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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera couldn't help but drift off into sleep for a little while. Thankfully the nuns had brought the crib as asked and she was able to put little Ashely to bed. After a few hours of rest she once again stirred to the sounds of Ashley crying. Looking to her young daughter Sera gasped in surprise as the little girl had doubled in size looking a few months old already.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After placing Ashley in her crib, Sera soon drifted off to sleep to take herself a nap so she could recover a bit after the birthing process, which had taken quite a while considering. "Whew gods, I'm totally beat," Sera mumbled as she closed her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

A few hours later when Sera woke, to the sounds of Ashley crying, Sera raised up to check on her child a little sleepily, gasping in surprise when she found Ashley had already grown to be twice as big as she'd been when she first gave birth a few hours before. "Wow sweetie, you're already getting so big. Come to momma and let me see if you need changing sweetie. Or are you hungry hmm?" Sera said to the baby as she leaned over to the crib and reached inside to pick Ashley up, calling for one of the nuns to please bring her something to change Ashley into and clean her up with if she needed changing instead of feeding, where she would then promptly clean her up and change her. If she needed feeding again, then Sera of course would bring her to her breast to drink her fill once again.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera found the items she needed already at hand. After changing little Ashley Sera brought her up to feed once more. And so her new routine began and lasted yet another week with each day bringing on a new set of growth for young Ashely. As the end of this last week approached Ashley had grown quite abit looking at lest two months old in just a week. It was in the middle of that day when she felt a magical presence enter her room. Turning around she found the fey mage Joy standing with her little girl dressed in a swirling green dress. "Sera Ive come for Ashley and for you to meet little Sera. Do not look so surprised dear Sera I had my servants keep an eye on you and learned my child's name from them." The little girl had much of Sera's looks and when Joy caught her looking at the child smiled. "She has all your features dear and I do mean all of them."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera saw the nuns had already brought some extra diapers to change Ashley into for her while she'd been asleep, she'd just overlooked them at first. So after changing Ashley since she seemed to need it, Sera let her drink her fill once more as she laid back for her to do so. "Oh you're a good girl Ashley, and soon you'll get to see your papa too. I'll bet you'll love that won't you," Sera said, cooing softly to her little one as she drank her mother's milk.

With that, Sera began taking care of her daughter Ashley, seeing that Joy hadn't already come to claim her yet. She continued doing so day after day for yet another week, watching her grow each day a bit more as she walked around outside to let Ashley look around and take in all the sights of the town. Always smiling brightly while she had Ashley with her, Sera took her to see June all the time and spent much of the next week simply taking care of and playing with Ashley.


Sometime during the afternoon of the seventh day since Ashley's birth, Sera was sitting in her room feeding her when she felt the same presence she'd felt when she summoned Joy the first time. Craning her head around from the chair she sat in, Sera indeed saw Joy standing behind her in the doorway, wearing a beautiful green dress like before and holding a youngling of her own. Sera couldn't help but feel surprised that Joy went that far to keep an eye on her to make sure she would be alright, but dropped said look when Joy spoke.

"Hehe, well I can't help but be a little surprised to be honest Joy. I was almost about to think you weren't coming, though I wouldn't have been too disappointed if you hadn't, Ashley here has been a real sweetie for me. Haven't you honey? You haven't given mommy any trouble at all," Sera said with a giggle, leaning down and kissing Ashley on the top of her little head while she drank from Sera's breast. Then Sera looked up to little Sera who was in Joy's arms "I honestly didn't think my seed had taken really Joy. And when you say she's... got everything I've got, do you mean that she's an angel too? Wings and all, along with, um... (sighs then giggles)... is she a herm like me I mean? And did you name her Sera after me?" Sera went on to say, coming over to kiss Joy on the lips like a lover where she then leaned down to see little Sera.

