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Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Shana nodded to Karrie and cautiously followed her very closely, almost clinging to her from behind. They went through the doorway at the end of the hall and followed the narrow corridor until it led them into a large room. Inside the room they saw the walls were covered with murals and ancient glyphs of many different beings, one of which was of several women all with large bat like wings, a long thin jet black tail with a spade on the end, and a few of which had curved horns on their heads... they all looked very beautiful to Karrie and she was entranced by their beauty for a minute before shaking herself out of her reverie.

On another mural she saw a large bull like creature holding a young elven woman down and raping her. A third depicted a large demon of some sort with many tentacles extending from various places on it, all of which had women bound in their embraces in some way or another, raping them. There were three or four other murals and glyph like pictures that depicted other creatures doing the same things to women, and Karrie would notice after each one of the pictures the women in question looked as if they're minds had broken and given into the pleasure they had received from their captors.

After looking at all of the pictures in the room, Karrie would see three doors leading in different directions aside from the one they came in and once she saw that and glanced to her companion, she'd see that Shana was mesmerized by the pictures they saw and was staring at them with an empty look in her eyes. It wouldn't take much to shake her out of her daydream she looked to be in.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie came into the next room after cautioning Shana to stay right behind her, looking around, there were several murals and pictures, the first one of which caught Karries eye, several women with wings, tails and horns, "Stereotypical succubus...but damn..." Karrie thought she wouldnt be distracted by this, so she shook her head to get herself out the trance and watched the others, most of them showing different kinds of beasts raping poor women who looked like they had just gave in, Karrie noticed Shana just staring at them, she put her hands on her shoulders and gently shook them "Shana? Come on we`re moving on", if Shana came out of her trance Karrie would move down the door on the far right to see where it would go.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

When Karrie shook Shana and told her they were moving onward, Shana would jerk and gasp as if Karrie had snuck up behind her and scared her. “Y-Yeah... l-let's go okay. This place... this place isn't holy at all from what I can see. Why would the temple have been built here?” Shana said, shaking her head from side to side a little.

Once they moved onward down the path to the right, with Karrie in front still, they found themselves in another room that had several more drawings and murals on the walls of different things than they saw before. While they looked at the drawings and things inside the room, Karrie suddenly heard what sounded like footsteps behind her and Shana, and when she turned around to see what made the sound she'd see not one but two women staring at her and Shana with evil grins on their faces. They were both naked so Karrie and Shana could see every detail about them, they both had pale skin, stood a couple of inches shy of six feet tall, they both had red eyes, perfectly sculpted bodies, average sized breasts, and the only real difference between the two was their hair color as one was blonde and the other red haired, and when they smiled Karrie and Shana could see they both had fanged canines, indicating that they were both vampires.

Look sister, someone's come to play with us. I wonder how she tastes,” the blonde said to the other.

Hmhm, why don't we find out sister,” the red haired one said.

Then together the two vampire ladies advanced towards Karrie, giving her only a moment to decide on what to do, with Shana standing there a little frightened as to what was happening. A quick glance around the room would also reveal a door to their left on the eastern wall of the room.
Last edited:

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

After shaking Shana out her daydream Karrie moved on through the doorway, looking around she saw more murals and drawings on the wall like the ones in the room before them, hearing footsteps, Karrie immediately turned around, sword "Whos that?!" she would call to the dark, eventually she saw who came out, two women, completely naked, this strange revelation made Karrie blush slightly, the more worrying and actual revelation was that Karrie could see that they had fangs, intimidating her slightly on the next course of action, although her mind was set once the two vampires advanced, she made sure Shana was behind her so she wouldnt be at risk, Karrie kept her sword drawn and hoped it would be enough to ward them off, if they tried grabbing her or Shana or trying to pull anything shifty she would attack "If mammies get upwardly inclined it might be a good idea to run with Shana" Karrie thought.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 20 vs 19 Bv, hit
Blonde vampire – 15 vs 12 Karrie, hit
Red vampire – 5 vs 19 Karrie, miss
Shana – staying back, skips turn

