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Kaoru (TentanariX)


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Kaoru Hitou
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): one on the left )

Kaoru is an above average height female with long red hair and blue eyes, she has an impressive bust for a young woman her age and a curvy figure. When at school she wears a white button up shirt with a broach, a tan blazer and a dark gray skirt as is the uniform of her college. In casual clothes she wears slacks, tennis shoes, and a sweater. She is secretly a hermaphrodite, and has been fortunate enough thus far to be able to keep it a secret.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Kaoru is very friendly and active, she partakes in sports, and school clubs. She is also sexually inexperienced, and gets very flustered shy and nervous when things of a sexual nature are brought up. She came to the egg at the behest of her friends who dared her to play.

Kaoru settled down into the comfortable chair that was the Egg, and smiled faintly as the settings screen came up, showing her settings from her previous session.

Humans: 5
Male/Female: 2
Female/Female: 5
Pregnancy: 1
Birthing: 1
Non Consent Sex: N
BDSM: 5 
Slavery: N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): 3
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Gentle
Other (please enter any additional fetishes you would like a chance to encounter):

She could also select her difficulty:


And of course an area to select which level she would like:

Stone Labyrinth  : escape the trap-strewn maze!
Alien Invasion Survival : see how long you can survive!
Save the Village : find and slay the monster that is the scourge of an iron-age village!
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru felt comfortable with her choice of game settings, looking further down the screen at the difficulty settings, and level selections; "Hrm, I think I should take it easy till I manage to get the hang of this game." she said thoughtfully as she decided on the "Easy" difficulty, Once that was done she looked over the level selections, "Hrm, I don't think I can really handle a survival type of game yet. Hmmm, I like mazes and puzzles okay.... and the last one seems like a typical fantasy RPG...... Hmmmmm...... I think I will try the 'Defend the Village' level." she saids to herself as she clicks on the level selection ready to start the game in full.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The world dissolves around the young woman, and then a new one pops into existence around her.

The new world is a crude village of wooden houses with thatch roofs, clustered around a temple of stone with a tiled roof. The streets are dirt, and the people are dirty. Farms and rolling hills stretch to the north, east, and south, with occasional clumps of trees. To the West lies a forest, and beyond it a range of mountains. The main road seems to run North/South, with a much smaller track heading into the forest. Angular stones stick out of the little track at odd intervals, perhaps the remains of an ancient road?

In front of her stands a man in what appears to be the robe of a priest, who has apparently just noticed her. "Ah, the young heroine. Thank goodness you've arrived. Have you been told of our little p-p-problem?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru looked around the world that had appeared in front of her awestruck and impressed at the level of detail and realism put into the game, Wow, the other girls weren't joking. This IS realistic. The development team and designers sure went all out on this. She thought before she was interrupted by the man who she only assumed was a priest, most likely assigned to the current village or visiting the area. "AH! Y-yeah. From what I have been told there is some sort of monster attacking the village, yes? Can you tell me anything about it? Any witnesses, survivors who might have a description of the beast? How it operates? What it might happen to be after? Any little thing will be most helpful father." She addresses the priest awaiting his answer as she would head north into the village.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The old priest sighs. "Too often it is the case that young adventurers are sent out of the City without being told what it is they must do. Yes, I suppose the beas-beast is the root of our problem, but I'm afraid I can tell you very little about it. It lies somewhere in a temple at the foot of the mountains, to the West. Various foul creatures issue forth from the temple, many different kinds, and men and women as well, warped in in some way by the creature's in-influence."

"We only know the that the creature is the root of this because we captured one such twisted woman, and she told us a little before she died trying to claw her her way out of her cell in the night. Other then that it lies in the heart of the temple and is the cause of the corruption, all we truly know is that its minions often abduct men and women from this and other nearby t-towns."

The man gazes in disapproval at Kaoru, and for a moment she is confused. Then she glances down, and sees that she is wearing a robe with a rather low neckline. At least, rather low compared to the women of the village, though that wasn't saying much.

"I'm afraid that's all the aid I can give you. None of of the people in this village are warriors, and I myself... even ten years ago I might have joined you, but I am am afraid that now I would only be a burden."

