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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera's robes fell open the woman got a look of shock which quickly turned to reverence. "You are a matriarch why did you not say so. Please forgive this unworthy servant matriarch I did not know please I throw myself at your mercy for my harsh words. What is your tribe so I can announce you to our Mistress." This was a sudden turn of events why was this woman claiming her to be a matriarch?
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When the girl answered her with a look of shock on her face, Sera couldn't help but giggle slightly at the reaction to showing the woman what she was exactly. She glanced over at Ivy with a curious look on her face, eyebrows raised as she looked to her to see what she thought of the situation at hand now with this change of events. Nodding to the woman still tied, she held up an index finger as if telling her to wait a moment as she retreated a ways to whisper with Ivy. "What do you think Ivy? I believe that this is our only way of getting in without fighting every last one of them only for them to find out what I am after beating us and stuff. She seems... sincere enough to me I think, but we have to hurry and decide regardless else we may lose June, so I think we should do this, and who knows we may get in and out without a fight of any kind maybe," Sera whispered to Ivy quickly in hushed tones, so the girl didn't hear her as they conversed.

Once Ivy had made her thoughts on the matter clear to Sera, unless she didn't like following the woman into her tribe's home, then she would turn back to the woman and smile softly at her, releasing her from her bonds as she dropped her spiritual frost armor in the process, knowing for the most part what she would probably have to say in order to assure that they got June back in one piece and got inside of the place to do so. "No worries miss, you were merely doing your job of guarding this place, I was the one trespassing here I think, so we'll just say that we were both in error here, and I am not angry... but forgive me for not announcing that I am a matriarch at first. My friend that came through here though was traveling with me and she is the first of my harem that I seek to create, and I was worried about her since she fell through a hole leading up to the surface so in my haste to find her I was rude and did not announce myself properly as I should have, and for that I apologize. I am Serafina Mistraal of the White Feather tribe far to the south of here, I am adventuring far from home to find worthy members to add to my harem and increase my tribe's and my family's strength. Please, my friend means a lot to me and I am honor bound to take care of her, as a matriarch should do for members of their harem, at least in my tribe they do anyway," Sera said to the girl as she let her down and helped her to her feet if she stumbled any upon her release, giving her a partly true story about why she had left home and whatnot and giving her a made up tribe name as she glanced around and saw her feathered wings softly fluttering, the white feathers giving her the perfect name. "Please, lead on friend, and I shall follow and speak to my fellow matriarch about this matter if she would hear me out that is, though from the way you speak of her she is a good matriarch indeed to have such loyalty and respect. Also if need be I can remove my clothes so that all may see that I am a matriarch," Sera went on to say, gesturing for the woman to lead her to her matriarch so they could speak, taking off her clothes and stowing them into her backpack if the woman told her it would be better for her to do so, winking at Ivy in the process as she began following the woman.

Release the woman from the vines and drop Frost Armor for now before the EP hit, as it seems she won't be needing it for the moment.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy was not a fan of the idea but couldn't offer up a better suggestion so she agreed with Sera's plan if a little reluctantly. Releasing the woman Sera quickly found the guard running to her feet and kissing them in a completely subservient manner. "Matriarch please forgive me I was merely doing my duty after a sufficient time groveling before her the woman got up and lead Sera to a small outpost carved out of the rock. "Ashla I have a foreign matriarch her to visit the mistress please take my post." No sooner had the woman spoke than the girl named Ashla appeared. She was tan and fairly athletically built with numerous tattoos over body. Most where tribal looking but a few seemed a little to demonic for Sera's liking. "Oh this is the first Matriarch I've seen from the outside." The girl looked on in awe as the glowing skinned one sight and snapped her fingers bringing her to task once more. "Ashla to the post.. now!" The girl flinched and grabbed her spear before heading off to the gate.

