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Just Like Home (Demeter;Tassadar)

Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Looking back, after indeed hearing groans from her companions, they'd all look like angry children who were just told their birthday presents were never meant to be. A mixture of anger, sadness, and desperation was present on all of them. Except for Bubbles. She was foaming. Her face looked entirely neutral, and she was foaming.

Idian came up first, looking the most like the upset child. "C'mon, Demeter! Can't we go!? Pleeease!?" he begged. "Even the elders of the Order know nothing about Pandemonium. It's always been such a mysterious place, and all I've been hearing about is things that make me really want to go there!" He took her hands, a stance somewhat on the side of negotiation, but mostly begging. "Besides... Wouldn't you like a nice, comfy bed, and a right and proper bath?" he suggested, trying to reason with her. All of the witches were nodding as if the question were directed at them, or perhaps they were trying to use suggestion to influence Demeter's answer. "I'll have access to all kinds of ingredients too!" he continued further. "I'll make you something really good!" he promised.

Bubbles began foaming more violently, though it seemed for a different reason as she stared at Idian.

"Is she gonna be okay...?" asked a little witch in worry over Bubbles.

"That's normal... I think." replied a larger witch.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter wasn't surprised that her entire company revolted at the idea of going around Pandemonium completely, but she was fairly surprised at the vehemence with which they tried to convince her to lead them there. A look of annoyance crossed her features, but Demeter recognized when she was beaten and let out a low sigh. "Fine...." she grunted, "but we aren't staying there for very long!"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"A week should be plenty." Octavia assured her. Everyone else seemed to agree. If Demeter was fine with that, the witches and sahuagin would be more than happy to take the lead and follow the guards while Idian remained by Demeter's side. "What's wrong, Demeter?" he asked, concerned as he wrapped an arm around her own and locked his hand with her own. "You always seem on edge when it comes to anything relating to Pandemonium. Do you have a bad history?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter's brow furrowed at the mention of staying in Pandemonium for a whole week. It was certainly not a place that she wanted to be for any length of time, much less one that would last for that long, but after a moment her only response was a sigh. This was why she had left society, she realized. She simply didn't have the patience or empathy to put up with this kind of crap for extended periods.

The elf followed the guards silently, no longer bothering to look as if she were leading the company and instead falling back a ways, her concentration largely on constructing mental blocks to keep the mind magic present in Pandemonium at bay. When Idian dropped back to speak with her, Demeter briefly abandoned her efforts in order to flatly reply; "No. But it is a city filled with monsters and controlled by a being ready and willing to use mind control to inspire loyalty. I like not a single part of that description, and given that the only desire to go there seems to be for its meaningless luxuries I suspect that I will find little to occupy my time beyond refusing the irritating magics present there."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian blinked in pure shock, his mouth agape and his head drawn back. "Uhh... R-really? Mind control, and all of that? I heard nothing but good things about that place so far... I had no idea..." Idian replied in awe.

"Other than the fact that she's completely wrong." Octavia butted in. "Sorry, I was listening." she quickly apologized, as if remembering her place. "Pandora doesn't enact mind control. Why would she? If anything, Idian is guilty of mind control as well. His food is delicious, no matter what he cooks, and I never want to leave so as to keep having those meals." she stated, before letting out a delighted hum. "Actually... Idian's meals for morning, noon, and night... An afternoon massage, a hot spring bath, and a tour of the city's finest architecture..." Octavia giggled and wrapped her arms around her body as if to contain herself. "Oh my! That just sounds divine!" she squealed. Bubbles was now drooling instead of foaming, likely due to the thought of Idian's food. "Though..." Octavia let out a tired sigh. "Keeping this guy inside my gut is kind of exhausting. I'm probably going to have to let him out eventually. I've already burned through the excess energy I got from him just to maintain the inner dimension while he continues to freak out and bounce around inside of me like a monkey."

