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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Luna smiled and bowed again. She easily hefted two of the nuns herself almost showing off to Sera before making her way to the exit. Ivy shifted into a larger form and hid her wings and tail and horns. It didn't help that she was naked as the day she was born but it could be easily explained that she was another captive. Ivy went over to one of the smallest nuns to pick only to fail. Grunting in effort she tried several times before resorting to magic to enhance her strength. It took a lot of effort and Ivy had to stop several times to catch her breath but she managed to get the nun to the surface. Meanwhile Sera was left to decide who to take up either Keri or the other nun.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled at Luna as she lifted two of the nuns, showing off her strength to Sera it seemed, which made Sera eye her butt when she bent down to get them both. Sera watched Ivy struggling to get the smallest of the nuns that were there, deciding to help her get the woman up in her arms before she decided to grab Keri, leaving the last nun for now and hoping that she remained asleep. Then Sera stopped for a moment to think... a quick thought coming to her that she could summon another fey ally to help carry the last nun, which would make things quicker to say the least and they wouldn't have to make but the trek to get Jorl afterwards.

"Hang on you two, I'm gonna get us some help to get her. Give me a second," Sera said before lifting Keri up, then she quickly burned her energies after releasing the sustaining powers she had going still, as she didn't need them any longer. She summoned up a gruff to help carry the last nun up for them so they wouldn't have a need to come back down quite this far. "Hello there my friend. Can you help us? I need you to carry that woman there on the floor and follow us please," Sera added to the gruff when he was summoned and arrived there to help them.

With that they would set out, Sera carrying Keri while Luna carried two of the other nuns, Ivy carried one, and the gruff carried the other. She would lead them back up to the surface, taking the women to the courtyard where everyone was at, and once there she would likely have to set about explaining to people what had happened, which he would do her best to do.

Firstly drop the buffs and her Ice Lance altogether at the beginning of the round so she doesn't pay for them that turn, and then she's going to summon a Gruff to help carry the last nun back to the surface for them. That should be just 3 EP for the Gruff summoning.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera summoned a gruff who immediately followed her orders to fetch the other nun. With that taken care of the odd group carried their unconscious cargo up the long flight of stairs. Mid way threw the journey Keri began to shudder again but Sera needn't have worried as the woman had slowly began to revert back to her normal form sparing her the embarrassment of being seen in a semi demonic state.

Upon reaching the surface once more Sera and her strange company where almost beset upon by the other nuns who glad just to have their sisters back. Though it was probably best to be cautious due to how long they had been kept in captivity no doubt they would need lots of counseling before they returned to their normal lives.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera heaved a sigh of relief as they made their way back to the surface when Keri reverted back to normal, her slightly demonic looking form fading away. When Keri shuddered though while Sera carried her, the young angel couldn't help but jump in fright though, but quickly calmed down when Keri reverted back. Once back on the surface, Sera and the others were surrounded by most of the remaining nuns, who looked extremely relieved to see that she'd returned with their fellow nuns. Sera of course knew that they would need to rest and recover, as well as probably talk with someone about what all had happened to them, though there was the possibility that they didn't remember any of it all and could simply get back to their normal way of life as soon as they had recovered physically.

"Yes everyone, we're back with the lost sisters. But they need to rest for now, and will likely need all of your help to get them through the trying times to come for them. So clear us a path to the infirmary for us to put them into beds please," Sera told the nuns gathering around them, taking Keri and leading the others to the infirmary and putting each girl in a separate bed to rest in, where she then told the gruff that she didn't need his help any longer, and that she'd pay him real quick for his help, the beautiful young angel leaning in to kiss the gruff on the lips for his troubles in helping them all. She also told Luna that unless she thought that she should stay there for now to help protect everyone that she was dismissed as well, Sera doing this after the gruff was gone as she began thanking Luna for her help in the fight profusely, bowing her head and asking what she required as payment if anything.

"Is mother Esther awake now?" Sera asked one of the nuns that was following them, looking for June in the midst of them all. If she didn't find her then she would ask one of the others if she was alright as well. "Tell mother Esther for me that I need to speak with her when I return if she's awake. If she isn't awake however then don't bother and I'll wake her when I return and speak with her... it's very important that I do," Sera said to the nuns.

