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Kaoru (TentanariX)

Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru casts Blast!
Slime takes 2 FP damage.
Slime dies.
With one last burst of point-blank magic, the slime collapses into inanimate goo. This leaves Kaoru naked and covered in slime, but unmolested. The chamber is much dimmer then when she first entered it, though it is obviously still the same place, and she can see that she was indeed bound to the semen-covered alter she had noticed when she first entered the place. With magical ropes that were now gone. In the dimness it is difficult to see, but eventually she makes out the door... which is open, but even as she watches is slowly moving downward. If she's going to go through, it had best be soon.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Once she obliterated the slime she strained her her eyes until she finally noticed the door, but seeing it slowly lower and close on her sent another surge of fear induced adrenaline empowering her physical capabilities as she quickly bolted straight and dashed with all of her physical non magically enhanced power, her leg muscles feeling like they were on fire hoping to get to the door before it closes, ducking or diving under it it started to descend quicker or go too low desperate to get out of the hell that was the temple.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru bolted towards the closing door with every bit of speed she could muster. And for a moment felt slightly foolish as it became clear that it would be at least a minute before it was so closed that she couldn't make it through. Then she looked down the path she had come up, and saw all the next door was closing as well, already just as far down as the door she had just come through. Her eyes darted further down the path, and she no longer felt foolish about moving quickly - every door in the place, including the one that led out of the temple, would be closed in a minute.

She paused only a second to realize this, then resumed her full-speed sprint down the path, though the room where she had felt the attentions of the tentacles, the rooms with the puzzles, the rooms with the other monsters she had vanquished and finally threw herself to the ground and crawled under the exit door. For a moment she thought that she had been too slow, that she would be crushed under the door unable to force her chest through, but with a final burst of strength she powered through it. She sat on the ground outside the door, watching as it lowered the last few inches towards the ground. Then she started to turn to look up the tunnel, the path towards the sky and freedom.

"Hmm... you know, if you had been wearing clothes I don't think you could have squeezed through there." The 'monster' stood a few feet up the tunnel, smiling oddly at kaoru. Somehow she was wearing a dress of blue silk, form fitting and extremely suggestive without actually showing a square inch of skin below the neck.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Damned these freaking fat cow tits of mine!" Kaoru screamed as struggled with all of her strength to wheeze through the closing door, desperate to both escape the forsaken monster infested temple and not get squished to death like a grape. With a final burst of adrenaline and fear induced atengrg she managed to plop herself narrowly out of the door and at the end of temple. As she looked up the ramp, she saw both her escape, freedom and relief and Tiffany up at the top of the ramp. She looked warily and uneasily at the near copy of her self at the top of the ramp. "I was not going to be crushes or allow myself to be doomed to being a breeding machine for those god forsaken abominations........ Anyways........ What now...... Am I to have to fight you again and possibly kill you for my freedom? Is that my only choice? Are you going to try to stop me and fight me again, 'Tiffany'? If so, then I won't hesitate.... But I'd just rather you let me go.... There's no need for us to fight each other again..... But if I have to then I shall." she said as she slowly brought herself up on her feet and got into a ready stance in case the 'monster' did indeed wish to resume their previous bout.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"You misunderstand. I did not make the rules of that place. The door would not open until one of us was dead or tied ritualistically to the alter. And the skill to make the proper bindings in such a way that they would dissipate before the doors closed is far beyond you. Even doing it myself I was almost sure it wouldn't work... but I gave you a chance, which is more then any of my predecessors did." She looked at Kaoru again, gaze halting for a moment on the girl's now-flat belly. "In fact... it seems that the locals are a bit miffed that the erotic power has suddenly vanished. It might be safer were you to stay with me, at least for a while. I expect they might be wondering whose fault it is, and unless you had a good lie about your reasons for entering here they might just be looking for you about now."
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

At Tiffanys explanation, Kaoru lowered her arms down and merely slumped down on haunches on the ramp, letting her head hang down for a moment, burying her face in her hands before taking a large deep breath and exhaling heavily in an exhausted and extremely relieved sigh. "So..... I-is... Is it all o-over then.....? The people shall return to normal, evetnually? I won't have to f-fight anymore? That was harrowing..... I...... I would greatly enjoy a respite from all the action, excitement and insanity I have been through this day. C-can I trust you not to try anything without my consent, were I to stay with you? If so, then I would gladly accept your generous offer. Thank you." Once she finished, she slowly lifted her self up off her haunches and walked slowly over to Tiffany and extended her hand fir the other hermaphrodite.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Hmmm... to say that they will return to normal might be exaggerating. They will no longer be pushed further along the path of lust, or actually prevented from going back, but it will be slow and some will undoubtedly decide they like this lifestyle." The woman looked cautiously at Kaoru. "And it would certainly be wrong to say you don't have to fight anymore. Or rather, if you choose not to you'll certainly be taken by a number of men and women angry that you actually succeeded. And while I will promise not to do anything sexual to you without consent, I very much doubt that they will do the same. I might sneak out of here with just a little harmless sex, but I very much doubt you would be capable of the same. We will have to fight."

She accepted Kaoru's hand when offered, and began leading the other woman up the path to the temple. As they got closer, Kaoru could see a woman on the alter in the center, being fucked vigorously by a man. There were a great number of men and women lining the exterior of the temple. Some looked like they were waiting for their turn at the alter, others looked angry, and still others looked nervous or confused as if unsure what they were doing there. The man at the alter was facing away from the entrance to the odd clock, but everyone else could see Kaoru and Tiffany as soon as the two hermaphrodites could see out.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru looked nervous and edgey as she observed all the men and women around the alter. She was mostly concerned about the ones who looked rapey or angry. She didn't want to hurt the ones who seemed as nervous and afraid as her, but from the looks of it and by Tiffanys words; she was likely going to have no choice but to fight. She looked nervously over to Tiffany before asking, "Uhm....... Tiffany...... I d-don't suppose y-you'd happen to have any sort of crowd control would you?..........."