After a moment of walking, Idian pondered for a moment. "Hey, Demeter. If you're not interested in relaxing, why not talk with Pandora herself when we meet her? Can't you think of anything you could ask her? Like..." He blushed a little, getting a little more quiet as he walked a bit close to her, smiling. "Maybe getting a place for you and I to live together?"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter was about to reply when Octavia interjected into the conversation, at which point the elf's already sour expression soured even further. Her apology did absolutely nothing to assuage her irritation, but she gave the witch her opportunity to speak her foolishness without interruption. "That it is subtle doesn't make the field of pacifism put upon this realm any less mind control. It is worse in many ways than more direct ones for its insidious influence, and given the being that created it I see no reason to join in the foolish belief that it is a wholly benign effort," she replied simply.

Then it was time to turn again to Idian, at which Demeter looked actively confused. "Even if a ruler of a kingdom had reason to see any of us... Why should I want to ask for that?" she replied simply and evenly, but then further explained her rationalization; "When I came upon the home I lived in before I met you, it was a ruin... Barely more than a foundation in the ground. I rebuilt it myself, and was perfectly happy there save when I had to go into town or fend off some mamono looking to eat me or use me as an incubator. I have no need for an existing structure by which to make a home, and if it were my choice I would never live anywhere near a large settlement at all, much less this one." She paused pensively for a moment, but then added; "Besides, what reason have we to go anywhere near Pandora? We have given her guards the news of the attack upon her domain, and all the information pertaining to it that we possess."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Well... we 'are' getting an audience with Pandora to tell her about what happened. It'd be pretty convenient to ask her while we're standing right in front of her." he explained. Though the rest of what Demeter had to say bothered him. Idian frowned, looking a bit down. "Isn't there any way I can convince you to give Pandora a chance? We can meet her, deliver the message ourselves. The guards seemed fine with as much." he suggested, and one of the guards turned back.

"What happened may best be explained by those who saw it themselves." a dullahan replied. "But we understand the elf's woes. Her kind is naturally distrusting by default, so we won't force you to do anything you don't wish to." she assured her.

"See?" Idian tried to encourage her. "When we raise our children, Demeter... Do you want them to grow up in a swamp like that? I'd never survive the stress of worrying if all my children were safe in such a dangerous place..." he announced. "I want the best for our children. To be safe, and have a wonderful place to live. Am I being too selfish?" he asked Demeter with worry.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter's lips thinned at Idian's initial appeal to her to speak to Pandora about living in Pandemonium, and that expression didn't budge so much as an inch following the interjection by the guards. The appeal to the welfare of their future children did give the elf pause, however, and Demeter stood silent for a moment. Dammit, why had Idian come up with such a good argument? "Well...."

She could find no way around admitting that she wouldn't want to raise children in such dangerous conditions, and after a moment her breath came forth in a frustrated sigh. "Well... No, no I don't. But I don't want to live here either!"
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"We need to live somewhere, Demeter!" Idian insisted with sudden assertiveness, raising a voice a little from rising emotion. Then, he sighed too. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell... I just... I feel like if the lands of Pandora are no good... Then where else can we go? Is there really anywhere else that we can call home that has a better reputation than Pandora?" he inquired.

"If Demeter is powerful and skilled enough..." Octavia began to suggest. "She could create her own dimension. Pandora's own castle is within her own realm conjured by her magic, and it shouldn't be that far fetched to make your own if you're really picky about location... Though the obvious problem is that even Pandora, who's power is on the scale of a god... It wasn't easy, if information proves correct." Octavia hummed.

Idian sighed. "... I guess you're pretty strong, Demeter, but... Were you really counting on such a thing? I mean... Even for you, creating your own world is a bit..." he twisted his lips, looking for a solution for their future.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

That was a difficult question... A difficult question indeed. Where could they live in peace? Demeter knew immediately that she would never know peace in this place, not of mind at least, and that having to fend off the insidious, pacifying aura as she knew that she must would drive her to misery and madness very very quickly if she had to do it for any length of time. "I don't know... But not here. I would not live in these lands under any circumstances if I had any say in the matter," she replied calmly, having been taken by surprise by Idian's sudden outburst but then recovering quickly.

