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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 13, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I have to agree with the wall jumping it would not be to bad if I could just jump from wall to wall but some walls are just to high or just to far apart to jump properly plus the roll jump sometimes prevents you from wall jumping. When looking at a game that has wall jumping in it no game does it better than Megaman X. it is most likely to late to change programing but DAMN is wall jumping the way you have it frustrating. Currently stuck in the room that has those plant platforms that leads to a wall jumping segment. it is right outside the room you get the wall jump.


Jan 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Welcome back! I'm interested in this project so I'm going to give you as much help as I can. I haven't tried out the new demo yet, but it seems like you've been learning from the criticism and that's a good thing. In every game, it's always hard to balance for both the newbies and the pros at platforming. The different difficulties is a step in the right direction, though.

I just want to re-iterate my advice in a non-frenzied kind of tone. This gets kinda wall-of-texty, so I've bolded the important points.

1. I'm not sure how long you're planning on making the game, but it's always a good idea to let the difficulty build up over time. The puzzles you had after a certain part was just a massive spike in difficulty which probably caused most of the grief. By gradually scaling it, not only will it disguise the hidden shift in difficulty, but players will gradually adapt to it.

A player eventually will gain expertise with the character and moves, but this a gradual process. It takes time for them to actually master (or even be proficient) the use of something, and requires practice, practice. Though having difficult puzzles DOES force them to master it in a short period of time, (like the ones you had) that 'hyper-learning' is when a player notices "Holy shit, why is this so hard?" You want to give them puzzles over time that nudges them towards proficiency with the move, so when they fail they say something like "I've done something like this before, I just got to time/do it better." In retrospect, most of your puzzles were done decently. It was just too much in too short of a time.

2. The enemies were just way too easy compared to the puzzles. It was at a point where literally the only thing I was trying to do was getting from point A to point B, without falling. Enemies were a non-issue, after getting like, 90 points in intelligence they would just cripple.
You probably have to work on the scaling of their stats, but giving them some special abilities would be a step in the right track to making them, oh I dunno, dangerous. For example, the dog can have a pounce move which disables the player and deals damage for a period of time.

3. The RPG element felt kind of... useless. It was probably because I didn't really have an idea on what DEX and the other stat did, but it feels like all it did was increase numbers. Which isn't necessarily a problem, but I'm wondering if you have any other plans with the leveling aspect of the game.

I realize the game is probably in its final stages, but if you ever make another platformer in the future (and I hope you do, or at least another game), then this might become useful.


Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

i didnt edited the save file i did it fair cost me a hell of time of farm luck int and const

luck for hp mp enemie drops and also beams miss you that helped me a lot while wall jumping

anyway got both items and reached a checkpoint that next room there is a black blue light candle but once i jump it crash as well any help or demo ends there without fighting a boss?


Demon Girl Master
Jun 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Wall jumping
Should be easier in this update, let me know if it's better now.

OfficerTJHooker said:
Well thanks for all the tips :) Like you said there's not a whole lot I can do at this point, but in my next game I can apply a lot of that.

In this latest version INT has been nerfed so you do a lot less damage, making the RPG elements a little better and making enemies tougher. Hopefully that helps things out.

Maryel said:
Yeah sorry about that, stupid bug. I've got that fixed and I'm currently uploading V0.3.2 which has that fixed. I'll edit this post once it's up and ready to go!

EDIT: Okay V0.3.2 is up and running! It should have easier wall jumping and no crash at the first boss (which is the end of the demo, btw).
Last edited:


Jungle Girl
Apr 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I don't mean to seem rude - but do you even test these wall jumping parts? There's difficulty, sure, but man...this isn't even fun.

I made it to the jump section with the floating hands in it, but its getting disgustingly frustrating trying to proceed from here from one minor slip up.


Jun 29, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Loved it, it's super fluid and I like that, could have a clunky gameplay but not at all, do you have any plans for after Nagai Yamiji since this one's apparently coming to an end?


Jungle Girl
Nov 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Kajio I really loved the gameplay, but by any chance can you please add at lest one platform next to the 3 laser-walls when your wall-jumping
in that tentacle filled chimney.

Not only is it annoying to get knocked down, but dieing and respawning 6 screens back is just brutal.

Aside from that kudos for such a great demo and out of all the stats CON is by far the best one.


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 13, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

nothing changed with the wall jump.


Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

when this hits DLsite its going to sell like Hotcakes covered in syrup laced with LSD.
even with cheat engine the platforming is just so fucking difficult that alone will make this a great seller. highly recommend putting in a gallery for the sprite sex. keep up the great work.


Demon Girl
Nov 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

nothing changed with the wall jump.
Oh, he's fixed the wall jumping issues all right, however, there is a new bug which screws up the wall jumping again(making it to what it was before).

If the Heroine get knocked down and raped, the wall jumping returns back to the horrifying bugged wall jumping. Not sure if this applies to her just getting knocked down too. But If you get raped, then attempt to wall jump, it's frigging impossible.