The rest of the journey was rather bland with similar rock caves for the most part until they reached a very large natural cavern or at lest what Sera thought was a cavern till she caught sight of the trees towering among the city that spread out before her. "This is the home of the panther tribe the only way in is from the air or the tunnels and we keep both guarded." Letting Sera take in the view her guide gestured for her to follow. "Matriarch this way we need to announce your presence."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Think of it like this Ivy, they may know something that could help us too, plus who knows, we may find us another playmate to have along with us on our trip, you never know. I think it's worth the risk honestly, and we can't just leave June in there without trying. This way we can at least keep from fighting until necessary, and who knows they may like me and offer to help some," Sera said to Ivy, to further convince her that this was the best course of action for them at the moment, as they couldn't afford to fight their way in because then there was every chance they'd just get bogged down in the fighting and never save June in the end. "Just try and stay out of sight unless I need you for now, just in case alright, hide in my pack for now and come out if I call for you. Unless you'd rather stay with me like this that is, all big like this and stuff I mean, in which case you would be one of my harem members too I guess," Sera added to Ivy as her companion shrunk back down, unless she wished to stay large, in which case she'd wink at her and smile in thanks, beckoning her to follow her and the girl as she led them through to her village.


As soon as the woman was released and Sera had begun speaking, her new found guide groveled at her feet and kissed them in a subservient manner. "It is alright dear, I'm not angry. You did your duty and should be proud of it in my opinion, whether I'm a matriarch or not makes no difference when it comes to protecting your tribe's home, at least that's what I think anyway," Sera said to the girl as she got her back up, pulling her from her knees and away from kissing her feet so she could lead her on. "Now please, lead us on, I must find the first of my harem and see that she is safe," Sera added, trying to make the girl see she was in a hurry to get to her village so she could make sure June was okay. If Ivy stayed large and followed like that, then Sera would gesture at her and tell her that this was the second of her harem and that her first was just as important to her, though if Ivy went ahead and hid in her pack then she'd keep her mouth shut as she followed on.

Sera followed the girl further in until they reached a small cut out portion in the rock, which seemed to be a guard post of sorts, where they met another girl, this one named Ashla, who the other girl ordered to take her post while she took Sera on in. Sera took in Ashla's features, noting that a couple of her tattoos seemed... demonic in nature, which made her a tad bit uneasy, but maybe it was nothing other than just plain old tattoos and she had nothing to worry about at all, is was hard to say either way really. After the exchange of words between the two girls there, during which Sera noticed Ashla staring in awe at her, Sera smiled at her and bowed her head slightly in greeting before she rushed off and the first girl continued leading her onwards, with Sera waving at her as she went.

Sera followed the girl through another series of caverns until they reached a quite large cavern... no... it was an actual clearing with the open air blowing in... and trees, there were quite a few trees towering over this village hidden within the cave system where it opened up. Just as the girl began explaining to her that there was only one other way into the village other than the tunnels, which was by air, Sera was about to say as much herself. As she took in the sight of the place and the air, which was a fairly pleasant smell indeed to say the least considering where this place was and all, Sera heard the girl tell her to please follow her that she needed to announce her presence to her mistress.

"Ah yes, very well. May I ask what is your name also? As I said I am Serafina, or Sera for short," Sera said as she followed along, asking the girl's name as she did so, looking around at the town. "Also, if it isn't too much trouble to ask, what is to happen to me here? Am I to be a guest? Or something else?" Sera went on to ask the girl once finding out her name, curious if she was to be a guest or a prisoner here now that she had willingly come inside. She certainly hoped it wasn't the latter to be honest, but... if that's what it took in order to get to June and keep her safe, then she could hold her head high and endure for June's sake... it was the least she could do for her friend after leading her into this mess that is. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that though, Sera told herself, and that she would merely need to speak with this matriarch whoever she was, and then she'd be able to get June back and possibly stay here a little while and explore, to see if this place had any of the answers she sought for her quest to be with Rose and her sisters.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy opted to stay hidden telling Sera that if something should happen then she could help out instead of being a target. At any rate they soon reached the overlooking view of the hidden valley. "The Matriarch will decided your final fate but I doubt she will kept you given your standing. She may ask for a boon though so be prepared. My name is Kat Matriarch your humble servant during your stay or until otherwise directed by my mistress." With that out of the way Kat lead Sera down the path passing more armed guards all of them female. Some of them had some obvious form of mutation Strange eyes, tails, wings, or glowing skin. This didn't seem to bother Kat much as she lead her on. As they cleared the path and entered the outskirts of the city Sera saw the men in the fields all had collars or where shackled. Still kat lead on with Sera seeing more woman with mutations and more men in chains. Most of the woman just watched as she passed while the men refused to even look at her. Eventually Kat lead her to a fairly well built stone castle complete with well armored guards. "Matriarch please wait here while I announce your presence."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Alright then Ivy, stay hidden and ready to come out if I need you okay, but I don't think I will to be honest, though you never know," Sera said to Ivy as her companion slipped into her backpack to hide out for now, just in case.