Karrie – 13 vs 5, Bv, hit
Blonde vampire – 17 vs 11 Karrie, hit
Red vampire – crit 17 vs 2 Karrie, grappled and bitten for 1 FP and 2 AP
Shana – 11 for spell casting on Karrie, healed 2 FP for Karrie

After giving Shana a gentle push, the young priestess moved back while Karrie readied herself to fight the two vampire girls, both of whom advanced at Karrie and Shana. Karrie would see they both had quite a malicious look in their crimson red eyes and that they didn't seem too scared of her sword as they cautiously advanced. This would was all the indication she needed to know they were going to attack her and wouldn't back down, and so she swung her sword at the blonde haired one which was the closer one of the two. Karrie's blade sliced across the vampire girl's waist and left a small gash on her.

The blonde vampire girl smirked at her and returned the favor by bringing her fist into Karrie's gut, knocking the breath out of her and forcing her a step back, then the red headed vampire came in close to throw a punch at Karrie's face, but she ended up missing thanks to Karrie ducking under the swing.

Karrie was able to recover enough to swing her blade again at the blonde vampire girl, which sliced across the upper half of her right arm as she tried to block the blow. The blonde vampire swung her fist at Karrie again though in response and again knocked the wind out of her as it slammed into the pit of her stomach. Karrie was again forced back, though this time right at the red headed vampire girl, who bit down into the soft flesh of Karrie's neck, which Karrie could feel pierce her skin with a slight pain for only a moment before she felt her body starting to heat up slightly as the red head wrapper her arms around Karrie and held her while she nibbled on her neck, licking where she just bit Karrie.

While Karrie was held by the red headed vampire, her strength waning fast, she suddenly felt her body begin to recover its strength a bit as the bite marks on her neck sealed up and stopped bleeding, and her stomach felt slightly better from where the blonde headed vampire punched her a minute or so before as well. If she glanced over to her right over at the corner of the room, she'd see Shana with one of her hands extended towards her, a frightened look on her face as she watched the fight continue.

Karrie – FP: 4/5, AP: 2/10, grappled by the red haired vampire girl
Blonde vampire – FP: 2/4
Red vampire – FP: 4/4, grappling Karrie

Shana – FP: ?/?, MP: 2/3, AP: ?/?

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie realised that intimidation wasnt going to get these two vampires to back down, so she had to prepare herself for a fight, Karrie first swung her sword in a horizontal fashion at the blonde vampire since she was the one closest to her, the blow struck home as she noticed it left a gash on the woman, however in response she was given a painful punch to the stomach, almost making her keel over as she felt her breath be knocked out of her, temporarily dropping to her knees, this movement stopped the redhead vampire from hitting her in the face. Karrie stood back up and swung her blade again in a vertical fashion, bringing the sword down at the blonde vampire and hitting home again by leaving another gash on the upper half of her right arm, however despite this she still got hit again, instead of dropping to her knees she stumbled right into the embrace of the redhead vampire, who promptly bit her from behind, making Karrie yelp in pain as she felt the vampires teeth pierce her flesh.

The vampires had put her arms around Karrie to try and stop her from struggling free while she fed, however looking over at Shana she could see she had probably cast one of her healing spells, judging from how Karrie could feel her strength come back and the bite mark on her neck heal, nodding at Shana to show appreciation, Karrie immediately set about struggling out of the redheads grip and trying to finish off the blonde vampire.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 5 vs 15 Rv, struggle failed
Blonde Vampire – 10 vs 8 Shana, hit
Red Vampire – 5 vs 1 Karrie, bitten for 1 FP and 1 AP
Shana – 3 vs 8 Bv, miss

Karrie – crit 17 vs 1 Rv, critical hit, broke free and hit for 2 FP
Blonde Vampire – 17 vs 15 Shana, grappled and pleasured for 2 AP
Red Vampire – 20 vs 16, hit
Shana – 10 vs 14 Bv, failed to break free of grapple

