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Kaoru (TentanariX)

Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Karou gasped and yelped out as the fire ball she sent out at the demon landed at her feet and nearly ignited her feet and ankles. "Ha-Hot!" she cried out as she jumped back away from the slime before trying to recover her wits and regain her composure to fire another more carefully aimed blast of fire, however she wouldn't have the time to be able to dodge out of the way of the rope's counter attack and was hit with another snot ball which would send yet another wave of arousal through her body, her dick twitching greater and itching more and burning worse, now making a very obvious tent. By now it was getting horribly difficult for her to think about anything except for sex. She would launch two more fireballs at the creature only to curse inward as they would bounce of the monster and inhale shaprly and deeply as another slime ball would hit her right in her crotch, making her go nearly mad with arousal. Her dick was now on fire and hot to touch, and if one could see inside her panties a small bead of pre cum was beginning to form at the tip of her cock's head, Aaaaaah~ OoooUUUhhh~ AH~ My....... My pussy...... My dick.... they burn and itch so bad~ she whined inwardly as her privates were now nearly begging for release, it was surprising then, she had enough clarity left to see the tear in the demon's material. She decided to try to lead the thing to where she grab at the tear and use it hopefully unravel the monster, she would send a fireball it's way only to jump in the direction it dodged to try to either grab and burn the tear to finish it, or rip at the tear with all her strength causing the thing to come unraveled.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (kaoru): 13-2 = 11 v 1 -> Hit!
Wrap demon takes 1 damage!
Attack (wrap demon): 7-2 = 5 v 19 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage!

Kaoru sent another ball of fire at the entity, intending it only to be a distraction while she prepared to tear at the thing's body herself. She was somewhat surprised, therefor, when the ball struck true. She still went in for what she hoped would be the killing blow, and ran straight into the thing's counterattack. Fortunately, it seemed to have lost all strength, and a loop of cloth simply landed wetly on Kaoru's shoulder. The added arousal was very nearly too much for the woman, but not quite. She grabbed firmly at the wounded part, glad that her fire seemed to have dried out the slime there, and pulled. One final tearing sound, and the thing collapsed into a heap.

Kaoru noticed that the exit door had opened, allowing her to advance at her leisure to the next room. But she could hardly concentrate on that, so high was her arousal. She could wait it out... or help it along. It wouldn't take much to put her over the edge now.

Wrap Demon:
FP: 0/9
MP: 0/3

FP: 1/5
AP: 9/10 (Aphrodisiac: 1)
MP: 0/6
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

YATTA! Kaoru cried excitedly as she saw her fireball hit the bandage demon squarely, she ran into the monster and went to grab ahold of it's wounded area, fighting through the arousal as it's being landed wetly on her shoulder. She pulled with all her might and finally the fiend let loose a loud tearing sound and fell lifelessly on the floor. Unfortunately the combined stimuli of the doors punishment and the demons poison had been enough to drive her nearly mad with arousal, an she promptly proceeded to collapse on her knees on the floor her legs sprawled out wide. She would quickly proceed to remaneuver her legs and pull down her undergarments, letting her impressive member free from it's confines and begin to stroke her shaft while simultaneously massaging her clit, desperate for release. Which would come shortly as a long hot stream of white come would erupt from the purple head and she would let out a loud long cry of orgasm, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!~" After she finished shooting her load, Kaoru would lean back against the wall of the room trying to come down off of her high, and recover her strength and her bearings, before slowly pulling her panties back up over her crotch and member, and then finally getting back up on wobbly legs and heading through the open door into the next chamber slowly and cautiously.

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Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru felt her strength return quickly, and her arousal dropped even more precipitously after her little stimulation, leaving a mess on the floor. It didn't recede all the way, though, and eventually she decided that it wasn't going to get any better. Looking up the ramp, she could see that there were only two more gaps, before a final, much larger door. She approached the first of the two gaps, and cautiously entered the room, on careful lookout for anything that might attack her, even if it was apparently inanimate at the moment.