"I see, well as long as it's nothing impossible or would go against my nature then I suppose a boon wouldn't hurt in order to gain audience and acceptance into your tribe's home. And Kat, that's a beautiful name dear, thank you for telling me, and thank you for helping me too, I'd be lost around here without you I suppose," Sera said to the girl that named herself as Kat as they went through the streets.

As they traveled forward, Sera saw even more lady guards around, some showing obvious forms of mutations to some degree, though that meant nothing, as she herself was mutated some as well, so she was fairly sure that the majority of these ladies here had no real means of corruption themselves, but then again you never know, she thought to herself. Passing by the city outskirts, Sera saw some men shackled and collared as they tended to some fields of sorts, though they still didn't stop and continued onwards, likely with several of the women they passed by staring at Sera as she went by.

Heading further, Sera noticed more women mutated to some degree and more men in shackles and whatnot as they went on, making Sera feel a little bad for them all, though at the same time she felt that even if she'd wanted to do something to help them, there likely wasn't any way to do so without having to fight every last one of this Panther tribe in the process. But it was the way of these women apparently, which slightly appealed to Sera a little bit, that the women were the ones on top and all, and besides, she didn't even know these people existed until just about twenty minutes or so ago, but that didn't mean she liked slavery of course.

When they arrived at the castle that Kat was taking her to, Sera looked up at it, a little in awe, as she hadn't expected an actual castle of sorts in this place. The lady guards standing about it also caused her to rethink her earlier thoughts of it being very hard to fight them all to impossible to fight them all, as there were simply so many that she'd never have been able to manage it without being taken down and captive. "Alright Kat, I shall await patiently for your return. Please hurry back, and tell me if you find my friend and harem member, her name is June. I hope that I won't be accosted while I wait for you," Sera said to Kat as the girl started off to announce her presence, waving to her as she went.

While she waited for Kat to return, Sera would look around the area she was in, though she wouldn't leave the general area of course, so that Kat could find her easily, but she would take a look around and see what all she could find out about this place. She hoped that she wouldn't be accosted by any of the guards around, though if she was, then Sera would pull her robes open and show them she was as Kat called her, a matriarch, and hope that they backed off.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Thankfully no guards bothered her though a fair number of them stared and talked among themselves. No doubt it was about her but for now she didn't feel any threat and decided to examine the area around. Most of the buildings she had seen where old and weathered clearly having been around for quite some time. The Castle however seemed far to new to be an existing structure. No moss or stains coated its walls and the paint had hardly faded at all. The stone work she was staring on however seemed old and worn. Either way she had little time to ponder such things as her guide returned with a few more heavily armed woman. "This way Matriarch your audience has been granted immediately." There was no change in tone so everything seemed alright but as Sera moved forward the gate seemed all to much like a hungry mouth trying to swallow her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera paced around and took a look about the place, she was thankful that none of the guards bothered her, as she didn't really know what to do in case they had done so really. She was sure though that they were sizing her up by the stares and talking amongst one another. She could tell that the majority of the buildings were quite old and everything, as they had moss growing on them, but the castle here was obviously newer, or at the very least extremely well kept, as there were no stains or bits of moss growing on it, at least not where she could see anyway.

"Hmm... I wonder how long these people have been here," Sera quietly pondered as she waited and looked the place over.

