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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Im sure she will your all she talks about." Keri smiled at Sera before speaking again. "I would love to come with you but who would talk care of Mother Esther once June leaves? I owe her to much to leave her alone." Keri got up and put a hand on Sera's shoulder. "Ill see you at dinner tonight Sera." Keri waved and left the room leaving Sera alone for the moment well except Ivy who came from her hiding place.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well she would be very welcome to come along, and I apologize for that, I didn't take into account mother Esther's condition and health when I said that really. Maybe when we come back through later on you could come with us and I could maybe take you to the sanctuary where I grew up and you could meet more of my kind," Sera said to Keri as the motherly nun got up and prepared to leave, smiling at Keri and grabbing her hand for a moment before Keri left the room. "Alright Keri, I'll see you later then," Sera called to the motherly nun that had helped her so much in the past couple of weeks with everything, waving as she shut the door behind her.

Sera then pulled out the one little dress of Ivy's she was very near to completing finally, though she had been working on all 3 little dresses she'd started and only sparingly since leaving home. But since her belly was so large now, she had plenty of spare time with which to work on them all. When Ivy came out of her hiding place in the bedroom, Sera patted the bed next to her as she continued on with the dress. "So Ivy... as soon as I've had the baby and recovered from the birthing, we should be ready to move on from here... and apparently we'll have June going with us as well from the sounds of it, which is good I suppose, as we'll be able to have one of us take watches while the other sleeps, and it'll be nice to have someone else to talk to as well I think," Sera said to Ivy when her smaller companion sat down with her. "And I'm just about done with this thing I think. Shouldn't take me but another ten minutes or so I think, then you can try this first one on, after that it shouldn't take me but an hour or so for the other two here," Sera added to Ivy, holding the little white dress she'd been making for her little companion up so Ivy could see it.

It wasn't a nice fancy thing, but it was made of cotton thread that she'd gotten from home before leaving, which meant that it would keep her warm when it was cold out. "I've been thinking that when we get to the next town, or before we leave here even, I'll get some more thread and I'll make you a scarf and a little coat to wear, along with a hat for when we go further north. What do you think Ivy? About these clothes and about June going with us," Sera said as she held up what she had done of the little black and green dresses she'd been making extra for Ivy to have to wear in case her white one got damaged or destroyed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"So June is going to go with us? That seems odd I wonder why?" Ivy got close and posed for the dress a moment. "Humph it should be more revealing Sera." While Ivy may not be a demon she was sure lusty and not afraid of showing off her body. After trying on the dress Ivy spoke again. "So are we going to check out the ruins or head to Glassmore?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yeah it does seem a little odd I admit, but still. And don't worry Ivy, I've got it fixed so all you have to do in order to take it off in a hurry is pull these two draw strings here and it'll untie the whole thing and it'll fall off. Just try and remember to take it off if you decide to shapeshift and make yourself larger again alright, because while I know some powerful spiritual magics, I don't know how to enchant it so that it grows with you and all," Sera said in response to Ivy stating June going with them was odd and that her clothing should be more revealing. "And as for the last bit there... I'm thinking we should check out those ruins, because old lost records and stuff like that might be found there and clues as to what we're looking for as well could be found. We can head to Glassmoor afterwards and stuff," Sera then said, deciding that the ruins would be better to search before moving onwards to a large city that was on the front lines against the aliens.

Sera would sit there and chat with Ivy while she continued with the other two outfits, deciding to make them a bit more revealing for Ivy like she wanted with the other one. The black and green ones would look more like her own quite revealing clothing that she wore underneath her battle robes, which was little more than a top that came down only halfway to her belly from her chest, and the bottoms were really nothing more than a pair of panties and a half skirt over that which hung down to just above her knees.

Once she was through with making these, unless Ivy had more to say, Sera would hand the new little outfits to Ivy and tell her to try them on and see which one she liked the most while she herself went out to the gardens where June had gone earlier, wondering if she was still out there as she lightly flapped her wings to hover out through the temple towards her friend.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Okay Sera will do see ya in a bit!" With that Ivy began to try on the cloths. Sera made her way out of the temple and into the streets many people giving her a wide birth due to her wingspan. Many smiled at the angel while others just waved. Many of the shops had been open a few hours but business seemed a little slow as most of the shopkeepers gathered about and talked well shop. A few guards stood about the area looking bored to tears but it would seem no trouble would befall the shop keepers today.