With that, Assuming Ivy or Luna neither one was going to come with her, Sera would head back down to where she'd left Jorl, where she would lift him up and carry him back to the surface, taking him to a more private place if possible so that nobody could see him just quite yet until she had the chance to talk with mother Esther and some of the others about what Jorl had done. Once she had Jorl back up there on the surface, Sera would head to mother Esther's room to see if she was awake yet, and if she wasn't she would gently shake her to see if she could awaken her to speak with her about Jorl and all she found out about him from both Jaxis and his words, as well as what all Angelic told her.

Releasing the gruff after paying the kiss payment to him, and she'll dismiss Luna as well unless Luna wishes to stay for the time being, as I'm not entirely sure about Luna's payment or rather what she might be wanting as payment. That's entirely up to you I suppose though.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Do not fear my Lady Sera. I was just glad I could help you defeat an evil that plagued the innocents of this town." Luna bowed one more time before fading into golden light.

Sadly Mother Esther had yet to awake from her ordeal. Nodding Sera went back into the crypts and down to the cavern where Joral lay. Fetching him Sera brought him up threw the caverns and tombs. Finding his room Sera laid him in the bed and covered his body with a sheet. Closing the door Sera made her way to Mother Esthers room to find her still accompanied by June who was at her side. Approaching silently Sera noted that June had fallen asleep. Gently shaking Mother Esther brought the elderly nun awake slowly. "Ahh child are the sisters safe?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you Luna, I really appreciate your help. I will likely have to call on your help again in the future, so I do hope that you'll be ready for when I inevitably do... and maybe next time I can more properly thank you before you leave. For now though I've gotta head back down and get Jorl... I promised him just before he went that I wouldn't leave his body down there to rot, because he regained his sanity just before the end. Thank you very much once again Luna," Sera said to Luna just before she faded away, waving goodbye to the strong fey knight, hoping that it would be her the next time she called on the aid of the fey.

Finding out that mother Esther hadn't woken just yet, Sera went on back down and collected Jorl's body, bringing him back and placing him in his room on his bed, where she pulled the bed sheet over him, as she didn't want him to just be laying there for anyone to see him. She shut the door behind her and went back to mother Esther's room to see June had fallen asleep while staying by the old nun's side. Sera decided to move quietly so she didn't wake June, where she gently shook the old nun to wake her up.

"Yes mother Esther... I have located and rescued the lost nuns, though they will likely need counseling before they fully recover, but they seem to be physically well otherwise. However... I have done something horrible, but it was unavoidable in the end I'm afraid," Sera replied to mother Esther when she woke her up and the old nun spoke, pausing for a few moments to steel herself enough to tell what she was about to. "I... I fear that priest Jorl was the one who caused all of this... the taking of the nuns and whatnot, though I'm not entirely certain he had anything to do with the crop problems and whatnot, but that is beside the point. He was rushing back up here to the surface from down in some old tunnels that lead quite far down into the ground, so far that I eventually saw a stream of lava, and I chased him after he ran, and I overdid it when I attacked him to try and knock him out to force him to revert to Jorl from a terrible half demon looking beast called Jaxis. I... I fear that I killed Jorl mother Esther, and I feel terrible for doing so," Sera finished, ending with tears in her eyes as she knelt beside mother Esther's bed, looking very sad about what she'd done down in the tunnels.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

A frail hand moved to Sera's cheek and brushed away a tear. "Child you did what you could and what was best. If all that you have told me is true then in the end you did save Joral. If not his life then defiantly his soul. Do not weep for those who have passed save your tears for those still lost. You saved lives today Sera just remember that dwelling on what could have happened or what could have been will only weakening your resolve and I sense you have many trials ahead of you." Sera could hear how tired Mother Esther seemed perhaps it was best for Sera to let her rest.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera gently grasped mother Esther's hand as she knelt there, her tears still fresh as she listened to the old nun speak. "T-Thank you mother Esther, I am sorry though. But you're right, I must be strong, and that means that I must steel myself and be prepared... to make hard choices I suppose," Sera said to mother Esther, feeling saddened by what she had done, but she knew in her heart that what the old nun had said was true, she didn't have any choice but to kill Jaxis, which in turn had killed Jorl. "I hate to ask more of you mother Esther, so please rest now. I'll speak with you again when you awaken and explain more," Sera added to mother Esther, gently caressing her old face as she pulled her blanket up a bit so she stayed warm and comfortable.

