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Kaoru (TentanariX)

Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru touched the alter with one finger, then pulled it away, leaving a string of what was now clearly semen arcing between her finger and the stone for a moment. The entire thing was covered in a thin coating of the same fluid. A voice sounded behind Kaoru, feminine and in the utter silence of the vast chamber, seeming very loud while at the same time being barely more then a whisper. It left behind unintelligibly faint echoes, breaking the silence for several seconds after the last word ended. "Have you come to slay the monster?"

The woman was right behind Kaoru. Only a few feet away, having apparently come out of nowhere while the mage was focusing on the clock and the alter. Kaoru's gaze trailed down her nude form, and found her eyes drawn to the manhood nestled between her legs. Another one like Kaoru herself, then. In fact, a second glance at the woman's form showed that she looked somewhat like Kaoru, though not exactly. This woman was shorter, with slightly larger breasts. The largest difference, though, was in bearing. Kaoru had been worried about exposing her privates, but this woman seemed to flaunt her nudity, arching an eyebrow suggestively as Kaoru's gaze fell across her. "Well?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"14999............ 15000 years!? This.......I don't think they're dealing with demons, unless it comes from the future...... that far in time, it would have to be extraterrestrial, I think......" She said to herself as she headed towards the altar off into the center of the room, she wondered and pondered over its nature, It's........ so crude....... At least compared to everything else I have seen so far...... It really kind of seems out of place........ she thought to herself as she leaned over to touch the rough stone slab, as she did she felt a cold sticky liquid on it which she would instantly recognize as semen, "EEEEEWWWWWW~ I imagine, that this....... had to be one of, if not the altar that those girls in the glyphs and carvings I had been seeing were fucked on....... I have a bad feeling about all of this........." she said to herself before her own suspicions and fears were promptly answered as she head the feminine ask her something, spinning around, the echoes sending slight shivers down her nude spine. Her eyes immediately fell upon the woman, the source of the voice that had spoken out, at first her eyes dipped south catching the woman's man part like hers........ In fact, much of her was almost exactly like herself! The same long brown hair, the same facial features, the only difference being her height and her slightly smaller bosoms. That and the haughty unabashed posture and the way she proudly showed off her dick. As she still choose to try to keep a hand hiding her penis and testicles, she released the one concealing or trying to cover her breasts and got into a slightly defensive stance, the woman's sudden appearance, not to mention looking so much like herself had put her off, even being as caught off guard like she was at the moment. She couldn't help but to air her worries and suspicions out at that particular moment however, "I may have......... are you the monster!?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Am I the monster?" The woman sighs, apparently unconcerned by Kaoru's fighting stance. "I don't think so. I'm just a poor woman who has been trapped up here, unable to get out of this prison."

"On the other hand, if I'm being truthful... the other women who have come this far have all called me a monster. How would I know if I were the monster? Do you think I'm a monster?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru continued looking in the other woman's direction for a few more moments wearily before finally relaxing somewhat and lowering her other hand from her defensive stance and returning it to cover up her pussy and man parts. After pondering the woman's words for a brief bit before responding, "No..... You certainly don't look like one anyways. In fact you seem to be another hermaphrodite like me. I suppose that the people here have just never really seen a woman possessing man parts. And expectedly reacted in ignorance, fear and suspicion. I really have no idea what to think about you or this place, to be truthful. If your words are true, you're just another oddity of a human being who was captured like me. Looks can be deceiving also not to mention. However you are the first really humanoid person or being I have found since coming here....... So I will give you the benefit of tue doubt...... For now......." she said before walking carefully and slowly up to the other woman before removing one of her hands to extend it for her to shake, "By the way, my name is Kaoru. What is yours?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Hmm... you are right that people tend to judge by appearances. My name is -" there was a sound like three different voices speaking at once, none forming syllables Kaoru could recognize "- but you may call me Tiffany. I've always liked that name."

The woman looked slightly confused at Kaoru's outstretched hand, and the sudden sensation of being watched flooded over Kaoru, strongly enough that she almost turned and ran. Just for a moment, then the feeling was gone and the other woman shook Kaoru's hand. She had a firm grip, and took advantage of Kaoru's temporarily occupied hand to glance appreciatively at the assets it left exposed, while still very nearly flaunting her own. She held on slightly longer then Kaoru felt comfortable with, then let go.