Karrie's struggle to get free ultimately failed, while the blonde headed vampire giggled at her futile attempts and decided to get after Shana. Shana saw her coming and cringed in fear a bit as she was promptly slapped right across the butt quite hard, which made a loud resounding smack that Karrie would be able to hear as Shana yelped out in pain. The red headed vampire holding Karrie turned her slightly so she could watch Shana while she herself bit down into Karrie's neck again in a different spot, likely drawing a soft cry of pain from Karrie in the process. Shana tried to shove the blonde haired vampire girl away from her and knock her down, but missed as the vampire took a step back and Shana nearly fell right into her arms.

The sight of Shana being hurt some must have cause Karrie's adrenaline to shoot through her as she was able to tear free from the red headed vampire's grasp and slash her sword around at her, cutting through the flesh of her chest in a upwards arc, leaving a deep gash on her. The vampire cried out in pain and grasped the cut for a moment, then looked back up at Karrie and hissed at her, baring her fangs in the process.

I'll make you pay for that,” the red head vampire said to Karrie, a look of anger on her face.

The blonde haired vampire girl stepped in and around behind and grabbed Shana before the poor priestess could even blink, then bit down into her neck like the other had done to Karrie. Shana whimpered out as she was bitten and the venom laced fangs pierced her flesh, injecting the arousing venom into her bloodstream.

The red headed vampire swung her fist at Karrie and caught her in the cheek with her punch, knocking Karrie back though she was able to catch herself with her sword before she hit the floor. Shana weakly struggled in the grasp of the blonde haired vampire while watching Karrie's fight, but her struggles were too weak to even budge her from the grasp of her captor.

Karrie – FP: 2/5, AP: 3/10
Shana: FP: 3/4, MP: 2/3 AP: 2/10, grappled by the blonde vampire

Blonde haired vampire – FP: 2/4, grappling Shana
Red haired vampire – FP: 2/4

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie struggled in the grip of the vampire holding her, still unable to get herself free, noticing the blonde vampire go after Shana she cringed a little bit when she heard a large smacking sound, almost feeling the pain Shana did, Karrie gave out another cry of pain as the redhead vampire bit into her neck again, Karrie wanted to make sure Shana wasnt the next priest or priestess to be kidnapped, in her anger or determination she managed to struggle out the redhead vampires grip and launch a horizontal slash at her, leaving another gash across the redhead vampires stomach, looking over at Shana she could see she was being bitten by the blonde vampire now, before she could run over and try to help she cried out in pain as she was caught on her cheek by the redheads punch, ignoring the pain Karrie tried to focus her attacks on the blonde vampire to free Shana.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 9 vs 15 Bv, miss
Blonde vampire - 7 vs 11, missed biting Shana again
Red vampire - 2 vs 20 Karrie, critical counter for Karrie, dealing 2 FP dmg to the red headed vampire and knocking her out.
Shana - 20 vs 4 Bv, critical struggle free and hit, dealing 2 FP dmg and knocking out the remaining vampire. Victory for Karrie and Shana.

Karrie wasn't able to get a clear swing on the blonde haired vampire without hitting Shana, whom she was holding in front of her as a body shield, which allowed the vampire to step back and away before she could find an opening. But in doing all of this the blonde wasn't able to bite her captive again and so Shana was spared another venomed bite.

The red headed vampire girl came up behind Karrie, thinking she'd get the drop on her, but Karrie heard her coming when she hissed and spun around, bringing her blade right across the vampire girl's throat. The vampire girl grabbed at her throat and gagged a time or two before falling back onto the floor. This caused the blonde headed vampire to gasp as her eyes went wide with what she'd just witnessed, and Shana took this opportunity to throw her head back into the blonde's face, which then caused her to stumble back. This gave Shana the time she needed to perform another quick spell which sent an arrow of holy light straight into the vampire, piercing her chest and finishing her off.

