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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana - 19 vs 17 Arachne, hit
Karrie - 15 vs 15 Arachne, broke free of most of the webbing and hit for 1 FP dmg on the Arachne

Arachne - 12 vs 11 Karrie, hit

Shana - 12 vs 16 Arachne, miss
Karrie - 12 vs 11 Arachne, hit but didn't break free of the rest of the webbing

Arachne - 20 vs 3 Shana, critical hit for 2 FP and grappled by the arachne

Shana immediately moved to support Karrie as she tried to break free of the bindings on her arms, managing to slash her sword at the spider woman and cut her left side of her human body. This gave Karrie the time she needed to tear her swinging arm free and grab her axe back up, which she then swung at the arachne, hitting her spidery abdomen with the sharp blade and causing more damage and pain to their foe.

The arachne retaliated by using one of her powerful spider legs and kicking Karrie right in the gut, knocking the wind out of her as she doubled over to clutch at her stomach, gasping for air.

"K-Karrie, hang on, I'm coming," Shana cried out to her friend, moving in to help her.

Shana tried to force the arachne back away from Karrie, but all it served to do was make the spider woman angrier as she turned to face Shana now, the young priestess backing away slowly with a terrified look on her face. Karrie was able to take another swing from where she was at doubled over, though she wasn't able to even budge the rest of the webbing hindering her mobility. Her axe bit into the other side of the arachne's abdomen this time, a small gush of black blood spilling from her wounds.

The arachne almost seemed to not even notice Karrie's axe as she went after Shana, the scared priestess still backing away from their foe as the spider woman jumped into the air, landing right on top of Shana, slamming the young priestess down and crushing her a little. The arachne then grabbed Shana up before she could react or recover from the blow she'd taken, holding her tightly against her human body.

Karrie - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10, webbed a little -1 to all rolls
Shana - FP: 2/4, MP: 2/3, AP: 0/10, grappled, -2 to all attack rolls

Arachne - FP: 4/9

(Sorry about the webbed status last turn, I forgot to add it in afterwards.)
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

With some help from Shana Karrie managed to get one of her arms free and slash at the spider woman, however in response she was hit in the gut again and knocked to the floor, regaining her composure and managing to get another slash in, noticing Shana get pounced made her panic slightly but she ignored it and tried to struggle out of the web, then she would go after the arachane to try and free Shana.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana - 9 vs 9 Arachne, broke free but didn't deal any FP dmg
Karrie - 9 vs 4, Karrie struggles completely free of the webbing holding her

Arachne - 19 vs 6 Shana, hit

Shana - 1 vs 4 Arachne, miss
Karrie - 10 vs 9 Arachne, hit

Arachne - 8 vs 19 Shana, miss

Shana struggled wildly to break free from the iron grip the arachne had on her, barely able to break free of it, though she wasn't able to hurt their foe in any way during her wild struggles. Karrie meanwhile decided that she wouldn't help if she was all tied up in the webbing like she was, so she took the time to rip and tear it away, thankfully being quite successful in her endeavor to break free to better aid her friend.

The arachne apparently didn't like the fact that Shana was able to break free and so she swiftly kicked her, much like she did Karrie a minute or so before. Shana was knocked back and into the wall, where she banged her head back against it, dazing Shana slightly.

In her daze, Shana missed her next sword swing, her head still spinning from the blow it took against the wall, however in her wild swings she was able to keep the arachne at bay for a moment. Karrie then got back into the fray, swinging her waraxe at the arachne and burying the blade in the top part of her spidery abdomen in a downwards arc.

The arachne screams out in pain as Karrie's weapon dug into her, spinning around very quickly in an effort to slam her abdomen into Shana and try to finish her off, though thankfully Shana was just able to dodge it as her body swung around. It seemed as if their opponent was on her last legs, metaphorically speaking of course as she still had all eight of her spidery legs to walk on. However Karrie was quite weakened herself and would see that Shana wouldn't likely take another hit before going down herself, meaning the fight would likely end very soon.

"K-Karrie... we need to take her out... now," Shana panted out to her companion and looking quite fearful that they might not be able to win this fight.