"Well hey there cutie. Do you know who I am? I'm you're papa. You wanna see your sister?" Sera said to little Sera, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. "Come on over and sit down while Ashley finishes up, we can talk a little bit while she does. This way I'll get to see my other baby a bit too before you take them away to a safe place. But I'd like to be able to see them someday and get to know them. Is that okay?" Sera added to Joy, gesturing her over to the bed and sitting down while Ashley drank her fill, patting the bed beside her for Joy to sit, letting Joy know that if it was possible she'd like the chance to see Ashley and little Sera again someday, when she was done with her journey of course... or maybe during the middle of it when she had some free time, who knew what the future could bring.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"An angel no but your other gift yes. And given that what else could I name her." Joy sat next to Sera as the two sisters met each other for the first time. Watching the two children Sera could tell they liked each other. "I wanted to give you time to get to know our daughter and yes you can see them anytime you wish. I will make sure they know you while they grow up in safety in the court."

Sera and Joy chatted while Sera and Ashley played as young children did. It was a pleasant visit but before long Joy had to leave. Seeing the looking Sera's face Joy looked to her and spoke. "You could stay with me if you wanted Sera. You could watch both your girls grow and become powerful Sidhe." There was almost a longing in Joy's offer but the regal fey mage kept herself composed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah, that is unfortunate. I really wish she'd have been an angel to be honest, I know that my parents would be glad of that at least. And I suppose so that naming her after me was appropriate," Sera said, smiling at Joy as the sidhe sat down next to her. She saw that her children seemed to like each other and so she set little Ashley down with little Sera so that they could get a closer look at each other while he and Joy talked.

"Thank you Joy, I'm glad you thought of me enough to do that, though in order for me to come and see them I'd have to know where you'd be taking them first of course," Sera said after a few moments, giggling a little bit as she spoke.

As they chatted with each other, Sera finally realized that it was time for Joy to leave now. When Joy told Sera that she could come and stay with her, Sera smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her lovingly on the lips, almost feeling tears well up in her eyes at the question, which she could hear the longing in it. "I would love to Joy, truly I would, but it must at least wait until the end of my journey and quest. Because then I shall know if my hopes will be granted to me... or crushed in the end. I don't want to make it sound as if you're my fallback lover or anything, but... if it doesn't work out the way I'm wanting it to, I would love to take you up on that offer Joy, as long as you wouldn't mind my being a... bit of a lecher and thrill seeker with other girl. Because I fear that I would need someone that would love to be with me there for comfort," Sera said in a slightly sad tone, not wanting to crush Joy's hopes like her own would undoubtedly be crushed to be with Rose and the others. "Perhaps, in time, before my journey is done, my thoughts will change, but my heart is guiding me to chase after something that... likely doesn't exist Joy. But... I really enjoyed our time together a few weeks ago Joy, and it gave us these two lovely little ones here," Sera added, smiling at Joy lovingly as she leaned over and kissed her again.

After a few moments of thinking about it, Sera decided to tell Joy of what she was searching for, figuring that she might as well, because maybe she would know something about it that could help her some. Sera spoke to Joy in as great of detail about what she was searching for, her meeting and subsequent friendship with Rose and her sisters, Ivy's creation and her reasons for being with her, all of it. She left out nothing for Joy in her explanation to the elder sidhe mage, feeling that she deserved to know what she was searching for and why. By the end of it Sera had tears in her eyes and one fell down her cheek, telling Joy that she was sorry if that wasn't something she wanted to hear, but telling her that she felt she deserved to know what her quest was and that she wouldn't ask her for help if she didn't want her to.