"T-That was close... I t-thought she had me there for a minute," Shana said, panting and shuddering as she started using her healing magic on herself, and then she'd do the same for Karrie when she came over. After that they could move on or rest for a few more minutes, there was the way back that led down the other path to the north, then there was the path leading east from here that they could take.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie was annoyed, looking as the blonde vampire used Shana as a human shield "Coward!" she cried out, trying to get a clear shot on her, she wasnt concentrating on her surroundings during this so she slightly surprised when the redhead came up behind her, in blind panic almost she spun around with her sword, cutting at the vampires throat and making one less problem to worry about, turning to try and figure out how to fight the blonde vampire she was slightly surprised when Shana threw her head back and used a bit of holy magic to finish her off, Karrie wiped her forehead from some sweat accumulated from the battle "Nice job..." she said, letting Shana heal herself then Karrie, after a quick rest, Karrie decided to go down the path leading east, as there was no point in leaving this area without exploring it fully first.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

T-Thanks Karrie, I wasn't sure that spell would work honestly, I've never used it before. I watched father James use it against the servants of the demon that took him, but I didn't think I'd be able to use it,” Shana said as she healed the two.

Once they were healed up enough to move again, after Shana had closed all of their wounds and all, they got up and cautiously moved on down the eastern corridor. Along the way down the hall, they were met with a turn to the left, which turned them northward. They eventually made their way into another room, this one quite large. They saw two paths other than the one they came in that they could take, one to the west and one to the east. Also in the room was what looked like a fairly large chest sitting on a large pedestal in the center of the room. They noticed standing beside the pedestal a large beast, nearly ten feet tall with nearly a dozen tentacles extending from its back, with a young woman sitting on its shoulder that looked like one of the succubi in the murals earlier, though this one was a more human looking one with smooth white skin, and no horns on her head, only the wings and tail were what marked her a succubus save her red eyes.

Oh... hello there little pretties. May I ask what you're doing here?” the succubus said to the two. It didn't look like her or the beast was going to attack them just yet, giving them time to either formulate a plan of action, or to talk their way through this maybe.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

"You did a real good job" Karrie said, smiling, they went down a few winding corridors as they continued on, eventually coming to a large room with quite a big treasure chest, she would have immediately gone for it if it wasnt for the giant tentacle monster standing beside it, along with a woman sitting on its shoulder, Karrie felt incredibly intimidated when she asked a question "Uh..." Karrie shrugged, she had no idea what to say.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Well come on dear, what are you doing here? I'm not going to hurt you unless you attack first. We're only here to guard the chest you see here. We have no interest in you going further on if you wish,” the succubus woman said to Karrie and Shana, both of whom had a bit of a stunned look on their faces.

S-So you won't attack us then if we try and go past?” Shana asked timidly.

Only if you try and take what's in the chest. If you want it you'll have to either pay the price which I set, or you'll have to defeat us in battle. Not to the death of course,” the succubus answered.

Karrie would see the succubus flap her wings a couple of times and drift down to the floor, where she walked towards her and Shana, her hips swaying perfectly as she moved, which entranced Shana and possibly Karrie as well until the succubus stopped in front of the two.

So... what will it be you two. Would you like to try your luck against us. I promise that if you lose the fight then you wouldn't be forced to stay here, but you would have to accept the price for losing, which would be to satisfy myself and my friend here,” the succubus said, looking as if she was serious about the deal.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie realised this was obviously a optional encounter as the succubus spoke to her and shana, judging from the two however made Karrie uneasy of what they could do after the battle, but thankfully she re-assured the two that they wouldnt be forced to stay here should they lose, stretching her arms, Karrie said "Id like to see whats in that chest please, a battle it is then" Karrie said, finishing and drawing her sword.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie - 1 vs 5 Tb, miss
Tentacled beast - 11 vs 15 Karrie, miss
Succubus - 5 vs 5 Shana, miss
Shana - 11 vs 14 Succubus, miss

Karrie - 15 vs 9 Tb, hit
Tentacled beast - 5 vs 19 Karrie, miss
Succubus - 8 vs 18 Shana, miss
Shana - 14 vs 9 Succubus, hit

Karrie - 18 vs 7 Tb, hit
Tentacled beat - 7 vs 16 Karrie, miss
Succubus - 17 vs 12 Shana, grappled and pleasured for 2 AP dmg
Shana - 12 vs 16 Succubus, unable to escape grapple

"Very well then cutie, let's get started shall we," the succubus said to Karrie, giggling as she moved back over to the large tentacle beast to get ready to fight.