Karrie - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 1/4, MP: 2/3, AP: 0/10

Arachne - FP: 3/9
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Struggling in the webby binds put on her by the arachane, Karrie managed to get herself free again, getting a sneak attack on the arachane helped out greatly but Shana was getting roughed up pretty bad, Karrie was slightly nervous that they might not win this fight.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana - 15 vs 16 Arachne, miss
Karrie - 20 vs 13 Arachne, hit

Arachne - 15 vs 2 Karrie, hit

Shana - 16 vs 17 Arachne, miss
Karrie - 9 vs 4 Arachne, hit

Arachne - 18 vs 4 Shana, hit and knocked out of the fight

Shana cautiously moved in closer and swung her sword as hard as she could, hoping to take off a leg or two from the arachne they were fighting. unfortunately Shana missed her swing, her sword only cleaving through thin air as the spider woman jumped back and away from her weapon. Karrie was able to use Shana's miss however to her advantage, as when the arachne jumped back, it put her just within range of Karrie's axe, which slashed her across the back of her human body, causing her to bleed even more so than she already was.

The arachne spun around after Karrie's axe struck her, where she then kicked Karrie again, knocking her to the floor flat on her ass. Before Karrie could recover, the spider woman turned back towards Shana and licked her lips, apparently liking what she saw. The arachne slowly started towards Shana, who was backing away again and bumped into the wall, now nowhere else to retreat to.

Shana desperately swung her sword out at the arachne again, but missed yet again as the spider woman reared up on her back four legs, lifting the front four out of Shana's attack arc so she didn't get hit. Karrie was able to use the arachne's momentary stop to her advantage, as it gave her just enough time to bring her axe into the spider woman's side again, which was followed by a small rush of black blood.

The arachne howled in pain again from the blow she'd just taken, and stared daggers back at Karrie, giving her a look as if to say she'd deal with her in a moment. The spider woman rushed Shana, slamming into her and pinning her against the wall with her spidery body and using her human arms to hold her there. Then while holding Shana there, she leaned down before Shana could do anything and sunk her fangs down into the soft flesh of Shana's neck, with Shana only able to let out a soft whimper as the spider woman's venom was pumped into Shana's body. A moment later the arachne pulled away and let Shana go, where the young priestess then fell to the floor, completely paralyzed from the arachne venom just pumped into her body.

"K-Karrie... I-I'm sorry," Shana whimpered out from where she lay on the dungeon floor, unable to move.

The arachne then turned back to Karrie, an evil smile plastered on her face as she licked her lips again, this time eying Karrie instead of Shana. It looked like their foe was quite exhausted though, and the next hit on either Karrie or the arachne would likely dictate the winner, as both looked about to collapse where they were standing.

Karrie - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 0/4, MP: 2/3, AP: 0/10, unable to continue fighting

Arachne - FP: 1/9

(This one is coming down to the wire, the next hit wins.)
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The battle started to become somewhat of a blur for Karrie, it seemed to get much more difficult however, in a blur of attacks and dodging Karrie could only clearly see poor Shana get paralyzed by the arachanes paralyzing venom, stopping in place, Karrie lifted her war axe and clenched it tightly with both hands, staring down the Arachane, she knew she was tired and that the arachane was as well from the spider womans wounds, with determination in her heart, she picked up her pace and started rushing towards the arachane, keeping her axe at her side to unleash a powerful horizontal blow against the arachane before she would suffer the same fate as all the other girls here.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 3 vs 16 Arachne, miss

Arachne – 13 vs 17 Karrie, miss

Karrie – 11 vs 6 Arachne, hit and win... whew that was a close one for Karrie

Karrie charged in at the arachne, knowing that this fight was about to be concluded with this bout. She swung her waraxe at the spider woman, her weapon aimed at the legs of the spider woman. Unfortunately for Karrie though, her axe missed its target, swinging wide in around the arachne's legs as the spider woman evaded by lifting the legs being targeted. The arachne then attempted to kick Karrie with the legs that she'd targeted, but Karrie was able to easily dodge the spider woman's attack against her by ducking and rolling out of the way.

Then, just before the arachne could recover from the kick, Karrie was able to throw her axe at the spider woman, the blade catching her directly in the chest of her human body. The arachne then slumped to the dungeon floor and didn't move again, her black blood oozing from her many wounds, and very much dead now.