There was nothing. And to her mild dread, she saw that there was a pressure plate in front of the door, and 3 buttons on each side. Another puzzle. It was unlikely, she thought, to be easier. On the other hand, she did know the rules, now, or thought she did. It would be read from left to right, and the buttons would be ordered down the left side and then down the right side. She would have to press exactly one of them. She hated to do it, but the door behind her was firmly closed and the options seemed to be making an effort or staying in the room indefinitely.

Shapes appeared on the door, and again they were baffling. This time there were 6 pairs of symbols. Across the top were shapes with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sides, all of which were slowly blinking. Along the bottom were, in order: a triangle, a plus sign, a triangle, a plus sign, a square, and a third and final plus sign.

Again, either try to solve the puzzle yourself, or leave it to the dice. If you decide to try it yourself you can switch to the dice after any number of guesses, but if you decide on chance to start, then it will go through until you win.
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Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru slowly crept through the chamber and past the gaps and was relieved and disgusted at the same time: relieved to see that there were no new enemies waiting to pounce and strike at her, but disgusted and slightly down hearted that there was another mind racking puzzle for her to contend with. She slowly and sullenly made her way up to the pressure plate getting in place, and carefully looking over the buttons and marks on the door pondering over the conundrum before her. "Hrmmm....... This isn't going to go away, and I don't even begin to comprehend or understand these things...... I have to make a guess and just deal with the consequences of a faulty guess anyways....... I'll just go with what sticks out to me the most. The shape that seems out of place........ The square!" she saids uncertainly as slowly and cautiously presses the button with the square on the bottom.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru felt the button slide in smoothly, and somewhat to her shock the door slid open. Before she stepped through, she saw the rest of the pairs of shapes complete. The top symbols were now shapes with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 sides, while the bottom symbols were shapes with 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, and 3 sides, respectively. Apparently the one with a square on the bottom hadn't been unique in that regard, but Kaoru had guessed correctly anyway. Once again she passed a test without recognizing what it was about. First the Fibonacci sequence, and now the platonic solids. And this time she hadn't even gotten a prick. Up the ramp she could see the final gap in the ramp, after one more chamber she would have a clear shot to the top... and whatever that held.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru let out a heavy sigh of relief as the button slid in effortlessly and the door also slid open Phew! These puzzles wouldn't be so much trouble if they were anything but mathematical. I suck at math... she thought to herself as she proceeded to make up the ramp to the final clearance and chamber before whatever the top of the temple held, though she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that it was likely the demon that had corrupted the people in the village. So she made a mental note and a point for to try to rest up, focus and prepare herself for the battle before trying to solve the puzzle ( if there was another one ) and heading through the last door if there was nothing in the room to confront her.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Ambush: 18 v 16 -> Kaoru avoids ambush!

Rested, Kaoru proceeded through the door to the chamber. There didn't seem to be anything there, but there also wasn't the pressure plate and 6 buttons of the puzzle. Movement out of the corner of her eyes made her spin around, and she saw something crawling towards her. At first she thought it was a snake, but that wasn't quite right. It about the right thickness, but it was muscled wrong, and a solid green. Worst of all, it didn't have a snake's head. It had a cock's head. And it was coming towards her.

More movement made her spin again. There were half a dozen more, all slithering out from a tiny crack that ran along three of the room's walls. She hadn't seen the back end of any of them yet, meaning they were at least ten feet long. The first one she had seen already stretched to the center of the room. They started glowing slightly, almost too little to really see.