"I had never considered doing such, and doubt that I could manage it even if I wanted to," the elf replied upon the discussion between Octavia and Idian being shifted back to her, "we'll find someplace to live, even if we have to carve one out from somewhere else. It simply isn't going to be here. Regardless of Pandora's reputation or intentions, this miasma is not something that I would permit our children to be subjected to any more than the predations of the abominations that used to have to deal with back in the swamps, and I could not stay here for any great length of time in this without becoming miserable or mad, or possibly both. Particularly since it's so much more powerful around the settlements, and is no doubt strongest around Pandora's capital itself."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Though Demeter seemed to indicate that madness might await her in prolonged exposure to Pandora's auras, the witches around her looked at her as if there was no more harm to be done. Idian however was more understanding. "If you're so hard pressed against it... I suppose there's little that can be done... But I just..." he grumbled. "I worry about what setting the bar too high may bring... Though I also worry about the social lives of our children too. Will we be hiding ourselves from civilization? I feel that our children might benefit from contact with other children their age, from other families..." he offered his thoughts, likely imagining their home closer to civilization than Demeter might have liked.

Demeter would have time to offer a reply, or not, before a sudden sense of danger struck her. Two auras suddenly glowing from either side before she could react, weaving quickly as green magic infused darts flew quickly, aiming for Demeter's neck. They very well might have hit too, before the two dullahan guard suddenly moved at a blinding speed to block the two darts with their swords. Or maybe they teleported. It would be hard to tell which. Putting that matter aside, the two auras were quick to retreat so that their presence vanished instantly. Likely knowing Demeter or someone else might come under attack next, they stood their ground, defending Demeter's company instead of pursuing the attackers. "The elf was their target." the dullahan declared, before one gingerly inspected the bolt. "Non-lethal. Their objective was to neutralize her." she declared, before the first gave Demeter a serious look. "Why did you not tell us that assassins seek you?" she questioned the brown haired elf.
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Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

"Socialization I can deal with without issue. We can live near others, though I would prefer a small town to a city, but it isn't going to be in this realm. Not if I have any say in the matter," Demeter replied, and seemed about to say more before suddenly danger reared its ugly head. Used to needing to react in split second decisions and relying on her instincts, Demeter weaved a wall of deflecting force around herself such that the darts would have broken against her as if smacking into a stone wall, but the two dullahan guards they had with them caught the darts with their swords before her barrier could be tested.

The elf's expression shifted into a scowl immediately, and she let out an annoyed grunt and prepared to lash out at the unseen assassins before they vanished. "We weren't," Demeter spat back at the demon guards following their question, and with an effort of will caused her perceptions to shift such that she could see beyond the physical, making it more difficult for any being to hide from her even with the aid of magic. "Not until now at least!" Demeter began to grow suspicious, as no such attackers had sought her before now, but upon entering Pandora's domain they had been in grave danger twice in very quick succession.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter's threads searched out, quickly traveling, but they didn't detect anything that would be the assassins. However, they did leave a trail behind, and obvious gaps in the natural floating energy from Pandora's realm. This would be familiar to Demeter, as she was causing such a phenomenon herself, suggesting that they too were blocking Pandora's energy. "I was a fool. You're higher priority than I assumed." the dullahan replied. "Let us make haste. You're liable to be targeted again while we're out here." she urged, forcing the group to move a little faster, pressed with danger.

"I-is it because we were there?" Idian asked Demeter, thinking back to the village. "Do you know something special, Demeter?" he asked, though Octavia glanced his way. She seemed to know something, though was keeping quiet about it for now.

Bubbles meanwhile tugged on Demeter's dress, she looked exhausted from having to do more than flop her fins casually while on land, having to put forth extra effort just to keep up. She held her arms up, as if wishing to be picked up.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Demeter made no complaint about going faster, though she did continue to distrust the guards of Pandora's realm as they went. "No," Demeter replied flatly, having no idea why anyone would bother to target her, "I have deliberately isolated myself for half a century. I know nothing that ought to earn attempts at my capture, and have no idea why anyone would bother!"