When she was sure that mother Esther was comfortable, Sera would gently shake June's shoulder to wake her, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "June dear, come and wake up, the others have been found. I was able to rescue them and bring them all back, and the bad man has been dealt with," Sera told the young nun with a smile as she gently pulled her to her feet. "Let's let mother Esther rest for now though and get something to drink... and eat hopefully," Sera added to June when she roused her from sleep and got her back on her feet.

If June wanted to, Sera would take her out and find out about getting something to drink, preferably a glass of wine for herself, and whatever June wanted also, taking a seat in wherever the kitchens for the temple were to rest. Once Ivy was back to her normal form and had returned to her side as she sat down to drink her wine in the kitchens or dining room with June, Sera would smile at her little friend as she came in there with her, gesturing her over to where they were sitting, or if June did not wish to come with her where Sera was sitting by herself. "Are you alright Ivy?" Sera would ask her familiar friend when she arrived in there, assuming she wasn't too scared to do so.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June seemed reluctant to leave Mother Esther but led Sera to the Kitchen. She had to do so with her eyes closed however as she only new the grounds of the church by memory and not sight. Sadly their was no wine but fresh juice and some cheese where available. Thankfully Ivy didn't seem to upset June in the lest as the small demon looking guardian landed on Sera's shoulder. "I'm good Sera and you did a bang up job down there!" June looked at Ivy closely not quite sure what to make of the small creature.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"It's okay June, I promise. I'll have someone else come and sit with her while we take a bit of a break, because I'm famished myself and thirsty," Sera said to June as she led her away from the room, seeing the reluctant look June had about leaving mother Esther. If need be to keep June from worrying overly much, Sera would ak one of the other nuns about the place to sit with mother Esther while they ate something and got a drink.

When they made their way to the kitchens, with June leading the way with her eyes closed, which made Sera smile a little bit, Sera sat and was a little saddened by the fact that there was no wine, or at least ceremonial wine for a temple. But the cheese and juice did her just fine and was probably better for her in any case at the moment. When Ivy did come in finally after Sera had started eating some of the cheese and drinking the juice. "Thanks, and I'm glad you're fine. Want some juice and cheese? A nice little pick me up if I do say so myself," Sera asked Ivy, tearing a small bit of the cheese off and handing it to Ivy as she looked around for something that she could use for Ivy to have something to drink out of. She would settle for finding a thimble or something small like that which she'd pour a little bit of juice into out of her glass to hand to Ivy.

After doing that, Sera would glance back to June and notice her staring at Ivy quite closely, looking very curious and almost like she was trying to figure out what she was exactly. "June, this is Ivy, she's my familiar and friend that another very good friend created and sent with me to help me in my journeys until I could be reunited with her and her sisters," Sera said to June, introducing Ivy to the young nun. "And Ivy, this is June, she's the nun I summoned that elder fey mage Joy to help heal her eyesight earlier," Sera said to Ivy, explaining a little bit of what had happened earlier while they had split up.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The two eyed each other a little bit before June extended a finger to shake Ivy's much smaller hand. Grabbing a hunk of cheese Ivy began to nibble on it while Sear searched for a cup or something for Ivy to drink from. "So shes a magical construct and not really a demon?" June had never seen a demon before but no doubt had heard countless descriptions of them from her training and church lore. Finding a thimbul Sera managed to get some juice into it and offer it to Ivy taking notice that June's now clear and bright eyes which shined a brilliant green followed her every movement.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera couldn't help but smile at June's extending a finger to shake Ivy's hand, as their sizes were very opposite of one another. Sera cut some cheese off of the block for Ivy and managed to find a thimble for her companion to drink out of. "Yeah technically speaking she is, but she's been my friend for a while and I don't think of her as a magical construct... never have really to be honest. She's not a demon though by any means, and even if she was she's still my friend that's stuck by my side through thick and thin, so I could think no less of her regardless," Sera said as she got a thimble for Ivy to use as a little cup, pouring a tiny bit of juice into it after wiping it off. "Despite what you might think and what you've heard June, not all demons are really all evil and such, and there are many around that simply would just rather be left alone, or want to live in peace. I know a few myself that are like that and are close friends of mine," Sera added after getting the juice into the thimble for Ivy and some cheese for her, handing her both on a small plate.

Once Sera had gotten Ivy her things to eat and drink, she sat back down and continued eating and drinking her cheese and juice for now, feeling a bit famished and exhausted after all of the fighting earlier. Sera looked around at her wings, which were looking quite dirty after all she'd done earlier, the feathers looking a bit tipped with dirt and ash from where she'd gone down into the tunnels before. She really needed to clean them soon, but she needed to rest a little bit first and recover her strength some, and eat a little bit as well before she hopped into the bath.