Kaoru notices that the sun is just above the eastern horizon.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

What is he glaring at me for? She thinks before glancing down and noticing for the first time the outfit the game had given her, "EEP!" she cries out at her rather revealing top, Pervert game designers! Kaoru thinks to herself, Hrmph! The priest is probably the holier then thou type..... While it's not the type out outfit I'd personally pick either, I can't stand the judgement type. He'd probably think I was a mutant too if he knew about my........ "special quality" Maybe I should rattle his cage a little bit. she thinks before turning to the priest, "Oh~ checking out my cleavage, eh? I never would've pegged you as the pervert type farther~" she teases him as they walk down the road. "Perhaps if my attire isn't to your approval, you could point me out to a tailor or armorsmith so I can get something more...... "appropriate" hmmm?" she says turning the table on her guide.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The old priest looks affronted. "Certainly not. It is wrong for for women to wear immodest clothing, but since you are not a member of my congregation, I will leave it at that. Unfortunately, we have to visit the next town over tailoring services, and nobody in this village has required an arm-m-morer in half a thousand years. Besides, I fear our quest is too urgent for mere sartorial considerations. Your quest, that is."

The man looks around the town, considering. "Of course, if you truly wish to repent your sins and and wear proper clothing, I would happy to have an appropriate dress ready for you the moment you get back, free of of charge and regardless of your success or failure."

By now the two are on the edge of the village, a short path through open grass standing between them and the forest path. "Are you ready, ch-child?"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Kaoru batted playfully at the priests reaction, "Teehee, calm down father~ I was only teasing at you. And I would greatly appreciate a new wardrobe later. Also is there no blacksmith? I know I dont have time now, but I would greatly appreciate some armor or protection later on. It would be most good to have in the future certainly." she asked politely awaiting the priest's answer before replying in the affirmative, "Yes... I imagine I am as ready as I'll likely ever be for this. The mountains are just down this road right?" she asked to get a bearing of where she would need to go.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

The old man looks upward, to where white-peaked mountains loom above the trees. "Yes, those are the mountains. This trail will lead you to the temple, just bear right at the fork a mile or two in."

"We have a farrier, of course, but I very much doubt he has experience making armor. There should be a merchant through within the the next few days, though, so I will see what I can do. Such expenses beyond what I have already promised you will have to come out of your pay, though, yes? We are grateful for your service, but that is what the re-re-re-re-ward is for."
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Alright. That seems fair enough, father. Anything other then twisted people or anything in the woods that you think i should look out for? Monsters? Wolves? Bears? That sort of thing? If not, then I'll make my way towards the temple now. Wish me luck!" she said with a playful wink in the priests direction once he would have answered her question before heading down into the woods towards the mountain temple where her objective awaited her.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Oh, yes, it's not just humans who become twisted by the the beast's presence. I have myself seen a wolf that was..."

The pause seemed to drag on for an unusual time, a look of confusion coming over the old man's face, before he suddenly continued as if he had never stopped. "-twisted, as you say. And there are rumors of more terrible things, though I give them no credence myself."

Leaving the slightly confused old priest behind, Kaoru started along the path into the woods. It was a pleasant wood, the sun behind her shining down to the leaf-strewn floor as it began its long climb into the sky. Birds sang in the distance, and an occasional light breeze stired the pleasantly warm air. After a little more then a mile, the road forked. A sign with runes that Kaoru didn't quite recognize pointed to the right, but a few dozen yards down the road to the left was a woman.

Very definitely a woman, with no clothes on. No clothes if you didn't count leather straps, which dug into the woman's skin and avoided covering her in any way. She was also wearing a collar, and a leash, which was tied to a metal pole sticking a few feet out of the ground. The woman saw Kaoru. "Hey! Hey! You there, help!"