Before she could get into thought too much, or even decide to ask one of the guards around that very question, Sera saw Kat returning with a few more guards such as those outside here. Nodding to her guide, Sera followed along, staring at the gate as she passed through it, shuddering a little as she felt as if... this might end up being more difficult than she thought. "Very well Kat, lead on. And thank you very much," Sera said politely to Kat as she followed her along, looking around as she went through to see if anyone else followed her in, and also keeping a close eye on her surroundings. She felt a little creeped out by the gate, but she didn't really feel as if these women were trying to threaten her... well not yet at least. She continued wondering what she may be asked to do in order to secure June's release back to her, or if she'd have to do anything at all, the only thing she could really do though was head on inside and see what fate had in store for her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Once past the gate the eerie feeling lingered but it was hard to place so she kept her eye on the various objects and rooms she passed threw. The first room they entered after passing the gate and a well tended but currently empty garden was a secure room of sorts complete with murder holes in the roof. Moving past this and into the castle proper Sera found herself in the main hall. Here so found nearly naked woman tending to various objects and furniture, each wore a jewl studded collar and some where even pregnant. None of them looked as the guards and Sera passed. Eventually she was lead threw another adjoining passage and up a flight of stairs to a pair of large wooden doors. Here even more guards stood with even less armor and as kat approached one of them stood out and stopped her. "Commoner you shall not pass we will take the Matriarch from this point on." Kat simple bowed and left the way she came her own escorts leaving with her. "This way Matriarch our Mistress awaits." Bowing slightly the guard opened up a door and lead Sera threw. The private hall seemed more of a harem than a meeting place as all sorts of naked woman lay about eying Sera as she entered some where even engaged in sexual activity. As she moved forward pass the ongoing scenes of debauchery Sera came upon a woman wearing a golden silk dress sitting on a lavish throne. Almost immediately Sera sensed the woman was warped but to what extent she was unaware of. She had massive tits easily a F or even G cup. Her eyes had an amber color and her hair black as night. Her skin was bronze color and below her childbearing hips she had a massive tool easily a match for Sera's own. "Hello my little angle come to see my collection."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The eerie feeling still lingering in her as she went on into the castle with Kat, Sera followed the girl through a garden area first that had plenty of murder holes and whatnot to defend the place with, making any sort of attack difficult indeed. As Sera followed Kat into the castle proper, she saw several naked women about in the main hall, cleaning the floors, furniture, and other various things that were in need of cleaning. she noticed that they all wore jeweled collars and some were even pregnant, which Sera thought was a little wrong to have them clean while pregnant, but she wouldn't say anything about it unless she saw anyone mistreating them, in which case she felt that she had to say something. Trying not to think on it so much, knowing it would only upset her more as she thought of it, Sera continued following Kat through the castle until they were stopped and Kat was ordered to leave Sera with them and go back to her post.

"Bye Kat, and thank you for going through the trouble of bringing me here," Sera said to Kat, waving to her as she left and bowing her head slightly in thanks before turning to follow the new more scantily clad guards. "Very well then ladies, lead on. I am a little eager to meet your mistress, as I need to speak with her," Sera added to the new guards as she followed them, bowing her head back to them politely as they opened the door for her and let her through.

Once inside of the new hall, Sera saw many different naked women laying about, the matriarchs personal harem it seemed from the looks of it, and Sera thought that they were all quite lovely to say the least. Noticing several of them having sex with each other as she neared the matriarch, Sera blushed slightly at the sight, but didn't turn away as the smell of sex in the air caused a little stir in her loins as she felt blood starting to gather in her penis, but it didn't harden up yet thankfully Sera thought to herself, as she didn't want to embarrass herself by letting everyone see such a thing. Seeing the matriarch she'd heard so much about, Sera could sense a bit of corruption in her, but she couldn't tell how much exactly, so maybe she didn't have to worry any, though she should still be careful she knew. And the matriarch woman had some massive breasts as well, well larger than Sera's from the looks of it, and her cock was easily as large as Sera's own large prick. When she approached and the matriarch spoke, Sera stepped forth in front of her and bowed some to her in a friendly manner before raising her head to speak, figuring that it was best to be polite and friendly at least.