The gardens was a large park filled with flowers mostly but a few trees stood out amongst the grass and a well maintained path with benches made a twisting route thew the park area. She found June on one of the benches her head still eyes closed as she breathed in deeply enjoying the scents around her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Waving bye to Ivy and telling her she'd be back shortly, Sera headed on towards the gardens to find June so she could talk with her about what Keri said to her earlier about June going with her. She figured it was best if she asked her now and found out, rather than waiting until the last moment and looking surprised as hell about it. "Tell me if there's anything wrong with them when I get back alright Ivy," Sera called to her little companion as she left the room, fluttering down the hall and out of the temple.

Fluttering through the streets, Sera waved and said hello to everyone she passed that did so back to her, a bright kind smile on her face the entire time as she went. She saw the guards around town in the places she went towards seemed bored out of their minds with nothing to do really since the incident with Jaxis almost 3 weeks before, but she hoped that they were still ready to fight if need be.

When she made her way to the gardens that June was at, she fluttered in and came to a halt next to where she was sitting on one of the many benches around the place. "Hey there cutie, what'cha doing?" Sera asked a she sat down next to June. "I've got something to ask you June, about something Keri mentioned to me earlier when she brought me something else to eat. She said that you had been talking with mother Esther about going with me when I leave. Are you... thinking about coming with me when I go June? I would welcome the company of course, but... well I can't promise you that it'll be the safest of trips in the least. As I'm searching for something... an ancient artifact of some sort or perhaps even something that only one of the gods can gift me... or maybe it doesn't even exist at all. But... I have to keep searching for whatever it may be," Sera went on to say to June as she sat there, wondering if June would ask what she was searching for, which would be fun to explain.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June smiled as Sera gave her greeting and gestured for Sera to take a seat. "Yes I have been asking Mother Esther about it and she has encouraged me to pursue it." June looked away and focused her eyes on a vivid pick flower in bloom. "Such a simple thing that most people take for granted. Ive lived my life in the dark for almost as long as I can remember. A blessing and a gift from an angel helped me to see." June looked back to Sera meeting her eyes. "I do want to come with you. I want to see the world with you experiences its ups and downs but mostly I sense you may need me in the future and I want to be there to help when the time comes."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera nodded as June gestured for her to sit down with her, and Sera sat there listening to June, smiling that she was brave enough to decide on such an undertaking and go with her. She was also a little surprised that mother Esther was encouraging her to say the least, she figured if anything that the elderly nun would be trying to convince Sera to stay there in the town with them, or at least be trying to talk her out of going away. "Very well then June, I would be honored and would greatly welcome your company when I leave, and Ivy would too. And you're very welcome for the healing. I don't know if you overheard me telling mother Esther about it, but... the reason I'm pregnant... well it was the payment which I had to give to Joy, the lady that healed your eyesight," Sera said, revealing to June unless she'd heard what she'd had to give in order to heal June's eyes. "Elder fey mages like Joy must receive payment in the form of being allowed to impregnate whomsoever summons them, so long as the summoner is female that is. If they are male then... I'm not really sure honestly, I've never asked. It... was something I've never done before, getting pregnant. But it was well worth it in my eyes, to give you the gift of sight once more. I hope that you don't think any less of me for it June. And I hate to say this, but if you go with me, you must be prepared for anything to happen, as there will be enemies standing against us along the way. There are monsters and other such beings out there that will attempt to beat us down and even rape us into submission," Sera went on to say, giving a bit of explanation about the elder fey mages like Joy and giving a bit of detail about what could possibly happen on their journeys together.