Karrie would see that Shana was still paralyzed and unable to move for the moment, and that most of the women sitting on ground level in the corners of the room seemed to be asleep now, or rather had fainted from exhaustion. The three hanging in the webs above were all still awake however, the blonde elf girl that the arachne was raping looked to have escaped being impregnated as did both of the others, though they were all butt naked.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Throwing herself at the arachane was a risky move, but Karrie had to go all in at this point anyway, swinging her axe at the arachanes legs, however she missed, frustrating her as the arachane responded with another powerful kick, however quick thinking helped her out as she jumped back, banking it on her strength, Karrie hefted her axe and threw it at the arachane, it hit the arachane with satisfying precision, making it slump to the floor defeated, smirking to herself, Karrie walked over and pulled her axe out, looking at the blood now covering the blade, she walked over to Shana and sat her up, motioning for her to stay put, looking at the webs, Karrie set to cutting the ones closest to her down first and gently setting them on the floor, after doing that she had to look up at the ones higher up, using some deft footing and careful placement of webs she didnt cut down, she got up to the web and treaded carefully, holstering her axe she set about getting them free "Your gonna be alright now" she said, untying the elf girl first before working on the other two womens binds, after doing that she hopped down and kept her arms out "One at a time, jump down and ill catch you!" she said.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When she pulled Shana up to sit, Karrie would see the young priestess give only the slightest of nods. "I... don't think I can really go anywhere at the moment Karrie, but go, help them all out, I'll be fine," Shana said in barely more than a whisper to Karrie.

As she cut loose the dozen or so women the arachne had webbed in down nearer to them, Karrie would see that every one of them were about to pop they were so pregnant, though all were either still completely out of it, or halfway there, so her words were barely registered by any of them save one young brunette haired girl, who barely looked eighteen years old if that much. She looked like she wanted to say something, but didn't have the strength yet to do so and merely allowed Karrie to lay her down on the floor.

After that, Karrie was able to make her way up to the higher webs easily enough and after that she was just as easily able to free the girls being held up there. The elf girl wasted no time and hopped on down, with Karrie catching her light body easily. The elf girl didn't feel like she weighed no more than a hundred pounds at most. Soon after, the other two hopped on down, neither one weighing too much for Karrie to manage even in her weakened state.

"Thank you miss, you really saved us there and... Oh my god, Shana. Is that you? Oh dear what happened? Why are you down here?" the elf girl began saying, cutting off mid sentence to Karrie as she noticed Shana and rushed over to the paralyzed human priestess, hugging her tightly.

"Um... thank you miss, I don't know what to say other than thank you," the girl who came down last said, looking very thankful, though quite shaken about what was about to happen to her. This girl was human and had bright red hair about shoulder length, a small pair of B-cup breasts, and a cute face. Though other than that there was nothing really all that special about her.

The other girl Karrie had cut down from the upper webs had plain brown hair and looked like an older version of the brunette haired girl, save she had breasts twice her size and her hair fell all the way to her mid back, and both girls looked about five feet tall. When Karrie turned to see about her, she would see that she was kneeling next to the young brunette haired girl she'd cut from the lower webs, holding her head in her lap and gently caressing her belly, as if trying to soothe any pain she had away with her gentle touch. "It's okay sis... I'm here now. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and your purity, please forgive me," Karrie would hear the older looking brown haired girl say to the other one, caressing her cheek with one hand and her belly with the other.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie wiped her forehead, sweating from the battle and cutting the girls down, she sat on the ground and leaned against the wall, placing her axe on the ground and resting, she looked at the girls around her, all of them had lost her purity except herself, rubbing her stomach she considered herself lucky to still have it, looking over at the elf girl and two human girls she nodded and smiled, feeling proud of herself for helping all these women and preventing this from happening to anyone else.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana soon regained all of her motor functions while the elf girl held her, returning the hug she was receiving from her as soon as she was able. "I'm... I'm okay Sylvia, just a little woozy after that spider woman bit me, I guess she had poison in her fangs," Shana said once she had recovered the ability of speech.

"Well as long as you're okay Shana, I... I didn't really think I'd ever see you again after that... demon woman took me that night. I've been here for... gods I don't even know how long I've been here, but that spider woman was about to rape me and fill me with eggs for the tenth time since she took me from the demon woman some time ago. How many of the others are left above? I remember seeing the head priestess, and three of the other priestesses in the demon woman's lair, but that must have been days or more ago," Sylvia said, shedding a little light on the situation.

"Well Sylvia, you've been gone for I believe two weeks now. And as for the others... I'm all that's left, the demon took everyone else after she took you. I was actually about to flee the temple when Karrie here came along. She's on a mission here to help cleanse the temple of corruption by killing the demon," Shana replied to her elven friend.

