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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The look of utter surprise on Jolynn's face would be remembered for ages. Its to bad that Sera was the only one to see it. "You mean she..... I.... I.. don't know what to say... this is....." Jolynn moved to sit down stunned by the news. It was had to tell Jolynn's exact mood but from what little Sera knew she could tell she was pleased but also worried.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing the look of shock on Jolynn's face brought a giggle from Sera that she couldn't help, it was priceless. "Yes, she loves... very deeply from what I gathered from her. Though I don't think she held any enmity towards me really, because she understands how things work here obviously and she knows that with me being the way I am it's too good of an opportunity for you to pass up. At least that's what I think anyway," Sera said, sitting down next to Jolynn. The worried look on her face made Sera worry too however despite the pleased look she had. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Sera then asked softly, placing a hand on Jolynn's again and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I had always hopped that we could..... but it would be too dangerous for her. She is not an angel and her magical skills are limited greatly. If anyone finds out...." For the first time it seemd Jolynn was going to cry. Even her cat girl servents seemed confused about this and came forward trying to cheer her up with their feline nature.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"If anyone finds out, they might go after her sure. But she still loves you all the same and is more than willing to take that risk, which is the same thing that would happen with our daughter. So please don't be sad Jolynn. With Mary loving you so much I'll feel much more at ease leaving the baby. Now you need to win over all of your nobles, or at least those that you haven't already got on your side," Sera told Jolynn, being a bit more serious about the situation, but being as kind as she could with her words as she hugged Jolynn to calm her down. "Jolynn... Mary is too scared to tell you herself, because she said that it's forbidden, and I think she's afraid that it would only hurt you in the long run. But love should never be forbidden, so I'll help you to win over the other nobles so that they love you too for being a benevolent leader. You'll have to change some though for them to all start loving you as their leader. But I'll help as much as I can," Sera went on to say, kissing Jolynn on the cheek.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Sera... I don't know if I can....." Jolynn's cat girls looked at a loss. Never before had they seen their mistress so sad. The doubt Jolynn expressed however gave Sera some hope. Had she refused strongly it may have been true. Though it would take sometime to get everything in order. Getting the nobles to love Jolynn and teaching her to be benolent as well as unit Urma back with her. It was gonna be a tall order not to mention a massive time investment.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well Jolynn, I promise I'll help you as much as I can, but first I need to know what you're going to do now. I'll stay for a while, but I can't stay forever remember, so you're going to have to make a decision. Do you want to acknowledge Mary's love and return it with your own? In doing so, yes you may be putting her at risk, however you'll make her extremely happy in doing so. If you don't return her love... it'll make her sad, but she'll still love you of course, though she wouldn't be put as much at risk," Sera told Jolynn, promising to help until she left. "Then there's the other nobles to think about, and while yes you can't make everyone happy, you can do your best to earn their respect and loyalty even if you can't win their love. I can't teach you to be a benevolent leader, because I don't even know where to begin to do that honestly. But one place to start I'd think is talking to your nobles, one by one would be best, and finding out what you can about them. Like what they want, what they'd be willing to do, things like that," Sera added as she sat with Jolynn, hugging her to her still while the catgirls looked at a loss on what to do to cheer Jolynn up.

"So Jolynn, what do you want to do now? If you want, you can forget I spoke about Mary's feelings for you and go back to the way things were, and she need never know I told you. But if you want my advice... love is something that should always be pursued," Sera asked Jolynn after a few moments of letting her think, with Sera leaning in and kissing her on the lips this time, letting her tongue slip into Jolynn's mouth.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn looked up as Sera kissed her the matriarch returning the kiss as she recived it. "I want to try Sera... I do but the nobles.... they are.. just terrible people..." Seemed Jolynn was at a loss of how to start but seemed to trust Sera enough to attempt some change.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well then we'll just have to change them too. Now I'll need to know everything you can tell me about them all so that way we'll be able to better figure out some way to persuade them to join us and respect and be loyal to you," Sera said to Jolynn, patting her head and kissing her neck. "Surely there are some things that they want and some way that they'll be loyal and respectful of you," she added, in as cheerful a tone as she could.

