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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie: 17 vs 12 Haruka, hit
Haruka: 2 vs 12 Karrie, miss
Vanessa: 17 vs 4 Karrie, grabbed and dealt 1 AP dmg to Karrie

The two came at her again, but Karrie was ready this time around and managed to get a good shove on Haruka, knocking her into Vanessa again just before she managed to break her legs loose from the solidified water. Making her way out and to her clothing where her sword was, Karrie drew it as the pair climbed up out of the pool, dripping wet from the water as they came at her again, Haruka reaching out to grab Karrie's waist, though Karrie was able to turn at just the right moment and send her sailing past as she tripped her. Vanessa though was able to get a good handhold on Karrie as she slipped behind her, wrapping her arms around Karrie's waist and pulling her back against her, her large cock pressing between Karrie's butt cheeks as she rubbed it up and down, arousing Karrie a little bit more in the process.

"Oh come on Karrie, y-you know that you want our dicks in you," Vanessa whispered in Karrie's ear, her voice thick with lust as she licked Karrie's neck.

Karrie - FP: 5/5, AP: 3/10

Vanessa - FP: 6/6, AP: 5/10
Haruka - FP: 5/6, AP: 5/10
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie managed to get herself out after fending off Haruka, grabbing her axe she turned it around like she planned so the blunt end was the only thing that would hit her former comrades, however just as she was about to put this plan into action, Vanessa got a grab in on Karrie, rubbing her erect dick against Karries butt cheeks, making her blush and respond "N-not now Vanessa!" as she tried to struggle free and knock her off with her axe hilt.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie: 8 vs 2 Vanessa, hit and broke free

Vanessa: 3 vs 13 Karrie, miss
Haruka: 15 vs 7, grabbed Karrie and hit with AP attack, dealing 1 AP dmg to Karrie

Karrie: 3 vs 19 Haruka, crit miss and counter from Haruka, dealing 2 AP dmg as Karrie is penetrated by Haruka

Vanessa: 6 vs 4 Karrie, hit for 2 AP dmg on Karrie
Haruka: 18 vs 2 Karrie, crit hit on Karrie, dealing 4 AP dmg, causing Karrie to orgasm and take 1 FP dmg and her AP dmg loops around as it builds towards maximum again

Karrie was able to bump Vanessa with her elbow right in the gut, knocking her back a little bit where she swung around with her waraxe, bonking her friend in the side of the head with the blunt side of her weapon, knocking Vanessa away where she staggered and almost fell down. Vanessa tried to stay on her feet though and barely managed to catch herself before falling, where she charged at Karrie with a lust filled look in her eyes, seemingly intent on grabbing and having sex with Karrie, though Karrie was easily able to avoid her by sidestepping her dive. Haruka though came in after Karrie and did the same as Vanessa had done, grabbing her from behind, though she began to grind her erection against Karrie's pussy as Haruka breathed hotly in her ear, making Karrie feel a bit more aroused as her folds grew wetter and wetter as time passed, Haruka reached up though and grabbed her breasts instead of wrapping around her waist this time, pinching her now fairly pert nipples.

"Why would you deny me my rights? I want you now my mate, and I will have you," Haruka asked, stating what she intended to do to Karrie and that when she wanted something she got it.

When Karrie tried to break free again though, Haruka seemed to be ready for her and when she tried to swing or whatever, Haruka would catch her arm and or stop her legs from kicking at her, where she would lift her up and lay her down on the floor. As soon as Haruka had her laid down, the fox herm grabbed her ankles and lifted them up, where she then impaled Karrie upon her huge cock, spreading her lower lips nearly to their breaking point, Haruka letting out a lewd moan of pleasure as she did so and looking as if it was the best thing she'd ever felt.

Vanessa got back up while Haruka had started having her way with Karrie and then came over as well, where Haruka lifted Karrie up to sit her in her lap and started bouncing Karrie up and down on her throbbing dick as Vanessa rubbed her dick against Karrie's soft pucker, thrusting inside of her and not stopping until she'd hilted herself within Karrie's asshole. She quickly began thrusting into Karrie's ass, both girl's massive erections rubbing against each other through the small bit of skin and meat that separated her pussy and ass and driving not only Karrie, but Vanessa and Haruka wild with pleasure as they pounded her pussy and ass.

Karrie would feel her waraxe slipping from her grasp as Haruka and Vanessa pounded her holes, where Haruka pushed it away as she thrust up into Karrie deeply, hilting herself for the first time since they started, the head of her cock bumping against the entrance of Karrie's womb, tickling it with every thrust now as she began pounding deeply. After only a short couple of minutes into their raping of Karrie, the young human girl wouldn't be able to hold back her orgasm any longer as both herm girls hilted inside of her where their cocks exploded as both squealed with delight, Haruka kissing Karrie deeply as she came and Vanessa biting Karrie's neck and leaving a hickey, all of this throwing Karrie over the edge as well, driving her arousal through the roof.

