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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn frowned but let Sera speak. As she asked her question the upper gallery murmured only to be sileced as Jolynn banged the floor with a gilded staff. "I did it for power Matriarch. For in the end that power is what will save my family. I did it so they wouldn't be slaves to you or your family anylonger. But in the end my plots only put my family in danger. My sister is dead and I was in charge of her children, and look what Ive done to them. All but one are now slaves to you. Their freedom and lives taken so they may be better toys for your whims. In my pursuit of power I did the one thing that I was trying to fight." Jolynn grimiced and Sera clearly saw anger in her eyes. Even the upper floor was silent it appeared no one wanted to incure the matriarchs wrath.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to the older lady silently and patiently, not showing any anger or anything, and not showing any sort of favoritism towards her's or Jolynn's point of view. "Jolynn dear, is there any basis of truth to what she's saying? The truth please love. And lady Jocelyn, if there is a problem you have with Jolynn and or anyone else, fighting should always be a last resort only when words no longer work, and in Jolynn's case she is still your matriarch and someone you should respect at least some. Did you even try talking with Jolynn and bringing your concerns to her attention before you attempted any of this that you're charged of?" Sera asked both Jolynn and Jocelyn, a neutral expression on her face to show she was not taking either side and was trying for a middle ground that all could be happy with.

Sera would not back down until she'd gotten a straight answer from both women, standing up for all to see and showing no fear of anyone in the room. If either of them tried to worm their way out of telling the truth or tried to outright lie and Sera caught them in it, she would call them out on it and ask politely again for the truth.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn looked at Sera her eyes steely. "You know the truth of it Sera. But for the benifit of those gathered. Yes I have enslaved many who opposed me. But unlike what the Lady Joclyn may say I have never done it on a whim. I may not be loved by the nobles of this court but in the end that matters little. I act to keep our people safe from dangers within and from without including those who would take power and start a civil war. None of you know the true burden of leadership.. the true responsiblity. I do not regret what I have done to keep our people safe can any of you say the same." There was a resounding silence as Jolynn sat back down. "I will never respect that woman or her kin. They are userpers and have no right to rule us. They are a vile outsider who have forced us to treat her like our queen. She is a monster an unatural creature. Listen to me ris...." Suddenly the woman stopped as she fell to her knees clutching at her chest. The guards looked at her surprised even Jolynn getting up suddenly. Turning around the older woman looked at her attacker only to have Mary walk into the light. Instantly guards seized her but the woman didn't resist. Jolynn watched as the healer came up to her and looked her over. Looking up the woman shook her head. "Everyone out NOW! Fae, Rosa keep mary here and bind her hands." A moment later plenty of guards escourted Jolynn and Sera to the fallen woman. Jolynn only spared her a glance before heading right to Mary. "Why....." Bowing her head Mary spoke. "She was a threat to you and the kingdom. I did my duty for my queen. You and your kin could not be the ones to end her life. It was up to me a member of her family to clear the taint from our house." Jolynn frowned "But the law........" Mary smiled "Matriarch the law is at the whim of the Ruler. I cannot be show favrotism but you could restore Amber's or Crissa's status." "But that would mean....." "I know......"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to Jolynn speak, Sera nodded when she mentioned the burdens of ruling, knowing that what with all of the dangers throughout the world that she's heard of that sometimes being stern and whatnot would be necessary to maintain order and the people safe. When Jocelyn began speaking though, Sera turned to look at her while she responded to her questions, preparing to give a reply of her own to what she was saying, when suddenly the older woman fell to her knees for no apparent reason really.

Sera's eyes went wide at this and she watched the healer run in, where she saw her give a shake of her head to let them know that Jocelyn hadn't made it. Walking down with Jolynn, Sera stopped at Jocelyn's body and knelt beside her, giving a sigh of sadness that things had ended this way, just when she was about to get to the heart of the problems in this city, Sera thought to herself. Looking over at the exchange between Mary and Jolynn, Sera listened until they paused, feeling a tenseness in the air about them all and understanding what Mary was getting at, with this being the lesser of two evils for the safety of the city and for the honor of her house as it were, even if she didn't like or agree with it she did understand what the girl had been thinking.