FP: 12/12
MP: 12/12

FP: 5/5
AP: 1/10 (Aphrodisiac: 1)
MP: 6/6
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Karou spun around looking towards the three walls and noticing cracks in them, as well as the rather large and long snake like appendages coming from them. Not to mention the phallic shapes on the ends of them, Oh great....... I don't even have to guess what these things are made for...... or what would happen if lost to them...... and I bet the damned things have some sort of aphrodisiac with them like everything else to..... and I'm already drugged up from my last two encounters! she thought before bringing her arms up into a defense crisscrossed formation to her chest before once again channeling her magic through out her entire body. She would first enhance her own capabilities, casting Speed onto herself before increasing the power of her magic, then she would send two Blasts towards two of the holes, before getting into a ready position and keeping her eyes on all three holes. If she could she would try to fire a simple fireball at the third hole, but if not she would get into position to try fighting defensively, keeping a careful and alert eye on the places where the tentacles were coming from.

((Cast Speed, and Enhance on myself, then two Blasts towards the tentacles. If possible make a normal attack towards the third hole, otherwise get into full defensive position to fight defensively.))
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 1:
Kaoru casts speed (gain 2 actions round 2 and 3)
Tentacles start projects an aura.

Round 2:
Kaoru casts enhance (+1 damage and +1 attack through round 4)
Blast (Kaoru): auto-hit
Tentacles take 0 damage.
The tentacles' aura has faded.
The tentacles begin to glow with an inner light.

Round 3:
Blast (kaoru): auto-hit
Tentacles take 2 damage.
Attack (kaoru): 13+3 = 16 v 9 = 4+5
Tentacles take 2 damage.
Attack (tentacles): 11+5 = 16 v 7 = 4+3
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage.
Kaoru is bound!

Kaoru cast her first spell, and felt the world slow down around her. The air was like pudding, thick enough to restrict her movements. She saw an odd glow appear around the tentacles. There were a dozen in all, though kaoru hadn't been able to count them before her subjective time slowed. All of them were coming toward her.

The mage cast her second spell, and felt strength fill her, physical and mental. She had already spent a lot of her energy, but she would be able to pack a good deal of power into the next few seconds, or such was the hope. She flung a ball of fire where it seemed several tentacles were near each other, and saw it strike true. And when the fire was gone, there were only uninjured tentacles, and the aura surrounding them had faded.

Before Kaoru could throw her first followup, though, one of the tentacles finally reached her, grabbing her around a leg from behind. Somewhat to her surprise it hadn't hit her hard, just grabbed on. To her complete lack of surprise, it was wet with some sort of fluid, and where it touched her skin fire raged. The dull throb that was already inside her grew slightly. And now there was a tentacle firmly wrapped around her left leg.

FP: 8/12
MP: 3/12
glowing with an inner light.

FP: 5/5
AP: 2/10 (Aphrodisiac 1)
MP: 0/6
Enhanced (1 more round)
Bound by Tentacles.

Note: while bound by tentacles, Kaoru's will be at -5 to attack and defend, and the tentacles have further options open to them. Succeeding in an attack or escape check will remove the bound status. Escape checks are not at the -5 penalty, but deal no damage.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As the tentacle wrapped itself around one of Kaorus legs the young Mage panicked and immediately threw a fire ball at the one that had wrapped around her in an attempt to harm it and escape. If she was lucky enough to break free she would immediately fire another fireball at the mass of tentacles in one of the cracks where they seemed to be originating from. She would then get into a defensive stance and try to dodge the tentacles attack the best she could until she could make another attack.

((Attack the one grappling her in an escape attempt, then fire another one one the cracks where they are coming from, don't forget enhance also gives me a little bit of bonus to attack, before[\b] the grapple takes affect, and speed allows me to make two actions. :p ))
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Speed allowed you to take two actions. It only lasts for two rounds - rounds 2 and 3. The only really bright point is that the tentacles aren't going to attack your FP. So you have 9 total points, instead of 5.

Round 4:
Attack (kaoru): 11-3 = 8 v 10 = 5+5 -> Miss!
Strip (tentacles): auto-success!

On the positive side, there didn't seem to be any additional tentacles attacking. On the negative side, Kaoru felt the world slide back into normal time far sooner then she might have liked. The sudden reassertion of normal speed combined with the writhing tentacles and particularly the tentacle that had just grabbed her arm combined to make her miss her attack on the thing tentacle wrapped firmly around her leg.