But avoid getting raped, then it's no problem at all. Which is kinda hard without you being genuinely good at platformer or you've cheated yourself high Dex.
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aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

when this hits DLsite its going to sell like Hotcakes covered in syrup laced with LSD.
even with cheat engine the platforming is just so fucking difficult that alone will make this a great seller. highly recommend putting in a gallery for the sprite sex. keep up the great work.
I agree with you completely!And instead of pirating this game I'm going to buy it.


Oct 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Was screwing around in the new version earlier. Walljumping's easier, but no more appealing than before.

I really appreciate the changes to the big platforming room, although I'm not sure changing the giant beam to a tentacle floor has quite the effect you intended. Brute forcing it now means you have to soak something like 120 damage or even higher if you're unlucky, instead of the 60-80 from the beam version. I'm guessing that's to make the platforming section more appealing, since if you at least attempt it you'll be taking less hits if you fall down and brute force it. Except by abusing the mercy invincibility to run a short distance before jumping, I could space out the hits long enough that I was only taking 5 damage each time. Now I can cross the room without platforming while only taking 20-30 damage. Not sure how you could fix that without breaking something else.

I was actually able to get to the upper part of that room with the changes you made to this version, and I got the second stone semi-legitimately (Forgot to lower my stats back down to the 30s), but it made me realize an issue I had with how the wyrmstone areas are designed. They're both set up as loops, but both of them seem to have a section that only works one way.

In the lower area, the drop to the lower level of the loop works, but walljumping back up is pretty much impossible due to three lasers pulsing just as you get near the top. If you choose the upper path to begin with, the room with the nematode pit is probably your next stop, and it's basically a dead end.

In the tower area, the 'far' pit has a laser shooting down a walljump section. This one's probably way more balanced, but I just didn't even want to try going through that. Dealing with the 'near' pit's section with the plant in the alcove shooting at you while you work your way back up was infinitely more appealing, at least with the new jumping physics. At least you can punch that thing once you get halfway up.

One really minor thing since I have way too much time on my hands due to being sick. There's a chandelier in the room with all the plant platforms and the first 'real' walljump sections. If you jump up too high on the left side, you'll hit your head on it and fall onto the tentacles below it. It's not really a problem since 'failing' that way just means you take 5 damage and move on to the second jump section, but from what you said about the chandeliers being solid is a secret, you might want to replace that one with a candle. Another set of tentacles on the ceiling would keep the same effect, if you want the player to stay off the floor and ceiling there.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I don't mean to seem rude - but do you even test these wall jumping parts? There's difficulty, sure, but man...this isn't even fun.

I made it to the jump section with the floating hands in it, but its getting disgustingly frustrating trying to proceed from here from one minor slip up.
Yeah I don't have any trouble with it myself, haha. I've tested all the platforming and everything is possible to get through without ever taking damage (naturally I never took no damage on a single playthrough, but get individual section I've managed to dodge everything at some point).

I'll try adding a sliding mechanic (so that you stick to walls and slowly slide down them, like in Megaman X), see if that makes things nicer or not.

Loved it, it's super fluid and I like that, could have a clunky gameplay but not at all, do you have any plans for after Nagai Yamiji since this one's apparently coming to an end?
Well I'm glad you liked it! And right now I don't have much set in stone, but I am thinking of another platformer, but this time sci-fi.

Kajio I really loved the gameplay, but by any chance can you please add at lest one platform next to the 3 laser-walls when your wall-jumping
in that tentacle filled chimney.

Not only is it annoying to get knocked down, but dieing and respawning 6 screens back is just brutal.

Aside from that kudos for such a great demo and out of all the stats CON is by far the best one.
Yeah those lasers were supposed to kinda indicate, "Don't go back up this way" but it seems people are more getting frustrated by them. I'll change that bit around some.

Glad you liked the demo though :)

nothing changed with the wall jump.
I totally changed it a little bit, don't lie. Maybe it wasn't a significant enough change :p I'm adding a slide mechanism, so that should help.

when this hits DLsite its going to sell like Hotcakes covered in syrup laced with LSD.
even with cheat engine the platforming is just so fucking difficult that alone will make this a great seller. highly recommend putting in a gallery for the sprite sex. keep up the great work.
Haha I certainly hope it does :p And yeah there will be a gallery mode in the final release.

Oh, he's fixed the wall jumping issues all right, however, there is a new bug which screws up the wall jumping again(making it to what it was before).

If the Heroine get knocked down and raped, the wall jumping returns back to the horrifying bugged wall jumping. Not sure if this applies to her just getting knocked down too. But If you get raped, then attempt to wall jump, it's frigging impossible.

But avoid getting raped, then it's no problem at all. Which is kinda hard without you being genuinely good at platformer or you've cheated yourself high Dex.
Hmm strange... that wouldn't really make since as to why that would happen. Are you sure that wasn't just coincidence?

