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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit
Mobo: Gigabyte Z68A-D3H-B3
Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1 GHz
4 GB (2x2GB) RAM from G.Skill
AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series Graphics Card
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard
Logitech G500 Mouse

Need anything else?
Nope, obviously there shouldn't be any problem there... Your computer is better than mine XD

The weird thing is the problem is inconsistent. After your latest update, the walljump seemed perfectly fine, and then it suddenly cuts out after a random amount of time. I can't discern a pattern for when it happens.

Yeah that's the weirdest thing about it, because that's not how programs work XP It's supposed to follow instructions and have patterns, not just do things if it feels like it...
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Could you possibly look into the areas I mentioned in the earlier posts?
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

First, I've got to say I really love this game especially with the Nintendo hard difficulty. Unfortunately, I had to turn it to easy mode because of the random breaking of the wall-jumping. It always seems to work fine in the where you have to jump on those plants to get to the top, before the area with the three floating hands with the breakable door(?) at the top. After that it breaks at some random spot.

However, I was able to still use it somewhat by pressing the opposite key from the wall in an almost instant second as I touched it. (It was really weird timing and awkward doing that). There is a downside to this though. Say if I was trying to get over a ledge to the right that I can only get up by wall-jumping straight up; the way I had to do it was by pressing left the instant I touched the wall causing me to go the opposite way and then press right and roll to get myself to get over the ledge on the right. This is highly counter-intuitive. Yet, wall-jumping straight up next to a wall will allow you to use it to jump straight up again.

Also why is there two different Nagai Yamaiji in my processes? (they have different command lines)

Below I was screwing around to find out when the wall-jump break starting happening. The basis I used for this was that when you try to jump into a wall and use wall-jump to go directly up and it doesn't work I'm considering it broken.

After killing minotaur with magic (almost always)
Letting anything finish it's H animation (almost always)
Getting hit by minotaur (common)
After just hitting minotaur by magic (common)
After pressing space to "fall" (common)
Getting knocked down (common)
After getting hit by that second mage's mutli-magic blast (rare)
Just being hit by enemy (rare)

It seems that minotaur just has to be avoided at all cost. He's caused me so much annoyance that if you can make him explode into a bunch of pieces when you kill him I'd appreciate it. I wanna see his fucking skull on the damn ground.

Only other thing I noticed that when roll wall-jumping occasionally the laws of physics decides to be a bitch and make her drop down. It doesn't happen enough to be annoying however.

Maybe you should try asking Kyrieru how he did his wall jumping in Kurovadis or maybe even his "knocked down" state since those seem to be whats causing the issue. If you are unable to fix it the only thing I can think of you doing is to add a platform anywhere you would normally have to do a wall-jump. It's an awesome feature when it works, but it will be a major deal breaker to people who don't know how to avoid it. Maybe extra save points would help out.

Also, one more thing is there anyway you can redo some of the H sprites some of them look off? The dog one has only her head and bow moving I think you should at least let her body and arms move a bit too. The hooded mage I think her legs should be bent downwards with some movement similar to her hands. The green worms seem not to have a finish and won't move to her if you're knocked down (not sure if intentional). Kinda also surprised you didn't just have that prick minotaur 69 her I mean his head is right there. Also, are you going to add anything for the grass I was also surprised there was no animation for that?

Man I don't think I've ever written this much on a forum or anywhere on the internet.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The way the wall-jumping breaks for me is i will get into the slide on the wall then press jump...nothing happens, just more sliding. I have actually never gotten the mechanic to work properly. Also, pressing roll just maker the heroine constantly careen into the wall with every press; interestingly enough though, you gain slight upward momentum when pressing up+roll to roll; doing this on a wall will allow you to scale vertical heights fairly easily (I think).
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Could you possibly look into the areas I mentioned in the earlier posts?
Well like I said, that's an issue with the controls, not the level design. I could change it so you don't have to wall jump there, but at some point later on it'll happen again. It's not like I can take out wall jumping completely, I'd have to redesign and remake so much.

Man I don't think I've ever written this much on a forum or anywhere on the internet.

This is some good-ass information, mate. Pretty much seems that the wall jumping breaking has something to do with the "hurt" variable... Even though that still doesn't really help me since that shouldn't affect that...

I now realized that I didn't set the math epsilon value anywhere, which might have resulted in some problems for people... Dunno if that's actually the problem, but that might help.

For now the H-animations are how they're going to be, but I might improve them after release. As of right now it's not a priority though. Priority right now is fixing this control bs, and completing the CGs.