Then, to her intense relief, the one on her leg stopped its seemingly inexorable crawling towards her panties. Unfortunately, the reason why it had stopped suddenly became apparent. All the tentacles struck at once, Kaoru held in place by the one around her leg, and the fabric of her clothing tensed briefly against her skin before it tore. Seconds after the coordinated attack began, Kaoru was completely nude, both sets of genitalia exposed to the air and the tentacles. And now the additional strength faded from her limbs just as the tentacle that wrapped firmly around her leg all the way up past the knee started moving again, coiling toward her exposed pussy. A second grabbed her free leg, and gentle but inexorable pressure kept her legs spread shoulder-width apart.

FP: 8/12
MP: 3/12
glowing with an inner light.

FP: 5/5
AP: 2/10 (Aphrodisiac 1)
MP: 0/6
Bound by Tentacles.

Note: while bound by tentacles, Kaoru's will be at -5 to attack and defend, and the tentacles have further options open to them. Succeeding in an attack or escape check will remove the bound status. Escape checks are not at the -5 penalty, but can't include an attack.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

As the world slipped back into it's normal speed of movement and time, Kaoru felt a tentacle wrap itself around her arm and the restraint of the tentacle and the reassertion of the rest of the worlds speed caused her to miss her mark as her next attack would go wide and she would miss the thin wrapping around er leg completely. Then suddenly the tentacle moving towards her panties suddenly stopped, but before she could let out a sigh of relief she saw the tentacles all strike at her at once. She felt the material of clothes tense and pull tightly against her skin before shredding completely off leavin her completely naked, with her breasts, ass, pussy cock and tentacles revealed completely in the open. The cool air of the temple against all her private sensitive areas, along with the aphrodisiacs, sent a tingle of building pleasure through her core and down her spine. She began to panic:

EEEK!!!...... Ack...... No........ My boy parts...... My privates are all exposed....... I..... I have to break free!!! she thought to herself as she pull with all her might on the tentacle around her arm to try to break from it to try to pull her leg free from the one inching towards her exposed pussy. If she was able to get loose she would quickly try to get as far away from them as she could, and get into a defensive posture and try to dodge or attack as they would come after them.

((try to escape, then if possible get into a full defensive stance and try to fight defensively.))
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 5:
Escape (kaoru): 18+1 = 19 v 17 = 12+5 -> Success!
Attack (tentacles): 15+5 = 20 v 12 = 11+1 -> Success!
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage!

With a burst of panic-induced strength, Kaoru managed to pull herself free from the grabbing tentacles. The second part of her plan proved more difficult, as there was no place in the room far from any tentacles. Instead, she tried to dodge the inevitable attacks. She dodged one, two, three, but there were too many of them, moving too quickly. One grabbed onto one of kaoru's exposed breasts, its foul slime and the erotic touch exciting her despite herself. Fortunately, this proved a less then perfect way to hold the girl in one place and she danced away from the attack. The internal glow of the tentacles faded, and they seemed to move more sluggishly.

FP: 8/12
MP: 3/12

FP: 5/5
AP: 3/10 (Aphrodisiac 1)
MP: 0/6
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru managed to break free of the tentacles but soon found to her dismay, that was no place to go to put herself at a favorable distance form the things in these close quarters and with so many of them about. She managed to successfully dodge three of the things as they darted out towards her, but a fourth managed to land a hit on her impressive bust, and send another tingle of aphrodisiac induced pleasure through her body. Fortunately for her though, the thing was not latched on enough to hold her down and she managed to break free once more and get back into a defensive position, she do her best to stay vigilant and alert, focusing on the cracks in the walls and the tentacles coming out from them and try to dodge as many as she could. She would also try to lob a fire ball every time she dodged and try to weave in and out of them, throwing fireballs about the room the best she could, hoping to do as much damage as possible. Even when and if one would manage to latch onto her she would still fling a fireball at it, even at the risk of possibly singing her self. If the things were determined to confine and violate her she would be sure to make them regret it and cause them as much pain as possible in the process. She would not prove to be easy prey for the freaks.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Round 6:
Attack (kaoru): 17+1 = 18 v 8 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Grapple (tentacles): 20 v 2 = 1+1 -> Hit! Margin 18 -> Critical!
Kaoru takes 2 AP damage!
Kaoru is grappled!

