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ACT [ kalkavic ] Lost in the Woods Part 1 RE156112 RJ156112

Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

Hmmmmmm.... 20 dollars huh. Well there really can only be two explanations for that using logical reasoning. Either:

A) Someone typed in the decimal wrong on dl site.
B) This is the greatest game of all time.
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

Not even worth pirating.
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

One more person bought this :eek:
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

Do your hands all look japanese drawn?

Just wondering what makes you stop fapping.
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

Hmmmmmm.... 20 dollars huh. Well there really can only be two explanations for that using logical reasoning. Either:

A) Someone typed in the decimal wrong on dl site.
B) This is the greatest game of all time.

Same reason 'modern art' is millions of dollars

Money laundering for the mob. This is going to to get many sales from untracable accounts
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

An MS Paint looking 'game' for $20... really?
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

Same reason 'modern art' is millions of dollars

Money laundering for the mob. This is going to to get many sales from untracable accounts

pretty sure they wouldnt do it since dlsite takes 50%
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

I'm really tempted to say DLSite is getting closer and closer to becoming the Steam of porn, negative sides included.

Nah, DLSite is still worse than Steam -- even when you consider the Early Access stuff. At least the bulk of Steam's library is in a language that can be easily comprehended to the English audience, and the majority of good to bad games still pretty reasonable compared to the drivel that appears on DLSite.

On Topic: I'm not so bothered by the artwork, although I'm not sure what kind of "game" this is. At first I thought it was just some silly collection of animations to show some woman getting banged by various creatures. I'm guessing some visual novel where X choice leads to instant game over rape?
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

So having played this demo... I managed to get past the instant rape at the beginning. Mashing A and D appears to be a struggle mechanic. You have to struggle out of the rape then struggle to stand up. Once that's done I spent a good few minutes trying to figure out what the fuck to do, getting hit by the enemy and having to struggle free again. Eventually I found the answer. If you hold W she does some weird ass shaking thing and if while holding w you hit A,d,c,e or q but not z for some reason she fires off blasts that will hit enemies and knock them away eventually killing them.

A for left blast
d for right blast
c for right downwards blast
e for right upwards blast
q for left upwards blast

in this way I managed to travel a couple of screens with no real changes in enemies or anything and eventually said fuck it and quit.
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

...so, I downloaded the demo to see what everyone was talking about, and this game actually does a couple of things right, if you can believe it. Or, at least, not wrong.

First, you can play it one-handed (if you are so inclined). I haven't seen any side-scrollers do this before, and it's rather refreshing.

Second, it largely eliminates the phenomenon of "game-over rape," which has always posed problems for me: to proceed, you must avoid enemies; but to unlock all the scenes (which some might argue is half the point), you must NOT avoid the enemies. This game gets around it by making the gameplay exceedingly simple and imposing no penalties for being attacked by monsters. I haven't played the full version, so I have no idea how many monster or scene varieties there are (in the demo there are two different monsters with two scenes each, and they can double-team you for an additional variation), nor do I know how much trouble you have to go to get to them (there doesn't seem to be a gallery mode, which is problematic), but if the game remains as simplistic as the demo, it shouldn't be too difficult to catch any of the scenes in the game.

On the other hand...

Ignoring the quality of the artwork (which is subjective), this game has a number of drawbacks.

As everyone has mentioned thus far, the price is a little on the high side for what appears to be a very simplistic game. The author does not mention how many monsters or scenes there are in the game, but he implies that there will be additional content (perhaps for free, since he recommends purchasing the game with an account on DLSite). That is a lot of assumptions for a $20 purchase!

Secondly, if you're not careful, it is very easy to get overwhelmed by monsters and caught in an unbreakable loop, made all the worse by the much-touted randomly generated h-scenes (which can last for quite a while).

That said: it is fairly easy to proceed simply by going LEFT. You can hide off-screen and blast initial enemies from there, then proceed slowly through the room. Enemies take two hits to kill.

One thing that I personally like about this product is that the protagonist appears to be FAPPING to power her ring blaster. To me this is a refreshing bit of fluff, since most protagonists in h-games appear to have an antagonistic relationship with sex or pleasure, which I find obnoxious.
Re: Lost in the Woods Part 1

I dont think the art is even that bad (i appreciate it more than some popular japanese art styles) but the gameplay fucking sucks.