"I do hope I'm not frightening you by telling you this June, but it is the truth of the matter. The world can be a dangerous place at times, so I may very well need your help sometime in the future, so I welcome you to join me dear June. And I promise to do my best to protect you from whatever may be out there trying to stop us and prevent me from finding that which I seek," Sera said, standing up and offering her hand to June with only her pinky outstretched to make a pinky promise with the young nun.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I-I know of the dangers.. Mother Esther told me of them. I'm willing to risk them for you...." June looked away at this statement a flush on her cheeks. The warm air stirred the flowers nearby sending a scent of lavender their way causing June to breath in deeply. "I do not think less of you for getting pregnant Sera after all it is a perfectly natural thing to happen you are after all a woman." Sera could tell that June had hesitated at the last word but it seemed mostly as if she wasn't sure how to express the angel's gender.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera continued to sit there as she listened to June state that she was willing to risk the dangers of the world with Sera, that mother Esther had told her of what she may face. When the scent of the lavenders wafted over to them, Sera also breathed in the air, letting out a soft sigh as June finished up, hanging on her last words as she seemed to be unsure if she should call Sera a woman or not, making Sera giggle a bit at her. "Very well then June so long as you know the dangers we may face and understand them," Sera said, reaching out and taking June's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Also thank you June, and you can call me a woman if you wish, everyone back home did so even when they all knew about my... extra equipment. I am mostly a woman after all, so therefore I'd say I should be acknowledged as one," Sera added, leaning over and kissing June on the cheek as she thanked her for not thinking any less of her for the pregnancy or anything.

As she sat there thinking a few moments after kissing June on the cheek, Sera giggled again, deciding to say something to maybe tease June a bit. "Who knows June, maybe one day you'll be able to have a child of your own, and then you can experience it for yourself," Sera said after a few seconds.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June blushed at the comment but said little else. The two just sat and made small talk for awhile. After some time of this they both got up to start their day. June had some chores to do still. "Well Sera I should catch up on my work and see to Mother Esther she wants to visit the orphanage today."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera merely smiled at June's blushing at her comment, thinking it a little cute she was embarrassed honestly, but she didn't continue teasing her, figuring a little bit was enough for now. After making a bit of small talk for a little bit, Sera found out that June had a few chores to do that day, and seeing as she had little else to do really for herself, Sera decided that she would go with June and mother Esther, if they didn't mind her going that is.

"Oh, so mother Esther goes to the orphanage to see the children there? I had no idea honestly," Sera said, truly not aware that mother Esther did such a thing at her age. She figured that the old nun would be practically stuck in the temple because of her old age and inability to walk about very well without support of some sort. "Hmm... would either of you mind if a fat little angel came with you both to see the children? Maybe brighten their days that much more and all to see an angel like myself, even though I am a lewd, naughty, and a not quite so pure an angel," Sera added half jokingly about herself as she giggled softly.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June giggled "We could use the company." June offered her hand to help Sera walk unless she chose to fly. "Mother Esther has been trying to stay active as much as she can but her advanced age dose hinder her quiet often. I fear she may not be with us much longer. Its a shame that only Keri seems to have taken what she taught to heart." A few moments later they where back at the church heading to Mothers Esther's room. The little old nun was feeding the white mouse from before and smiled as the two woman entered. "June Sera I was starting to wonder if you where going to be late are you joining us dear?" The elderly nun smiled at Sera's affirmative and grabbed her cane getting up from the bed. "Lets go come on oh dear June please grab my satchel we have a few extra stops to make today." June hurried over to chest and grabbed a bag off it and looped around her shoulder in a practiced manner. "First we visit the children!" June took Mother Esters arm and they walked out.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh thanks, I feel like I've gotta waddle around to get up, but I can flutter a bit to get around once I finally do manage to get up," Sera said, thanking June as she took her hand and was helped up, where she flapped her wings a couple of time before lifting herself off the ground, floating along beside June as they went. "Well that's great I think. Mother Esther needs as much exercise as she can possibly get at her age I think, and speaking of Keri I was just talking with her earlier about that very thing actually, she was saying something about wanting to leave and start up a church somewhere else where the nuns and priests would adhere to all of the teachings of mother Esther much more so than the other... as Keri put it, stuffy nuns," Sera added to June as she fluttered alongside her back towards the church.