Sylvia looked over to Karrie, then bowed her head deeply to her. "I don't know if you're capable of doing so, but I truly hope you can manage it miss Karrie, and thank you for rescuing all of us here. I'm the only one of the priestesses from the temple above, the rest of the girls you see here were all taken from around this area, the villages and towns within so many miles of the temple above. I don't think any of them have been down here for any longer than I have though, but I'm not sure exactly," Sylvia said, coming over and kissing Karrie on both cheeks and then hugging her.

The other girls were all resting now, no longer being held against their will in the webs by the now dead arachne seemed to have relaxed them all. The red haired girl still had some webs stuck to her body and pulled them off before also coming over and hugging Karrie after Sylvia had done so, doing the same and kissing her on both cheeks. Though now that Karrie and Shana were getting a better look at her after she had pulled the remnants of the webs off of her body after she'd jumped down, they saw that she had something a little more than a normal woman did... she had ten inch long, inch and a half penis between her legs, which had been hidden from their view by the remaining webs. She looked a little embarrassed for them to see it, though at the same time looking like she knew there was nothing she could really do to hide it. The brown haired girl was still sitting over with her younger sister where she'd been laid down at.

"Miss Karrie... I'd like to go with you and help you if you'd be okay with that, though I don't have any weapons at the moment to help you with, I'm still willing to fight to rescue any others trapped down here. I'm Vanessa by the way," The red haired, human futanari girl said to Karrie, looking sincere about wanting to help.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling as the women she had free`d hugged her, Karrie looked at Shana and smiled, giving a thumbs up, the red haired girl came over, giving her a hug back like the others, Karrie was slightly confused when she felt something rub against her stomach area and realized the red haired girl was a futa, blushing profusely, Karrie tried to maintain herself as she spoke to her "Ofcourse you can come along!...Er, quick question though, if you dont mind..." Karrie said, looking around and then leaning in and whispering "How did you become a futa?", blushing a bit more.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

I... well I wasn't born like this if that's what you're asking me. But I do know a couple of girls that were born this way. I mean it's not very common for it to happen, but sometimes it can. I however was cursed with this thing by some demon woman, probably the same one you all were talking about from the sounds of it, after she'd had all the fun with me she wanted she gave me over to that spider woman. She was about to fill me with eggs again for the nineteenth or twentieth time this time around, can't remember exactly, my head's still a little fuzzy because she pumped me full of venom every time too so I wouldn't struggle any until she was done,” Vanessa said, blushing a bit as she realized that her semi erect member had just rubbed up against Karrie's belly.

Well regardless, we could use all the help we can get. We found an armory a few rooms back where you could get some weapons and armor if you like, and I think there was some clothing in there too that you all could use. But if you're going with us Vanessa, I think it best if all the rest of you head back up to the temple, and maybe go and get some more help while we try and make our way deeper in to save the others still trapped,” Shana said, coming up with a rather sound plan of action for them to take, despite her being an innocent priestess like she was.

Of course Shana, I don't think I could handle a fight myself, and I doubt any of these poor girls could either, not with them in the shape they're all in,” Sylvia said, looking a little apprehensive of them all going deeper in, but not saying anything more about it just yet.

I'm a farmer myself, so I've got some pretty strong muscles to work with. Besides, I wanna these creatures pay for what they've done to my village, and all the other villages and towns around here. Taking all of the girls they can get their hands on and doing things to them, like this here,” Vanessa said, gesturing at her appendage between her legs.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie remembered she brought her sword along just incase her axe broke, bringing it out she gave it to Vanessa so she atleast had a weapon to use, thinking for a moment, Karrie realised this room was either a dead end or had a hidden route, she examined the room quickly for any out of place tilings.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Thank you, but I'll give it back when or if we go back to that armory Shana talked about,” Vanessa said to Karrie, thanking her for the weapon as she drew it from its sheath to test its weight.

When Karrie began checking the room for any signs of hidden passages or anything, it didn't take her long to find a door that was partially hidden behind a mass of webbing that the arachne obviously spun to block it up. It didn't look like it would take much to remove the webbing, though there was still the task of making sure that all of the girls were okay. Of course there were also the other two paths at the split in the hallway just before this room as well.

Well before we go any further Karrie, I think we should help them all back up before we move on,” Shana said, expressing her concern about moving on and leaving the girls here by themselves while they were all still pregnant.

Yes I believe we should as well, it would be wrong to leave them here like this without helping them back up. Wrong and cruel,” Vanessa said, not liking the idea of leaving any of them there like that herself.

