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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Ahh, she went out for the moment. Something about finding another possible mate for the pack. And excuse me my mate, I almost forgot to do this. You may call me Shizune, the okami over there with the gamma Vanessa is Momo, and the neko is Midori. The other alpha here, the kitsune, her name is Haruka, the black haired okami herm is Hikari, and the blonde okami herm is Kagari," the bunny herm replied introducing herself and naming the rest of them all for Karrie.

"Why do you ask where Haruka is at though dear mate? Do you miss her already? You've still got me here," Shizune asked Karrie, gently caressing her cheek and belly with her hands, as if to ease her worries.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Getting the names of all the pack members, Karrie smiled as Shizune caressed her belly and her cheek, saying "Y-Yeah i guess your right..." quietely.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Come now, would you like to move around some? I can show you around our pack's home here. It isn't much, but it was only the six of us until you three came along," Shizune asked Karrie, caressing her bulging bellyfindly before offering her hand to help pull her to her feet, after which she would do the same for Shana who would take the hand offered.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was offered to be shown around the home this pack lived in, being pulled to her feet, she nodded and was actually sort of curious about how they lived here.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shizune led the two out of the room and left Vanessa there to cuddle with her two companions, going through the only door out, which took them into a hallway. They went down the hallway to the left out from the room and Karrie could make out at least a half a dozen other doors leading to different rooms. She took them to each room one by one, starting with the one closest to their bedroom. The first room they were brought to was another bedroom of sorts, which had several baby cribs inside, though only a couple of which had babies inside them, one a okami baby girl and the other being what appeared to be a little baby fox herm. Seeing this let them know that this was the pack's nursery.

The second room was a bathroom, equipped with a large bath that could easily hold Karrie and all of the others in there, it also had a couple of toilets and sinks, somehow having running water, though it was a mystery as to how it did. The third room was a kitchen of sorts that was equipped with everything a kitchen should have, with another door inside leading into the fourth room which was the dining room. The fifth room was what appeared to be a den, with a few pieces of furniture such as sofas and chairs, as well as a bookshelf that had a few books in it, as well as a few other things. The sixth room was at the far end of the hallway and it led out of their little sanctuary inside this horrible place.

"And that's everywhere in our pack's home as of right now. At least that's all that we use at the moment. Do either of you have any questions?" Shizune said, taking them back to the bedroom, where just before they went in they could see down the other direction of the hallway and half a dozen more doors all shut.

"Well... could you tell us how long it'll take for us to give birth?" Shana asked Shizune, looking curious and almost as if she was wanting to try and hurry up and birth the child growing within her so that she could go and attempt to save her friends.

"Well you were both out all night, a little over eight hours or so. So if I had to guess, with the magic in this place, then probably about another twelve hours maybe. It depends sometimes," Shizune replied to Shana's question, then looked at Karrie and gave her a look as if asking her if she wished to ask something.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was given a quick tour of the location she was in, she was relatively surprised that this place was untouched despite all the monsters and dangers in the caves outside of it, much like Shana she also wanted to birth quickly, she almost forgot about Shanas friends, Shizune looked at her as if expecting a question, but Karrie said nothing else.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shizune shrugged her shoulders after Karrie decided not to say anything as she led them back into the bedroom to rest some more if they wished. "You girls all three have free run of the place, just don't try and leave without letting us know okay, because then we'd get worried and have to come look for you," Shizune told them and left them to their own devices in the bedroom as she left and went back down the hall towards the door on the end, where she opened it and looked out before shutting it back and going into the den room, disappearing from sight for now.

"Well Karrie, what do you wanna do now? We've got some time to kill apparently, though I don't know what all we could do exactly. Do you wanna just rest until we have these babies, or what?" Shana asked Karrie, looking to her still as the leader of their group and wondering what she wanted to do.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Looking at Shana who asked what they should do, Karrie nodded saying "Yeah, lets just rest for now" and lying down on the bed again, yawning.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana agreed with Karrie's decision and laid down next to her, snuggling up to Karrie for warmth. Not long after that Shana was sound asleep, with Karrie nearly there herself. The last thing she saw before drifting off to sleep was Vanessa getting back up finally along with the two clinging all over her, the okami girl's tail wagging back and forth happily and the neko's tail swishing behind her just as happily, both of them holding onto the futanari human lovingly. Karrie wouldn't know where they went exactly as she was asleep before they left the room, her still quite tired body succumbing to sleep once again.