"Lady matriarch, I apologize, but no I did in fact not come specifically to see your harem, though it is a magnificent harem indeed to say the least, I was told that you were... quite beautiful, but I see that my imagination didn't do you justice when I tried to picture you on my way inside. I am Serafina Mistraal of the White Feather tribe, and I have come in search of the first of my harem that I have begun building. You see, while we were journeying through the jungle around here, she fell down a hole into the caverns just outside a ways and was brought in here before I could come down to get her. I wasn't aware that the Panther tribe was even here honestly until now," Sera said to the matriarch in a polite tone as she raised back up from her bow, trying to flatter her a bit as she started explaining her separation from June earlier and trying to sound friendly, and definitely sounding as well as looking quite impressed at the matriarch's massive harem. "May I ask for my harem member June back please matriarch, and for a place to rest our weary feet for a time before we continue our search for more to add to my harem and for... the other thing we're searching for?" Sera then politely asked matriarch Jolynn, bowing her head again as she did so and hoping that she would be willing to say yes on both counts. Sera glanced from side to side as she waited for a reply to the ones having sex, which caused her to blush again a bit as she felt another small surge of blood heading into her member, making it tingle and twitch a bit, but thankfully still it didn't harden up on her embarrassingly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Your words do you justice Matriarch of the White feather tribe. I indeed have come across a way ward soul and had intended to keep her for myself.. but if she is yours then we can come to some sort of an arrangement for her release." Sera felt Jolynn's eyes over her body almost picking her apart and evaluating her. "Given your status I would expect you to have a larger entourage but given it is just you and your single member of your harem I find myself at an interesting situation. Custom dictates I be compensated for tending to your lost property but given you only have the one the usual payment is not possible. I will have to consult the books of law on this issue but for now you may have your property back and lavish quest quarters while I make my decision. Guard have Matriarch Sera taken to our quest quarters and have her property returned to her there." With that the Matriarch brought forth one of her harem members and guided her down to her rapidly stiffing member. The guard wordlessly led Sera to another room passing threw several more hallways and passing more chambers. Every where Sera went was either a guard or a member of Matriarch Jolynn's harem tending to the castle. Once inside she had to only wait a few moments for June to be brought to her. June was no longer in her traveling gear and wore a near see threw silken gown. She had a jeweled collar on as well but it was removed after she entered. Seeing her face Sera could tell she had been crying but while the guard was present the girl kept to herself. When the door closed however she quickly ran over to Sera and started sobbing.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you so much matriarch Jolynn, you are as just and wise as you are strong and beautiful, and you have my deepest apology for us dropping in unannounced like we have, it wasn't our intention to do so and cause such a stir here. I... am on a pilgrimage of a sort and have only just begun not long ago is why I haven't any more harem members just yet. I was going to bring back strong ones to my tribe's home far to the south of here in order to strengthen us, while on my quest that is," Sera said politely, picking her words as carefully as she could to make sure she didn't slip up and give herself away. Before the guard could take her away, Sera bowed deeply in thanks to matriarch Jolynn before looking back up to her with a curious look. "What is the... usual payment matriarch, if you don't mind me asking?" Sera asked curiously before heading on out, almost sure that the answer would be that she give up June to the matriarch or something of the sort.

Once her question was answered, or not if Jolynn decided she didn't wish to answer her just yet, Sera would follow the guard to the guest quarters she was being given for a time, where she waited for them to bring June to her. When the lady guard brought June to her, Sera saw that she wasn't in her clothing she'd been wearing upon her fall down the hole and that she was in a jeweled collar like all of the other harem members of Jolynn, and she could easily tell she'd been crying, and given her situation she couldn't blame her really. Her meeting with Jolynn had gone better than she'd hoped overall really. Looking to the lady guard, Sera nodded in thanks to her. "Ah thank you miss, also if at all possible I'd like her clothing she was in and her things returned, it cost quite a bit and I'd hate for it to go to waste and all," Sera told the lady guard before she left.

