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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

While Karrie walked over to the chest, Shana was panting as she tried to catch her breath. When Karrie lifted the lid of the chest open she saw three things inside, the first being a scroll of some sort, the second was what looked like an amulet or necklace, and the third was a potion. After catching her breath, Shana came over and looked in the chest along with Karrie.

"Wow, so pretty," Shana said, looking at the amulet, a moment later Shana shook her head and brought herself out of the little daze she was in and looked at Karrie, asking, "Shouldn't we wake her up Karrie? I mean we did make a deal with her after all. But I don't know."
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie also smirked as she looked at the three items, pocketing all of them except for the amulet, she examined it "Well would you look at this..." she muttered, putting it away, she shut the chest and hopped down from the pedestal it was on, going over to the succubus she gently shook the succubus to wake her up.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie took the items from the chest and went over to the succubus, Shana followed her over as Karrie shook the succubus to wake her. It took a few shakes on her, but after only a few the succubus woke with a start.

Huh, what, who... oh, I see. I guess we lost then. Congratulations to you miss, I commend you for beating us so easily. I see you've already taken the contents of the chest too, I wanted to present them to you myself for beating us, but oh well. I did give my word though, so you may continue at your leisure now,” the succubus said to Karrie and Shana as she got to her feet shaking her head after she made it all the way up.

Will you be okay miss succubus?” Shana asked her as she got to her feet a little wobbly, though it was obvious that Shana was still a little worried he succubus might go back on her word.

Hmm, oh yes dear don't worry about little old me, I'll be just fine. Thank you for your kindness though young one, do me a favor hon and never lose that kindness. Now I'm sure you're here to rescue those poor people that Pandora keeps bringing down here to corrupt, those items will probably help you out a little down here, but I'm not really sure what they all are, so be careful when using them. Also thanks for not killing me too,” the succubus replied to Shana, patting her on the head in what was almost a motherly way.

T-Thanks... that's really nice of you to say,” Shana replied, looking a little flustered.

You're very welcome dear. Before you two go though, let me tell you. There are quite a few devils like myself down here, and other kinds of devils too. We don't corrupt mortals ourselves because if we did we wouldn't be able to play with them. Some of the devils down here though are helping Pandora so be careful, but the ones that aren't helping her would likely help you fight her minions... for a price of course. So if you're willing to pay then you'd get some help,” the succubus then told Karrie and Shana, winking at the two as she went to check on her large companion.
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling as the succubus complimented Shana, after she had finished Karrie asked "Do you know what these items do?", wanting to be clear on their uses.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Well as I said before, no unfortunately not. But I'm sure you can find some way of identifying them around this place,” the succubus said, shrugging her shoulders at Karrie's question.

Thank you anyway miss succubus, I'm sure we'll manage though,” Shana replied to the succubus, bowing her head to her anyway.

Of course dear, and do be careful after this floor. I'd like to have some fun with you both later if you're up to it,” the succubus said to the two with a giggle as she roused her large companion up from his slumber.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie smiled at Shana being polite, even to the one she and Karrie recently defeated, motioning for her to follow, she left the chamber and moved onward, trying to find any kind of sign, pathway or notes left behind to help guide her to the "Pandora" that the Succubus mentioned "Keep an eye out for boxes Shana, i think they might have something to do with this "Pandora" the succubus mentioned" she warned Shana, looking around as they continued on, Mercury kept her sword ready and Shana following close behind her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Who's Mercury? And I'm assuming you wanted to go east, because you could go west and north too.

Alright then Karrie, let's go,” Shana replied to Karrie when she motioned for her to follow.

The succubus waved and told them bye as they left, and Shana waved back to her as they walked out the door and continued eastward. They followed this corridor until it led them to another room, which had the steps leading down, though there were still two unexplored rooms on the current floor they were on. This room also had several worm looking things scurrying around across the floor, they were all about a foot and a half in length and two inches thick give or take. As soon as they noticed Karrie and Shana were in the room. The girls watched as the strange creatures gathered together in a small group of eight and they began to advance towards Karrie and Shana.

Um... Karrie,what are those things?” Shana asked, fear obvious in her voice.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, sorry about that

Moving on through the eastward doorway, Karrie and Shana noticed what looked like tiny worms moving about on the ground, they noticed the two eventually and gathered into a group, moving towards them, Karrie kept her sword ready and motioned for Shana to keep away from them, in case they were hostile.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

It's fine, I was just wondering who Mercury was is all.

Tentacle spawn - 20 vs 2 Karrie, critical hit for 2 FP dmg and 2 AP dmg and grappled by 1 of them

Karrie – 8 vs 7 Ts, hit for 1 FP dmg, taking one of the tentacle spawns out
Shana – 14 vs 13 Ts, freed Karrie from the grapple on her

Tentacle spawn – 7 vs 20 Karrie, miss

Karrie – 13 vs 4 Ts, hit for 1 FP dmg, taking another one of them out
Shana – 2 vs 19 Ts, crit counter for the tentacle spawn and Shana takes 1 AP dmg and is grappled by 3 of them and her mouth penetrated

O-Okay Karrie, w-what are those things?” Shana replied to Karrie's telling her to get back from the things as they scurried towards them.