Round 7:
Attack (kaoru): 20-5 = 15 v 10 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Kaoru is no longer grappled!
Attack (tentacles): 8 v 2 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage!

Round 8:
Attack (kaoru): 16-1 = 15 v 5 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Grapple (tentacles): 4 v 10 = 11-1 -> Miss!

Round 9:
Attack (kaoru): 11-1 = 10 v 7 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Grapple (tentacles): 2 v 7 = 8-1 -> Miss!

Round 10:
Attack (kaoru): 13-1 = 12 v 9 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Grapple (tentacles): 3 v 2 = 3-1 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage!
Kaoru is grappled!

Round 11:
Attack (kaoru): 12-6 = 6 v 4 -> Hit!
Tentacles take 1 damage!
Kaoru is no longer grappled!
Attack (tentacles): 19 v 2 = 3-1 -> Hit! Margin 17 -> Critical!
Kaoru takes 2 AP damage!

Round 12:
Attack (kaoru): 6-2 = 4 v 5 -> Miss!
Grapple (tentacles): 20 v 17 = 19-2 -> Hit!
Kaoru takes 1 AP damage!
Kaoru is grappled!

Kaoru didn't waste any time before she resumed her attack, flinging a fireball that singed one of the tentacles, making it withdraw. Unfortunately for her, two others took advantage of the opportunity to grab her around the waist and one arm, rubbing a liberal coating of their aphrodisiac slime onto her in the brief time before another fireball badly damaged one, and forced the other to release her or be hit.

After that brief scare, kaoru did somewhat better, though the heat between her legs was becoming more and more distracting. Another tentacle grabbed at her impressive breasts, but that was once again easily shrugged off. 3 more fireballs drove off three more tentacles while Kaoru nimbly dodged the others. Unfortunately, with so many attackers it was difficult to keep track of them all, and she stepped on one, tripping and giving it the chance to wind around her leg, seeming to dive straight toward her dripping pussy. Another fireball drove it off, but not before it reached its target, rubbing against her damp slit and leaving behind a significant amount of slime.

She was now fully erect and feeling the intense need to get off, but not with these tentacles... which, she realized, were down to only two remaining. Unfortunately, her arousal was now a raging inferno that made it impossible to concentrate properly, and her next fireball missed. One of the tentacles struck from behind, wrapping around her waist and pulling hard to the ground. This last dose of slime was too much, and kaoru felt herself cum, hard, giving the grappling tentacle enough time to loop a second time around her waist, and then brush against her cum-spewing cock, adding more of the aphrodisiac even before she was finished with her orgasm. When she was done, she moved to throw another fireball, but realized her arms were bound by the second tentacle, too tightly for her to finish the gesture that was part of conjuring a fireball.

Her arms were bound behind her back, and that tentacle was now pushing gently against her ass, giving it a slick of arousing slime. And to her horror, the tentacles she had driven off with fire were coming back, or others much like them, now that she was bound and helpless. In seconds she was bound more tightly then she could believe, unable to move of her own free will, while tentacles rubbed at her breasts and her ass, slid up and down the outside of her pussy and gently wound around her erect penis. One was butting against her lips. And her entire body burned with desire, but somehow she couldn't cum, and knew that she wouldn't until the tentacles allowed her to. The one at her mouth wasn't pushing hard, but it was clearly interested in getting inside her. If she opened her mouth...