Once all three girls came down from their pleasure high of climax, Karrie would feel Haruka and Vanessa start thrusting again, though much slower than the frantic fucking they had just given her. Karrie's pussy was throbbing and her body burning with arousal, but she still had the chance to break free, though the question now was did she even want to with how good the two made her feel just a minute or so before. Haruka and Vanessa neither one looked like they planned on stopping anytime soon though from the looks on their faces, so whatever Karrie planned to do she might want to do it soon or she'd be fucked totally silly.

Karrie - FP: 4/5, AP: 2/10, orgasmed once, takes -1 to all rolls until end of battle.

Vanessa - FP: 5/6, AP: 5/10
Haruka - FP: 5/6, AP: 5/10
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie managed to knock Vanessa off and land a hit, but Haruka was almost quick to take her place, this time gripping Karries breasts and teasing her as she tried to get the human girl to submit, Karrie tried to counterattack and not Haruka off again, but this time she was prepared as she knocked Karries war axe away and laid her down on the floor, suddenely penetrating Karrie who let out a loud gasp of pleasure and squirmed in the fox herms grip, she immediately started to thrust leaving Karrie hot and bothered as she tried to squirm her way off of her dick, this was almost impossible to do however due to all the built up pleasure from before, Vanessa joined in as well, sitting Karrie on her lap and penetrating her tight pucker getting a scream of pleasure from Karries lips as the herms pistoned into Karrie without mercy and with lustful delight, Karrie uncontrollably crying out in pleasure the entire time as she was bucking and bouncing with each thrust from her comrades, reaching to the point where all three couldnt hold themselves longer and they all reached climax, Karries womb and ass hole being filled with the herms seed, panting and calming down post-orgasm she felt the two start to thrust more slowly into her again, the pleasure was great and Karrie found it almost too good to resist, Karrie ultimately giving in to the two unrelenting herms as they continued to pump into her repeatedly, Karrie crying out in pleasure each time she felt Harukas dick brush against the entrance to her womb, her face red with arousal...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Seeing that Karrie didn't seem to have any fight left in her, and only had arousal left, Haruka leaned in and kissed her deeply before pulling back and nibbling on Karrie's neck, leaving a hickey from her as well on the opposite side of her neck that Vanessa placed her hickey on. "Ah finally my mate, we're one again, and it looks like Vanessa wants to play some more too," Haruka breathed hotly in Karrie's ear as she and Vanessa thrust their members into her lower holes.

As Karrie sat there impaled upon both of the herm's dicks, Haruka and Vanessa giggled madly as they thrust into her, seeming to be enjoying their rape of their friend and in Haruka's case her lover. After fucking Karrie enough to bring them all three to climax a second time, Vanessa pulled out of Karrie's ass, leaving her seed dribbling out of the poor human girl's abused asshole as Haruka lifted Karrie up, her own dick still buried inside of Karrie, where she rolled Karrie over onto her hands and knees and began thrusting once more into her. Haruka continued going with Karrie while Vanessa pulled Karrie's face up to her member and forced her to suck on it, where the two soon climaxed again after only a couple of minutes, bringing Karrie to another one in the process herself.

After that, the two used Karrie like she was nothing more than a toy for their pleasure for the next hour, cumming time and time again in many different positions, changing the one they were in after every orgasm. By the time the two were through with Karrie, the young human girl was totally exhausted and had been knocked out, while Haruka and Vanessa both were equally exhausted. After pulling out of Karrie, both Haruka and Vanessa pretty much collapsed to either side of Karrie, where they snuggled up to her and quickly fell asleep themselves.


A while later, it was hard to tell exactly how long though, Karrie woke back up to the stirring of Haruka, who was snuggled up to her front with a happy smile on her face, though she didn't wake up and continued snoozing away. Vanessa was still asleep as well, snuggled up behind Karrie, effectively smushing her between them both, and thankfully they didn't look almost possessed like they did earlier... at least they didn't look that way while they slept. The girl's members however were still semi hard, meaning that they were still slightly aroused to some degree unfortunately.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Having given in Karrie was literally powerless as her companions continued to pound away at both of her holes, Karrie letting all the arousal in as her tongue hanged out from her mouth in pleasure, she bucked with every thrust the two herms gave to her as she felt the tip of their dicks drive deeper into her each time, Vanessa constantly hilting herself into Karries asshole and the tip of harukas dick brushing up against the entrance to her womb. After another thorough session of fucking all three of them reached orgasm again, Karrie getting filled up with the two herms thick cum once more as they all pulled out and decided to try a different position, this time Haruka forcing Karrie to kneel as she fucked her repeatedly from behind, Vanessa bringing Karries face up to her dick, Karrie who was already in the stupors of arousal couldnt bring herself to resist as she delicately licked it at first before Vanessa thrusted her dick inside of Karries mouth, making the human girl start to suckle and lick with glee as she was spitroasted by the two herms. This went on for a little while as Haruka and Vanessa pistoned in a consistent rhythm, turning Karries body red with heat and arousal as the two came again, Karries belly bloating from the cum as she made muffled swallowing noises. After this they both pulled out again and continued fucking Karrie for hours, swapping positions each time they all achieved climax, Karrie many times taking Haruka and Vanessa in both holes as their howls of ecstasy echoed throughout the tunnels...