She could see that the woman was straining at the edge of her bonds, which on closer inspection included leather bags tied around her hands, probably to keep her from using her fingers. Just out of her reach was a leather sack, which Kaoru could just see seemed to contain cooking supplies. "Please! There's a knife in the bag, cut me free! Or even just give me the bag! He'll be back in a few hours, help!"
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"Okay. Thanks father! I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for any of them!" she said as she headed down the road through the forest, admiring the scenery and the at present quiet and calm the area provided her until she got to the cross roads, "Ooooooohhhhh......... I cant read this!~" she whined upon seein the strange runes carved into it. "Oh well, the priest said it was to the right, so to the right i go!" she sang out getting read to bear right until she noticed the nude woman wrapped in leather with her hands covered an heard her calling for help. Oh~~ I got to hurry and get to the temple to kill the monster! But I just can't leave this poor woman like this. Surely it won't get me into too much trouble or take too long just to get the knife out of the bag and cut the rope and her mittens off. she thought to herself as she pu a finger to her mouth shushing the woman as she ran over to the bag and rummaged till she found the knife and would proceed to quickly but carefully cut off her mittens and sever the rope holding her to the pole. She would then instruct the woman in an urgent and hushed tone, "There's a village not far to the north from here! Hurry before whoever put you like this returns!" Once the woman would run off to the village an was a good way out she would turn about and proceed to move off to the right in the direction of the temple once again.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Perception: 11 v 9 = 11-2 -> Player wins!

Unfortunately, things do not go quite as planned.

Kaoru rummages around in the bag, finding a few pots, some herbs, and... a fat glass dildo that smelled strongly of sex. "He used that on me! The knife is in there, keep looking!" The woman's voice sounds almost frantic. But that doesn't help Kaoru find the knife. She's just about to conclude that there is no knife after all, and start trying to find another way to loose the girl, when she hears a twig snap behind her.

She whirls around, and sees a burly man holding a whip in one hand, and a leash and collar in the other, creeping up on her from the woods. When he realizes he's been spotted, he smiles broadly. "Well, now. How about you just sit down and I promise I won't hurt you... much?"

A sudden whooshing sound makes Kaoru take another step away from the man, and she sees the young woman again. She has a petulant look on her face, but Kaoru is certain that the woman just took a swing at her. A hard swing, that only missed because she overestimated the length of her leash. With a slightly guilty look on her face, she goes over to the post her leash is tied to, and lifts the leash over the top of the post with one bound hand. Then she turns back to Kaoru. "Please, miss? I fought him, and it was much worse. He's really a very kind master. And he already has a, a pet, so he might even let you go when he's finished!"

The smile on the man's face was slightly apologetic, as if he honestly expected her to be upset that he might decide not to keep her. "Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. Now, are you going to to give up?"

A popup appears in front of Kaoru, and the scene pauses for a moment, automatically detecting when she has read it and disappearing.

Magical combat (please note: changes have been made since your last use of magic.)
In the current iteration of magical combat, you have a 'free' magical attack that is equivalent to most weapons, though without any bonuses. Other spel|s can be learned through finding a scroll, or teacher, or even by simply using magic sufficiently.

As you practice magic, you will be able to aim your attacks more accurately, and even automatically improve your ability to dodge or block both physical and magical attacks.

Spells - other then the default attack - will cost MP, and tantric costs/alternatives are currently disabled. MP re+generates in full after each encounter. You may *either* make a magical attack *or* cast a spell in a given round, but this fact is taken into account in the balancing of spells. You will gain more MP as you practice magic.

You do not currently have any spells. You will earn your first spell at level 1. (You are currently level 0). ERROR.

Corrupt Man
FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

Corrupt Woman
FP: 2/2
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Last edited:
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"What!? NO! I'm not going to be anybodys slave! I have a mission to fulfill! Which I took time away from to HELP you! And you repay me by asking me to be a slave and taking a swing at me!?" she cries out in shock and anger as she unleashes a couple of ice balls towards the woman, hoping to simply subdue her and not do anything fatal, leaving her to deal with the corrupted man. If she was successful in taking out the woman she would rush to the pole, attempting to pull it out of the ground and use as a make shift weapon against the brawny man.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (kaoru): 20 vs 4 = 2-2 -> Critical hit!
Attack (BSDM man): 2-2= 0 vs 13 -> Miss!