Kaoru has been defeated. By crits, mostly.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru was feeling confident, even as the tentacles would score a few hits on her, the first time lathering her up good with their aphrodisiac slime, making her crotch and cock burn and itch more and more, but she easily fought it off, blasting a slime to cause it to release her. She managed to shrug off the one wrapping around her breasts and continue to fling fireballs at the monsters. She managed to nimbly art around the room, dodging tentacles as they would try to wrap Aaron her and hit her with their aphrodisiac substance. But she would lose her footing for a brief moment and accidentally trip on an unseen tentacle giving another opportunity to attack her rubbing against her sopping pussy applying a large amount of it's arousing slime on her womanhood, driving her arousal to new heights, as she involuntarily let out a loud moan. With her loins now completely ablaze with the need to fuck she couldn't possibly focus enough to properly aim her fireball to hit the things and another managed to wrap around her waist from behind. The intoxication of the slime was too much for her system to ignore this time and she cried out in orgasm as she felt herself cum, her impressive dick releasing a large long thick hot stream of milky cum, covering the floor in her spunk. She cried out even louder adding another climax to her already happening orgasm when another appendage wrapped around her waist and brushed against her man part, causing it to continue spewing out the milky substance. She was unable to make the gesture for conjuring a fireball as she realized the tentacles had her arms wrapped tightly and before long had them bound behind her back, making her completely helpless and defenseless. She moaned out desperately as she felt the tentacles wrap up her even more tightly and begin rubbing her tits and ass sensually, drawing up stronger and more enflamed feelings of arousal and sexual need. They rubbed and toyed with her sopping pussy and cum covered cock, rubbing against them and wrapping her around her member. Her willpower had been depleted for now from the aphrodisiac from the first door's punishment and the tentacles attacks. She could not fight off her need anymore and would willingly, slowly open her mouth up nice and wide when the tentacle poked at her, giving it an invitation and free access to her throat.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The tentacle plunged into Kaoru's mouth as soon as she had opened it enough for it to pass, going in quickly just to the point where it began to be uncomfortable, then pulling back out until the tip was just even with her teeth. The tentacle moved in and out quickly but not roughly, this one being somewhat more narrow then she might have expected given the shape. The ones that continued to tease even more urgently between her legs were the right thickness, and every second Kaoru found herself wanting them more and more, but they still didn't come.

Finally the tentacle in her mouth stiffened and spurted hot liquid down Kaoru's throat so suddenly that she nearly choked, and found herself reflexively swallowing. The heat that instantly rushed through her body made everything before seem like a blush, and if it weren't for the tentacle that was already resuming its thrusting in her mouth she would have screamed with desire for relief. And finally it came.

The tentacle pushed between her lower lips at the same time another pushed between her lower cheeks, the two pumping into her in a synchronized fucking that added to her preexisting arousal to give her a second orgasm more powerful even then the first. For a moment the relief of that sudden and powerful release made her realize her situation, but the potent aphrodisiac in the cum pushed that awareness away.

Kaoru felt the need to scream for the tentacles to fuck her, on a level far below the logic that said they already were. Fortunately, this wasn't quite the paradox it seemed. A second tentacle wormed its way into her aching pussy alongside the first, and while in the real world this would have been painful, here it just gave her a deeper satisfaction. She came again, and they came inside her. It was a wonderful feeling, and a terrible one at the same time, as her most intimate parts were filled with the arousing substance. Kaoru found herself thrusting her hips in an effort to increase her pleasure, and almost sobbing with release as a second tentacle pushed into her ass, and a third into her pussy.

And the rest of her body wasn't being neglected. Tentacles writhed over her skin, always maintaining an unbreakably solid hold on her but also gently caressing every inch of her. At first this was only mildly erotic, but when the tentacles came inside her, others did as well, covering her body in sticky white cum. And now the tentacles caressing her body were also rubbing an aphrodisiac into it, more potent then the slime. They found the places that pleased her the most. Her breasts, her ass, her thighs, and her anomalous manhood. Breasts and cock in particular seemed to be garnering attention, by now constantly being squeezed and rubbed by multiple tentacles as her orgasms came one after another.