The way the wall-jumping breaks for me is i will get into the slide on the wall then press jump...nothing happens, just more sliding. I have actually never gotten the mechanic to work properly. Also, pressing roll just maker the heroine constantly careen into the wall with every press; interestingly enough though, you gain slight upward momentum when pressing up+roll to roll; doing this on a wall will allow you to scale vertical heights fairly easily (I think).

I assume this is after you've gotten the wall jumping power-up correct? You don't start with the wall jump ability if that's your problem, haha.

Anyway, here's the latest version. The only thing that's really changed is that I've made the epsilon value larger (.0001). Maybe that will make the difference? Quiet annoying if that's been the problem, since I should've set that to begin with, but oh well as long as it's fixed now...

Let me know if this version works for you if you've had control problems before... I'll just shit if it does, but I'm crossing my fingers
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Well I tried the new version and the problem still persist when I do what I did in my last post. I'm wondering now if maybe I should try deleting the save files and replaying it and see if it still persists. I'll try after I'm back from work. I really wanna see you succeed as I think this is pretty awesome as a platformer. I don't know too much about gamemaker, so this is as about as much as I can do.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Well I tried the new version and the problem still persist when I do what I did in my last post. I'm wondering now if maybe I should try deleting the save files and replaying it and see if it still persists. I'll try after I'm back from work. I really wanna see you succeed as I think this is pretty awesome as a platformer. I don't know too much about gamemaker, so this is as about as much as I can do.

Honestly ... :( Only managed to pull up 4 consecutive jumps on the wall b4 falling. Its still annoying ... and hard to pull it off.

Noticed something odd about the jump though, if I tap the jump too soon as she's touching the wall = end up falling, however ... If I release her from the wall, just bout 0.1~0.3 seconds in the air after release and tap jump and tumble to the other side, it works.

Could be a Collision Detection faulty ?
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Well I tried the new version and the problem still persist when I do what I did in my last post. I'm wondering now if maybe I should try deleting the save files and replaying it and see if it still persists. I'll try after I'm back from work. I really wanna see you succeed as I think this is pretty awesome as a platformer. I don't know too much about gamemaker, so this is as about as much as I can do.
A new save shouldn't do anything to help, but than again this problem shouldn't exist in the first place XP... Thanks for the support though :)

Honestly ... :( Only managed to pull up 4 consecutive jumps on the wall b4 falling. Its still annoying ... and hard to pull it off.

Noticed something odd about the jump though, if I tap the jump too soon as she's touching the wall = end up falling, however ... If I release her from the wall, just bout 0.1~0.3 seconds in the air after release and tap jump and tumble to the other side, it works.

Could be a Collision Detection faulty ?

Hmm... shouldn't be... And the control display shows the keys your hitting properly?
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

A new save shouldn't do anything to help, but than again this problem shouldn't exist in the first place XP... Thanks for the support though :)

Hmm... shouldn't be... And the control display shows the keys your hitting properly?

Yeap.. Direction Key Right/Left + the Jump Button. Also,can't seem to be jumping higher and higher from 1 side of the wall instead of having to go Right side Left Side Right Left Right Left ... (Was it intended this way ?)
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Yeap.. Direction Key Right/Left + the Jump Button. Also,can't seem to be jumping higher and higher from 1 side of the wall instead of having to go Right side Left Side Right Left Right Left ... (Was it intended this way ?)

Not sure quiet what you mean, but you're supposed to bounce between two walls in order to climb up a decent height.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Well like I said, that's an issue with the controls, not the level design. I could change it so you don't have to wall jump there, but at some point later on it'll happen again. It's not like I can take out wall jumping completely, I'd have to redesign and remake so much.

That's why I'm saying to take a look at that area I mentioned because the tall vertical room with the teleporter above the wyrmstone boss room works fine for wall jumping. That to me would seem like the controls do work, but there is something wrong with the wall surface for jumping. The area after you take the teleporter is where it stops working.

Possible solution is on easy just let you jump straight up the wall like megaman x.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I went from liking this can't wait to buy to Fuck you I'm not buying this shit. don't know if its the controls or what its just way to fucking hard. you seem to always jump down from the wall not up.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Possible solution is on easy just let you jump straight up the wall like megaman x.
Yeap.. Direction Key Right/Left + the Jump Button. Also,can't seem to be jumping higher and higher from 1 side of the wall instead of having to go Right side Left Side Right Left Right Left ... (Was it intended this way ?)

It's possible to climb single walls, but the timing's even harder than the old walljump. You'd only have to 'learn' it once, though. The different widths of the jumping sections in different rooms really messed me up a lot before the wall slide was added, so I ended up doing that in a few areas. Hug the wall and roll as soon as you jump off the wall, and you can jump again about halfway through the roll animation.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

O.k. so deleting the file and restarting still gave me the same issues. I tried playing it on another computer Win XP and it was the exact same things that would cause it to break, seems the big slime suffers from the same syndrome as the minotaur.