Bubbles problems earned a swift and efficient response from Demeter, who knew that she herself didn't have the physique necessary to carry the sahuagin and keep moving at the increased pace at the same time. Instead, the elf conjured an orb of water that surrounded Bubbles, one that would naturally spin with her movements, allowing her to move across the land as if she were swimming instead of walking. The bubble would naturally clean itself and be contained within a field of force that Demeter maintained, costing her energy but making it so that Bubbles wouldn't have any more problems moving.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Rather excitedly, Bubbles began to swim in her bubble, proceeding forth as if it were natural to swim along a ground road. "Heh, it's good to see you and Bubbles getting along." he said, before leaning in. "What do you think about keeping Bubbles as a pet?" he inquired, though Bubbles didn't seem to hear. Either that or she gave no reaction.

"It sounds like you're not telling us something... No matter." the dullahan didn't pry, but remained suspicious of Demeter, seeming to react to the less than favorable expression she wore. "Just cause no trouble while in Pandora's lands. Those hunting you are the only ones at fault as far as I'm concerned." she stated.

The trip would continue until they reached the beginnings of a city. The land was loosely spread out, as Demeter would see many elves along the outskirts of the city, having built their tree houses, cottages, and the like. Somewhat isolated from even each other, they grumbled and retreated from sight when they saw the guards. "Another one..." one elf complained. "Don't build too close. Get your own space." another told Demeter. "Stay off my lawn!" yet another scolded the dullahan guard and Demeter's company.

"Quiet! Damn grumpy elves!" the dullahan shouted, not seeming to mind including Demeter with the other grumpy elves. "Respect our guests!" she declared, making them all scoff and proceed to ignore them.

"All of these elves are so much like Demeter that I wouldn't be surprised if we found her long lost sister among them." Octavia commented.

Then, in response to Octavia, an elf chimed in, who was blending in with the other elves oddly placed about the forest around the path. She made her presence known as she made an audible kissing sound from the cherry she seemed to tease with the idea of eating. Once a few eyes were on her, those who looked may find that she was staring at Octavia. "Excuse me, did you say Demeter?" she inquired.

"How does everyone know you!?" Idian exclaimed, dumbfounded.

The elf giggled. "I'm from a village that used to house a girl named Demeter, before she was banished for being tainted. My name is Hestia." she announced. Though Hestia wouldn't ring too much of a bell, meaning she wasn't important enough for anyone to know her name in the community, not like any kind of leader or unique profession. Looking through the group, she focused on Demeter. "Are you Demeter?" she inquired. "It's good to see you're still alive. In case you couldn't already tell, I'm also an exile. I actually wanted to talk with you about something. Your father." she stated. And if Demeter wished to hear more, the elf would continue. "A long time after you left, I met with him, catching him wondering about the perimeters of the sacred forest. He was looking for you, and he came back here to Pandemonium after learning that you were banished. He had heard the news apparently from Jasmine, your mother. Figured you'd ought to know." she stated.

Whatever Demeter decided to do with that, Pandemonium was ahead...

If Demeter simply marches onward instead of talking with Hestia...
All they'd have to do was follow the road straight, leading towards a maintained dimensional gate that gave a watery depiction of a grand castle within one of the famous 'pocket dimensions' that Octavia just finished talking about. A place where powerful individuals craft whole new worlds for their own uses. Through the streets would be many vendors, and the townsfolk were both friendly, and rather peaceful looking. No one seemed to be anything but happy in some form, similar to the village she was in. The magic in the air was altering their mood just as it was before. They passed by many shops, which Octavia and her witches were more than happy to occupy themselves with, announcing that they'd meet with Demeter later around the end of the week. Unless Demeter distracted their path, she'd be led by the dullahan through the portal, perception becoming useless as they traveled to another world, before her vision cleared, welcomed into a foggy realm with an even thicker magic, with an even more powerful result on everyone's mood. It didn't have any impact on her personal shield, it was just thicker, and it's source this time was seemingly coming from the very point they were heading towards: Pandora's Box, also known as the throne room. The source would soon become apparent as Pandora herself, who possessed both a black and white angel wing. Some kind of mutation between fallen angel and not. She sat on a tall throne, which mirrored each wing on her back. One half of the throne was beautiful and pearl white, while the other was black and corrupted in it's design. "Oh, a new face!" The woman declared with a smile. "How can I help you?" she asked the Elf, Human, and Sahuagin before her.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Rather excitedly, Bubbles began to swim in her bubble, proceeding forth as if it were natural to swim along a ground road. "Heh, it's good to see you and Bubbles getting along." he said, before leaning in. "What do you think about keeping Bubbles as a pet?" he inquired, though Bubbles didn't seem to hear. Either that or she gave no reaction.