"You look to be with child, Kaoru. Have they stooped so low as to send a pregnant woman to save them, or...?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru blinked in confusion when the three voices spoke at once, but after a brief moment she managed to catch the name the woman preferred to go by. She felt a cold chill run down her spine as she felt the uncomfortable feeling of being watched, but soon the sensation had passed and she went to shake Tiffany's hand. "Yes they do, unfortuantely. Nobody but you knows that I am an hermaphrodite, other then my closest friends and family. I try hard to keep it a secret. I'm afraid people are all too often quick to judge." she said before she noticed Tiffany eyeing her large generous breasts that her hand left exposed, blushing slightly but still holding onto the other woman's hand. After a moment she would return her hand to her breasts, covering them again until she heard Tiffany speak once again. "Yes I am pregnant. But no, I was nit with child when I came here. It was the room before this one or before it, that I was attacked by a group of tentacles and lost. They....... raped me and implanted their seeds inti my womb....... I dunno how long I have till I eventually give birth to the creatures young....... But I have to find the monster, slay it, and escape as soon as possible before the monsters offspring are born......." she said sullenly and warily.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The woman smiled in a satisfied manner as she finally let go of Kaoru's hand, clearing having enjoyed her eyeful. "Really? M-The creatures of this place were able to impregnate you? But in my experience they do not enter a woman unless she gives her consent, though they can be... persuasive. Still, whatever the manner this is a portentous event, as it means my time in this tower is nearly at an end."

The nude woman spread her hands in a way that emphasized their emptiness, seeing Kaoru's sudden wariness. "But I see that you are committed to your quest. Well then... the creatures which have attacked you on your way to this room are all products of my womb, as are a great many others that roam the lands. My presence here is also responsible for the somewhat increased amount of lust in the local people, and in my name young women are brought to the temple below, and leave willing members of the growing community. Most come willingly as well, though their families may prefer to believe that they are captured. I can not directly control any of this, but my presence here insures that it continues, and I can't leave. If you kill me... it will stop, eventually."

With this, the woman spread her arms further apart, palms facing Kaoru and breasts thrust forward as if offering the other woman a place to stick a knife.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru managed to catch Tiffanys slight slip, and became somewhat alarmed. However it was hearing the woman's other words that shocked her the most. She was directly responsible for the things happening around here? It seemed as if she was impregnated by some thing and held captive here, and she was most certainly not a monster, at least in her eyes. From the looks of things she was just another hermaphrodite like herself. She was a victim! If that was the case regardless of what she was sent here to do, she couldn't in right good conscience knowingly take her life! She wasn't evil, just an unwilling tool for the corruption spreading around. With that in mind, she hung her head down her bangs covering her eyes in defeat, "I............ Can't.......... I can't kill you, Tiffany. If what you say true then you are no monster. You are a victim, and that would be cold blooded, unjustified murder. But....... What will happen if I give birth to those creatures offspring? Will I have to stay here like you have? Will I never be able to leave? I just......... I just..... don't know what to do......... What should I do?" she asked sadly no longer sure of what course of action she should take anymore........
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The other woman looked at Kaoru with a measure of pity in her eyes. "You can't kill me? If you won't do that, then you will be trapped here with me, until the day you die. You will give birth to monsters, and then more will come here as long as either of us aren't pregnant. The influence of this temple will grow far stronger, and it may be centuries before one thus far uncorrupted can be convinced to come kill us both monsters. The temple will... ensure that we both stay alive indefinitely."

Tiffany took a slight step back, and looked at Kaoru as if weighing her. "I would love to leave here alive, but the only way that could happen would be if... my, you do look very much like me..."

Suddenly she was looking away again, slightly embarrassed for the first time since Kaoru had seen her. "Killing me would be the right thing to do. Then at least one of us could leave, and it would be the one less corrupted. If I were the one to leave, I would still be corrupted, and while I would no longer touch the minds of those around me, I would still attract the monsters, and be unable to prevent myself from providing them with a vessel with which to breed. Most women are unable to bear them, you know. Even you would be unlucky to find yourself with child one time in ten, though your receptiveness will increase the longer you stay."

