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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(The scroll is a scroll of enchantment, and the amulet does something that Karrie doesn't know what at the moment, because not identified and doesn't do anything physically that would tell her what it does. The scroll of enchantment gives her waraxe a permanent +1 to attack, but not defense.)

After Karrie put the amulet on, she didn't feel any different after doing so. However when she reads the other scroll she has, Karrie would feel her waraxe heat up momentarily and when she looked at it she'd see it glowing white. After a few moments, Karrie would get a small prompt from the EGG again telling her that the scroll had enchanted her weapon somewhat, making it slightly stronger.

"Oh come on Karrie... what did it all do? Please tell me," Shana asked Karrie again, now on her knees and hugging Karrie's waist, begging her to tell her what all her items had done for her.

Vanessa was at this point rolling around on the floor, laughing so hard at Shana she had tears in her eyes. "Oh Karrie, please tell her. For heavens sake now I'm wanting to know what it is," Vanessa said, wiping the tears from her eyes as she continued laughing at Shana.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smirking as she felt her axe power up, Karrie pet Shana and said "The scroll enchanted my axe and made it do more damage, the amulet....i dont know" she said, leaving the smelly room with the two, she went back to the arachanes room and opened the hidden door in the room, going through.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie finally told her what all of the stuff did, Shana stood up and hugged her again and kissed her on either cheek. "Oh thank you Karrie, I'm glad they didn't do anything bad to you," Shana said, looking satisfied now that she knew what the magical items had done for Karrie.

With that, they left the terrible smelling room and headed on back to the room they'd saved Vanessa and all the others in. Once there they went over to the hidden door and cut through the spider webbing covering it, then opened it to go through. They followed the hallway on until they found their way into a room about half the size the kitchen room was. Inside they saw three strange looking monsters, all rounded floating masses of pinkish flesh. The strange floating creatures all had tentacle like tongues coming out of their mouths and a couple of eyes on the tops of their forms.

"What... the... hell are those things?" Vanessa asked from where she was standing.

"I don't know Vanessa, but I don't like the looks of them whatever they are," Shana said, staring at the strange creatures.

After that, the three creatures began advancing on the three girls, each one of them picking one of the girls to go after.

These are basically the Meatcatchers from Fairy Fighting.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Going through the door, Karrie was somewhat startled to find that there were three masses of flesh in the room, the room itself almost made of the same stuff, slightly worried, Karrie drew her war axe and prepared as they seemed to split up, thankfully they didnt gang up on one person, Karrie had to remember to keep her potion handy for the boss and not waste it here.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 9 vs 20 MC 1, miss
Shana - 20 vs 20 MC 2, hit
Vanessa - 10 vs 8 MC 3, hit for 2 FP dmg

Meat Catcher 1 - 7 vs 17 Karrie, miss
Meat Catcher 2 - 7 vs 3 Shana, hit
Meat Catcher 3 - 20 vs 15 Vanessa, hit

Karrie - 6 vs 11 MC 1, miss
Shana - 14 vs 16 MC 2, miss
Vanessa - 10 vs 7 MC 3, hit for 2 FP dmg

Meat Catcher 1 - 15 vs 16 Karrie, miss
Meat Catcher 2 - 5 vs 8 Shana, miss
Meat Catcher 3 - 11 vs 10 Vanessa, hit for 2 FP dmg and grappled

As the things closed in on the girls, they all readied their weapons to fight, Shana drawing her longsword and taking a novices fighting stance to fight with. Vanessa got her own weapon ready to fight as well, her heavy greatsword swinging out of its sheath. Just past the one coming for her, Karrie could make out a set of steps leading down to the next floor behind it, all but forcing them to have to fight their way through to make it down further.

The first of the three creatures came at Karrie, the young swordswoman swinging her sword at the thing, but missing rather badly as it suddenly teleported out of the way and was three feet back from where it started. Shana swung her sword as her opponent got close enough to attack and she caught one of its tentacles that was hanging out of its mouth, a small bit of blood squirting out of it and onto the floor. Vanessa swung her sword and caught her opponent on the side, her large blade digging deeply into it and causing much more blood to gush out than Shana's attack did to her opponent.

Karrie's opponent attempted to swing a very large tentacle out of its mouth at her, grazing her chest and not causing any damage at all, but likely scaring her some. Shana's opponent did a little teleporting dash towards her, disappearing and reappearing about five feet in front of here, where it then slammed into her front and sent her stumbling backwards. She managed to catch herself before falling over though thankfully. Vanessa's target did much the same as Karrie's target had done, swinging a large tentacle at her. However Vanessa was unfortunate enough to get hit by the thing, the tentacle slamming downwards into her shoulder and knocking her to the ground under its weight.