"What do you plan on doing to us if we lose?" Shana asked, looking very worried.

As soon as Karrie and Shana were ready, the succubus giggled at her and winked. "Well we'd have sex with you two of course. Why do you ask?" the succubus responded.

Shana visibly trembled at her words and took a step back to get behind Karrie, looking downright terrified at this point. "I... I'm still pure... I c-can't lose my purity in such a way," Shana said, hiding behind Karrie.

"Well dear what did you think I meant when I said a price to pay if you lost? We would have our way with you two for a little while and after we're done you can leave. Unless you'd like to try and defeat us again after losing of course," the succubus said, giggling at Shana's naivete in thinking she meant something else.

"We can't afford to lose Karrie, please I can't let my first time happen in such a way," Shana whispered to Karrie as the swordswoman drew her sword for battle.

Once everyone was ready the succubus snapped her fingers and the tentacled beast sent its tentacles out towards Karrie, where she swung her blade at them, but wasn't able to hit any of them. The tentacled beast then tried to grab her, but Karrie swiftly evaded all attempts at doing so, while succubus attempted to grab Shana and managed to get a hand on her arm, but Shana was able to break free and throw a punch at the succubus and missed herself.

Karrie was soon able to follow the tentacles a little easier and was able to slice through a couple of them, cutting them off from the beast's body with a cry of pain from it. Its retaliation was unsuccessful when it attempted to smash a couple of tentacles into Karrie's stomach and chest, with Karrie managing to jump back over one and ducking under the second. The succubus again tried to grab Shana, who was able to push the succubus back and away from her, where she then threw her fist at the succubus' face and landed a punch that knocked her back with a grunt.

Karrie then moved in closer to the tentacled beast, which may not have been the best idea, but it seemed to be working as she got close enough to swing her sword at its torso, where she left a cut in its waist. It seemed that she was too close for it to get a good grab on her as its tentacles tried to knock her legs out from under her for it to grab her and she easily jumped over them.

The succubus meanwhile flapped her wings and flew at Shana this time around, coming in too fast for the poor priestess to catch her and was grabbed by the succubus. Before she could do anything to get free, she felt the succubus' hand worm its way into her robes and caress across her virgin folds through her panties, bringing a mixed yelp of pleasure and fright from her lips.

Karrie - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Shana - FP: 4/4, MP: 3/3, AP: 2/10

Succubus - FP: 4/4
Tentacled beast - FP: 4/6

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

The battle began for Karrie quite quickly, almost like a blur as she found her body almost going into autopilot as she dodged the massive monsters attacks and retaliated with sword strikes at the appropriate times, she even saw Shana holding her own, which fueled her determination as she continued fighting, even a low sweeping attack from the beast wasnt enough to hit her as she simply jumped up, she noticed Shana in a bit of a bind so her piority shifted to the succubus, trying to knock her off Shana and keep her around to heal themselves when the going got tough.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 7 vs 4 Succubus, hit and freed Shana
Tentacled beast – 9 vs 18 Karrie, miss
Succubus – 1 vs 5 Karrie, miss
Shana – 10 vs 4 Succubus, magic attack which hit for 2 FP dmg

Karrie – 15 vs 5 Succubus, hit and knocked out
Tentacled beast – 1 vs 13 Karrie, miss
Succubus - ko'd
Shana – 7 vs 18 Tb, miss