"I have said that I am not a monster, and truthfully I do not wish to slay you. But if neither of us acts then we will both suffer, and there is limited time when escape is possible. But you have said you will not kill me, in cold blood. And truthfully I admit the allure of my own possible escape is not without attraction. Well, then I will simply your choice. Kill me or die."

With that, and an almost lightning fast hand movement, the other woman threw a ball of blue fire at Kaoru. Before Kaoru could even flinch, the fire washed over her. Somewhat to her surprise it did not burn, but she could feel it sitting almost on her mind...

FP: 5/5
AP: 1/10 (aphrodisiac 1)
MP: 8/8
Blue Fire Effect - Spells have a chance of failure for 3 rounds

FP: ???/??? (uninjured)
AP: ???/???
MP: ???/???
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As the blue fire washed over Kaoru she felt her mind begin to grow slightly foggy, but she quickly shook it off and got into a defensive stance, I really don want to kill her, but neither do I wish to remain here..... I am afraid I have no choice! she thought as she immediately got into a defensive stance before lifting her hands and running them down the air in front of her body in a meditative manner; channeling the magical energies into her body enhancing her strength and speed, she would then throw out two blinding balls of magical energy towards Tiffany before tumbling out of the way of any possible counter strike.

Cast Enhance, Speed and fire off two Blasts at Tiffany. Fighting defensively.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 1:
Kaoru casts enhance! (Blue fire: failure on 1 or 2. 1d10 = 6. Success!)
Green Fire (Tiffany): 8+3 = 11 v 17 = 13 + 4 -> Miss!
A green fire glows around Tiffany!

Round 2:
Kaoru casts speed! (Blue fire: failure on 1 or 2. 1d10 = 3. Success!)
Red fire (Tiffany): 20+8 = 28 v 16 = 14 + 4 -> Hit!
Red fire glows around Kaoru!
Kaoru takes 1 FP and 1 AP damage from the red fire!

Round 3:
Kaoru casts blast! (Blue fire: failure on 1. 1d10 = 8. Success!)
Tiffany takes 2 damage.
Green Fire (Tiffany): 1+3 = 4 v 10 = 7+3 -> Miss!
A green fire glows around Tiffany!
Kaoru casts blast! (Blue fire: failure on 1. 1d10 = 1. Failure!)
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage as backfire from the blue fire.
Kaoru takes 1 FP and 1 AP damage from the red fire!

Kaoru can feel the blue fire pressing on her mind as she tries to cast her first spell, but easily powers through it and feels the energy flow into her body, filling her with strength. At the same time, her defensive stance allows her to dodge the bolt of green flame that sprouts from her foe's hands. After what the blue flame did, she isn't eager to feel the effects of more of the woman's strange spells, but somewhat to her surprise she sees the other woman's form is now covered in floating green flames, which don't seem to burn her.

Ignoring this, the heroic hermaphrodite focuses her will once again on her body, this time trying to imbue it with superhuman speed. Again the flames of the other woman's spell weigh on her mind, but again she manages to push through, though it is much closer this time. Speed fills her limbs, but too late for her to use it to dodge the bolt of red fire. She feels it roll over her nude body and winces in pain at the heat of it... but there's something strange. The heat isn't entirely physical. She feels herself getting hot in a way that a fireball wouldn't do in addition to the normal heat. Worse still, it seems to be sticking around on her skin even as the other woman's green flames fade leaving her look somehow... less.

Fortunately the pain isn't too much, and Kaoru launches a bolt of energy at her attacker, striking her with the added force of her first enhancement and drawing a gasp of pain that doesn't stop her from again launching green fire at Kaoru, an easily dodged bolt. Again the other woman is cloaked in green flame, and as the red flame still burns against her body and in her sex, Kaoru follows up with another bolt. Only to feel the spell shatter in her mind, the last shreds of blue flame somehow stopping it from properly forming, and turning it on herself in the form of yet more arousal.

Fortunately she can feel her mind clear immediately after, and while her strength fades with it she knows she can move supernaturally fast for another few seconds, and her magic isn't entirely done quite yet. Unfortunately, the combined effects of three different sources of arousal are starting to get to her, and she can feel herself weakening. Fortunately, she can see that Tiffany isn't quite the god she might have otherwise seemed, holding a hand painfully to the spot where Kaoru's bolt struck home.