Before Karrie could answer Shana's question however, the things got to about four feet from the two of them and the one in front raised what they could only assume was its head towards them where it stared at them for a moment with tilting to the side some. They watched it for a moment and then it jumped from the floor up towards Karrie's face, where when she threw her hand up to block it it ended up hitting her hand where it wrapped a small part of its length around her wrist and pulled it back down behind her back to hamper her movements. Two more of the things jumped up, one slamming into her stomach and knocking the wind out of her while the second one squirted a stream of thick white fluid right at her face where some of it landed on her cheek while the rest struck her chest and ran down. As soon as the white fluid hit, she felt wherever it touched begin getting much warmer as her body became slightly aroused.

Despite becoming slightly aroused and being grappled, Karrie was able to swing her sword thankfully as her sword hand wasn't the one grabbed, and she managed to cut one of the little buggers in half as it scurried across the floor in an attempt to get behind her. Shana moved over to Karrie and grabbed the squirming thing holding Karrie's wrist behind her back and pulled it loose where she tossed it away and it rejoined the rest of the group trying to surround them.

One of the little tentacles attempted to jump at Karrie's face again, but she easily evaded it by leaning out of the way of its path. When it landed behind her, she swiftly brought her sword around and sliced through it much like she did the first one she got, taking out two of the eight now. Shana however was not so lucky as when she tried to kick on of them it ducked under her kick while a second one grabbed her other leg and pulled her down to the ground. Before she could even scream for help the one she tried to kick and missed grabbed hold of her free leg and held it down, while a third of the tentacles came around and grabbed hold of both her wrists and pulled them down to just above her head with half of its length, while the rest of its length slipped into her open mouth when she gasped after it grabbed hold of her, causing her to let out a muffled scream of fear.

When Karrie took the time to glance over at her companion, she'd find her in quite an awkward and embarrassing position. Both legs were being held down by the ankle, and her arms held just above her head where the tentacle was wrapped around her wrists with half its length, while the rest was buried in her mouth. Karrie would see tears of shame streaming down Shana's face

Tentacle spawns – FP: 6/8

Karrie – FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10
Shana – FP: 4/4, MP; 3/3, AP: 1/10
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie groaned in annoyance, tiny enemies that were hard to hit were the bane of her existence in any video game and in this one they seemed to be no exception, a close encounter occured as one nearly latched onto her face, she tried batting it away like a fly but it latched onto her hand and held it behind her back, while she was distracted with this annoynace another slammed into her stomach, making her yelp in pain as she almost fell over, another squirted a questionable white liquid onto her face, only hitting her cheek and upper clothing, making her moan a little bit as her body tingled with pleasure "Guh, i feel so dirty..." karrie mumbled, shana helped her get the one on her wrist off but she didnt have much luck knocking them off of herself, watching Shana be dragged to the ground, Karrie remembered her promise and focused her attacks on the ones clinging to Shana, trying to free her.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 7 vs 1 Ts, hit and freed Shana from the one in her mouth, but not her legs
Shana - 13 vs 19 Ts, miss and failed to finish breaking free

Tentacle spawn - 10 vs 12 Karrie, miss

Karrie - 18 vs 8 Ts, hit and finished freeing Shana
Shana - 18 vs 16 Ts, hit

Tentacle spawn - 18 vs 20 Karrie, miss

Karrie saw Shana's plight and knew she had to help her and rushed over swinging her sword at the one holding her arms pinned down. Her sword cleaved through the one holding Shana's wrists down and killed it, and this gave Shana a moment to spit the half of it still in her mouth out as she tried to kick her feet free. Shana's kicking however didn't throw the ones on her ankles off at all as the rest of the things prepared to attack Karrie in retaliation for killing another one. The little tentacles jumped at Karrie's face again, though this time she was more than ready for them and simply ducked under the one coming for her face.

Karrie then managed to stab her sword through the one on Shana's left ankle which scared the other one off as it let her go and tried to scurry off. Shana then got up before it could get away though and stomped her foot down onto it, squeezing its guts right out of it and killing it.

The enemy numbers had dwindled down to three now and the odds were much more even at this point. One of them again jumped at Karrie's face to latch onto it, but she again easily dodged it as it sailed past her. They would see now that the last three tentacle things now surrounded them in a triangle, with the two of them in the middle.

"Darn... Karrie, what do we do? They've got us surrounded," Shana asked in a scared voice.