"The ruler may make laws yes, but the law isn't at the whims of the ruler, or they would be a very poor ruler. For the ruler must be fair and just and should win the hearts and minds their people rather than force their loyalty," Sera said suddenly as the two spoke to each other, the words feeling right for some reason as they escaped her lips. "Jolynn... what will you do now? This was one of the things I was worried might happen, something of this sort at least. In the future there may be others, others that might wish to harm our child if only to hurt you. I cannot remain here indefinitely to protect her either, for my calling will take me far and wide, and my calling also demands that I help all equally. You must gain their loyalty and trust, without the use of force as much as possible, that I feel is the only way that you'll truly be rid of those that seek to depose you from within. You said earlier that it matters little if the nobles of the city love you and that you act to keep your people safe from harm... however, they are your people too remember," Sera then asked Jolynn, speaking her mind on to Jolynn about what she thought now that things had escalated this far now, feeling now was as good a time as any really, whether Jolynn agreed or not.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn looked to Sera and moved over and knelt next to her a hand placed on her face. "My dear angel you are so neive to the struggles of a kingdom. There will always be people who wish to dethrone me. Thats just human nature, but you are right about the need to earn the nobles respect and to be a fair ruler." Getting up Jolynn moved to speak wiht one of her guards. Nodding she picked up Joclynn and left while the rest of the guards fanned out. "Im brining in the council so all may hear my judgment on this matter." A moment later the nobles returned and assmebled before Jolynn with Mary still cuffed in front. "Lady Mary you have killed Lady Joclynn in front of the court. Do you deny this?" Mary shook her head. "I see normally you would be charged for murder but... the Lady Joclynn had already been found guilty of her crime. While I do not condone the old punishment of excution, I cannot find you guilty of murder. However I cannot let you get away with ignoring my will in this matter even if you technically obeyed the law. You shall be punished with one year and a day service to your queen. If you perform admirably you shall be freed and your title restored. Untill then my daughter Tina shall be steward of your house. Is that clear." Mary stepped back looking both surprised and excited. "Is this just punishment in the eyes of the court?" There was a murmur among the nobles a few of the ladies looked less than pleased but none could find fault with the judgment. "Good let it be so." Stricking the staff again the judgement was carried out. "Rosa have her escourted to my chambers and summon Tina as well." Turning her attention to Sera she spoke. "My wife and I must discuss this turn of events in detail cancle all other meetings today and placed those waiting of audences at the top of the list for the morning." Getting out Jolynn offered her hand to Sera. "Come my love we need to figure out how Mary can be of service to us and no thats not what I ment you dirty dirty angel." Jolynn winked at Sera letting her know she didn't have any sexual thoughts in mind.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera sighed sadly at this outcome of everything, having wanted to try and get everyone to work things out. Glancing over at Jolynn as she called for the nobles to all return, Sera wondered what she was going to tell them all now. Feeling that she couldn't really do much other than watch things play out now, Sera watched as Jolynn gave her decision on the matter after the nobles had come back inside the great hall.

When Jolynn said Tina would take over as steward of Mary's and their house, Sera idly wondered what Jolynn was thinking in doing this, as it would only make Tina a target too most likely. Once all was said and done, with Sera still looking quite amazed at Jolynn's decision, she followed her out with a nod to the nobles, hurrying along to get out with Jolynn. "That was the last thing I was thinking right now honestly love. But what are you planning?" Sera said once they were in the hall on the way to Jolynn's personal chambers.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Mary is much loved and respected among the nobles. Her house has power as they are one of the few that can trade outside the city. I cannot throw her out of her position, but I cannot be seen as weak. This was the best option I think. Mary will return to her house after a year and all will be well. I will not do as I have done to the others as that would upset the nobles. Nore can I let her house languish in limbo. Tina will make sure that it stays running and see to its needs.." As they walked they where soon in Jolynn's private chambers. Mary and Tina where present and both looked to Jolynn as she entered.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah I see, I was wondering if you and your people ever traded outside of this place. If you think Tina can handle this job and not be in too much danger then I won't interfere. What do you think the other nobles will do? And will I be able to leave without having to worry about our child? For I must leave eventually to continue both my work and my search, though I can and will make my way back sometimes, as often as possible," Sera replied, still a bit worried about Tina and worried about their unborn child.