When she next woke, Karrie would feel her belly was even larger than before, making movement quite a bit harder than before. Shana was still snoozing away, but the fox herm was back and laying in the bed snuggled up behind Karrie, holding her from there to keep her warm. Karrie would see another woman laying there in her bedroll next to her where Shana had been, a dark elf by the looks of her skin color and ears. In Shana's shared bedroll with Kagari and Hikari the two okami herms, there was another woman as well, this one also an elf, though not a dark elf or a high elf, but just a regular elf much like Shana's priestess friend Sylvia. A closer look showed that it actually was Sylvia, who was snuggled up to Shana and also pregnant, though not as heavily so as Karrie and Shana.

"Ah, you're awake again, good. Shizune told me that she'd told you all our names when we got back from another conquest. She put up quite the fight, but Hikari and Kagari managed to subdue her enough for me to impregnate her, she's going to be your fellow mate. And that elf over there managed to sneak into our sanctuary her. But after she saw your friend Shana over there in the den earlier while you slept she didn't struggle or put up a fight with any of us, then allowed Hikari or Kagari one of the two impregnate her," Haruka said to Karrie, gently caressing her now very large belly and tickling her slightly as she laid there.

After a couple of minutes cuddling Karrie, Haruka raised up, gently pulling Karrie with her into a sitting position, then she got to her feet after telling Karrie to stay there and left the room. A couple of minutes later she came back with another plate of food, mostly fruits and such, though there was some more of the meat from before on it as well. Haruka handed the plate and a cup full of cool water to Karrie, urging her to eat and drink her fill.

"It's nearly time, and you'll need every bit of energy when giving birth. You slept for nearly ten hours, so it shouldn't be much longer now, and don't worry about anything, we'll be here to help you through it, because that's what mates do for one another," Haruka stated to her, sitting down beside her and watching her eat, apparently not wanting to leave her side for the moment.

Now that Karrie was able to get a better look at Haruka without being addled by lust or bleary eyed from sleep, she saw that she had snowy white hair and a snowy albino white fox tail and ears on top of her head, she of course had her foot long member between her legs and Karrie would be able to see she was just like Shizune in that she had testicles as well hanging under her cock though Haruka's were even more engorged than Shizune's were, and she also still had her pussy as well. She was about as tall as Karrie was, with green eyes, her snowy white hair hung unbound to her mid back, and her body was quite breathtaking with curves in all the right places and though she wasn't too muscular looking, it was easy to see that she was quite strong.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Once again Karrie found herself snuggling with Shana, yawning she started to fall asleep once again...

Eventually karrie woke up, and realised that the elf had gotten herself here now somehow, the fox girl explaining what had happened after sitting Karrie up, nodding, she was given some more food and drink which Karrie accepted, rubbing her bloated belly, looking away and blushing as she accidentally stared at Harukas dick.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I guess you really like what you see here don't you my mate. Well I can't blame you really, as mine is larger than Shizune's, meaning I can tickle you deeper than her. And these are larger too, meaning I can give you a lot more seed than her as well." Haruka said when she noticed Karrie glancing at her large member, taking it in one hand and stroking it a couple of times for Karrie to see, then holding it up for her to see that her testicles were near twice the size Shizune's were.

She looked pleased to see Karrie eating what she was given, gently petting the human girl's head for a few moments before stopping and leaning back on the pillows of their bedroll, looking quite smug. After she finished eating, Karrie would see Vanessa walk past the door outside and go down the hall, and her two companions were still clinging to her like before she'd gone back to sleep earlier. Vanessa was giggling and talking with the two of them as she went past, looking as if she were actually enjoying herself here. Shana was still snoozing away with Sylvia still snuggled up to her, the two of them facing one another.