Once she was gone, Sera knew that June would run over to her and was prepared when she did indeed do so, catching her as she slammed into her and began sobbing. "Shh shh, June it's alright. It's alright now. I've... managed to secure your release from them, but... let me explain a bit alright, so you don't say something to give us both away here," Sera said to June as she held her after letting her cry for a minute or so, stepping back a bit and raising June's head up. "Alright June, they see me as a matriarch and their matriarch Jolynn is the leader here. She's allowed me to have you back, but I had to tell her that you were a part of my harem that I'm building, which means they think that you're my slave lover, so when we're out there around them you'll have to act the part okay, so just be brave and I shall get us out of here as soon as we're able alright. I... think there may be a clue in this place about what I'm searching for, so I need to investigate a bit before we can go on. Anyway, I had to come up with some stuff on the fly, so we're from the White Feather tribe if anyone asks and stuff, and also, I think I'll need something to mark you as mine so that they'll leave you alone... what to do what to do... ah I've got it," Sera added to June, telling her the most important bits before the lady guard got back with June's things as she dried the girl's tears, where she then reached around to both of her wings and plucked a single feather out of either one before setting her's and June's backpacks down and rummaging around in her own for a moment before drawing out one of her two silk straps she used from time to time to hold her penis against her under her clothing, to keep it from getting in the way even if it got hard. As soon as she had gotten it out, Sera pulled June closer so that she could tie the thing around June's forehead like a headband of sorts where she placed a feather behind her head under the silken strap in a crisscross pattern, hoping that would do until she could get something better to put on June until they got out of there. "There we go June, you look wonderful, and I know that we'll be alright, just be brave okay sweetie, I know that you can do it," Sera went on to say after she got through fixing June's headband up and the feathers, kissing June on either cheek after doing so and reassuring her with a smile and kind words to try and help her to not be so scared.

Once the lady guard brought June's things, if she even bothered to that is, Sera would tell June that they should rest some while she waited for Jolynn to send for her to tell her what sort of arrangement she'd come to. While they waited, Sera would undress to nothing at all before she opened the door to her quarters to see if there were any guards outside, not really caring if anyone saw her naked body, where if there were any guards she would tell them that she was going to take a nap and rest after her long day's travels and for them to please wake her when matrirach Jolynn called for her. Once that was done, assuming she had guards that is, Sera would head over to the bed and lay down on it, where she would then invite June to join her in bed to rest for a time. "Please June, come and rest with me, we should probably get some so that we're rested enough in case it comes to a fight of some sort to get out of here, or when matriarch Jolynn decides what I must do in exchange for your release," Sera would tell June in order to persuade her to join her, patting the bed beside her, where if June joined her she would pull her close and lay a wing over the top of her and wrap her arms around her, not really going to sleep exactly, unless it took more than a few more minutes for Jolynn to make her decision. Sera didn't think that they would just try and hurt her or June out of turn, not now anyway, so she felt safe enough to sleep for a bit without any real worries.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jolynn simple smiled at Sera's question as she guided her slave to her swollen member. "I see the white feather tribe is different from my own in custom. Do not worry about it Matriarch Sera I will find something for proper restitution." With that Sera was lead away her member stiffing more at the sights they passed. Once in the room and with June in hand Sera made her inquires to the guard who simply grunted and left. A few moments later their was small knock on the door. Giving the command to enter showed a nearly naked woman with black hair. Oddly enough she had white cat ears and a tail. She had a modest bust and wide hips. "Matriarch Im sorry but all her cloths where burned when she became property of the Mistress. However the rest of her gear was safe and I have brought it to you." The woman waited head bowed for the next command. June acting her role fetched the gear and set it aside stepping out of the way as she did so. Over the bowed woman Sera could see several guards standing clearly keeping an eye on her room. After a moment of silence the cat girl looked around uneasy before looking up and bowing once more a small bell on her collar jingling as she turned to leave.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then matriarch, I hope it isn't something that would go against my morals and or nature, as it would be difficult for me to go through with it. And yes our ways are... a bit different than your own, but we aren't intolerant of other people's ways and customs," Sera said as she was led out and away, her member twitching in her robes a bit as she went, likely where everyone around could see.