When they got to Jolynn's private chambers and saw Tina and Mary both there, Sera stayed back and watched, though she did give a smile Tina's way before looking at Mary and listening to what all Jolynn was going to say.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Sera dear you worry to much. Our children will be safe." Wait Jolynn just said children. Still Sera had little time to inqure further as they entered her chamber. "Tina, Mary." She greeted the two woman who bowed. Clapping her hands her cat girls came running to her. "Girls see to our needs and grab a few extra chairs." Bowing the girls acted immidiatly.

Sitting down Jolynn regarded the two woman before her. "Tina you are being promoted from the guards. As of this moment you shall become a steward to Mary's house and as such are considered a noble."

"Mother I...." Jolynn raised a hand silencing her.

"Mary you shall serve me for a year and a day. However you will not lose title or freedom. However it must appear to the court that you are in servitude. Do you understand. As such you shall be bound to my service but not as a servent. You will be my repersentative and advisore to and regarding the nobles. In fact your first orders are to teach Lady Tina how to maintian your house while you are away."

"I... I understand." Mary looked dishearted at this but to Sera it seemed more about not being bound to Jolynn like the others.

Getting chairs all of them sat to discuss thing further.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright, I'll trust you on that then Jolynn, make sure that any of our children remain safe, but don't be teaching them cruel things or we'll have to have some words... and maybe a spanking," Sera said to Jolynn, not speaking anymore until they'd gotten to the room.

Sera watched and listened to the exchange between Jolynn and the other two, with Tina sounding a little unsure from what Sera could tell, and Mary sounding a bit down, though considering what all had just happened Sera kind of knew why. "Don't worry Tina, you'll do just fine, I know it. And what's the matter Mary? You sound... displeased with Jolynn's decision," Sera said to Tina, and then asked Mary suddenly, unable to remain quiet any longer.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ohh a spanking." Jolynn winked at Sera. "It sounds like someone better stop back often to check on me so Im not naughty." Jolynn then pinched her butt. She was saved however as they neared the door and they entered. Hearing the discussion Sera had one concern involving Mary.

"Oh.. Matriarch.. I..... she looked around and leaned to Sera to whisper. "I love Jolynn and I have loved ever sense we where little. I just want to be with her no matter the cost."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Smirking at Jolynn's response, Sera followed on, feeling that Jolynn would be much more serious when and if the time called for it. "You bet I will, as often as possible," Sera replied, returning the wink and the pinch to her butt.

Once inside and after asking her question to Mary, Sera listened as she leaned in for a whisper, her eyes widening a bit at Mary's words about loving Jolynn. Now she was beginning to understand Mary some more, and why Mary had done what she did. "I see.... Have you not told her how you feel Mary? You need to if you haven't yet I think, before it's too late and you lose your chance," Sera whispered back curiously, telling Mary to tell Jolynn how she felt, for that may end up being what's needed around this place to make it better.