"Damn, these things pack a wallop. Try and not let them hit you girls," Vanessa called out, not realizing that Shana had already gotten slammed by one of them herself.

Karrie spun around and tried to cleave her axe into her opponent, however she again missed rather badly as the thing teleported again, reappearing behind her this time. Shana also missed her foe, swinging her sword as the thing teleported much like Karrie's did and appearing behind the young priestess. Vanessa's sword though found its target, slashing into the thing as another rush of blood flowed out of it and onto the floor.

"Take that you bastard!" Vanessa shouted as she sliced her target.

Karrie's foe missed its attack, despite having the drop on her after teleporting behind her, the young heroine jumping over the tentacle swinging at her feet to trip her up. Shana's attacker also missed, with her ducking and rolling out of the way of the attack against her, where she then jumped back to her feet, ready to continue fighting. Vanessa's foe however found its mark as several tentacles all lashed out at her, one of them slamming into the pit of her stomach and knocking the air out of her. It then quickly wrapped its larger tentacle around her waist and began pulling her closer, while several of the smaller tentacles began trying to worm their way into her armor to start caressing her skin.

Karrie - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 3/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 0/10, grappled by Meat Catcher 3, takes -1 to attack rolls

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 7/7
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 5/6
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 2/6, grappling Vanessa
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Despite these large sacs of flesh seemingly being quite slow, Karrie was surprised when the one she was fighting against managed to dodge her attacks easily, worrying her as it almost hit her already, thankfully it seemed to fluff any further attacks as Karrie continued to try and press the offensive.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 15 vs 9 MC 1, hit
Shana - 8 vs 18 MC 2, miss
Vanessa - 16 vs 20 MC 3, missed and didn't break free

Meat Catcher 1 - 6 vs 19 Karrie, miss
Meat Catcher 2 - 7 vs 19 Shana, miss
Meat Catcher 3 - 6 vs 17, unable to bring Vanessa in closer, giving her another chance to break free

Karrie - 10 vs 15 MC 1, miss
Shana - 5 vs 6 MC 2, miss
Vanessa - 7 vs 19 MC 3, missed and still didn't break free

Meat Catcher 1 - 16 vs 13 Karrie, hit for 2 FP dmg and grappled
Meat Catcher 2 - 15 vs 14 Shana, hit and grappled
Meat Catcher 3 - 13 vs 15 Vanessa, miss and giving her yet another chance to break free

Karrie's attempt to press in with a quick offensive seemed to have worked, catching her foe off guard rather well in her favor as she slashed it, wounding it pretty good as its blood dripped to the floor along with the others blood from Shana's and Vanessa's attacked on them. Shana swung her sword again at her foe, only slicing air with her blade as it teleported out of the way again. Vanessa didn't have any better luck in her endeavors to get free, tugging at the tentacle wrapped around her waist and failing to force it to let her go.

Karrie's pink fleshy opponent teleported in, but she was now getting used to it and was expecting it at every turn, which gave her enough insight to know when it disappeared on her that it was about to pop up behind her, allowing her to duck under the tentacle launched at her. Shana saw her foe teleport and quickly jumped in to where it had been, causing its tentacle to cut through thin air much like her sword strike against it did. Vanessa was able to pull just hard enough on her foe's tentacle to keep it from reeling her in closer to it, despite not being able to break free.

After that the girls all failed to hit their respective targets, with Karrie's waraxe slamming into the dungeon floor and chipping the floor tile under her some, Shana almost hit her target but was unable to as it teleported just as she got her blade a few inches away from it, then Vanessa was still unable to break free any at all, seemingly in a tug of war with the pink fleshy creature.

Karrie's foe came at her again, this time acting like it was going to teleport by stopping still for a moment and faking Karrie out as it didn't disappear at all like she thought it was going to do. Karrie was then smacked right across the but rather hard by a tentacle as the very large tentacle quickly wrapped around her when she stumbled as a result of being hit as it began slowly pulling on her and bringing her closer to it, leaving her to wonder just what nefarious purposes it had in mind for her. Shana's enemy floated towards her and suddenly dropped to the floor and rolled towards her, catching her completely off guard as it was something she hadn't expected to see this thing do. The thing bowled right into her feet and knocked her legs out from under her in the process of its attack where it then wrapped its large tentacle around Shana's waist and began slowly pulling her in. Vanessa's opponent wasn't able to pull her in towards it any more, the young futanari human farmer digging her feet into the floor tiles and standing firm.

"Oh no... not tentacles again... please not the tentacles," Shana whimpered with a frightened look on her face as she was snatched up and was being slowly pulled closer, stealing a glance over to see both Karrie and Vanessa also pulling and tugging against a large tentacle just like the one holding her.