FP: 3/5
AP: 4/10
MP: 2/8
Red Fire Effect - Causes FP and AP damage (1 round left)
Speed allows 2 actions per round (1 round left)

FP: ???/??? (looks injured)
AP: ???/???
MP: ???/???
Green fire outlines her form.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaworu grimaces and winces in pain before moaning and gasping in arousal from the swimmy feeling of the strange mystical heat of the blue, green and red flames Tiffany has blasted her with. She begins to feel the temptation and urge to carress, massage and fondle her privates, stroking her hardening shaft and the desire to be fucked. But she focuses her thoughts and shakes her head fiercely to shake off the growing lust because she knows if she were to give into those feelings she would be seriously fucked in both the figurative and literal sense, for ages. She closes her her tightly bowing her head slightly before biting down viciously on her lower lip to force the arousal and pain of the flames, forcing herself to concentrate hoping to cast the next two applications of her blast spell successfully and hoping it would take a great majority of the fight out of Tiffany if not finish her off completely. She would focus deep down inside her self to find her center and bring the arcane power to her fingertips and hurl the blinding balls of white energy towards her fellow hermaphrodite's head and gut. If the attacks proved successful she would try to follow up for what she would hope be the finishing blow, delivering an upwards palm strike to Tiffanys chin.

attempt to fight through the effects of the flames and launch two blasts, to try to stun Tiffany still in defensive stance before rushing in for a head shot if possible.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 1:
Kaoru: Blast!
Tiffany takes 1 damage.
Green Fire (Tiffany): 9+8 = 17 v 19 = 16+3 -> Miss!
Kaoru: Blast!
Tiffany takes 1 damage.
Kaoru takes 1 FP and 1 AP damage from the red fire!

Round 2:
Attack (Kaoru): 3+1 = 4 v 14 = 6+8 -> Miss!
Attack (Tiffany): 14+8 = 22 v 21 = 19+2 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 damage!

Kaoru launches two more blasts of energy at Kaoru, both easily hitting home now that the blue flame is gone. At the same time, she manages to use the last of her speed to dodge the other woman's retaliatory blast of green fire. She is less successful at fighting the red flames that still crawl over her body, feeling them burn her body in more ways then one before finally going out.

Unnaturally aroused and feeling on the edge of collapse, Kaoru takes some small measure of heart that this woman who looks so much like her also looks at least as badly injured. She gathers her strength and rushes the woman, hoping to take her down for good with a close-range magical blast, but underestimates the other woman's speed. Tiffany dodges and sends Kaoru to the floor with a bolt of static, and the near-beaten woman gets back to her feet aware that one more solid blow will finish her. And she's out of magical energy.

FP: 1/5
AP: 5/10
MP: 0/8

FP: ???/??? (looks critically injured)
AP: ???/???
MP: ???/???
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Nearing collapse and heavily aroused, Kaoru feels her knees begin to shake and wobble horribly. She knows she is on her last legs and another successful blow for her near twin would doom to life as a sex slave. She decides to throw caution to the wind and put all of her effort and focus into playing chicken and trying to pull a fake out maneuver on Tiffany by throwing a sucker punch at her throwing a feint strike with her right towards her face to get her to leave her midsection exposed and following through with a viscous uppercut to her solar plexus hoping to take the last of the woman's wind from her and knocong her out cold.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 1:
Attack (kaoru): 4+1 = 5 v 22 = 19+3 -> Miss by 17! Counter!
Kaoru takes 1 damage.
Kaoru is defeated.

In a last, desperate ploy, Kaoru throws a fake punch at her attacker, intending to draw her into countering so that her real attack could take the other woman where it hurt. So it was somewhat of a surprise when instead of dodging and trying to counter, the other woman grabbed kaoru's fist out of the air and squeezed. The sudden, unexpected pain took the strength out of Kaoru's attempt to strike the woman, and she found herself pinned on the ground.

Before she could wonder why she was pinned instead of dead, Kaoru felt something warm holding her wrists together behind her back, and then both of Tiffany's hands between her legs. Three fingers dove straight into her sopping pussy while the other hand gently caressed her erect cock. She could feel herself being worked toward orgasm, and try as she might she couldn't escape whatever was binding her even if she could find the energy. "I... I gave you your chance. I hope this works, but if it doesn't... I'm sorry."

defeated, bound, and not far from orgasm.