When they arrived back to the church to get mother Esther, Sera saw mother Esther feeding the little mouse that had helped her back when all of the fighting went down. When mother Esther greeted them as they came in, Sera smiled and greeted her back. "Hello mother Esther, I'm glad you seem to be feeling alright, and yes I will be joining you both today," Sera said to the elderly nun, helping mother Esther to stand from the bed. "I wish to come with you to see the children, I believe it would make their day to see an angel such as myself, despite the fact that I'm pregnant and fat now," Sera added with a little half grin at her words about herself a she gestured down at her belly.

Once June had gotten all of what mother Esther had told her to get, they set off towards the orphanage, with June aiding mother Esther and Sera floating alongside the two. "Hehe, I know it makes me seem lazy to use my wings like this for such a trivial matter, but my lower back has seen better days that's for sure, and I've never been pregnant before to be honest, I didn't know or realize that it would be this difficult just to move around. I mean I've seen women pregnant before plenty of times back home, but I never really took into consideration how tough it is on a woman," Sera said as they went along, flapping her wings lightly so that she hovered just above the ground a few inches, keeping pace with June and mother Esther.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Mother Esther smiled at the angel. "Well my dear it never get easier in that respect but once you have one additional pregnancys are easier." Mother Esther spoke like a veteran but didn't get a chance to ask right away as June spoke up. "You know Sera I don't think your fat maybe just ... swollen." Sera paused for a second did June just try and make a joke?

Eventually way they soon made their way to the orphanage. It was a squat square building with three floors. Children of all the mortal races played outside in a little fenced area. Sadly there seemed to be quite a number of them. Upon sighting Mother Esther the children all gave a squeel of surprise and came running stopping a short distance from the nun and walking up to give the old woman a hug. "Hello dearies have you been good?" The children all gave an affirmative and talked excitedly. "Good good now June please share the special surprise for all the good girls and boys." June pulled out blue looking sugary treats on sticks and handed them out to all the boys and girls who thanked June and Mother Esther before running off to enjoy their treats. After a moment another plump looking woman with strong lines on her face came up and gave Mother Esther hug. "Sister Ann how are you today?" The plump woman smiled showing that the strong lines where from smiling very often. "Oh Mother Esther please Im not a sister anymore." The two woman began to chat a little as June handed out treats. A few of the children mostly the girls stopped and looked up at Sera and smiled shyly before running off.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"That's true I suppose mother Esther, and I did bring it on myself after all. But it was a price well paid in my opinion, as I gave June the gift of sight back with it," Sera replied to mother Esther with a smile, looking happy despite the fact he belly was growing larger and larger by the day with Joy's child. She idly wondered if she managed to impregnate Joy as well when June of all people cracked a joke at her. When she heard June's words, Sera couldn't help but burst out laughing, as it was the first time she'd heard June make any sort of remark about anything since meeting her. "Oh June, you little," Sera said, still laughing as she reached over and rustled June's hair a bit as they went.

Sera decided that she wouldn't ask mother Esther about what she'd said just yet, mentally noting it to ask her later when they were more alone. After a short while they arrived at the orphanage, the sight of so many children there made Sera quite sad, but she was quite sure they were well taken care of. She noticed that they looked absolutely gleeful at mother Esther and une coming to see them all, which lessened the sadness from there being so many children stuck in an orphanage like this. She gently lowered herself back down to the ground and watched as the children all came up and hugged mother Esther as June pulled out a box of sweets for them all, which they all took one of and went off to snack on them all. Sera then saw the other older woman coming over to them, who also hugged the elderly nun and spoke, it seemed as if they knew each other quite well, Sera thought, and she didn't wish to disturb them as they talked with one another and caught up.