Karrie - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10, grappled by MC 1 and taking -1 to all attack rolls
Shana - FP: 2/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10, grappled by MC 2 and taking -1 to all attack rolls
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 0/10, grappled by MC 3 and taking -1 to attack rolls

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 6/7, grappling Karrie
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 4/6, gappling Shana
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 2/6, grappling Vanessa
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was lulled into somewhat of a battle trance as she managed to read what the big ball of flesh was going to do, easily predicting it each time and either avoiding or attacking, however this worked against her as it faked her out and managed to get a good hit and grapple on her, coughing, Karrie tried stabbing her war axe into the tentacle keeping a hold of her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 15 vs 4 MC 1, hit and broke free of the grapple on her
Shana - 8 vs 19 MC 2, miss and failed to break free
Vanessa - 11 vs 12 MC 3, miss and failed to break free

Meat Catcher 1 - 11 vs 9 Karrie, hit and grappled again
Meat Catcher 2 - 15 vs 8 Shana, not hit, but takes 2 AP dmg and is reeled in some more and more entangled
Meat Catcher 3 - 7 vs 9 Vanessa, miss and still simply can't reel her in

Karrie - 17 vs 13 MC 1, hit, but failed to break free of the grapple
Shana - 7 vs 3 MC 2, hit, but failed to break free of the grapple
Vanessa - 11 vs 13 MC 3, miss and again failed to break free

Meat Catcher 1 - 20 vs 11 Karrie, hit for 2 AP dmg, stripped completely and also reeled in some more
Meat Catcher 2 - 1 vs 16 Shana, crit miss and counter for Shana for 2 FP dmg, breaking her free of her grapple, though she didn't take her foe down just yet
Meat Catcher 3 - 7 vs 1 Vanessa, hit for 3 AP dmg, stripped completely of armor and what little clothing she had, and reeled in some more

Karrie's attempt to cut herself free of the thing holding her was successful in every since of the word, her waraxe hacking at some of the smaller tentacles wrapped around her limbs, which caused the thing to let out a cry as it shuddered in pain. Shana however wasn't able to break free of the one holding her, just able to pull and tug against it for a moment or two before slipping down and trying to get back up. Vanessa was in much the same boat as Shana was, still unable to break free of the thing holding her.

Karrie's foe managed to recover after her attack, pulling in the damaged tentacles and replacing them with fresh ones as it teleported towards her again, reappearing right in front of her instead of to either side or behind her, catching Karrie off guard and slapping a thicker tentacle across her chest, leaving a small red welt on one of her breasts from the blow under her clothing. Shana's foe began slowly pulling her in towards it some more, several smaller tentacles worming their way into her armor and under what little clothing she had left and beginning to tickle and tease her, two of the little tentacles almost like tongues licking at her nipples while a third one circled her little love button teasing it something awful, all of which was causing Shana to let out soft moans of pleasure that she couldn't suppress. Vanessa's foe was still having trouble pulling her in any more, the strong farmer futa girl managing to hold her ground and keep from getting reeled in.

Karrie now found herself in the grasp of the tentacles of her foe, which were trying to pull her in more and more. She was able to get an arm free enough to swing her waraxe down at the tentacles again, slicing right through one of them and leaving it on the floor, but failing to break free any as the rest of the tentacles wrapped around her, particularly the one around her waist all tightened up some more, not letting her get free. Shana brought her sword into the thing holding her, getting awfully close to the thing now and whimpering as she was getting desperate to break free. Her sword found a target as she stabbed it into the thicker tentacle holding her, which while it did hurt it, didn't force it to let her go any more, much like Karrie's did. Vanessa saw her two friends being pulled in more and more by the things they were busy fighting and tried to break free to help them, yet again though she simply could not break free, the tug of war between her and her foe in a deadlock at the moment, with no end in sight.

Karrie's foe began pulling her in further towards it as it wrapped a couple of thicker stronger tentacles around her wrists to hold them in place so she couldn't attack it as well, while several smaller tentacle began finding their way inside of her clothing as they started fondling her ample breasts and teasing her nipples, a couple of slightly larger tentacles wrapping around her breasts and squeezing a little, while another of the smaller ones began poking and tickling her little clitty after pulling it out from under its hood. Before Karrie could even register what the tentacles were doing, she found them pulling her clothing off of her very quickly, tearing her top a bit more where the one big tear was already starting, which once she put it back on would show a lot of cleavage if not all her breasts, she would have to put it back on before knowing the full extent of the damage done to them.