"Bubbles is a person, not a pet!" Demeter replied in a harsh whisper, slightly annoyed by Idian's inane question. "Just because she doesn't talk doesn't mean she's not intelligent! How would you like it if I went around telling people that you were my pet?"

"It sounds like you're not telling us something... No matter." the dullahan didn't pry, but remained suspicious of Demeter, seeming to react to the less than favorable expression she wore. "Just cause no trouble while in Pandora's lands. Those hunting you are the only ones at fault as far as I'm concerned." she stated.

"I'm telling you everything! Just ask Idian, I haven't done anything to merit any special attention, I was living in a swamp by myself after getting kicked out of my home as barely more than a child! The idea that this is somehow my fault is ridiculous!" Demeter replied adamantly to the dullahan's implications, "I don't even want to stay here for longer than is necessary, and if you believe anything that I say, believe that I have no interest in causing trouble. If there's any reason for us to be targeted, it's because we know about the attack we told you about."

The trip would continue until they reached the beginnings of a city. The land was loosely spread out, as Demeter would see many elves along the outskirts of the city, having built their tree houses, cottages, and the like. Somewhat isolated from even each other, they grumbled and retreated from sight when they saw the guards. "Another one..." one elf complained. "Don't build too close. Get your own space." another told Demeter. "Stay off my lawn!" yet another scolded the dullahan guard and Demeter's company.

"Quiet! Damn grumpy elves!" the dullahan shouted, not seeming to mind including Demeter with the other grumpy elves. "Respect our guests!" she declared, making them all scoff and proceed to ignore them.

"All of these elves are so much like Demeter that I wouldn't be surprised if we found her long lost sister among them." Octavia commented.

Then, in response to Octavia, an elf chimed in, who was blending in with the other elves oddly placed about the forest around the path. She made her presence known as she made an audible kissing sound from the cherry she seemed to tease with the idea of eating. Once a few eyes were on her, those who looked may find that she was staring at Octavia. "Excuse me, did you say Demeter?" she inquired.

"How does everyone know you!?" Idian exclaimed, dumbfounded.

The elf giggled. "I'm from a village that used to house a girl named Demeter, before she was banished for being tainted. My name is Hestia." she announced. Though Hestia wouldn't ring too much of a bell, meaning she wasn't important enough for anyone to know her name in the community, not like any kind of leader or unique profession. Looking through the group, she focused on Demeter. "Are you Demeter?" she inquired. "It's good to see you're still alive. In case you couldn't already tell, I'm also an exile. I actually wanted to talk with you about something. Your father." she stated. And if Demeter wished to hear more, the elf would continue. "A long time after you left, I met with him, catching him wondering about the perimeters of the sacred forest. He was looking for you, and he came back here to Pandemonium after learning that you were banished. He had heard the news apparently from Jasmine, your mother. Figured you'd ought to know." she stated.

The presence of her own people, all xenophobic despite being exiles themselves, only caused Demeter to be uncomfortable, and she quickly threw her hood over her head to hide the face that she was an elf. "My sister isn't lost," Demeter would correct Octavia briefly, "I never met her. You can't lose something that you didn't have in the first place."

The sudden suckling noise, followed by the question about her name coming from one of the elves here, causing Demeter to shrink away, but she did stop to listen, and though she tried she couldn't remember anyone named Hestia from her home village. "Yes," she replied quietly to the question about her name, but then her face, hidden beneath her hood, screwed up in surprise and confusion when she mentioned her father. Demeter had never met her father, having been conceived while her mother had been away from home, and hadn't been told about her male progenitor despite the attempts when she'd been young to get her mother to reveal things about him beyond that he hadn't been from their village.