Looking over at Jolynn with a sidelong glance, Sera regarded her for a few moments with a smile before looking back over at Mary. "I'll help you with that Mary, you need only be brave and she'll hear our feelings. And... you needn't worry about Crissa, she's safe with me and I shall take good care of her and will never mistreat her in any way whatsoever. I see her as a personal handmaid more than anything," Sera went on to say after looking back to Mary with a smile on her face.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I I can't its not allowed by law." Mary sniffled a little. Thankfully Jolynn was busy discussing something with Tina as Sera spoke with Mary. "Matriarch I thank you for taking care of Crissa shes alwasy been... the deiviant one of us. Her tastes are ..... a little strange."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"You can't tell her how you feel Mary? Even if you two can't be wed or anything, you still have every right to tell her how you feel. At least you should be able too anyway. But if you really can't, then I'll tell her for you Mary, you shouldn't have to live without her knowing how you feel," Sera told Mary about telling Jolynn her feelings, smiling when she replied about Crissa. "I've... found out a few things of Crissa's tastes actually. She's been tough to satisfy to say the least too. By chance do you know any of her fetishes that I can use to make her feel really good?" she added with a chuckle.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Mary blushed as Sera asked her about Crissa's fetishes. "She really relly likes being treated as a slave. I don't know how she can enjoy that.. it seems so demeaning. But Matriarch don't tell Jolynn I would die of embarissment." Mary's eyes where pleasding but Sera had a feeling that it would be best if Jolynn knew. The choice was her's however and given her status even as a outsider she could do almost as she pleased.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I see, so that's why she wasn't overly fazed much by becoming my sl... my handmaid. But I really think Jolynn ought to know, especially since you would do most anything for her obviously. You don't deserve for your feelings to be unheard by the one you love Mary, believe me I know, at least somewhat," Sera replied in a whisper, catching herself and saying handmaid instead of slave like she nearly slipped up and said.

With that, unless Mary had more to say, Sera would look back to Jolynn and Tina and listen to what all they were talking about, though she wouldn't tell Jolynn of Mary's feelings right here in front of everyone, no she would wait until they were in private to do so.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It seemed for now Mary had no further questions so Sera moved over to catch the last bit of what Jolynn was speaking to Tina about.

"Tina your education in the palace has more than prepaired you for this. I know you would prefer your twin to do this but we both know why she cannot"

Tina seemed to sigh. "Yes mother I understand."

"Don't sound so down Tina it will be a good experiance to put what you learned to use. Besides you can't be a royal guard all your life."

This seemed to conclude what Jolynn was saying to Tina as she turned and smiled as Sera approached. "We are all set here. How did your talk with Mary go?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking back to Jolynn and Tina, Sera overheard the part about Tina's twin and when Jolynn had finished talking, Sera knew almost instinctively that she had to be talking about Urma. Waiting until they'd finished talking and Jolynn came back over to her, Sera smiled as she approached and asked how her talk with Mary had gone. "Well enough love. I take it Tina's twin is Urma then? At least I'm assuming so from the way you spoke anyway," Sera replied to Jolynn when she came over, slipping her hand into Jolynn's for a moment and giving a gentle squeeze as she leaned in close. "I need to speak with you in private about something important. Something I think you should know, though it can wait until later if you're busy," Sera then whispered in Jolynn's ear, giving her a look to let her know sooner better than later would be best.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn nodded and looked at Tina and Mary a moment. "Tina you are dismissed go turn in your armor and get some court cloths made." Returning the gentle squeeze Jolynn seperated from Sera and walked over to Mary. "Im sorry Mary but I have to do this next part." Brining up her hand Jolynn spoke some incatation that Sera didn't know though it was much shorter than the one she had used on Crissa.

This caused Mary to gasp as the seal errupted on her chest over her heart. Noting the design Sera saw only the ownership circle was formed. "That is the start of your service Mary. Please see to Tina and assist her as she settles in." Mary touched her chest in surprise before nodding and heading out a smile on her face. Now Sera what did you want to tell me?
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched Jolynn release her hand after dismissing Tina where she went over to Mary and did her spell to make the circle of ownership on Mary's chest, basically only marking her Jolynn's slave rather than binding her like Crissa had been. Sera was surprised to see Mary smile like that before moving along, wondering if that made her happy to know that Jolynn trusted her that much to not take it that far.

Sera would make sure they were alone before speaking, where she'd lean in and kiss Jolynn on the cheek. "Well love, Mary didn't want me to say this, but I think you should know. She's in love with you, and has been for a long time she said, ever since you were children. And she said that she only wants to be with you no matter what... that's why she did what she did earlier I believe," Sera said to Jolynn as they stood close to one another, with Sera smiling softly at her.