Shana's foe pulled her up into the air with its larger tentacle still around her waist, but in doing so it put Shana into the perfect position to slash it, which the young priestess immediately took. Hacking at the larger tentacle, Shana cut into it some, though not enough to slice it in half, but it did force the thing to let her go as she dropped to the floor and rolled away from her foe.

Vanessa's foe finally it seemed got the leverage needed to begin reeling her in towards it, many tentacles pulling and tugging on her armor until it pulled the leather off of her, and then it pulled her makeshift loincloth of sorts off leaving her completely naked. The thing then wrapped a couple of smaller tentacles around her smaller breasts, the tips of them tickling and teasing her nipples, while another slightly thicker tentacle coiled itself around her Vanessa's flaccid member and began stroking it up and down rather fast and hard, quickly bringing it to full hardness as another smaller tentacle began toying with Vanessa's clit some, forcing a moan of pleasure from her lips as a small squirt of her pre spurted out of her now fully erect member, coating the tentacle coiled around it in the slick stuff.

"Oh gods... not there dammit, its still so sensitive from earlier. K-Karrie... S-Shana, hurry up and help... I d-don't know if I can... take this for... much longer before I... can't stop it. Oh it feels so good," Vanessa whimpered out to her companions as she was pleasured enough to bring her member to full hardness, looking as if she wouldn't be able to put up a fight for very long against the fast pleasuring the thing was giving her

Karrie - FP: 2/6, AP: 2/10, grappled by MC 1 and and more entangled taking -2 to all attack rolls
Shana - FP: 2/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10, a bit aroused after the fondling that happened to her
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 3/10, grappled by MC 3 and more entangled taking -2 to all attack rolls

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 4/7, grappling Karrie
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 2/6
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 2/6, grappling Vanessa

(Another one coming down to the wire it seems.)
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The battle continued on, frustratingly enough it seemed to be coming down to the wire again as blows were traded, grapples were broken and clothing was torn off, concentrating on trying to get rid of the one on her, Karrie had the large tentacle around her waist again but with several tinier ones groping her entire body all over, struggling she tried to get her war axe in position to slam it down on the tentacle keeping a hold of her as she was dragged closer, cursing and struggling, she was just as annoyed Vanessa and Shana wasnt having as much luck either.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 12 vs 3 MC 1, hit but again failed to break free any
Shana - 4 vs 3 MC 2, hit
Vanessa - 2 vs 14 MC 3, miss and failed to break free

Meat Catcher 1 - 11 vs 8 Karrie, reeled in all the way and in the process of being raped, takes 3 AP dmg
Meat Catcher 2 - 1 vs 10 Shana, miss
Meat Catcher 3 - 14 vs 9 Vanessa, reeled in all the way and in the process of being raped, takes 3 AP dmg

Karrie - 7 vs 18 MC 1, failed to break free of her rapist
Shana - cast healing magic on herself, taking her back to full FP
Vanessa - 1 vs 20 MC 3, crit miss and takes 3 more AP dmg for her troubles

Meat Catcher 1 - 7 vs 17 Karrie, can't pleasure her, giving her another chance to break free
Meat Catcher 2 - 19 vs 8 Shana, hit and grappled
Meat Catcher 3 - 15 vs 8 Vanessa, hit for 2 AP dmg, forcing Vanessa to orgasm, she takes -1 to all rolls until the end of the encounter

Karrie's struggles managed to break her weapon arm free enough to swing her axe once more at the tentacles holding her, hacking a few of the smaller tentacles clean off the beast holding her. However she still wasn't able to pull herself free from the thing's grasp unfortunately. Shana was able to slice a few more tentacles away from her foe, which were slithering towards her across the floor to attempt tripping her up again, but with her blade they were no more. Vanessa was unable to damage the pink fleshy beast holding her like Karrie was, and was also unable to break free of its grasp, making it even worse for her.

Karrie's opponent suddenly yanked her in to right in front of it, where a slightly thicker tentacle coiled itself around each of her limbs, holding her in place, while two more about half the size of the large one around her waist came out to join them. However these two tentacles were positioned at her two lower entrances where they prodded and poked a few times before easing inside, gently moving in and out of her soft pucker and moist slit, driving the pleasure into her rather gently, which would probably be somewhat different than she expected. It was almost as if it were trying to make her like it so she'd stop struggling. Shana's foe meanwhile missed her in its attempt to snatch her up again, its tentacles whirling over her head as she ducked under them.