I agree with you completely!And instead of pirating this game I'm going to buy it.
Yay! :3 Thanks for the support!

I can tweak that to make it work better. You're not supposed to be able to jump long enough to only take 5 each, time but it shouldn't be a hard fix.

Yeah they were sorta set up that way, so that you could figure out yourself which way would be better to take, but it seems players aren't liking that design, so I'll be changing it a bit.

Haha, that's a nit-pick change if I've ever heard one, but okay that's been changed.

Some exciting news, I upgraded to GMStudio from GM8, so now a few GM-related bugs should be gone, and it should just be more compatible in general. It also means that, assuming the Ouya supports adult-oriented content, I can totally publish on the Ouya (which launches next week, if you hadn't heard). that's pretty fuckin' cool if you ask me.


Oct 16, 2009
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I can tweak that to make it work better. You're not supposed to be able to jump long enough to only take 5 each, time but it shouldn't be a hard fix.

Yeah they were sorta set up that way, so that you could figure out yourself which way would be better to take, but it seems players aren't liking that design, so I'll be changing it a bit.

Haha, that's a nit-pick change if I've ever heard one, but okay that's been changed.
Forgive me if I'm being too harsh or nitpicky, I'm basically just really irritable at the moment due to a weird fever, plus I like trying to break games. I do like the game, I'm just really easy to frustrate at the moment.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Forgive me if I'm being too harsh or nitpicky, I'm basically just really irritable at the moment due to a weird fever, plus I like trying to break games. I do like the game, I'm just really easy to frustrate at the moment.
Ah I didn't mean to imply it was bad to nit-pick, just that it was :p A small problem is still a problem, eh? If it's something I can fix easy enough, I might as well!


Jungle Girl
Dec 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Yeah, I won't be buying this game. The platforming is way too hard, even on the easiest of settings. I like to enjoy my games with some difficulty, not be incredibly frustrated because of shitty broken wall jumping mechanics.

Great game up until that shitty point. Holy fuck.


Demon Girl Master
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Yeah, I won't be buying this game. The platforming is way too hard, even on the easiest of settings. I like to enjoy my games with some difficulty, not be incredibly frustrated because of shitty broken wall jumping mechanics.

Great game up until that shitty point. Holy fuck.
Same thing here. I've tried all the demos since the first one came out and I always get too frustrated to complete it. There is absolutely no learning curve in this game. Even the very first room is way too hard. Don't get me wrong, I was able to get through the first room easily but I was laughing my ass off when I saw that you had to dodge green bullets while fighting your very first zombie. It's the wall jumping that killed my enthusiasm. Just after you beat get the wall jump ability, you are directly thrown into a session of wall-jumping with rolls (on your very first wall-jumping experience in this game!). I profaned the name of the lord a bit but got through it and then came to the wall-jumping with the hands where you have to jump-roll on every side of the wall.

I don't know why I have such a problem with this game. I was in the nintendo generation and I got through both of Kyrieru's game just fine but this one got me frustrated to a degree when I just gave up.

I like to play H games for the H and a little challenge is always a plus. Losing to difficult enemy is fun because you get a reward. Losing to annoying lasers and wall-jumping frustration is not. When I buy a H game, always play on easy first to see the H and finish the game, feel the overall game, get the story and all that. Then, if I want a challenge, I play on hard and try to beat it again (like I did with Lab-still alive). However, the platforming is still hell-hard even on easy. Perhaps a little jumping boost on easy could make the platforming easier, I don't know.

I am not going to buy this thing off the bat. I'm thinking I'm going to see what the people on this forum think of the final product before I buy it. The price tag is alright but the H is not THAT appealing to me. Sprite sex is always a nice bonus when it is well done.

I salute the creator for creating H games. I know criticism can be annoying when comments like mine start appearing ranting about the difficulty. I read useful comments on this thread about the learning curve of this game and I do think it is the major problem.

Anyway, I salute the creator for his efforts and looking forward to see the reviews on the final product.


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

I almost want to try this just to see what all the bitching has been about. I don't think I've ever seen so much difficulty based bitching before.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 6, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [WIP] Nagai Yamiji (Demo available)

Yeah, I won't be buying this game. The platforming is way too hard, even on the easiest of settings. I like to enjoy my games with some difficulty, not be incredibly frustrated because of shitty broken wall jumping mechanics.

Great game up until that shitty point. Holy fuck.
I'll be releasing an update with improved wall-jumping soon.

The spitters being in the first room was unintentional, I was testing their new particle effects and kinda forgot to remove them before releasing that demo >.< They're gone in the most recent update though.

Anyway, hopefully adding a slide to the wall jumping will make things easier.

I almost want to try this just to see what all the bitching has been about. I don't think I've ever seen so much difficulty based bitching before.
Please do! The more people who try my game the better :)

So I'll be trying to get an updated version with the improved wall-jumping out sometime later today. Hopefully it'll help those who are having trouble with the wall-jumping sequences. I never imagined people would have this much difficulty >.<