"Sorry dear, but I really don't need your help. I'm right where I want to to be. Just come with us and you'll feel the same way in-"

The woman ducks the first shard of ice that forms in the air and speeds towards her, but the two that the young mage had intended to be body shots both hit the nearly-nude woman in the head and she collapses in a heap. There doesn't seem to be any blood, but a nasty lump is already forming. Kaoru leaps over her inert body and grabs the pole, but it seems to be firmly stuck in the ground.

"You'll pay for that, girl! Forget letting you go easy, if you've hurt my Cindy I'll having you begging for sex for the rest of your life!" The man lashes out with his whip as if to make her start begging now, but the whip hits the iron pole instead of her flesh.

Corrupt Man:
FP: 4/4
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

Corrupt Woman:
FP: 0/2 (unconscious)
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

DAMMIT! Kaoru curses to herself as she finds the pole stuck firmly in the soil, after easily taking out the nude woman. At the BDSM man's words Kaoru shoots back, "Don't worry, I'm not out to kill anyone if neccessary, just the demon responsible for all of it! I only meant to subdue her so I can kick YOUR ass!" as she ducks behind the pole as the whip misses her, as she would pop out back from behind the pole she would try to make a shot of fire at the man's hand, hoping to not only harm him, but destroy his weapon as well. If that failed she would try to form a patch of ice beneath his feet as he would advance towards her, hoping to cause him to slip and give her an opening for further attack; or to get a head start on fleeing, which ever one would be best.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (kaoru): 7 vs 3 = 5-2 -> Hit!
Attack (BSDM man): 4-2= 2 vs 16 -> Miss!

"Really? That's what you want? You really ought just to give up now. Even after punishing you for fighting back, it'll still be much more pleasant then what you'll get in there!"

Kaoru's fireball streaks towards the man's hand, but he leaps out of the way and moves towards the mage as if going to grab her. And completely fails to notice the patch of ice that has formed under his feet, which slip out from under him. He lands with a grunt, and as he gets to his feet Kaoru can see a trickle of blood where his forehead must have banged against a rock.

She isn't sure running is the best idea. The man is fairly athletic, and she's wearing robes that are even worse then a dress as far as ability to go fast is concerned. On the other hand, the fight seems to be going in her favor so far...

FP: 3/4
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

BSDM Woman:
FP: 0/2 (unconscious)
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"I'll take my chances." Kaoru replied curtly to the brawny BDSM man, as she tried to once again disarm him, this time she sent a powerful gust of wind towards his hand to try blow the whip away, then she would attempt to land a fireball at the harmless whip and burn it to cinders. If she failed in that plan, she would try to throw up a burst of light to blind or distract him as she would attempt to run and shoulder block the man to the ground.
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

Attack (kaoru): 7 vs 12 = 14-2 -> Miss!
Attack (BSDM man): 6-2= 4 vs 19 -> Counter!

"You know what? Fuck you. This is your last chance to give up. Attack me again, and when I beat you I'll fuck your ass, and send you to the temple anyway!"

Again the man easily dodges Kaoru's fireball, smirking at how trivial it was. He raises his whip to strike at her yet again, but the sudden flash of light that issues from Kaoru's hands throws his aim off slightly, and he hits the pole again. And this time, wraps a foot of cord around it. He tugs it free, but before he can set himself Kaoru is on him, a shoulder digging into his chest and knocking him to the ground.

She manages to keep from going down on top of him, where his weight would give him an advantage, but stumbles so that she can't immediately follow up with a kick. The man scrambles to get his feet under him, and Kaoru can see a little blood on the collar of his shirt, dripping down from a wound on the back of his head. He doesn't look so good.

FP: 2/4
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

BSDM Woman:
FP: 0/2 (unconscious)
AP: 0/10
MP: 0/0

FP: 5/5
AP: 0/10
MP: 3/3
Re: Kaoru (TentanariX)

"I don't want to kill anybody, but I can see you're in bad shape pal. If you want to keep fighting this won't end good for either us one way or the other. Also if you really cared about your "slave" you might stop fighting me and tag her to the village to get looked at or something. Either I still don't plan on joining your little sadomaso party there." She saids, getting into a defensive stance to where she can attempt to dodge if the man should strike at her again.