She was so stunned that for several moments she remained silent, allowing Hestia to go on, but if Hestia didn't speak for long enough for her to recover she would say; "Go on. I'm listening." The news that he was looking for her was one part exciting and one part horrifying, as she knew then that he had been a demon, a race that Demeter held absolutely no affection for, and as his race had been the cause of much pain for her over the years she had no familial affection left to spare. Even so, she couldn't help but be curious, and so after a moment she simply said; "Very well... Do you know where he is?"

Whatever Demeter decided to do with that, Pandemonium was ahead...

If Demeter simply marches onward instead of talking with Hestia...
All they'd have to do was follow the road straight, leading towards a maintained dimensional gate that gave a watery depiction of a grand castle within one of the famous 'pocket dimensions' that Octavia just finished talking about. A place where powerful individuals craft whole new worlds for their own uses. Through the streets would be many vendors, and the townsfolk were both friendly, and rather peaceful looking. No one seemed to be anything but happy in some form, similar to the village she was in. The magic in the air was altering their mood just as it was before. They passed by many shops, which Octavia and her witches were more than happy to occupy themselves with, announcing that they'd meet with Demeter later around the end of the week. Unless Demeter distracted their path, she'd be led by the dullahan through the portal, perception becoming useless as they traveled to another world, before her vision cleared, welcomed into a foggy realm with an even thicker magic, with an even more powerful result on everyone's mood. It didn't have any impact on her personal shield, it was just thicker, and it's source this time was seemingly coming from the very point they were heading towards: Pandora's Box, also known as the throne room. The source would soon become apparent as Pandora herself, who possessed both a black and white angel wing. Some kind of mutation between fallen angel and not. She sat on a tall throne, which mirrored each wing on her back. One half of the throne was beautiful and pearl white, while the other was black and corrupted in it's design. "Oh, a new face!" The woman declared with a smile. "How can I help you?" she asked the Elf, Human, and Sahuagin before her.

While she had been curious, it wasn't something that Demeter was curious enough about to derail their original purpose for. While she had no love for Pandemonium, she did understand the vital nature of their news, and getting it out of the way would perhaps do something to ease her mind in this place. Demeter offered no comment on the decision of Octavia and her coven to go out and enjoy themselves and meet with them at the end of the week, simply nodding her agreement and moving on. Arriving at Pandora's castle, the more intense power of the pacifying aura that she was resisting was not surprising, but thankfully it didn't become any more difficult to push away, and they were led through the halls until they arrived at what could only be Pandora's throne room.

She steeled herself, naturally intimidated by the incredible power of the being on the throne, but once the woman spoke Demeter's instinctive distaste for such an unnatural creature caused her to frown at the friendly greeting. Even so, she kept her courtly manners as she'd been taught growing up, bowing as she had been taught to do and keeping her tone even and level as she replied; "We did not come here seeking aid, milady, but to deliver news of an attack on your realm! A cardinal sin assaulted one of your villages with overwhelming force, and we just barely managed to escape at the very beginning of the attack. We came here as quickly as we could to warn you of this, but on the way while escorted by some of your soldiers, assassins attempted to attack us, targeting me first and then retreating when your soldiers blocked them. We... Aren't entirely sure about why they went after me first."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian was stunned by her announcement defending Bubbles. He actually looked rather happy after a moment that she gave the response she did, thinking that it meant she trusted or even just liked Bubbles enough to defend her. Then she asked if he'd like to be called her pet. "I... I... Um..." He blushed. "I wouldn't mind..." he replied with a small smile. Octavia and a few witches heard that, and they looked at Demeter with wide eyes that screamed bloody jealousy. They seemed to be holding intense desire to bring great harm to Demeter after hearing a man willing to be so submissive for his woman.

The Dullahan meanwhile seemed to take what she said into consideration. "Perhaps that is the reason. I apologize for making you into a suspect. I should have thought more clearly. Again, my apologies." she said with respect to Demeter.