"Having some help to get back up would be welcome, I must say that I don't want a repeat of this," Sylvia said, agreeing with both Shana and Vanessa.

The brown haired girl finally looked over to them all while they talked amongst each other. She then gently set her sister's head down onto the floor and whispered something to her before standing up and coming over to where Karrie and the others were talking.

"Miss... Karrie wasn't it? I'm Tina, and my sister over there is Tana. I must thank you for coming and saving us when you did, yet at the same time I'm angry at you for not making it here sooner, even though I know you couldn't have known we were here and in need of help," the brown haired girl said, introducing herself and her sister who was still recovering over where Karrie had laid her down at. Karrie would see Tina had been crying from how red her eyes were, and even though she looked thankful towards Karrie for saving her and her sister from the arachne, at the same time she looked angry.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Turning to look at all the girls, Karrie nodded and agreed to the idea of getting them all back up to the surface unharmed, and Karrie did remember about the other routes, which could possibly contain more trapped girls, "Yeah it`ll let us pass through the armoury too, so we can get you some weapons and armour Vanessa" Karrie said, turning again to speak with another girl she found out was called Tina, "Tina...im sorry i couldnt have made it here sooner, trust me if i had known your exact location i would have been there straight away, because Shana didnt know where you were i had to explore for a bit to see if there was anyone in any other rooms, right now i think there might be more girls in the two routes before this one..." Karrie said, trying to explain why she couldnt be here sooner, looking at everyone, she decided to get the extraction started, "Okay everyone, this place can get pretty dangerous at times, stay right behind us and stick together, if anything attacks me Vanessa and Shana will be right on it, any questions?" Karrie asked, if there were no questions she`d immediately start leading the group of girls and women out of the room, then she`d backtrack her route from the surface to try and get the girls to safety.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

I know that miss Karrie, but... it still didn't save my sister from... having that done to her. If I could have, I'd have allowed it to be me instead of her, because she was a virgin, I wasn't. She didn't deserve to have her purity stolen like that by something so vile,” Tina replied to Karrie, still looking quite sad about the fact her sister was raped like she was.

I'm ready when you are Karrie, but I don't know if any of these poor girls can move just yet,” Shana said, looking concerned for the pregnant women in there with them.

I... I can move, if it's to escape this place...” Tina's sister whimpered from where she was laying, using what little strength she had to try and raise herself up to a sitting position. Tana then glanced over to her older sister and gave her a sad look, saying, “And sis, don't be mad at them, it isn't their fault they didn't get here in time. They aren't to blame for this.

Tina lowered her head, looking slightly ashamed of herself as she helped her younger sister to her feet, Tana looking a little wobbly in the process. “I know sis. Please forgive me for my harsh words, I just... can't help but be angry about what happened to Tana,” Tina said, first to her sister, then she turned and finished speaking to Karrie and Shana.

It's alright miss Tina, I understand. Because I lost my purity to some stupid tentacled tree earlier,” Shana said, a bit of anger in her voice as she remembered the tree from earlier.

After that, it took them a few minutes, but they were able to rouse the resting pregnant women to their feet, though most of them looked quite exhausted and Karrie could tell that none of them would be able to withstand another raping of any kind from the looks of them all. Shana suggested that one of them take the rearguard to make certain nothing was able to sneak up on them and maybe grab some of the exhausted girls with them, and so went to the back, keeping her sword at the ready just in case.

It took them the better part of an hour, because the pregnant women needed to stop and rest for a few minutes after they made it back up to the top of the steps into the room where Karrie and Shana fought the tentacle spawns earlier before coming down and finding the armory. After they had recovered enough to move on again, they continued on into the room where they'd fought the succubus and her tentacled companion earlier.

Hmm... oh hello again dear, what brings you back up so quick-ly...” the succubus said as soon as she saw Karrie enter the room, trailing off as she noticed the pregnant women filing in behind Karrie and Vanessa, while Shana brought up the rear. A moment later the succubus continued, looking slightly amazed, “Wow I see that you've managed to find some of the girls taken down there. Would you like some help dears? This big boy here can carry them all back up to the top for you if you'd like. But don't worry we won't try anything, we aren't cruel enough to do that kind of thing to these poor girls, they've been through enough already as it is, and we'll even stay with them to protect them as best we can if you want. Besides, since you managed to empty the chest here, we don't have anything better to do.