The one holding Vanessa pulled her in the rest of the way, coiling tentacles around her limbs just like Karrie's did to her, then the two positioned themselves against her pussy and ass, while another one did at the tip of her member. The two shot into her dribbling cunny and tight pucker, while the one at her erect member opened up and enveloped Vanessa's cock, immediately sucking on it and forcing a loud lewd moan of pleasure from her lips, which allowed one last tentacle to force its way into her open mouth, forcing her to suck on it, which she did as her lust began taking over and her hips began bucking back against the thing sucking on her cock with what little leverage she could get.

Karrie's struggles against her foe were all for naught as the tentacles plunged in and out of her now well lubricated holes, the pleasure starting to build her closer and closer towards a mind numbing climax, leaving Karrie breathless as she hung there in the thing's grasp while it raped her. Shana, instead of attacking like she probably ought to have done, stepped back and cast her healing magic upon herself, refreshing her and giving her her second wind with which to fight with. Now looking refreshed, she glanced around to see both of her companions being raped and Vanessa looking like she was enjoying herself, this spurred her to go back into a battle stance and prepare to continue fighting, because she had to help her friends.

Vanessa was letting out muffled moans of pleasure around the tentacle buried in her throat, which she was instinctively sucking on with all the strength she could muster. She suddenly shook her head as if coming to her senses, then she started thrashing around in the thing's grasp, trying to break free and keep fighting. However everything just went to hell for her, as she pulled on the thing's tentacles, she just managed to pull loose, only to have the thing suddenly begin to glow for a moment just before it disappeared, letting her fall to the floor, where it then reappeared in the floor, almost like a trap of some sort. Once there, though the others couldn't see it happening, Vanessa suddenly felt her legs spread wide while two thicker tentacles pushed their way inside of her lower holes, while a third tentacle enveloped her cock once more. The two pounding her lower holes were pulsing within her, signaling to her that something was about to happen, though she knew not what it was.

The one holding Karrie continued relentlessly pounding her for all her worth, but Karrie was able to hold strong against the pleasure coursing through her veins, somehow fighting down her lustful urges for now. Shana's foe came straight at her without even attempting to stop or trick her, just charging in. It worked as it bowled into her legs, knocking her to the ground, where she let out a yelp as its thick tentacle wrapped around her waist again and began slowly pulling her towards it.

Vanessa's now trapped form could be seen by both of her friends as the tentacle sucking on her cock and bobbed up and down over it, driving more pleasure through her. Suddenly they would both hear Vanessa let out a cry of pleasure from something they couldn't see happening to her. The tentacle sucking on her cock sent forth a small tongue like tentacle from inside it, which then squirmed its way into her urethra and began sliding in and out of the small passage. Vanessa felt the tentacles pulsing inside of her more frequently now, but the thought of trying to stop whatever they were about to do was washed aside as her eyes crossed because her climax washed over her thanks to all of the tentacles ravaging her luscious body, her cry of pleasure turning into a scream as her climax jolted through her body like lightning.

"D-Dammit... come on Karrie... fight it, don't let them win. Who knows what they'll do to us exactly if they win," Shana cried out to Karrie, desperately struggling with the tentacle holding her.

Karrie - FP: 2/6, AP: 5/10, grappled by MC 1 and being raped by it, takes -3 to all attack rolls against it
Shana - FP: 3/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10, a bit aroused after the fondling that happened to her
Vanessa - FP: 3/6, AP: 1/10, fully entangled by MC 3 and being raped by it, stunned for a turn from orgasm and takes -3 to all attack rolls, and -1 to all rolls because of orgasm

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 3/7, raping Karrie
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 1/6
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 2/6, raping Vanessa, preparing to do something big to her
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie still wasnt having much luck as she was lifted up slightly by the fleshy balls tentacles, eventually two larger tentacles teased her lower holes and then plunged themselves inside, giving out a gasp of pleasure Karrie struggled all she could against the restraining tentacles, not wanting to lose again.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 18 vs 20 MC 1, failed to break free
Shana - 7 vs 5 MC 2, hit and killed
Vanessa - lost turn due to orgasm

Meat Catcher 1 - 15 vs 8 Karrie, hit for 3 AP dmg
Meat Catcher 3 - 10 vs 8 Vanessa, hit for 3 AP dmg and impregnates (Vanessa will take -1 to all rolls until such time as she births whatever it is she's carrying)

Karrie - 2 vs 20 MC 1, crit miss and counter for 3 AP dmg, causing her to orgasm
Shana - 12 vs 2 MC 1, hit but failed to break Karrie free (Shana rolled very low to break her free unfortunately, but at least she did some damage.)
Vanessa - Gives in to the pleasure

Meat Catcher 1 - 4 vs 2 Karrie, hit for 2 AP dmg and impregnated (Karrie will take -1 to all rolls until such time as she births whatever it is she's carrying)
Meat Catcher 3 - continues raping Vanessa this turn

Karrie pulled and tugged against the tentacles holding her, though unfortunately she was unable to rip free as the tentacles plunged deeper into her, pleasuring her most sensitive places and leaving her quivering like crazy. Shana pulled and tugged against the tentacle holding her, then suddenly got an idea that would give her the drop on the creature. She suddenly stopped pulling against it and rushed in at the thing, stabbing her sword straight into the thing's body all the way to the hilt, killing it dead as its tentacle went slack around her. Vanessa was pretty much putty in the grasp of the thing raping her, her body totally limp because of her orgasm before, unable to offer any resistance at all against it.