"I know what you're probably thinking Joy, that it's a foolish idea, me trying to find a way to prevent corruption from affecting me just so that I can be with not just one, but five demon girls as my lovers, but my heart is telling me to do this and I have to at least try. I hope you aren't mad, and that you'll still allow me to see them, and I promise you, if I can't find what I'm searching for, then I will definitely come to you and be with you, so that we can watch our little ones here grow and become big and strong," Sera said after she finished telling Joy about her quest, picking up little Sera and Ashley in either arm and kissing them both as she held them close to her in a loving hug. "I love you my babies, I shall always love you, and I will come and see you as soon as can be okay," Sera said to the little ones, kissing them both on the cheek a second time.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

To say Joy was disappointed was an understatement but the fey mage didn't react poorly to the news. "I wish you luck Sera your quest will be a dangerous one for sure. Just remember if you ever change your mind you know how to call me." Joy was strangely silent about the nature of Sera's quest but what could she really say. If Sera succeeded it would be a great victory against corruption but looking at Joy's face Sera knew that she doubted the success of Sera's mission.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh gods Joy please forgive me, I know it's stupid, dumb, foolish, and everything else besides, and I know that I probably won't succeed in the end. Hopefully... just maybe, I can succeed though, and all of those that I love could be together, you included Joy, and the children here of course," Sera said, tears now falling freely down her cheeks, the young angel feeling terrible for telling Joy of her quest and feared that it had broken the sidhe's heart. Sera leaned over and hugged Joy again and started crying in full now, shaking her head back and forth as she buried it against Joy's chest. "Oh Joy I'm so sorry... I... I don't know what to do. M-My heart is telling me one thing and my brain another. I'm just stupid, a stupid angel that thinks she can change the world and wants more lovers than she needs. Please... don't hate me Joy," Sera went on to say, crying her eyes out in Joy's bosom and clinging to her as she wrapped her wings around them both lovingly, unless the sidhe pushed her away, though if she did so then Sera would understand and wouldn't hold it against her, telling her as much.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Joy took Sera's face in one hand and drew it to hers for a kiss. "Following one's heart is never foolish. Dangerous yes Reckless definitely. But we need people who believe such things." Joy kissed Sera again and wiped her tears away. "I could never hate you Sera I've seen into your heart during our brief time together. Maybe this world needs a stupid angel that believes love can conquer all. So please Sera don't cry please it breaks my heart."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Leaning into Joy's kiss, Sera relaxed a bit as she listened to Joy talk, hugging and cuddling against her and kissing her back whenever she kissed Sera. "Thank you Joy, I was so scared that you'd tell me that you never wanted to see me again or something," Sera said to Joy, letting her dry away her tears as she sat there with her, glancing over to watch the babies sitting there on the bed with them before looking back to Joy. "And these little ones are what happens when we all believe in love... or when that's the price that one has to pay for some help, hmhm," Sera went on to say, giggling as she cuddled against Joy and stopped crying.

"But really... I do believe that love can conquer all, and I agree it is reckless and dangerous to follow my heart and think that I know. But it just feels right, you know," Sera said after a few moments, kissing Joy on the lips.

After that kiss, Sera lay back on the bed and leaned over to get close to the babies, where she picked them both up and set them down on her chest, cuddling them both and kissing them both on their little heads. "Now when you two grow up, you be good to each other okay. And know that your papa Sera here loves you both very much," Sera said to the babies, glancing over at Joy with a curious look on her face. "Would I be the papa in this relationship or would you?" Sera asked Joy, grinning a little.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well its hard to say sense we both wear robes. When they ask I shall tell them that Mama Sera is a special angel and not to worry." Joy kissed Sera on the lips before taking the two children in both arms Ashley reaching out to her mamma. In an instant Joy was gone with the girls leaving Sera's room all the gloomier from their passage. Sera was left in her room a good hour looking at an empty cradle when a soft knock at her door caused her to look up. Getting the door open revealed Keri and June both looking rather sad. "Joy told us she was coming and we wanted to comfort you after she left are you doing okay?" Both the nuns moved to hug Sera and give her comfort.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yeah I suppose it is a little hard to tell which of us is the papa and which the mama. So that's fine with me, since I suppose we both look like mama's like this anyway and all. But tell Ashley when she's old enough to understand that I will see her again one day soon and that I'll take her one day to see her grandparents, okay Joy, please tell her that, and that I love her with all my heart, and tell little Sera here that I love her too when she's old enough to understand and that I'll take her too," Sera said to Joy after kissing her once more, fresh tears running down her cheeks as she watched Joy take Ashley and little Sera in her arms.