I uh... as long as you swear that you wouldn't try anything to them, then any help you could give would be greatly appreciated,” Shana said, looking welcome for any help they could get, though still slightly afraid the succubus or her tentacled companion would try something after they were gone again.

Come now dear, I wouldn't do that, and I can keep this big guy here in check. Besides, if you're heading back down to try and find more, then you'll need to leave quickly won't you. So please, let us handle getting them back to the temple above, while you go do what you have to do. But if you insist, then I swear to you that we won't try anything,” the succubus said, assuring them that neither her nor her tentacled companion would try anything.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After some more words and rousing the sleeping pregnant women, Karrie started to make the long journey back up to the surface, on the way she let Vanessa pick what she wanted from the armory, they ran into the succubus again, who offered to help them up to the surface so Vanessa, Karrie and Shana could explore the other routes, although they were all initially skeptic they decided to let them do so "Alright, get them back up, dont go back on your promise" Karrie said, reminding the succubus with her tone of voice of who won in combat against her, after this the three would return to the three routes and Karrie would say "Because i dont want to find out whats causing that smell, we`re taking the light route" Karrie said, going down the route with the light at the end of it.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

(I had actually thought that Vanessa would get some stuff on the way back down, but since they were all supposed to get some clothing for everyone on the way up, I'll just add that in here. I derped that up I guess.)

Along the way up, Karrie and Shana had them all stop in the armory where they were able to find some sort of clothing or another for all of the girls with them, mostly just loose robes and whatnot, but still it covered them and kept them warm. Vanessa meanwhile decided to take a set of tighter fitting robes to wear under the suit of leather armor she'd gotten to wear just like Shana's. Then she handed Karrie her longsword back, deciding on taking a good greatsword from one of the weapon racks and fixes the sheath up on her back so she could just quickly swing the hefty twohanded weapon out quickly. Then she took a large twohanded axe from the weapon racks as well, making sure they were both very sharp with which to fight well.


"I know dear I know, you already beat us both once, and though that was a friendly bout, I don't want a repeat if you were taking the fight seriously," the succubus replied to Karrie's words in a sincere tone, apparently not wanting to fight again.

With that, Karrie and Shana, followed by Vanessa now watched the succubus' tentacled companion reach out with its tentacles, while Shana assured the girls all that it wouldn't hurt them or rape them any more. The tentacled creature gently lifted each and every one of the girls in one of its tentacles, holding them a little loosely so it didn't hurt any of them by squeezing to tight. It carried all of the girls save Tina and Sylvia, who both elected to walk beside them as they made their way back up to the surface.

"Don't worry you three, I swear nothing will happen to these poor girls while we're there to protect them. So go on already and do what you three must. The longer you wait, the longer more of those people will be trapped down there," the succubus said to Karrie, Shana, and Vanessa, urging them onward as they made their way out through the opposite door.

When they left the room after the succubus and all the others did, Karrie, Shana, and Vanessa made their way all the way back down to where the junction in the tunnel was just before the room where Karrie and Shana had found Vanessa and the others. When karrie stated that she wanted to take the lighted path, Shana agreed with her, as did Vanessa.

"Yeah I really don't want to go down that smelly pathway, I mean who knows what's down it you know," Shana said.

"I agree, though we should check it regardless once we've checked the other path this way. There may be some more people trapped in there, though they may already be dead with the stench coming from it," Vanessa said, the smell not appearing to affect her as badly.

Once they headed on up the northern path, they soon found themselves in a rather large room, that looked kind of like a great kitchen of some sort with half a dozen dining tables and chairs, with several torches along the walls to light the place, as well as chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Inside they saw what seemed to be shackles attached to each table, as if they were being used to hold prisoners, while what looked like about seven rather large and burly orc men kind of hanging around in the back of the room. As soon as Karrie opened the door, the orc men heard the creaking of the door as it opened up and grabbed their weapons as they began moving towards them all.

"Look boys... fresh meat to play with," the largest orc said, apparently being the leader of them.

"Oh great, what luck we'd run into a bunch of big ugly ass orcs," Vanessa growled as she readied her greatsword.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie growled as she realised she was going up against a group of orcs, ugly things, Karrie drew her waraxe and looked around the room to see if there were any signs of slaves or people other than the orcs being there, realising that if they ran they`d just be chased, they had to fight, keeping her great axe ready, Karrie would attack first, lashing out with a vertical slash.
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