Karrie's foe continued raping her, a couple of small tentacles wrapping themselves around Karrie's now pert nipples and pulling on them a little. Karrie could feel her climax fast approaching and knew that if she couldn't get away then she'd be at this thing's mercy, and she wasn't sure it had any. Vanessa's foe had her down in the hole it was raping her from up to the bottom of her waist, so that Shana and Karrie could see virtually everything it was doing to her cock, though not her lower lips. All Vanessa could do was just kind of sit there in the thing's grasp as it plundered her body over and over, driving so much pleasure into her already over pleasured mind that she couldn't suppress her voice as she screamed in ecstasy. As soon as she screamed out in pleasure, she suddenly felt the tentacles pulsing inside her expand slightly as something began making its way through them. Shana looked on in horror from where she was on the other side of Karrie and her attacker as Vanessa's belly began to swell as the tentacles pumped something into her pussy and ass, after only a few seconds Vanessa's womb was full with whatever it was and Vanessa tilted her head back, as if forced to do so, then suddenly a pinkish worm looking thing about a foot in length came up out of her mouth and fell to the floor where it scuttled away, it was soon followed by another one, and then another, the flow of them not stopping or slowing at all, and each one of them that came through looked like it was breaking Vanessa's will to fight it more and more as she twitched in pleasure from the things still plunging into her holes and suckling her cock.

Karrie, seeing what was happening to Vanessa began thrashing like mad to get away from the thing holding her, not wanting the same thing to happen to her as well. However in her haste to break free, she slipped out of its grasp falling straight at the floor face first, before she hit though, the creature disappeared like Vanessa's did and Karrie found herself falling straight down into a hole just like the one Vanessa was trapped in. The tentacles pulled her down into the hole and began raping her again, plunging deep into her, the one in her pussy brushing against her cervix several times as she was brought into the same position as Vanessa was. Soon enough Karrie felt her muscles grow weak as a mind numbing climax shot through her like lightning, robbing her of all her strength.

Shana had been watching in horror at what was being done to Vanessa, and then when she saw Karrie being pulled into the same position, she shook all the fear from her head and rushed over to help her friend, slashing at the tentacles holding Karrie. Unfortunately though while she was able to take a few of them out, there were several more that blocked her way, just keeping her out of arms reach to grab Karrie and pull her free.

Vanessa at this point was no longer struggling the others would see, her body merely twitching and shuddering from the pleasure and from the things being pumped into her body. Though Karrie and Shana couldn't see it, Vanessa's eyes were rolled up into her head a ways as she gave in completely to the pleasure she was feeling and the lust in her mind.

Karrie's foe used several tentacles to keep Shana at bay while it began having its way with Karrie in earnest now. Karrie had already been feeling the two tentacles within her pulsing and throbbing, but now they were doing so much more frequently and were now growing warmer and larger as something began pumping through them. The first bulge reached Karrie's body only seconds later where she felt both her lower holes being spread open and them she'd feel something being dumped into her womb that squirmed around inside, while the same things were being pumped into her pucker. A tentacle wrapped itself around Karrie's head and tilted it back just like Vanessa's was, just as Karrie felt the first of whatever it was being pumped into her ass squirming through her body, going all the way through her. She would barely be able to see it, but when it came out of her mouth, she would see a pink worm looking thing just like the ones being pumped through Vanessa, it was followed by another one, and several more after that, each one stealing more and more of her strength and will to resist.

Vanessa's foe meanwhile continued impregnating her with the worm looking things, leaving Vanessa totally unable to move now, much less fight. Her belly was swelled greatly, almost to the point that it looked as if any more and it would burst at the seams. However it did not burst thankfully. The creature brought a couple of tentacles with what looked like needles on the tip of them up to her breasts and stabbed into them, where it pumped something into them. As soon as it injected whatever it was the tentacles retreated as Vanessa's breasts suddenly grew larger, growing two whole sizes and going from B-cups to D-cups.