As she stood there watching June dish out more treats to the children, Sera noticed a few of the girls stop to look up and smile at her all shy like before running off. When any more came over to her, Sera turned to them and knelt down to one knee, which because of her belly was a little tough on her, but she would manage it hopefully. "Well hello there little ones. Do I frighten you? I hope I don't, since I doubt you've ever seen one of my kind before," Sera would ask the next girls to come close to her and look up at her with a shy little smile. "Come, I won't bite. Is there anything you wish to ask me little ones? I'll do my best to answer I promise," Sera added to the children that came closer, gesturing over to the nearest seat she could find, where she would head over to and sit down with any of the children that wished to.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

One of the little girls with short black hair approached Sera. She had scraps and bruises on her knees with a very prominent black eye. She came forward no hint of shyness and as bold as brass. Standing before Sear she placed her hands on her hips and got a very stern face for a child and looked at Sera. "Can you tell the boys to stop picking on the girls I get tired of beating them up!" The plump woman gasped at the question and quickly shooed the tough girl away. "Im sorry miss angel Pamala is a bit of a tomboy and gets into fights with the boys. Most of the time its over childish things and Ive been trying to teach her to be nicer but it seems to have no effect."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When the one little girl came up to her and placed her hands on her hips, Sera couldn't help but smile down at her as she listened to her, hearing that some of the boys were apparently picking on some of the girls. She couldn't stifle a giggle as the older woman gasped and shooed the little girl away, but Sera reached out and stopped Pamela as the woman named her. "Hmhm, I see... well it's quite alright, she isn't bothering me. I've always found though that when several people are saying the same thing about someone, then it's very likely that it's true, but I won't deny that sometimes it may be over childish things and a child can come up with quite a tale. It's not good to be so quick to judge that it is always something childish though, because when the time comes that it actually is something serious, you'll be blinded to the words of those that are in need of your aid and guidance. So it is always good to hear a child out no matter what they say or how farfetched it may sound. Because if you don't then who could they look up to when they need someone to trust in the most," Sera said to the older plump woman with a giggle as she began, though she didn't speak in an unkind way, as she wanted the woman to understand what she was getting at.

Sera then looked back to the young girl Pamela, who's hand she'd gently grabbed before the girl could get shooed away completely, then with her other hand she reached out to the young girl's blackened eye and pushed some of her energy through her hand to heal the black eye she had. "Now young one, I'm going to tell you that you shouldn't hit others unless they are truly hurting someone else, and only then if you absolutely have to. Now tell me Pamela. What have these boys been doing to pick on the girls? Are they hurting them any? Or are they just teasing them?" Sera said to Pamela, lifting the young girl up and setting her in her lap as she tried to figure out what was going on so that she could help out.

Using Lay on Hands with a couple of EP to heal Pamela's black eye, or however much it'd take to do so.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Most of the boys just say stupid boy things! But billy pushes us down so I beat him up good!" Pamela was apparently proud of it. As Sera healed her eye the little girl gasped and held her face in surprise. "Wow!" her sudden exclamation brought the remaining children over to see what had happened all of them looking at Sera and asking her questions which quickly droned into a lot of noise. Behind her Sera could hear June giggle at her predicament.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Well boys will be boys and they do love to tease us poor girls, but they shouldn't push us around, because we girls can push right back. But you shouldn't have hurt him dear, that was a bad thing to do, but I understand why you did it. But you should apologize to him and tell him you're sorry for beating him up, but he should apologize for pushing the girls around as well," Sera said to Pamela as she finished healing up her eye, to which the girl looked absolutely amazed.

Sera giggled at Pamela's reaction and ruffled her hair as she held her face in surprise. She wasn't prepared for all of the other children to come over though in the least and was a little taken aback. She tried to listen to all of the different questions so that she could answer them all, but she quickly lost track of anything as it all devolved into a lot of noise that was difficult tell what was being asked and what wasn't. Sera heard June giggling at what she'd gotten herself into with this and merely sighed softly as she gestured to the children for silence.

"Please please children one at a time please, I can only listen to so much at once alright. So now, one at a time, please ask your questions, so that I can actually answer them and whatnot alright. We'll start with... you young man, what is it you wish to know," Sera said as she called for silence from the children, trying to quieten them down so she could understand what was being asked of her as she pointed at one young boy that had been asking her something. Then with that, Sera would set about listening to their questions and answering as best she could.

You can have as many of the children ask questions as you'd like, but if you don't want to bother with it too much then you can just say that Sera answered them all well enough to satisfy their curiosity.