. . .

After a little while the trio had gotten tired and fallen asleep from the almost insane sensation they just had, Karrie had just awoken finding herself smooshed between the two, she giggled as she wormed her way out and inspected herself, both her holes were stretched quite a bit and she had some excess cum on her face and the areas around her holes, alongside her belly being bloated from the amount of times she was came inside, giggling Karrie was still relatively lost in the arousal that had been visited upon her, so she laid back down with Haruka, but in such a way that her semi-erect dick was near her face, Karrie started to suckle and lick the fox herms dicks tip, wondering if she could wake her mate up to help fill her again...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Worming her way out from between the two herms, Karrie would find it relatively easy to drain what little of the cum was left inside of her, as the majority of it had leaked out of her while she slept and her abused folds and pucker would tighten back up after a little while she was sure. When she laid back down though with Haruka, the fox herm cooed softly in her sleep as Karrie started softly suckling on her member, which instantly came back to attention from the first lick. As Karrie continued sucking on Haruka's member, the fox herm wriggled around a little every couple of seconds or so as her cock was sucked on.

"Mmmm... Karrie my mate... that feels so goooooooood," Haruka mumbled in her sleep, seeming to be dreaming of Karrie and her having sex from the sounds of it.

Karrie would soon feel her arousal starting to die down a bit more, giving her a chance to stop now if she wanted, though Haruka was stirring and looked to be waking up completely now, so she had to decide quickly.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karries arousal started to settle down, but her own want to continue being filled smothered her thought process again as she started to suck and let the fox herm deep throat her as she made cute muffled swallowing noises, hoping that she could get another session with her mate...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie began deep throating Haruka, the fox herm mewled with pleasure as her eyes fluttered open from the wonderful feeling of what Karrie was doing to her. "Oh gods my mate, what a way to awaken from a pleasant dream," Haruka cooed as she woke up, looking down at Karrie as she sucked on her cock, a lewd grin on her face, and she seemed to not remember what had happened earlier from the looks of it, at least not yet anyway.

Haruka did pretty much what Karrie was wanting her to do as she raised up, pulling Karrie's mouth off of her cock and up to her lips, kissing her deeply. Without even speaking after breaking the kiss, Haruka lay Karrie down, less like a sex toy like her and Vanessa treated her before and more like a lover, seeming to have regained her mind once more and the ability to control her actions, as it seemed like her lust was totally controlling her before. Haruka, being much more gentle than earlier, thrust into Karrie, though she didn't stop until she was hilted inside of Karrie, letting out a lewd moan when she did. Haruka thrust slow and passionately into Karrie, letting moans slip from her lips while she did, and one time she let out a higher pitched moan, which ended up waking Vanessa from her slumber as it was so loud, the young human herm jerking awake with a start.

"What's going on? I... oh, I see. Um..." Vanessa asked frantically as she jerked awake, gulping as she noticed Haruka getting her member sucked off by Karrie, her own quickly coming to attention itself. "I... I'm getting so horny too Karrie, j-just from watching you. C-Can I... j-join you both?" Vanessa said hopefully, shimmying up beside Karrie as she lay there with Haruka on top of her, thrusting away quite gently still, though Haruka was looking like she was struggling to keep from just pounding away at Karrie.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Haruka finally awoke and pulled Karrie off her dick, she was in the mood for some more sex like earlier which made Karrie lewdly smile as she laid Karrie on the ground and immediately penetrated her, getting a moan from the intensely aroused human girl as she started to slowly thrust into her, getting cries and moans of pleasure as Haruka started to hilt herself into Karrie, all this moaning and fucking woke Vanessa up, who was now getting horny from watching them and requested that she take part too, a giddily aroused Karrie could only nod...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie nodded her approval for Vanessa to join in, Vanessa almost jumped at the chance to do so, tapping Haruka on the shoulder to get her attention. Haruka pulled her length from Karrie's used folds, a strand of her cum linking their crotches when she did so, where she then offered Karrie's pussy to Vanessa to use as she wished. Vanessa's face lit up like a christmas tree as she knelt down and aimed her cock at Karrie's pussy, which she hadn't gotten the chance at during their fun earlier as Haruka was hogging it the whole time.

"Oh gods Karrie, you feel divine. I never want to pull out of you," Vanessa said as she thrust into Karrie, hilting herself in the process and moaning as she did.

Haruka stroked herself off right there in front of Karrie and Vanessa while watching Vanessa have her way with Karrie, soon bringing herself to climax and spurting her load out onto Karrie's breasts, while Vanessa knocked away at Karrie. Soon, after about five minutes or so, Vanessa reached climax and emptied her load into Karrie's womb, filling her some more and adding her seed to what was already in there from Haruka. Once she had recovered from her post orgasmic haze, Vanessa raised back up, looking more in control of her actions once again, as did Haruka.

"Oh gods... Karrie... what happened? I can't remember hardly anything at all," Vanessa asked, scratching her head as if just coming out of a daze, with Haruka looking much the same, as if they didn't remember what had happened just a few minutes before or from earlier when the two had pretty much raped her,