Before Joy left though, Sera would stop her one last time for just a minute, so that she could cuddle both of their children one last time, which was prompted when Ashley reached out for her. Kissing both little Sera and Ashley on the cheek, Sera did something that might surprise Joy a little, as she pulled her wings around and pulled one feather from either wing, which she gave the right one to Ashley and the left one to little Sera. "This girls is so that you'll always have something of mine with you, and it's a promise from me that I will come and see you both as soon as I can okay. Now you two girls be good for mama Joy okay, and please don't cry Ashley, because while we are parting ways, just know that you'll get to see your mommy again, hopefully soon, but if not soon then I promise that I will come to see you when I first get the chance to do so," Sera whispered to the two little ones, kissing them on their little heads as she handed her feathers to them both where she glanced up at Joy. "Can you tell me where I would need to come in order to find them so I may see them before you leave real quick please?" Sera added to Joy before she teleported out of the room with both children, hoping that Ashley wouldn't cry for her, or at least if she did then it wouldn't be too much.

When Joy did finally leave, Sera would wave bye to her sadly, blowing one last little kiss at Ashley and little Sera, hoping that they understood that she loved them dearly but simply couldn't risk taking them with her into the wilds. Sitting there on the bed once Joy had gone, Sera stared blankly at the little crib that Ashley had slept in for the last week with her, which she'd gotten moved to her bedroom the day after she gave birth to Ashley so that she didn't disturb anyone. Crying a little, Sera sat there thinking, wondering of all the things that Ashley might ask Joy about her and stuff, feeling very sad that she wouldn't be the one there to tell her, but happy that she knew that Ashley and little Sera were both somewhere safe and sound, and that she could come and see them whenever she had the time to do so.

A while later, nearly an hour or so, Sera heard a soft little knock on the door and got up to answer the door. She was almost sure of who it was, so when she opened it and saw June and Keri there, Sera wasn't greatly surprised really, though she was a little surprised that June and Keri both came at the same time and all without mother Esther with them. "Oh yes I'm just fine, please come on in you two," Sera said, returning their hugs. "I am sad that Ashley's gone yes, but Joy assured me that I can come to see her at any time I wish. And I couldn't very well take her with us when we leave June. Thank you both though, I really appreciate it. But don't worry about Ashley, she's young still yes, but she'll be alright, the fey can actually probably take better care of her than I can alone, so I'm thankful for that. And one day in the future I'm going to go and get her so that she can meet my parents as well, same with little Sera," Sera said to June and Keri, hugging them both again, individually this time though and not together, letting both know that she would be alright for now.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Joy indeed told Sera how to find her giving he a special calling stone that would summon one of her servants to fetch her. The girls with their feathers sat and looked at the soft white plums giggling from the soft touches. Still it was time for Joy to leave and she bade goodbye to Sera before winking away.

The rest of the day passed much as the others did only without Sera needing to tend or fed Ashley. Still as pleasant as her stay in Korst was Sera began to feel the need to move on and that her time at this place was done for now. There were still preparations to make however as June didn't have any travaling supplies not to mention Sera was yet unsure of Junes standing in the church if she left with her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Taking the small stone that she could use to call one of Joy's servants to come and get her so she could come to see her and the girls whenever, Sera smiled at Ashley and little Sera looking at the feathers she gave them and giggling at their touch before they left and hoping they would be just fine.


Sitting with the two nuns for a while and chatting, the two cheering her up a bit in the process, Sera soon felt it was time for her to leave sometime in the very near future. She only needed to help June get some supplies and a pack, as well as a weapon of some sort just in case, along with making sure that if was truly okay for her to leave the church here with her.

