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Kanto - Route 7

Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Now where to, first?" Alex looks around, surveying where it would be possible to head. "Doesnt seem to be far where we can go." Alex and Gardenia set out for some training.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

After a bit of looking around, Alex would note that one of the plants seemed to be moving oddly...Oddly enough to be something more than a plant.

((You've got initiative.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Hah, theres something over there," Alex points dramatically at the moving bushes. "Get it, Garde', use Confusion!" Gardenia leaps off Alex' shoulder and focuses a small psychic attack in the direction of the moving bushes.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

The attack passes through the moving plant, and the source of the movement pops out: A now somewhat dazed Oddish.

((It's capturable. Another hit will knock it out.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Damn, its an Oddish and I didnt buy any Pokeballs while we were at the Mart. Oh well, finish it off Gardenia! Confusion attack!" Gardenia rushes to one side and attacks the Oddish with another weak psychic attack.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

The Oddish collapses back into the grass when the second psychic wave connects.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Well we showed him, didnt we?" He says to Gardenia as she KO'd her opponent. "What say we look for another opponent to pass the time?" Gardenia nodded and they both started wandering around again.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

After a while of looking, some rustling indicates the presence of another wild Pokemon. Small wisps of steam can be seen, on occasion, coming from the same direction as the noises.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"You know what to do Gardenia, Confusion attack!" Running closer to the rustling bushes Gardenia lets off a Confusion attack.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

A spray of Embers erupts from the grass as a Vulpix shows itself. However, the Embers go wide of their target, while the psychic attack connects.

((Vulpix can take two more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Crap, now I really wished I bought some Pokeballs, a fire type couldve been a great addition to the team. Oh well, no point dwelling on your losses, hit it with all you got Gardenia!" Gardenia steps back and unleashes yet another Confusion attack.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

Just as the psychic attack was about to be unleashed, the Vulpix managed to get into a quick blast with the embers.

((Gardenia can take four more hits.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Dammit, hold in there Gardenia, I'll heal you if you get in too bad a shape." Alex called out to Gardenia as she attacked with Confusion yet again.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

This time, she manages to connect, sending the Vulpix's aim off.

((One more to finish off the Vulpix.))
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Okay, once more Gardenia, its looking tired now!" Once again Gardenia lets loose a blast of psychice energy.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

The Vulpix passes out from this last attack, before it has a chance to prepare to strike again.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

"Awesome, nice one Gardenia, c'mere," Alex bends down and holds his arms out for Gardenia, she runs up to him and he sweeps her up and plants her on his shoulder. He takes out the tube again and gives her another candy. "There you go, you've earned it. Now, what say we head on back home for a bit?"

"Ralts!" Gardenia says happily as she swallows her treat. They both head back to Saffron City.
Re: Kanto - Route 7

As the other girl headed out, Blaze headed in, releasing Kitty as she did.

"Hello there, Kitty! How ya doing?"

"Meowth?" the recently-caught Poke'mon looked around, wondering what he was doing here.

"Sorry if you don't like me, but I hope eventually we can get along. Is that ok?"
Re: Kanto - Route 7

After talking to the Meowth for a bit, Blaze and Kitty moved out to find some more Poke'Mon
Re: Kanto - Route 7

After a bit, the work teams would move slightly, revealing that they'd managed to clear a path through the rubble left by the storm.