Not quite defeated...
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

DAMN! She had a spell in mind rather then trying to dodge my blow! Kaoru thought to herself before Tiffany surged the wave of searing blinding electircity through her already near dead body, "HURGNNNNNNNHUUUUHKYAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" She gurgled and cried out in shock and pain as she thouroughly electrocuted by the other hermaphroditre's unexpected attack, before she eventually lost the strength in her legs and body, and she simply slumped to the stony ground with a loud wet thud, her whole world going black. D-Damn....... It looks like th-this is the e-end........ she thought to herself before she finally truly lost consciousness. When she finally managed to come to, she found herself pinned on the ground, she felt her wrists tied behind her back by something wet and warm, most likely more damned tentacles; and Tiffany on top of her, shew didn't have time to ask her question before she found Tiffany diving her hand deep inside her cunt and the other one expertly stroking and jacking off her now erect cock, "HGGGGNNNN! AGH! MMMMNNNN!!!! Wh-what..... What are you doing!? What are you tr-trying? Didn't you say one of us h-had to d-die? W-why are you fist fucking me and giving me a damned handjob? What are you plotting Tiffany?" She asked as she tried to fight off her growing arousal.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The other woman whispered in Kaoru's ear as her orgasmed approached despite all her efforts of willpower. "Consider it a last chance. Or denying you the mercy of death, if you're less lucky." Before she could ask just what that meant, the beaten woman realized that she could hold back no more, and felt herself begin an explosive orgasm, spewing her load onto the floor while her entire body seized with the pleasure she had tried to deny. Just as the sheer sensation of it threatened to overwhelm her, Kaoru felt something solid hit the side of her head and everything went black.


The hermaphrodite opened her eyes, and for a moment wondered if she had. Eventually she decided that her eyes were open, just it was very dark. So dark she couldn't see... her hands were bound. Still bound, in fact, behind her back where Tiffany had left them. Try though she might to struggle against the bonds, she found that she couldn't budge them. And then she heard a noise, movement somewhere... nearby. It didn't sound human, and certainly didn't respond if addressed. But it also didn't seem to be - something touched her thigh, brushing lightly against it, then was gone.

Lying there, in the dark, bound and on her back, unseen shapes occasionally brushing her body almost intimately, Kaoru eventually got used to the dim light. She was still in the same room, and judging by the slight dampness under her and what she could see of the room, she was on the alter. And her pregnancy had advanced. Considerably. She had no experience with the gestation of monsters, and little enough with that of humans, but she thought that if her child were human it would be due by now. Just as the thought occurred to her, she felt a sharp pain, and something stirring inside her. The unseen shapes seemed to go into a frenzy, their touch constant now, but still gentle.

With no real choice in the matter, Kaoru pushed, and felt her unwelcome burden slither out of her womb. The long tentacle moved with little jerks as it came, and Kaoru felt herself driven to orgasm as the last of its length slid out of her. She found herself panting for breath, and then felt another sharp pain, another push, the start of another tentacle coming out in a way that felt almost exactly like the fucking the tentacle beast had given her to get into this position, if less intense and only in her pussy. Her first spawn, meanwhile, seemed to be taking a chance to explore her body, wrapping around one of her breasts before sliding off and joining the mass of what could only be more tentacles around her.

Kaoru tried her best to keep count of the tentacles she birthed, just for something to occupy her mind, but with the periodic orgasms it was difficult, and she was finally left with "about a dozen" when it seemed the last had passed her lower lips. She could only be glad that they hadn't decided to stick around and fuck her again, and that the others had thus far limited themselves to brushing against her breasts as their most intimate contact.

She braced herself for that to end, for the tentacles to begin trying to re-impregnate her... but it didn't come. Instead, the sound of moving tentacles was suddenly moving away. For a moment she didn't quite understand, then she heard another unseen movement. It sounded like the slime she had killed earlier in the temple. Perhaps it made sense that she would be rotated between different beasts as she was used to populate the countryside, but that didn't mean she had to like it... and surely the heat between her legs was just the aphrodisiac left over from before, not anticipation of the embrace of the slime.

Suddenly, just as Kaoru could see the slime leaning over her bound body... the binds were gone. She could move her hands, her feet. She was still naked and a foot from the body of a slime that would surely try to rape her. But somehow, inexplicably, she might have a choice: try to fight, or accept her fate.