"Are there any of the other nobles that you could guarantee are on your side already Jolynn? And are there any that could be easily persuaded to come more to your side? Those would be the best places to start in order to gain the full support of all the nobility I think," Sera said, kissing Jolynn deeply again before looking over to the prettiest of the catgirls and smiling. "Kitties, why don't you all give Jolynn and myself a massage okay, it'll help her relax and calm down I think. Now come dear, lay down so they can do so," Sera then added to the catgirls, then Jolynn, moving over to the bed with Jolynn in tow and having her lay down on her stomach there so some of the catgirls could give her a massage, then doing the same for her own if any of them would do so for her too.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Moving to the bed Jolynn layed on her side her belly far larget than it used to be. Blushing at this she tried to make herself more comfortable. Oh dear it seems our girls are growing fast. Maybe I shouldn't have taken all those fertiltity potions before our fun." Even with the slightly awkward position the cat girls soon had both Jolynn and Sera free of their cloths and spreading massaging oil over their skin. "I know Torrie would support me. Even though we have our disagreements my cousin will support me. Rhea has her own house as she adopts the cat girls that are ready to leave the palace and take up life outside its walls. I do not doubt her loyalty. As for others well it depends some say they are my friends but I feel most of them just say that so they have my protection from the others." Jolynn sighed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmhm, I didn't expect you to already be showing honestly Jolynn. How come you're showing already? I know somewhat at least that angels generally have the same pregnancy times for incubation that humans do, or round about the same at least," Sera said with a smile as she reached over to caress Jolynn's belly, where their children were growing.

Sera enjoyed the catgirls touches on her skin as they undressed her and began spreading the oils all over her. "Try not to get any in my feathers okay kitties, it's tough to get out when it gets in there," Sera said to the catgirls, not sounding angry if they did get some in her wings, but just telling them to try and not to.

With that, Sera listened to Jolynn tell her which of her nobles she was positive could be trusted and which ones she wasn't too sure about at the moment. "Hmm, well we'll need to speak with this Torrie and with Rhea first, then we'll start on the ones that would be the most loyal after that. We'll do it one by one over the next few days, learning what we can that they desire and using that to our advantage to gain their loyalty and trust without enslaving them. How does that sound? When we get done here, we'll call Torrie and then Rhea one after the other and speak with them in private," Sera said when Jolynn, as done, enjoying the massage that she was receiving in the process.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn placed a hand over Sera's own as the angel touched the swelling life in her. "Well normally I wouldn't but I have a kingdom to attend to and I can't be bed ridden with a child for so long. "Ive used magic to make myself gestate faster. Even then you shouldn't be seeing anything but.. well." Jolynn smiled at Sera. "When your carrying triplets its hard to not show it."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I understand sweetie, it just surprised me is all. And you're carrying triplets in there? I didn't realize I was quite that potent hmhm," Sera said with a giggle at hearing Jolynn was pregnant with triplets.

With that, Sera lay there and enjoyed her massage, letting the catgirls do whatever they wished in administering it really, even if they wanted to caress and play with her privates some she wouldn't stop them. "Say Jolynn... how old are you? I just thought about it and realized I never asked you, that I can remember at least," Sera asked curiously while they got their massages.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Indeed if left unopposed Sera would feel a gentel lick at her sex as her masus began to tease her private area's. "Jolynn would blush a little at Sera's question. "Well if you must know Sera Im 38. I know it seems young to be a mother but we both know how high our libedo's can be. Im sure if you had the oppertunity and incination you would have as many children as I." Going on to what seemed the invetible question Sera spoke more. "I have 306 children some of them mulitple births. Twohundred and fifty serve in the royal guard. Well activly serve in the royal guard. The rest are either yet to be born or performing other tasks. Those are just my direct children. It dosn't include my cat girls."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Cooing softly at the gentle lick from the catgirls, Sera let them continue with their massage, not minding it in the least. "I'm younger than you amazingly enough if you can believe it. I'm only twenty one years old myself. And I've probably got many children out there with the nymphs and sidhe I've had sex with over the years. I must say though, you don't look your age Jolynn, you look much younger than you are," Sera replied before Jolynn told her how many children she had. "That's a lot of children Jolynn, and don't worry about anything, we'll figure this all out I'm sure. You've got an angel after all remember," Sera then said, giggling a bit as they got their massages.