Hestia nodded at Demeter when she gave the go ahead, taking to walking with Demeter, giving the other elf plenty of personal space as they walked. "Your boyfriend is cute." she said with a neutral tone, looking at Idian, who got behind Demeter, putting her between him and the other elf. "I'm 'her' pet." He informed her. Hearing this, Hestia glared at Demeter. "I kind of hate you now, but that's a different topic." she said, more jealousy going Demeter's way. "Your father apparently frequents Pandemonium, but he takes odd jobs. I can only remember him personally because he basically visits everyone looking for jobs, so I've seen him a few times." She said, though hesitated as she spoke. Seemed there was a little more to say that she wasn't, though she didn't act like it was important. "He's kind of a vagrant, but he takes odd jobs. So he only visits the city when he's looking for work. You might see him if you stick around the city, he damn near goes through the whole place looking for a quick job that pays well. Advertise yourself and he should end up right at your doorstep, or the equivalent." she advised.

Unless Demeter had any more to ask, she'd end up before Pandora...

Who looked alarmed at the knowledge of her town being attacked. "Get a map!" she announced, before two men scantily clad came out, holding a large map, before working together to open it flat in front of Demeter, holding the large map upright of the large spot of land they all lived on. "Please point to the town you believe is the correct one." she instructed her. Once she had done that, the news of assassins alarmed her further, as Demeter saying this warranted her to actually sit up from her throne. "With your permission, may I examine you? I have a suspicion of the reason, and I'd like to know for myself. If it's what I think it is, then you are in dire need of protection. I'm in debt to you for bringing this information to me. You may already know me, but introductions are polite. I am Queen Pandora. And please, tell me your name." she introduced herself.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter)

Idian was stunned by her announcement defending Bubbles. He actually looked rather happy after a moment that she gave the response she did, thinking that it meant she trusted or even just liked Bubbles enough to defend her. Then she asked if he'd like to be called her pet. "I... I... Um..." He blushed. "I wouldn't mind..." he replied with a small smile. Octavia and a few witches heard that, and they looked at Demeter with wide eyes that screamed bloody jealousy. They seemed to be holding intense desire to bring great harm to Demeter after hearing a man willing to be so submissive for his woman.

Demeter shot Idian an incredulous look following his announcement, but a blush also formed on her cheeks, and she took the jealous glares of Octavia's coven without feeling any reason to worry about it.

The Dullahan meanwhile seemed to take what she said into consideration. "Perhaps that is the reason. I apologize for making you into a suspect. I should have thought more clearly. Again, my apologies." she said with respect to Demeter.

Though she was still slightly angry, Demeter bit back any further frustrations and nodded, simply replying; "Accepted."

Hestia nodded at Demeter when she gave the go ahead, taking to walking with Demeter, giving the other elf plenty of personal space as they walked. "Your boyfriend is cute." she said with a neutral tone, looking at Idian, who got behind Demeter, putting her between him and the other elf. "I'm 'her' pet." He informed her. Hearing this, Hestia glared at Demeter. "I kind of hate you now, but that's a different topic." she said, more jealousy going Demeter's way. "Your father apparently frequents Pandemonium, but he takes odd jobs. I can only remember him personally because he basically visits everyone looking for jobs, so I've seen him a few times." She said, though hesitated as she spoke. Seemed there was a little more to say that she wasn't, though she didn't act like it was important. "He's kind of a vagrant, but he takes odd jobs. So he only visits the city when he's looking for work. You might see him if you stick around the city, he damn near goes through the whole place looking for a quick job that pays well. Advertise yourself and he should end up right at your doorstep, or the equivalent." she advised.

The remark about Idian caused Demeter to frown, and when he reacted the way that he did she outright scowled. Not at him, or at Hestia, but just in general. When the other elf spoke more of the topic at hand, Demeter sighed and replied; "Very well then. I don't even know where to advertise, or what his name is, but... Thank you for the information."

Unless Demeter had any more to ask, she'd end up before Pandora...