FP: 6/6
MP: 3/3

FP: 5/5
AP: 2/10 (aphrodisiac 2)
MP: 8/8
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru woke up swimmy feeling, she was sore, tired, and had a terrible headache from the blow that Tiffany gave her. She found her self laying on her back, completely naked and bound to the altar. She did not have enough time to think more about he other hermaphrodite before she felt a brushing against her thigh. She would continue feeling unseen shapes brushing lightly almost intimately against her nude from, and could see that her baby belly had gotten quite bigger with pregnancy from before and just as she thought that the monsters that she had been impregnated with before would be about ready to enter she felt a sharp pain inside her center and the petting of the invisible shapes picked up into feverish pace, but were still gentle to the touch.

As her first birthing began, she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes tightly pushing with all her strength, the long tentacle slowly jerking out of her womb, "GYAAAAAOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUGUUUUUUUHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!-" she cried out in both pain and pleasure as she orgasm-ed with pleasure from the feeling of giving birth, but before she could fully recover she would feel another sharp pain deep inside of her as another tentacle monster would work it's way out of her center. It would remind of the unpleasantly pleasant feeling of the fucking the tentacle beast had originally given her before reaching Tiffany. She moaned out lewdly as one of them stuck around for a bit exploring her generous tits before slithering off to the floor. She would be racked by so many orgasms from the many experiences that she seriously felt that she may well soon lose her mind. She eventually lost count from the many unbelievable orgasms from the birthing process. And when she felt like it couldn't get any worse, it finally did...... But not in the way she had anticipated. the tentacle did not stick around to impregnate her once more, but rather scurried away quickly as she saw another slime come for her...... but through an act of divine grace or sheer luck she soon felt her bindings released. She would not stick around for the follow up act of the slime, and as soon as she was able to get up on her feet, she would close her eyes and cross her arms in front of her chest, screaming out loudly as she would focus and release all of her rage and magic into one, enhancing her natural and magical abilities ten fold, before releasing two mighty giant white fireballs of blinding magic towards the slime, intent on finishing this before it started.

Use Greater Enhance followed by Mega Blast on the slime. KAMEHAMEHA that motherfucker!
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 1:
Kaoru casts Greater Enhance (success!)
Slime attacks: 4+10 = 14 v 13 = 5 + 8 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 AP and FP damage.
Kaoru is engulfed!

Round 2:
Kaoru casts Mega Blast (success!)
Slime takes 4 AP damage
Slime attacks: (Auto-hit)
Kaoru takes 1 AP and FP damage

Kaoru wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth with regards to her bindings, but she was nevertheless startled by the speed with which the slime moved. Before she had finished gathering her energies she found the thing engulfing her, already pressing against her naked body in an overly familiar way, paying special attention to her paired privates. The young mage didn't stop her preparations even so, and the extreme proximity of the slime to her hands simply made her twin balls of fire hit sooner and with more force, tearing twin holes in the thing from her hands to the air outside. Unfortunately, the slime seemed to simply flow, filling in the damage almost instantly. But there was less of it now. Another blast like that might leave so little she could simply walk out of it... if she had the magical energy left, which she didn't. Still, a lesser blow might suffice, and she could still feel the energies of her enhancement flowing through her, even stronger then the arousal that was growing with the continued contact with the slime.

FP: 3/5
AP: 4/10 (Aphrodisiac 2)
MP: 1/8
Engulfed (slime will auto-hit until Kaoru escapes or the fight ends)
Greater Enhance (Bonuses to attack, defense, and damage. 2 rounds left.)

FP: 2/6
MP: 2/3
Last edited:
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"GAH-UMPH!" Kaoru cried out in anger and defiance as the slime came ontop of her and engulfed her in itself. The warmth and tingling in her loins and the rest of her body was growing due to the continued contact with the slime's gooey aphrodisiac coated substance, but she would not lose to this monster and be made into a breeding machine for the abomniations. She summoned up what little magical energy and strength she had left and fire single baseball sized orb of blinding white magic point blank into the beings substance, hoping to blow it to oblivion from the inside, "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she roared out as the area of the slime and her body were blotted out and enveloped in searing white light.

Kaoru fires off a regular blast spell from inside the slime hoping to finish it off.