Karrie - FP: 2/6, AP: 3/10, grappled by MC 1 and being raped by it, takes -3 to all attack rolls against it, and -1 to all rolls because of orgasm, and -1 to all rolls until she gives birth
Shana - FP: 3/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10, a bit aroused after the fondling that happened to her earlier, and trying desperately to save Karrie and Vanessa
Vanessa - FP: 0/6, AP: 10/10, has given in, and takes -1 to all rolls until she gives birth

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 2/7, raping and impregnating Karrie
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 0/6, dead
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 2/6, raping and impregnating Vanessa
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Being raped was almost slowing down Karries sense of time as she was forced to feel every ounce of pleasure and ecstasy given to her, eventually she tried to struggle out again ignoring the haze of lust but was unfortunately caught in the same trap Vanessa had just been caught in, struggling, Karries stomach started to swell as the thing started to impregnate her, she struggled, then made gagging and gulping sounds as the strange creatures babies came out of her mouth repeadetely, she still tried to struggle and ignore the haze of pleasure that had descended on her, not wanting to lose again so soon.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 3 vs 15 MC 1, failed to break free
Shana - 19 vs 20 MC 1, miss

Meat Catcher 1 - 17 vs 4 Karrie, deals 1 FP dmg per turn and 2 AP dmg per turn that she's being impregnated by it, not counting the turn it first happens on
Meat Catcher 3 - 11 vs 2 Shana, hit

Karrie - 8 vs 5 MC 1, finally broke free of the rape
Shana - 16 vs 13 MC 3, hit

Meat Catcher 1 - 6 vs 19 Shana, miss
Meat Catcher 3 - 4 vs 20 Shana, crit miss and counter for 2 FP dmg, killing it

Karrie's struggling made no difference whatsoever as her limbs were still apparently too weak from her orgasm to break free as the thing continued pumping the worm things into her body, only for them to wriggle and squirm all the way through her body and up out of her mouth, where they then landed on the floor before scuttling away. Shana tried to get in close enough to free Karrie of her rape and stop the thing from impregnating her even more so than she already was, but she simply just could not get over to it thanks to the tentacles still blocking her way.

The thing impregnating Karrie continued doing so, more and more of the worm things sprouting from her mouth and weakening her more and more as time went by. She could feel the pleasure already building her towards another climax and her vision was starting to fade some around the edges of her eyes, letting her know that if she couldn't break free soon then she likely wouldn't be able to until this thing allowed her to do so. The one raping Vanessa meanwhile suddenly set her down on the ground, apparently through with her for now. Her belly was still greatly swollen from the impregnation the thing put her through, a few worms wriggling their way up and out of her throat as a few did the same out of her poor stretched pucker, leaving her a whimpering mess as it laid her down rather gently for some reason. Then it came after Shana, who had taken out one of its brethren a minute or so before, slamming its large tentacle into her back, though she was quick enough to keep from getting grabbed by it. This attack on her tore her attention away from Karrie where she was being raped and impregnated by her foe, though Shana didn't look like she wanted to do so.

Karrie was able to see Shana out of the corner of what little vision she had left, as most of it was fading and fast. She began wriggling her hips again to try and get free, using that as a distraction for it as she waited for a moment longer to pull her arms away from the tentacles holding them in place. Karrie was just able to break her arms free where she was then able to gain some leverage with which to push herself up and out of the hole, the tentacles in her pussy and asshole stretching along with her to pump as many more of its offspring into her as it could before she got loose while the rest tried and failed to hold her in place. As soon as she was out and back onto the floor, Karrie would feel the worm things still inside her body begin scrambling for whichever exit they could get to the quickest, half going up her throat and out her mouth like the rest had done, while the other half began squirming their way out of her once tight and now loose pucker.

Shana had turned her attention towards the other remaining fleshy ball and didn't realize that Karrie had struggled free yet, so she charged in at it thinking she had to hurry and get rid of it before it caused her to not be able to save Karrie before the other thing managed to rape and impregnate her into unconsciousness. Her sword slashed out and cut deep into the thing, a large gush of blood splattering out onto her and the floor of the room as she did.

The one that had been raping and impregnating Karrie moved away from her, thinking she'd been dealt with enough for now and decided to go after Shana, though when it teleported at her she heard it coming and ducked and rolled away. The other one attempted to do the same when she'd gotten herself steadied after rolling away from the first one, but she was ready for it and luckily guessed where it was going to teleport at and stepped right in beside it, stabbing her sword in between the thing's eyes and finishing it off.

Once she'd taken it out she turned back towards the last remaining one and saw Karrie laying on the floor behind it, the last few worm things popping out of her mouth and ass one by one as she tried to recover enough to get back into the fight. Karrie would notice her waraxe laying not too far away from where she was laying as the things squirmed their way out of her.