Those orgasms grew closer and closer together as the fucking continued seemingly for hours, until they started overlapping and Kaoru's mind faded to a pink mist.

She awoke in the middle of the floor, stark naked but somewhat to her surprise not still bound by tentacles, or covered in tentacle cum. She still seemed to be in the same room, and the door was open to continue onward. The tentacles were nowhere to be seen, though she could still see the gap through which they had entered. Her clothes were nowhere to be seen either.

When she stood up, she saw that the tentacles had left her something, though. A roundness to her stomach that suggested either she had drunk too much of the tentacle cum... or she was pregnant.

Pregnancy: 1d10 = 10.

Congratulations! Your diligent use of magic has improved your skills. Your maximum MP, attack, and defense have all increased. You have learned two new spells. Your spell list is now as follows:

(normal attack): Standard attack. 0 MP.
Blast: Always hits one target. 1 MP
Speed: For the next two rounds, you may take two actions. 2 MP.
Enhance: For the next 2 rounds, your attacks deal more damage and have a slightly increased chance of hitting. 2 MP.
Slow: For the next 3 rounds, target foe takes a small penalty to attack and a moderate penalty to defense. 3 MP.
Mega Blast: Fire two blasts at once, independently targeted. 3 MP.
Greater Enhance: For the next 3 rounds, your attacks deal more damage. You also have small bonuses to both attack and defense. 4 MP.
Greater Slow: Your target loses one of its next 3 attacks. Additionally, it takes a moderate penalty to attack and a major (-10) penalty to defense. 5 MP.

You have also two other traits traits. Your non magical trait list is now as follows:
Hardened 1 - You have a chance of resisting arousal.
Dodger 1 - You have increased defense whenever you are free to move.

FP: 5/5
AP: 1/10 (aphrodisiac 1)
MP: 8/8
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The tentacle in her mouth pumped in and out slowly for a few moments until she finally felt it stiffen and begin to pump a good copius amount of hot sticky tentacle jizz down her throat, it came ao fast she had to swallow by reflex to not chock to death on it. When she did swallow the sticky semen of te tentacles, she felt her body almost immediately being to grow unbearably hot and flushed with heat and desire. OOOOOOOOOH!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDSSSSSS! F-FUCK ME NAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!! she mentally screamed before she soon felt the other tentacles plunge deeply into her sopping wet womanhood and puckering ass hole. GGGGNNNNYYYYYAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHoooooooh!~ <3 she screamed inwardly out in mind shattering lust and ecstasy before the aphrodisiac egged her onto needing still even more pleasure, MORE! GIVE ME MORE DICK AND CUM! FUCK ME HARDER! DO IT NOOOOOOOOW! She would soon feel yet another tentacle work it's way deep into her progessively loosening and overflowing cunt, sending her into yet another unbelievable wave of pleasure and relief as she had still another orgasm, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUHAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! her mind was slowly being torn down by the seemingly unstoppable onslaught of arousal and ecstasy, each wave of mind blowing pleasure and orgasm wiping her mind if any other function then ducking and cumming. She craved the warm salty taste and texture of spunk more then anything else, and was becoming addicted and desperate for the taste and drinking of semen, regardless of the source. And as yet another tentacle plowed deep into her filthy bowels and even a third shot deep into her pussy and woman hood se felt yet another mind crushing spasm of pleasure and relief, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHUUUUUHHHHHHHH~ <3 And if all of this wasn't enough, she would soon feel other tentacles begin to pleasure and minister to her erogenous areas, mite specifically her luscious plump and generous tits, and her erect, throbbing blazing dick, and her sensitive testicles. Hah..... Oooh.... GODS! YEEESSSS! AH! MY TITS~ MY DICK~ MY BAAAAAALLLLLLSSSSSS! YES! TEASE ME MORE! THEY FEEL SO GOD DAMNED FUCKING GOOD! she was now almost entirely gone and lost to the unbelievable pleasure the tentacles were giving her and when they would inevitably come, showering her entire form with their delicious and maddeningly arousing sperm she would roll her eyes back to her head and try to arch body as much as she could to receive as much of it as possible, AH! HUH HAH! HA! HEH HAHA HAH! YES! CUM! CUM! YES! I LOVE CUM! PLEASE! GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR SEMEN! I NEED SPUNK! she was now nearly gone completely and when the orgasms would Coe closer together and more frequently she would feel the rest of the world melt away into a wonderful pink haze........fuck........cum.......dicks......fuck......I just want to fuck........ forever............. were her last real thoughts before she eventually faded out of consciousness and passed out letting the tentacles use as much as the wanted before the eventually left..........