Who looked alarmed at the knowledge of her town being attacked. "Get a map!" she announced, before two men scantily clad came out, holding a large map, before working together to open it flat in front of Demeter, holding the large map upright of the large spot of land they all lived on. "Please point to the town you believe is the correct one." she instructed her. Once she had done that, the news of assassins alarmed her further, as Demeter saying this warranted her to actually sit up from her throne. "With your permission, may I examine you? I have a suspicion of the reason, and I'd like to know for myself. If it's what I think it is, then you are in dire need of protection. I'm in debt to you for bringing this information to me. You may already know me, but introductions are polite. I am Queen Pandora. And please, tell me your name." she introduced herself.

Demeter would, when prompted, point to the town that had been attacked on the map using the tip of her staff. The elf was taken aback by the request that followed shortly after, and for a moment considered refusing outright, but then she thought better of refusing a powerful creature in its lair and replied; "Very well, you may. My name is Demeter."
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

"You're welcome. I'll be here if you need me. Ask around for Hestia." Hestia replied, before letting Demeter go.


Pandora smiled at Demeter after giving the Queen her trust. "I thought you would say no to such a personal request, but I'm quite happy you're willing to satisfy." She said, before casually walking up to Demeter, and putting her hand over Demeter's chest. She'd feel tiny threads enter through her body, and touch her soul within. Small and insignificant, only deadly in the hands of the most skilled of weavers, a challenge for even gods, if such would be good enough insurance. "Mmmkay... Everything seems normal... Pretty average resources for a weaver..." she said while searching Demeter's soul, but she would feel that Pandora wasn't searching good enough. It would feel as if there was a void, some space that even Demeter didn't know about her own soul that was there, brought only to light when she felt someone else exploring every place but 'that'. Though it seemed Pandora noticed it quickly enough as well. "Hmm?" she blinked, threads of her own making seeming unable to penetrate whatever 'it' was inside her soul. "Odd... What is this? It's... Tough? I wonder what's insi-"

And then it happened. Pandora poked inside the strange 'thing' inside Demeter's soul, and caused a massive explosion from Demeter's chest, blowing outwards at Pandora, while perhaps oddly enough, leaving Demeter standing firmly in place with only a need to put a foot back to keep standing. Pandora flew across the room, before slamming into one of the pillars of her throne room, turning it into chunks. As it crumbled though, Pandora had little trouble opening her wings and landing safely on her feet, looking little more than ruffled. "... Huh." Pandora hummed. "So, overlooking the fact that the lungs I just made for myself a month ago were damaged by that blast, I'm more inclined to ask... Just what 'was' that?" she inquired towards Demeter.
Re: Friend and Foe of Ancient Past (Demeter;Tassadar)

Demeter let out a wordless, toneless grunt at Pandora's proclamation, having no reaction beyond stealing herself for something that she thought would be unpleasant. She was right, though thankfully it wasn't as bad having Pandora exploring her spirit as she'd thought, and she justified her forced relaxation against the minor intrusion by reminding herself that, had the leader of Pandemonium really wanted to hurt her, Demeter's permission wouldn't have been necessary.

To the elf's great surprise, the poking and prodding revealed something within her own soul that she had never even realized was there, some sort of void within herself that she hadn't noticed until Pandora had notably failed to notice it. Though she seemed to become aware of it first, Demeter was far too stunned by it to mention anything before Pandora noticed it as well, and she was about to say something when the poking and producing produced a most violent reaction.

Though she wasn't harmed by it, Demeter was still left stunned by the explosion, her foot falling back a step to brace against the minor pressure exerted against her by pure reflex. The elf was left blinking in confusion as Pandora emerged from the blast seemingly undamaged despite going through a stone pillar as if it were made of loose twigs, which was probably a good thing considering where they were. "I... I don't know! I didn't even know that it was there until... Now," Demeter would reply quietly after a moment, too busy being confused and frightened to offer a more verbose reaction. She pondered poking at it herself, but immediately thought better of that idea and decided to leave it alone, given her own lack of knowledge on the inner workings of a soul.