"June, I need to ask you. Is it truly okay for you to leave the church here? Regardless we should go and talk to mother Esther, and then I'll come with you and show you the sorts of supplies we'll need for our adventure. Because when we leave, we'll need enough food to last us for at least a couple of weeks, as well as a tent if possible, but I can carry it. And we'll need a couple of bedrolls, unless you mind sharing one larger one with me that is, in which case I can keep my own smaller one now for emergencies and we can get a bigger one that we can both fit in," Sera said to June as the sat there. A few moments after she spoke, Sera reached over to the crib Ashley had been in to pick her up so she could feed her, because it was feeding time for her, only to see that she was gone now. When she noticed this, Sera slumped a little bit, feeling quite sad now as she realized that her daughter was gone now. But she decided to herself that Ashley was in a safer place now and she shouldn't feel sad any, as she had a journey to go on and couldn't risk taking Ashley with her, else risk her getting hurt or killed and that was something she refused to risk.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh... dear I had no idea we needed that much..." June walked with Sera to Mother Esthers quarters where she found the elderly Nun reading a small scroll. "Ahh June and Sera my two adventurers how are you doing this day?" Sera let her concerns be known to Mother Esther who nodded listening to the Angel. "I see well sadly this is a clousterd church those who leave for what ever reason are not allowed to return to its service. It is supposed to be a place of reflection and growth. However this dose not exclude you from the church. While June may not be able to return her as a sister she is still considered a priestess of the Stargod. I hope that eases your burden Sera. I have talked much of this with June and she still desires to join you on your quest. I doubt this has changed am I right June." Mother Esther looks over to June and smiles though her eyes carry a hint of sadness. June's answer was immediate Yes Mother Esther I still wish to go."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh yes June, we'll need enough supplies so we can manage easily enough on just our own, though I can of course call upon a little help I think to get us food when need be. But I don't have a tent large enough for the both of us, so I'll need to get one for us to take along, and I need to resupply my own things as well. I hate to say it, but we could use a little bit of that money that mother Esther gave you to do that, if what I have isn't enough to pay for the tent, bedroll, and food to take with us, as well as some spare clothing just in case," Sera said to June as they approached mother Esther's room, giving her an idea as to what exactly they would end up having to do in order to make good preparations to leave.

When they got into mother Esther's room and saw she was reading a scroll, Sera went on to speak with her about June going with her. After mother Esther answered her and told her that while yes June couldn't come back and be a nun there, she was still technically a priestess and whatnot. Hearing this eased Sera's heart a bit, especially when mother Esther asked June and the young nun stated that she still wished to go, despite knowing that she couldn't come back to there and be a nun. Sera looked over at June and smiled at her before kissing her on the forehead and hugging her.

"Very well then June, if you're sure about this, then we can leave together and I won't feel bad about you not being able to come back here as a nun. Mother Esther, I've already spoken to June on the way here of what all we'll need and come up with a small list of things for us to get before leaving, so that we'll be ready when we go. We'll need a tent large enough for the both of us, with a little extra space inside as well for our things at night, and we'll need food enough for us both to that'll last a while when I can't catch anything or find wild fruits and vegetables, and I suggested a larger bedroll that we could both fit in at night so it'll be less to carry but I don't think it would be all that much more really for us to take a second or maybe a spare third along, and I believe some spare clothing just in case would be a good idea too. My main reason in telling you all of this is that I honestly don't know where in town that I could find some of it, I mean the food and clothing are easy but the tent and bedroll are the ones I'm more concerned about since I don't know where I can get adventuring gear like that," Sera said, first to June and then to mother Esther, naming a few of the things that they would end up needing for their adventure when they left Korst in the next day or two. "Really though once we have everything we'll need, then I'm ready to go. So June whenever you're ready just let me know okay," Sera went on to say to June, letting her know that when she was ready to let her know and they could leave after that.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hrm I see June dear help me up please. I feel like leaving this dusty room." Mother Esther got to her feet placing the scroll on her bed. "Come on lets go for a walk." The little old Nun was quite capable of short bursts of speed and was soon out of her room and to the main worship area. June moved to keep up the young woman in her white robes soon catching up to the elderly nun. When they had all left the church Mother Esther first lead them to an outfitter having another pleasant conversation a few moments before leading them back to the old stone building. Once inside they where addressed by the same man who had helped Mother Esther take care of her will. "Be a dear and retrieve my chest please." The man nodded and left but soon returned with two apprentices carrying a large oaken chest. Setting it down they opened it revealing a collection of items. "Go ahead girls take a look I'm afraid that its fairly worn and not in style with todays gear but it never served me wrong." Looking in Sera found a mail shirt and steel breastpleate as well as a back pack and bedroll as well as other items such as claws and battered weapons or shields. They could look at any of the items they wished in greater detail.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing mother Esther getting up and telling them she felt like leaving the room, Sera got up as well and helped the elderly nun to head on out to wherever she was heading, letting her lead the way and merely helping her to walk. Mother Esther led them to an outfitter so they could get some extra clothes to pack just in case. Sera picked out an extra set of robes for herself while letting June pick out something for herself extra, just a set or two of clothing is what she suggested, but she told June to make her own choice on the matter. Once they got done there, Sera helped mother Esther over to the old stone building they'd visited the other day when she gifted June with the chest full of denarii.

