the creature bursting into magical fire, the typical sign that this was nothing but a magically crafted monster, and not actually a person. A single shoddy dagger left behind after her defeat of the scout. It was far from a decent weapon, even the chair she had in her hands would do more damage... but the chair would be a pain to lug around.

It wasn't even a decision. Romani took the dagger as her weapon.

(do do do dooo? Romani gains a poor quality monster dagger. This weapon is very pathetic, but at least she has a melee weapon now for when she's out of arrows.)

Her dress still clinging to her body, Romani gave it a couple tugs at where it was sliced open. If she moved wrong, one could see her bare breasts through the gaping hole. This wouldn't do when the fighting got fiercer. She rushed upstairs and grabbed the outfit that most reminded her of the heroine she wanted to be to get through this...

She also spotted a couple spare arrows she'd left here and quickly snatches them up.

Outside her window, she already saw a few more scouts out in the field, waiting for their companion to report back.

It would be obvious something was wrong in another minute, and Romani had to make a choice as the first wave of attackers closed in... It was too late now to make a deal. Fight. Surrender. Or Flee.

(Wave 1 clear - 1 scout.)
(Wave 2 incoming - 3 scouts.)

Romani's Stats: 4/5 LS, 3/20 stamina, 5/5 Hearts, 2/10 Arrows. 15 traps (15 x 2% = 30% hit chance).

Romani's Dress (2/3), Armored Tunic (6/6), Shoddy Dagger.

Vote 1) Romani decides to...
(May decide a different location each wave, but benefits get stronger for staying in an area. IE: Staying in the house 1 round has a 1/20 chance of a new outfit, while 2nd round is 3/20, and 3rd is 6/20...etc.)

a) Hide out in her house and face her attackers. (May be granted a new outfit from time to time, acting as life recovery. But arrows will be hard to come by, and setting up more traps is difficult.)
b) Rush to the barn to face the attackers. (Gains the ability to more easily reset and setup new traps as all of her trap gear is there. But if her outfits go, or she's out of arrows, it'll be hard to manage.)
c) Defend the field. (Easily gathers arrows, but traps and clothes are in short supply. A risky move if Romani gets ambushed.)

d) Flee the battle. If Romani escapes this wave, she's safely outside, but the ranch falls. Failing to escape results in similar to a surrender, but worse results for poor Romani.
e) Surrender. Depending on when she gives up and who she gives up to, different results may occur.

Vote 2) Combat style...
a) Romani decides to save her arrows, letting her traps do most of the work, then facing down the rest with the shoddy dagger.
b) Romani pulls her bow and shoots for the enemies that seem strongest (likely the ones that get through her traps unharmed). Using her dagger as a last resort.
c) Romani pulls her bow and tries to pick off the weak and injured enemies, using her dagger as a last resort.
d) Romani tries to ignore combat for a bit to... (forced to use dagger, at a penalty, but can also attempt to...)
d1) Gather Arrows.
d2) Set more traps.
d3) Get more clothes.

Vote 3) After the wave is over... (if Romani makes it that is.)
a) Romani strips to gain Tease/Lure next wave, which doubles effectiveness of traps at the cost of some LS.
b) Romani changes outfits to her armored tunic, a more durable outfit that has lots of life.
c) Romani touches herself lightly to try to calm and recover herself. (Restores Hearts and LS. Though mostly LS.)
d) Romani searches for new items quickly. (Boosts item drop chance for the area she's in. Finding trap materials instantly sets up a trap.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Gonna go with c,b,d. Staying at a range looks to be her best option, enemies that seem to need to be close, but she really needs more ammunition before she can take advantage of it.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh. Some wacky stuff happened. Do all over-sexed men in this universe have to get hands-on? I should've voted different, back then. Oh, well, too late now.

1) C - she needs more arrows, and three scouts is probably as weak a wave as she'll face.
2) B - if she kills the strongest ones at range, then they don't have a chance to pounce on her, and the weaker ones will be easier to deal with using her dagger.
3) D - two arrows won't last very long.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I will jump on the wagon this time :) C, B, D.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh... I came to decide on C, B, D as well, and now it would seem that I'm backing the majority.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh. Some wacky stuff happened. Do all over-sexed men in this universe have to get hands-on? I should've voted different, back then. Oh, well, too late now.

lol. Link's particular path has taken her through quite a bit of sex, but that was decided from the start. The CYOA has been gearing towards finding a middle ground, with the couple minigames being insane side-trips into oversexed environments.

I plan on keeping minigames (that are sexual) as very oversexed. Regular actions I'm slowly finding a middle ground for. It will be up to Link to stop herself from being ravaged by enemies as they come.

And just for more info: I plan on making this aside 5 or 6 waves long, with the final wave, naturally, being the worst. I will add a subvote later to help decide how the end plays out.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well i will just say my opinion about what i like the most about this story:

- Link is a heroine, despite everything that happens

- She actually tries to be decent and modest in a lewd world, but we know she is bound to fail sometimes... :)

- There is always alot of options on every step, and each decision has a consequence.

The only thing i like the least is the waiting for updates, then again, even if there was 3 updates a day i would find it too little, because i am enjoying it so much. So, after this, i can only say, thank you Kathy.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh... I came to decide on C, B, D as well, and now it would seem that I'm backing the majority.

Yes yes, going with majority vote here.