Tentacle spawns – FP: 3/8

Karrie – FP: 3/5, AP: 2/10
Shana – FP: 4/4, MP; 3/3, AP: 1/10
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie managed to knock most of the tentacle spawns off of shana, saving her from the mass attack by them, now the very intimidating swarm of eight was down to a small group of three, that didnt mean they were out of the fight, as they surrounded Karrie and Shana, Karrie looked at their positions and prepared herself, she managed to dodge their attacks before and she could do it again, in a moment of impulse she pushed Shana out of the triangle and hoped all three of the spawn would jump towards her, if this happened she would spin her sword in a 360 arc, hopefully cutting down all the tentacle spawn lunging at her in midair, even if this failed Shana was out of danger and could provide support if she need be.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 10 vs 3 Ts, hit
Shana - 12 vs 2 Ts, hit

Tentacle spawn - 1 vs 19 Karrie, crit miss and counter for Karrie, ending the battle in victory

When Karrie pushed Shana out of the triangle, the priestess girl yelped as she stumbled and fell to the floor outside of it, while the tentacles did indeed do what Karrie wanted. However she wasn't able to hit but one of them with her spinning attack as the other two sailed past, one going over her blade while the other went under it. Shana used her magic once again and shot an arrow of holy energy at the tentacle that went over Karrie's shoulder. The tentacle that went low turned as soon as it landed and jumped at Karrie again from behind, though she sensed it coming and spun around again, which sliced through it as well and took it out.

"T-Thank you Karrie, I don't know what I would have done without you here. I guess I would already have been raped and corrupted," Shana said to Karrie after the swordswoman finished that last tentacle. Karrie would see Shana sit down in the corner of the room they were in to rest for a moment as she glanced over at the steps leading further down.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karries plan worked out very well, Shana was out of harms way and the tentacle spawns jumped at her, she didnt manage to hit all of them but a bit of clean up with Shanas help finally finished them off, smirking, Karrie looked at Shana, "Your a good fighter, keep it up" she said, smiling, the two rested for a few minutes, Karrie wiped the white liquid off her shirt and cheek, after helping Shana stand up, the two descended down the staircase to see what waited for them, Karrie hoping to get to the people that were captured before anything happened to them.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"Oh I'm not that good really, you don't have to flatter me any," Shana replied to Karrie as she helped her to her feet after cleaning herself off some.

Once back on her feet, Shana started wiping herself off a little too before they set out. After they had cleaned themselves off a little, they headed on down the steps to the next level, deciding not to check any of the other rooms they'd left unexplored for now. The steps were long and winding, and it took them the better part of two or three minute to descend to the bottom of them. Once at the bottom they were at the bottom and entered the second floor of the place, Karrie and Shana would see the room they entered to be relatively empty save for a few cobwebs and rats scurrying around. They would however see two doors leading out of the room, one leading one east and one south.

"Eeeew I hate rats... W-Which way do you think we should go Karrie?" Shana said, cringing back a little from the rats and asking Karrie her opinion on which direction to go.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

They went down the long and winding staircase to the next floor, although it only took a couple of minutes, Karrie thought it would go on for hours, they eventually reached the next floor and were presented with two more doors, shrugging, karrie opened the eastward door and went through, keeping her sword ready just incase.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After taking only a few moments to take a short look around the room, Shana followed Karrie on through the eastern door, figuring that she could trust Karrie's judgment in which direction to go. They followed a rather short hallway into a kind of small room and found what seemed to be, or rather had been an armory, as it had racks and racks where weapons went, and stands for armors. However most if not all of them were empty save for a few. There were a few longswords and shortswords left on the weapnos racks along with a couple of maces and waraxes, while the armor stands had a few suits of slightly rusted armor, a couple of suits of chainmail, one suit of scalemail, and half a dozen suits of leather armor.

Karrie... s-should we take some of this? I could probably use a weapon for when I'm out of magic power and armor to protect me, but... I don't know what I should get. I've never had any training to use a weapon, and I've never worn armor before,” Shana said to Karrie, looking curiously at the weapons.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was slightly amazed as she had stumbled into a armory with shana, looking around she picked up all the weapons and examined them "This is great! Better than my crappy normal sword anyway..." she said, picking up a waraxe she went over to the suit of scale mail, examining it, she looked at Shana who had asked a question "Ofcourse we should take some of this!" she chimed, realising Shana had no experience with weapons, she picked up a simple sword for Shana along with some leather armour "We might as well start at the basics" she re-assured, Karrie only took the war axe since she wanted to mantain maximum speed in combat while still being able to pack a punch.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"I've never really used a sword before, I've seen knights before though and I remember one of them told me that it took years of training to learn how to use a sword properly if you aren't used to the weight of it," Shana said as Karrie handed her a longsword and a suit of the leather armor.

Shana donned the leather armor and looked around at the other weapons and grabbed one of the maces to go with her new sword as she buckled them both onto her new belt, her sword fixed to her left thigh and her mace to her left. Shana did all of this while Karrie picked out herself an axe to take with her just in case.

"Okay Karrie, I'm ready when you are. I hope I can use either of these things," Shana said as she patted her new weapons, fidgeting a little bit in her new armor, looking a little out of place in it and like she didn't like wearing it.

I'm using the normal axe rules for the EGG with the waraxe, and for Shana's mace I'm using some made up rules. Also she gets a +1 to all defensive rolls thanks to her new armor.
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Smiling, Karrie lead Shana out and took the southern door this time, mantaining cautiousness while keeping her shiny new war axe ready, looking back at Shana she asked "Who is this pandora anyway? Sounds like some kinda hotshot succubus or something" she said.