Helping mother Esther to sit down they waited for the man to return with what she sent him off to get, Sera watched as he returned with a couple of apprentices carrying a chest inside. When they set it down and opened it up, Sera looked inside and saw many things within. Sera sat down and looked at each thing in turn but starting with the steel breastplate that was in there, taking it out and examining it for a few moments to see if it could be used since mother Esther was offering it to them it seemed.

"I take it that this was all of your things from when you were an adventurer mother Esther?" Sera asked the elderly nun as she looked at it all, wondering if any of it could still be used.

When the elderly nun answered her, Sera would look over at June as she thought of something she should probably ask her. "Hey June, what kind of weapon would you prefer? And what sort of armor would you prefer to wear and such? I mean I'm pretty sure that you've never really held a weapon, but knowing what you might like to try and use, or rather what you think you can use would be good to know so that we can get you one or two weapons, just in case. Because even though I'm a spiritual power user myself, I still carry two guns with me that I modified from their original forms to use when I'm low on energy," Sera said to June, asking her what her preferences in weapons and armor were and such.

Sera bought a set of battlemage's robes, which I took the 10 denarii out of her inventory for, and for the rest it'd have to be taken out of June's money stash she got from mother Esther.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera looked at the breastplate noting its Bardian markings. It was sturdy however and looked solid despite its age and slightly outdated appearance. Setting that aside for now Sera's eyes caught a bit of chain. "Im not sure Sera I've never used a weapon in my life... I have no idea what to even do with one." Well that made it clear that June would need some training if she where to accompany Sera on this trip. Now that she thought about it she wasn't even sure what June could do?
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Noting the Badarian markings on the breastplate, Sera saw it was sturdy looking despite how old it was, which was good she figured for anyone that would be wearing it. Moving on to the chainmail, Sera glanced up at June when the young nun replied to her questions, letting Sera know that June had virtually no idea how to use a weapon any at all, which meant that she probably needed to practice up a bit before trying to fight. Really she virtually had no knowledge of what June was capable of, Sera thought to herself.

"Hmm, well what all can you do exactly June? Spiritual powers? Magical powers? Since I doubt that you can fight physically very well because of being blind for so long, I'd say you must have some sort of training in either of those two things," Sera asked June curiously, wondering exactly what the young nun could actually do in the way of fighting, so that she wasn't virtually alone when it came to a fight. "Regardless though you'll still need to take a weapon along just in case, so try and decide on something before we go alright, so that you'll be able to train with it a little bit so you'll know how best to wield it and whatnot," Sera added to June, suggesting that the young nun pick out at least one weapon to take along, as Sera had her guns and stuff and could summon up other weapons at will.