When Sera heard the knock on the door after she'd spoken to June, she invited whoever it was to enter the room as she opened the door, where she saw a catgirl that had white cat ears and a white cat's tail, though she had black hair, which Sera found a little odd, though not something she didn't like really, as it made the girl look cute to her. Upon hearing the girl tell her that they'd burned June's clothing, Sera couldn't help but feel a bit angry about it, as it made no sense really, but there was nothing to be done about it now other than either let it go or demand compensation for the clothing... luckily she'd gotten those extras for her or June to have in case either of them lost theirs. "Well... that's... a bit excessive I think. May I ask why her clothes were burned? I see no real reason as to why they should have been honestly," Sera said to the catgirl as June got her remaining things, sounding slightly displeased about June's clothing, but those could be replaced soon she was sure, so she would drop the subject for now unless it was brought up again later. "I'm sorry young one, I'm not displeased with you, as it's not your fault it happened. Clothes can be replaced, so I'm not overly concerned with it honestly. Thank you for bringing the rest of the things to us though, you may stay if you wish, though I am going to take a nap until matriarch Jolynn sends for me, so I don't know why you would want to unless you merely wish to keep me warm until your mistress calls for me. I shall leave it up to you young one. I am Sera by the way. What may I call you?" Sera went on to say to the girl, thanking her for bringing June's stuff as she reached over and pet her on the head and scratched her behind her cat ears as she introduced herself and asked the new girl's name, letting her know that she wasn't angry or anything at her.

If the catgirl decided to stay in there with them, then Sera wouldn't mind much as she slipped out of her clothes and into the bed, inviting June to join her, as well as the young catgirl, wrapping her arms around June and holding her close and allowing the catgirl to slide in behind her and snuggle in. If she left though, then nothing would really change in what Sera would do, other than she would pull a wing around while she lay with June and lay it over June as they rested, and she'd kiss June on the forehead and stroke her hair reassuringly to keep her calm and to make her feel safe.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

At the question of the cloths the cat girl simple stated that as the mistresses property she would not need those cloths anymore. They where burned to show her the end of her old life. As the Sera explained herself to the girl she saw that she remained bowed refusing to look at Sera directly. "Im sorry Matriarch I cannot do as such it would not be proper I am the mistresses property." The girl hesitated a moment at the other question. "I... I don't remember Mistress has always called me Pet." With that the girl left leaving Sera to take her nap with June who seemed scared.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Listening to the catgirl as she explained why June's clothes had been burned, Sera was anything but pleased, in fact she kind of felt a bit slighted by this, but she said nothing and showed nothing for any of the guards or the catgirl to notice this and merely kept it to herself. "Very well then young one, it's alright, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable any. So go ahead and go on so you don't get into trouble okay, I'd hate for me to be the cause of that," Sera said to the catgirl, gesturing to the door and seeing her out before going over to the bed with June.

Once the door was shut and the catgirl gone, Sera glanced back over at June as she invited her over to the bed with her. "It's alright June, try and not be so scared okay, I'll do my best to protect you alright. And we can replace your robes so have no worries about that," Sera said reassuringly to June, stroking her hair as she pulled her over into her arms in the bed, letting June bury her face against her chest or neck or wherever she wanted so that she could cry some more if she wished to, or so she could just rest and feel safer than she had. "Once I have a talk with matriarch Jolynn about my quest and what I'm searching for, then we can go, because I have a feeling there may be a lead here for us to follow, we just need to look around. But until we leave, just stay with me and you should be safe enough," Sera whispered to June as they lay there and started going to sleep, waiting for matriarch Jolynn to send word to her that she'd decided on a task for her to perform in exchange for all that had happened.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June was a little hesitant to climb into bed with Sera due to her nakedness but after a few moments she eventually climbed in with Sera. She trembled slightly but after a few moments in Sera's embrace she seemed to calm a bit and soon drifted into sleep.

Sera lay naked next to her traveling companion, he silken cloths doing little to hide her body from Sera and she could feel her member stiffing in response. The golden silk teased her skin with its softness and the fact that June was fairly much on full display before her was rather inviting. Still she kept control of herself at lest for now.

It would be sometime before Sera found herself disturbed by a knock on the door and as she looked out of the window the sun had started to set. It seemed that she would be the guest of the matriarch at lest tonight anyway.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"It's okay June I'm not going to bite, besides we should get some rest, and I do like to sleep nude more often than not. Also it'll make sure that I hold onto you this time, hehe," Sera said to June giggling a little as she pulled her over to snuggle against her, stroking her hair a bit and holding her close. As they lay there, Sera could feel June trembling, so she kissed her on the forehead as they lay there. "Shh June, it's going to be alright, I promise. Just get yourself some sleep okay," Sera then whispered to June, making her feel as safe as possible so she wasn't scared anymore and could rest.