If the catgirls started to do a little more naughty things to her, Sera would roll over and let them start massaging her front side, giving them free rein of what to do as she was feeling really good now all of a sudden after this talk with Jolynn.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Rolling over as her thick cock started to rouse itself Sera was surprised to see another cat girl takeitinto her mouth and begin to suck it. These seemed to make Jolynn flush however as her girls only massaged her. If questioned about it she would simply reply that they are her children and it would be wrong to do that do them. However she did not have any issues with them pleasing her guests.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Surprised by another catgirl take her length in her mouth, Sera let out a soft moan and let her suckle, enjoying her work. She noticed though that Jolynn only blushed at this and had them continue with her massage seriously. Sera did ask, and the reply brought a bit of surprise with it, as Sera hadn't expected that honestly, she thought that all of the catgirls were changed from kittens and stuff.

"Hmm, Jolynn... you won't be angry with me if I accidentally get any of your catgirls here pregnant would you? And how come you told me that I couldn't have sex with Tina or any of the other royal guard?" Sera asked Jolynn curiously, glancing over at her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn moaned as her back was kneeded expertly. "Oh you I think you misunderstand. My catgirls are my daughters by creation while the royal guard are my daughters from procreation." Jolynn smiled at her little rhyme. "And no I wouldn't be upset if you impregnated them Sera though they wouldn't have status like our children would. You understand right?" She smiled as she watched the girls tend to Sera. They are their own lives so the choice of mates is theirs. The royal guard however have royal blood not to mention we will be married soon which would make them your daughters too. Besides I wasn't sure how this would all work out with you. But now we are together Im much at ease."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah I see, well I wouldn't be against having some of them just so you know, as I've got plenty of stamina when it comes to sex... as you well know I think love. And as this lovely catgirl is soon going to learn when I don't go down once she's done. And don't worry I understand what you mean, but I would expect you to help take care of them of course, financially I mean. Even if they aren't of royal blood, I'd never leave them out in the cold and would treat all of my children equally," Sera said to Jolynn when she finished speaking, nodding her head as she understood what Jolynn had meant before. "Hmhm, just so long as they're not all at my door day and night looking for my favor I guess you'd say, then I wouldn't mind having some fun with them, since they can't very well have fun with many others I suppose. Let them know if you want to that they can come see me if they want if I'm not busy with other things at that moment," she added with a giggle, winking at Jolynn as she relaxed back for the blowjob the catgirl was giving her, already rock hard and feeling a soft throb building and growing within her length.

"Oh yeah I've been... oh yeah sweetie... meaning to ask you. How come... ahhhh... none of the royal guard can... oooh... escort me about town?" Sera said after she was very near climax, her fingers brushing through the catgirl's hair and urging her to finish her off, where she'd let her drink it all down if she wished and not force her off.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn had her eyes closed as her girls attended her. "MMMhhhmmm Thats because until now you where not a member of the royal family." Sera's responce was cut off though as the catgirl tending to her cock sudden began to deep throat her while clutching her balls. This seemed to cause a near instant reaction as her dick spurted into the girls mouth who took it all like a champ never once letting an ounce escape.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Just as Sera was about to respond to Jolynn's words of now being a part of the royal family, her words were cut short by a lewd moan that she let loose with as the catgirl sucking her off deep throated her as she cupped and gently squeezed her testes, coaxing her climax right out of her. Sera tilted her head back and moaned out loud for anyone in there to hear as her seed spurted out of her cock, her balls twitching and shuddering as her seed was pretty much sucked out of her.

"Wow gods your catgirls know what they're doing Jolynn. Just... wow. I haven't got to cum that hard since the other night with you I think... except maybe last night with June, Crissa, and Ivy. Ivy's my familiar by the way, don't think you've met her yet," Sera said after a few moments of recovering herself, feeling safe enough to speak of Ivy. "Now what about Pet though Jolynn? She told me that only you were allowed to touch her sexually," she went on to ask, curious of the answer she'd get.