"K-Karrie... hang on, I swear I'll make this thing pay for what it's done," Shana called out to Karrie, looking greatly angered about what these things had done to her friends.

Karrie - FP: 1/6, AP: 4/10, takes -1 to all rolls because of orgasm, and -1 to all rolls until she gives birth
Shana - FP: 2/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10, a bit aroused after the fondling that happened to her earlier, and trying desperately to save Karrie and Vanessa
Vanessa - FP: 0/6, AP: 10/10, has given in, and takes -1 to all rolls until she gives birth

Meat Catcher 1 - FP: 2/7, raping and impregnating Karrie
Meat Catcher 2 - FP: 0/6, dead
Meat Catcher 3 - FP: 0/6, dead
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The other two weird enemies had fallen to Shana but Vanessa had succumbed to overwhelming pleasure and was unable to help them out any further, Shana had managed to free Karrie from the still alive monsters grip, but Karrie was barely able to even move as her stomach had bloated a considerable amount and the worms were still coming out of her mouth and asshole, she was weak but that didnt stop her from grabbing her war axe and trying to slash at the remaining monster.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 8 vs 18 MC 1, miss
Shana - 15 vs 16 MC, miss

Meat Catcher 1 - 7 vs 4 Karrie, hit and knocked out

Shana - 8 vs 6 MC 1, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg, winning the fight

Karrie was just able to make her way back to her feet, albeit very wobbly. She was then able to stumble towards the thing that had raped her so badly. The thing noticed her coming, easily batting her weak attack aside before it hit, causing her to stumble some more and nearly fall down. Shana tried to follow up Karrie's attack with her own, hoping to use her failed attack as the distraction she needed to hit it, but ultimately failed to do so.

The pink fleshy ball with tentacles decoded to try and take Karrie out now, slamming its large tentacle into her upper back, forcing her to the floor where she then felt too exhausted to get back up from the blow, her whole body still shuddering as another couple of worm things slithered out of her mouth and asshole.

Shana took a moment to gather her magical power, not even going to Karrie's aid for the moment, which Karrie would notice. Moments after that, Karrie would see Shana unleash her holy magic attack as an arrow of pure energy shot straight through the thing and going out the other side of it, where it then fell to the ground dead.

"K-Karrie... Karrie are you okay? Vanessa?" Shana called out to the two as she rushed to the closer one of them, which happened to be Karrie, who she then pulled up into her lap and caressing her head, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

After that, Shana tried and failed to lift Karrie so she could bring her over next to Vanessa, so she decided to just drag her instead. Once she had Karrie next to Vanessa, she began healing their hurts with her magic, soothing their pain with it.

(I'm actually amazed Karrie and company won, considering their luck with the rolls for most of that battle.)
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Even though Karrie was knocked to the ground during the closing moments of the fight, a timely intervention by Shana managed to stop her from passing out, defeating the strange enemy and healing her up, she needed a bit of help birthing the last of the worms, but her stomach eventually reverted back to its normal size instead of being bloated, panting and standing up, Karrie thanked Shana and Vanessa with a hug then she tried hunting around to find her clothing, hoping it wasnt destroyed.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

As Shana healed the two that had been raped so much by the things, they would all notice that even after all of the worms had come out of either their asses or mouths, that their bellies were still rather rounded a bit, looking like they were about seven or eight months pregnant still instead of being more pregnant than their bodies could handle. Shana helped Karrie back to her feet and then Vanessa to a sitting position while Karrie searched for her clothes.

She eventually found them laying partially under one of the tentacles of the beasts laying dead. She was able to pull them out easily enough, and found that they were now a little more ripped than before, but still wearable. After redressing, she would see that her left breast was now hanging out of her top some, with her nipple in plain view, but at least the rest of her was still relatively covered, other than her navel which was showing as if she wore cutoff shirt that was made to show off her stomach.

"Are you both okay? I'm sorry I took so long to deal with those things," Shana said to Karrie and Vanessa, looking angry at herself for what had happened to the two. Karrie would see after getting her clothing back together, that Shana was pampering Vanessa a bit as she cleaned her up from the slimy and slightly dried cum she was drenched in.

"Oh Shana... I'll be fine... and I'm sure that Karrie will be too. I just need to rest for a minute or two before we try and go on," Vanessa replied to Shana, gently caressing Shana's cheek with her hand almost like a lover.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karries clothing was torn a bit more, but atleast still a bit wearable even though her stomach was still slightly bloated, standing up and picking up her war axe, Karrie nodded at the two and let them rest for a while, before continuing down the pink fleshy corridor, hoping she`d encounter nothing else as she continued the search for Shanas friends.