When June finally calmed down enough to stop trembling in her arms, Sera could more consciously feel her member rubbing against June's body through her skimpy clothing. Sera even found herself looking and admiring June's body a bit in the meantime, and she had to catch herself as she started lowering her hand to grope June's butt. Thinking to herself that this wasn't the time for that, Sera mentally smacked those lewd thoughts aside for the moment, telling herself that she couldn't do that to June while she was so scared, it would do more harm than anything and she couldn't bear that. She would do that when June was ready... if she even wanted to with her that is... however if it came down to it that she had to around here to ensure nobody tried to take June from her, then she would have to explain to June what they had to do and why, where she could only hope that June didn't hate her afterwards. Not long after, Sera fell into a doze along with June, her body getting some much needed rest now thankfully, which was good after how tense she'd gotten when June fell and how long they'd been walking before that.


Sometime later, a few hours at least Sera saw because the sun was setting out of the window, a knock on the door brought her out of her sleep. She hadn't expected it to take this long for Jolynn to send word to her, but then again it was good in a sense, as it got them dinner most likely. She didn't know what to expect from Jolynn, if any of her harem or whatnot would be forced to eat on the floor like a dog or something, or in another room, or what, but she refused to put June through that and she would make those thoughts clear if necessary and have June stay in their room to eat if need be. She only hoped that nobody would try anything on her while she was gone, but in that case she would leave Ivy here with her to keep an eye on June for her.

Raising up a bit in the bed, Sera looked over at the door as she slipped out of June's embrace a bit, leaning down and kissing June on the lips without thinking about it really until she'd done it already, blushing a bit as she realized what she'd done. Shaking her head a bit as she slid out from under the blankets, her member a bit more than half erect and rising the rest of the way quickly, Sera looked back over at the door after glancing down at her penis and noticing the erection that was fast approaching, calling over to whoever was at the door in the meantime. "Yes, who is it? You may enter," Sera called over to the door, loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear her, where as soon as they entered, they would see Sera in all her nakedness, her now probably fully erect member right there for them to see.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Once more the Cat girl only known as Pet stood before Sera. "Matriarch my Mistress asks that you join her for dinner to discuss proper compensation." Pet looked over at June on the bed a very curious almost longing look in her eyes. "I have been told that I'am to see to your servants needs as the mistress wishes your dinner to be a private affair."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she opened the door, Sera saw the catgirl from before that she only knew by the name of Pet, though she wouldn't call her that if she could help it herself. She listened to the girl speak and inform her of Jolynn's invitation to dinner, though without June, which Sera thought was for the best. "Very well then young one, please don't do anything against her will if you would be so kind, and please have something to eat brought to her for me would you, something to her liking if possible," Sera said to the catgirl as she went back over to the bed and gently shook June to wake her from her nap. "June sweetie, come on it's time to get up for now, our nap time is over unfortunately. Come now, I am going to have them bring you something to eat while I go to see matriarch Jolynn, as she wishes me to eat dinner with her while we discuss some things. I don't think they'll try anything really, so don't worry too much about me going off okay, just try and stay calm and I shall see you shortly," Sera then said to June after waking her from her nap and rousing her to a sitting position, letting her wake up all the way before leaving her here alone, making sure that June wasn't scared out of her mind because she wasn't there with her and that she knew what was going on and all.

Getting her robes back on, Sera washed her face off a bit before heading out, where she was certain a guard or two would see her to matriarch Jolynn for their dinner meeting. As soon as she was there, Sera would bow respectfully as she approached, where she would take a seat wherever one was offered to her, or if one wasn't offered then she would take a seat near Jolynn so they could speak. "Matriarch Jolynn, still as lovely as you were earlier I see. So, what are we to eat for dinner? And what is my... task to be I suppose you might say?" Sera said as soon as she saw Jolynn and was able to speak to her, smiling politely as she asked what their dinner was to be and what her compensation she owed was to be.