When she finally awoke, she found herself still nude, but amazingly nit covered in the creatures spunk....... She looked around and realized that she could find no traces of the creatures....... Except for one.... As she would feel she was somewhat heavier and her belly was rounder and bloated. "Ohhhhh....... This is bad....... I have a feeling those thing most likely knocked me up..... But...... Ohhhh...... I can't stop now...... Have to finish this........" she thought as she slowly got herself back up on her feet gently and gingerly laying a hand on her bloated belly. She would finally remove a hand from her pregnant belly and do her best to cover her exposed cunt and man parts before cautiously, nervously and warily moving forward in the temple, heading through the door only mentally acknowledging the pop up, Oooh..... This is bad.... I'm completely unprotected..... My ass, tits and most secret and sensitive areas are in te open, and I know my hands won't be able to protect my cock and pussy very well........
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru, feeling especially exposed, continued onward up the ramp. This close to the top, she could look down on almost the entire mechanism. She had observed earlier that things seemed to be getting more complicated as she went, from a simple rotating shaft to mechanisms that moved in ways that didn't repeat for the entire time she was watching. Here, she could see that the mechanism was moving back toward simplicity. Not all the way back to a single rotating shaft, but to seven separate shafts that pierced the ceiling of the chamber. And while they were all rotating, they weren't all in the same direction, and they didn't all seem to move steadily, some even jerking back and forth.

Kaoru reached the final door, larger then all the rest. It was a long way back down, and even if the doors behind her weren't all closed, she knew that at least the tentacles were still alive, capable of attacking again. Onward was the only way. She pressed her hand to the button, and the door slid open. To reveal another door, with a pressure plate in front of it. Dreading another puzzle, suddenly aware that the aphrodisiac from so long ago was still giving her a slight buzz that was only insignificant compared to what the tentacles had done, kaoru stepped onto the pad. She felt a movement of air, and realized the door behind her had closed... but no puzzle had appeared. Instead just a single button, with a hand print. She realized that this was an airlock, so that once she couldn't see what was past before entering the room.

Kaoru brought herself to push the button, and the door opened to reveal a large room. It was entirely the same stone that she had seen so far, lit by soft glowing panels around the walls, floor, and ceiling. The Ceiling sloped upward gently, and the walls on either side sloped outward as well, so that the far wall was a square fifty yards on a side. And on that wall was a clock. The symbols on it were the same runes she had been seeing so far, but Kaoru realized that she could suddenly read them. When she had first entered she had thought them completely incomprehensible, but as she had risen they had come to seem just on the other side of understanding. Now she could read them as easily as her native tongue. They translated, on two lines, as "14999/12/31 23:49:50" and as Kaoru watched the last number increased, once a second. It was a clock. And a calendar.

The vast display was almost mesmerizing, and it took Kaoru a moment to see the stone alter, set in the center of the room. It was crude, entirely unlike the construction of the vast... clock... and even unlike the temple outside it. Even the shanty town full of strange people would have been ashamed of it. But it was... solid. Solid stone, more then large enough for a person to lay on, though not really flat enough to be comfortable. And it gleamed, as if coated in some sort of liquid. There being nothing else of note in the room, Kaoru found herself drawn to it.

Gah... tests seem to be ganging up on me, and multiple projects as well. The dramatic conclusion will continue on Wednesday at the earliest