Really it was up to Karrie to decide on what to do for now. As Haruka was apparently keeping watch on her, likely in case she went into labor or in case she needed something.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was pretty much able to do what she wanted for now, the thing was is that she had pretty much nothing to do for now, rubbing her head she simply looked around in boredom, asking Haruka a few minutes later "Is there anything to do...?"
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Hmm... well you could read a book or something, we have plenty in the den. Or we could play cards, I know how to play some card games, as do all the others. Of course we could always use someone to watchh the younglings in the nursery as well," Haruka replied, looking about to get up to go get her something if she wished her to.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shrugging, Karrie nodded and said "Sure ill play some card games with you for a bit", shakily standing herself up.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Very well then dear, come we'll go to the den to play, we can get Kagari and Hikari to play with us as well," Haruka said, quickly moving and helping Karrie to her feet before she helped her into some clothes, just a silk bra, panties, and Karrie's shirt which had been mended, and a pair of very loose fitting pants that stretched around her belly. Once Karrie was dressed, Haruka dressed as well in some lingerie, as well as a T-shirt of her own, though nothing else.

After they arrived in the den, Haruka helped Karrie into a seat around what appeared to be a coffee table with a could of small sofas around it. Karrie would see that the two okami futa's were in the room as well when they got in there and after she was helped into her seat, Karrie would see Haruka go over to a drawer of some sort and pull out a deck of cards from the drawer. She brought them back over to the table the others were at and shuffled them up really quick, then called out that they could play some poker. Karrie would see that both of the okami futa's were wearing much the same thing as Haruka as she sat there.

Once it was agreed among them that was what they would play, Haruka dealt the cards out, first to Karrie who was directly to her left, then Hikari, and then Kagari. "Now why don't we make this interesting you three. We'll play strip poker, and the last person to have any clothes on after everyone else is completely naked, gets to ask one thing of any of the others. A favor if you would, one that whoever they ask must give no matter what it is," Haruka said to them all, looking as if she were asking if they wanted to make it interesting.

The two okami agreed and once Karrie agreed, Haruka would pick her hand up and see what she had. Karrie would see once she picked her hand up that she had a pair of 5's both black, the queen of hearts, the 3 of clubs, and the 9 of diamonds. And it was up to her to decide what to do now.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Aragahgah god i completely forget some parts on how poker was played >_<

Getting clothed, Karrie would follow Haruka down to the den, she was going to play against the two other okami futas in a game of...strip poker, she guessed at this point she didnt have much choice in the matter as she looked at her hand, at this point only having enough for a pair, she had to think whether she wanted to risk it or not...
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

It's just 5 card draw, you get five, keep the best ones and throw the others away and get a number of cards after tossing those others down to replace them. I'm actually getting a real deck of cards out for this and dealing 4 hands, and playing the three other than Karrie's out like I would really play them. But I'm only going to play out a couple of the actual card games like this, after that I'm going to just make some rolls and whoever gets the highest of them wins the whole thing.

While she debated what to throw down, the others threw their own cards down, Hikari the black haired okami threw down only 1 card and kept 4, while both Kagari and Haruka threw down 3 cards each. "Well my mate, how many cards do you want hmm? I can't wait to see you naked again," Haruka asked, teasing Karrie a little as she held the deck in her hand after setting her cards down, ready to deal however many Karrie wanted.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

At this point Karrie sighed and simply threw down three cards leaving only her pair, hoping she`d get something better.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After Karrie threw her 3 cards down, Haruka replaced them with 3 fresh ones, though her new cards did pretty much nothing to help her out, the new ones being a 8 of diamonds, a 10 of hearts, and a king of spades. Hikari then got her 1 card, and though she didn't look too heart broken she didn't look overly pleased with what she'd gotten. Haruka then gave Kagari her 3 and the blonde futanari okami just laughed and set her hand down on the table face down, apparently knowing that she couldn't win. Haruka however looked much more pleased with the results of her new cards after dealing herself 3 more, flashing a grin as she told them all to show what they had.

"A pair of sixes is all I've got," Hikari said, not looking pleased as she showed her 4 and 5 of diamonds, her 6 and 7 of spades, and a 6 of hearts, showing that she'd been going for an inside straight draw and failed to get it.

"Shit that's better than what I've got," Kagari said, showing her hand which consisted of a 2 and 4 of hearts, a 10 of spades, and an ace and king of clubs, giving her nothing at all really.

"Ha, two aces," Haruka said with a smug look, setting cown her hand for them to see that she had a 2, 9, and ace of spades, an ace of diamonds, and a 10 of clubs. They all then looked to Karrie to show her hand, Haruka actually looking a little tense for a moment as Karrie showed her own hand.

(Giving Karrie a chance to say anything here if she wishes as she shows her cards and before Haruka deals the next hand.)
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie sighed and set her cards down saying "Just a pair of fives"