Honestly, I'm thinking that there has to be a conflict of scripts. Maybe it has something to do with the randomizer for the knocked down state. Also, I would suggest to check out the minotaur and the big slime as they cause issue the most. Another thing is that (im talking out my ass right here, cause I don't know squat how the programming works) maybe something is changing the physics of the wall or changing the variable.

I did find Twilight Sparkle and was surprised the imps both had different animations; it was a very nice surprise. Even though I'm doing the testing runs on easy, I can blow through the demo in short time now. I'm thinking this is going to be pretty fun to do a speed run through.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

you should try to make the jumping areas closer together and add a double, and if possible a dash skill (not the dash run somthing to gave you a small boost of speed on the ground and in the air)
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The most reliable way I've found to scale the walls is to wall grab and then hammer dive-roll and up as hard as you can. Once at the top hold both up and a direction to roll onto the top.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

The most reliable way I've found to scale the walls is to wall grab and then hammer dive-roll and up as hard as you can. Once at the top hold both up and a direction to roll onto the top.

If you hold jump while sliding down walls, it slows your descent, but also makes the roll + up trick quadruple in strength.

I assume this is after you've gotten the wall jumping power-up correct? You don't start with the wall jump ability if that's your problem, haha.

Also, I did in fact have problems with the mechanic after getting the wall jump in the legit fashion; no editing of the save whatsoever.
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

[For those who are having issues with wall jumping, try changing your difficulty, save and change back. Also, if you get knocked down just exit and reload. Last is to avoid pushing the duck key if you are standing still. This is what has all caused it to break.]

So, a weird update but I found that after changing my difficulty from easy to nintendo hard I no longer broke the wall jump by killing the minotaur or slime with magic or attacks. Also, just getting hit by them no longer caused me to lose the wall jump either. I changed it back to easy and it was still working fine when I killed them with magic and fists. So yeah that apparently works for me now.

However, I found a different way to break the wall jump. Pushing down while standing still screws it up. So what I see is that it is breaking now from the that and the knocked down state. The wall jumping remains to be playable if you avoid getting knocked down or pushing down. Will test out more things after I get back. I'm having way too much fun doing this.

Is it possible for you to remove the knocked down state or chance in one test demo? I'd like to try going through the entire thing to see if anything else breaks the wall jump, but it's kinda hard having to restart every time I accidentally get knocked down.

Also, what did you do on Newgrounds I'm curious to see it.
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Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

good game so far from what i have tried but good god that walljump has got to be the SINGLE most irritating mechanic i have ever seen! over half the time i miss the timeing on the jump and fall and have to do it all over again...

the game is good so far but that walljump is so obnoxious its ruining it for me! having to combine a roll in mid jump with a wall jump is just too much! i want to like this game i really do but until that is fixed somehow i only see myself getting frustrated with this!:mad: more nudity couldnt hurt either...

other then that i see this game being very very good! please for the love of god do something with that walljump! on a lesser related not i find the darkness to be a bit much ingame sometimes making it hard to see where im supposed to go...i did not check the options menu for a brightness changer appologies of i missed that but it does make it very hard to know where i am supposed to go...
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

TL;DR Wall jump fix - [For everyone having issues disable your down key and give that a shot. Just remap it to something you wouldn't press.]

Holy shit! It's the fucking down key that's causing all of my damned issues with wall jumping. After I remapped the down key to something that I would never accidentally press I'm able to even push space for the knocked down state, get hit, have the enemies finish with her, hit them with magic and it will not break. Still more testing should be done before that's claimed to be the absolute problem, but so far I can use the wall jump so I'm guessing that should narrow it down a shit ton. Pardon all my expletives I cuss a lot when I'm excited or angry. I also must apologize to the minotaur maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. (Until he decks you in the face and fucks it haha.

It was so obvious too of course I was having issue with the downed state because she is technically standing still and being still and pushing the down key breaks the wall jump, so there is no issues with the down state either. Who says having some alcohol doesn't make you think better haha.

@Trooper38 - There is a brightness setting in the options and you really could have looked yourself if you even noticed that there was something that said options. It's literally the very first option that comes up. -_-; Try changing the keymap settings to something that suits you better and it may become easier to wall jump. Also, look at my fix above if you having issues with it breaking. When it works it's really not that hard to do I mean all you got to do to wall jump is just push the opposite key and jump as you hit the wall and then press shift just try it a bit and you'll get the hang of it. I found it difficult at first as well but after practicing for like 5-10 mins it becomes like second nature.
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