Karrie – 19 vs 20 Tb, miss
Tentacled beast – 6 vs 16 Karrie, miss
Succubus - ko'd
Shana – 13 vs 13 Tb, magic attack which hit for 2 FP dmg

When Karrie made to free Shana, her blade caught the succubus right across the small of her back which freed Shana from the succubus' hold, with the succubus clutching her back where she'd been cut. The tentacled beast attempted to hit Karrie for hitting the succubus, trying to catch her from behind, but she was ready for it and saw its tentacles coming out of the corner of her eye and easily jumped out of the way. The succubus attempted to hit Karrie for hitting her a moment before, but Karrie easily ducked under her punch, while Shana used the spell she'd used to finish off the vampire from before on the succubus, which slammed into her back and caused her to fall forward towards Karrie.

As the succubus stumbled towards her, Karrie was easily able to bring the hilt of her sword down on the succubus' head and knock her out cold for the moment, taking one of their opponents out of the fight rather quickly. The tentacled beast again tried to hit Karrie but failed to do so, her quick movements saving her from any hits the thing threw at her. Shana attempted to cast another of her magic spells at the tentacled beast, but miss it as a tentacle waved too close to her face and caused her to miss.

Karrie didn't have much better luck as her blade sliced through the air at another tentacle and missed as well, though the tentacled beast again missed her, seeming almost blind as it simply could not hit her. Shana however managed to move back a little and give herself a good shot on the beast as she blasted another of her holy arrows at it, piercing its shoulder and forcing it back some more..

Karrie – FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Shana – FP: 4/4, MP: 0/3, AP: 2/10

Succubus – FP: 0/4, ko'd
Tentacled beast – FP: 2/6

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie ran at the succubus attacking Shana, with a well timed slash she managed to cut her back, she felt like something was amiss and was right when she heard a tentacle try to strike her from behind, easily sidestepping to avoid it, the succubus tried retaliating against her again but once more she ducked and avoided it easily, leaving a window of opportunity for Shana to finish her off, which she did, Karrie caught the succubus and blushed slightly, she muttered a apology and smacked her head with the hilt of her sword to knock her out, she set her down against the wall in between dodging the monsters attacks, the battle was going pleasingly well as Karrie easily dodged the monsters attacks in between trying to land attacks of her own, even though she was starting to miss.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie – 16 vs 2 Tb, hit
Tentacled beast – 2 vs 14 Karrie, mss
Shana – 3 vs 5 Tb, miss

Karrie – 10 vs 10 Tb, player wins on ties so hit and victory

Karrie was able to bob and weave between the tentacles of the beast that were coming at her and she managed to get in close enough to get a good slash in on the thing with her sword, cutting into its leg before being forced back. Karrie then managed to evade the tentacles when they tried to retaliate against her for hitting it, ducking under them as they flew at her face and chest. Shana tried to get in close behind the tentacled creature and hit it from behind, but she was forced back by the tentacles when the beast noticed her, though she was able to keep from getting grabbed at least.

Karrie saw her opening against the beast when it turned to go after Shana and rushed in at it, before it could turn to stop her, she'd already managed to jump up onto its back and slam the hilt of her sword into the back of its head, knocking it out.

After she knocked it out, the beast fell forward and to the floor, with Karrie riding it down. Once down Karrie would see the chest sitting on the pedestal now with no guards on it, though it was up to her whether or not to be honest about the deal with the succubus and either wake her up or wait for her to get up on her own before taking whatever was in the chest.

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Karrie Valsimot (Prinny # 471)

Karrie managed to keep her dodging streak up easily, getting another powerful slash in on the tentacle monster and dodging its retaliations, when the beast turned on Shana and tried focusing on her instead, Karrie spotted the opportune moment to hop up on the tentacle beasts back and smack the back of its head or whatever it was to knock it out cold, it slumped onto the floor and Karrie hopped off, she looked at the downed succubus, then the chest "If they are both out cold now, guess that means i won" she said, shrugging, going over to the chest Karrie opened it to see what was inside.