"June... after I eat and rest for a few minutes, I really need to get cleaned up in the bath, would you like to accompany me and get cleaned up yourself?" Sera asked the young nun as they ate in a friendly tone.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Really friendly demons?" June hardly seemed convinced but then again it was hardly surprising most demons would rather rape murder and cause chaos. After all no one hears about a demon saving the world. Still June may not have sounded convinced Sera was still an angel and her words would have weight. "Oh I have already bathed today Sera but I can help you if you want. I help Mother Esther with her baths all the time."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yeah there are demons out there that are friendly, I know a few myself, and I know of others. And I also know a few angels back where I used to live that knew some as well. And on some rare occasions there were a few that came through my old home, but the last one that did that was at least a good three years or so ago I think now," Sera said as she finished up with the cheese and juice, wiping her mouth with a napkin as her wings softly fluttered for June to see. "Now I'm not saying that you could completely trust any and every demon you meet that seems peaceful enough, but the majority of the ones that I've met so far have been quite peaceful... even if they tried to seduce me and a few even tried to rape me on several occasions. My close friends I spoke of tried that as well, though that was before we became close friends of course... and they succeeded too the first time... much to my, surprise. I didn't think I could be so easily seduced like that, but I was a bit younger and much much more naive than I am now of course, so I suppose in a way it was to be expected that I'd eventually get tricked and... well you get the idea hehe," Sera continued, speaking somewhat of her first encounter with Rose and her sisters to June, ending with a giggle at her own naivete, which got her into trouble more often than not.

With that Sera got up and nodded to June when the young nun stated that she'd already had a bath earlier, but didn't mind helping Sera to get washed up. When she heard this, Sera smiled to June and bowed slightly to her. "Thank you June, I appreciate the help. It's sometimes hard to reach all of the parts of my wings and I can't always get them completely cleaned because my arms won't reach that far. I'd be honored if you helped me, though you'll have to lead the way as I don't know where the baths are exactly... hmm, actually I have something to take care of first before I can bathe unfortunately. But once I finish this task up we can go, shouldn't take but a minute or two, anyway," Sera said, suddenly remembering Angelic still being held prisoner and figuring that she should probably go and have her released. If June wished to accompany her for this, Sera wouldn't mind and wouldn't tell her to leave her.

Sera then headed to the building where Angelic was being held captive, where once she arrived she would look to the guards there as she approached. "Guards... the lady Angelic is to be set free, as she didn't do the things she stood accused of. I have gotten all of the evidence I need for her innocence, and Jorl himself said as such, before... before his passing," Sera said to the guards when she arrived, likely shocking them a bit with news of Jorl's death, and possibly shocking June as well if she followed, though it was better that they know it now than later when it could fall back on them. "I shall explain everything when mother Esther awakens, but suffice it to say, Angelic had very little to do with what has been happening here and is innocent," Sera added to them as she made to open the doors and free Angelic, hoping that her explanation she'd given was enough for now so that she could free Angelic and go bathe, as she just felt very dirty.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June just smiled at Sera. "Ill go get the bath ready its just down the hall from here." With that they parted company for awhile June heading to get a bath ready while Sera moved to free a captured soul. The guards just looked to each other a moment before looking back to Sera. "We will remove her from the cell and place her under house arrest at the Inn until we get a pardon from who ever is in charge of the church. The guards looked at Sera almost apologetic but still Angelic wouldn't be spending another night in a fridged cell.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled and thanked June as she went on out and to where Angelic was being held prisoner. After she got there and spoke to the guards, and though she would need mother Esther's signature on a pardon for the woman, for what reason Sera didn't really understand, but she would speak with mother Esther about it when she woke up again. Sera looked in on Angelic and informed her that she was being moved and that everything had been taken care of for the time being, but that she'd need to wait for mother Esther to awaken before she could sign a written pardon for her, so it would be at least a few more hours give or take. Sera would make sure that the guards were moving Angelic without manhandling her any before going back to take her bath, telling them to make sure Angelic was fed and given something to drink at least before heading back.

When she made her way back to the temple and then on to the bath area, Sera smiled at June as she entered the bathroom. "Thanks again June, you're such a sweetie. How could I ever thank you?" Sera said as she came over to the side of the bath, where she then untied her robes and started taking them off, not really thinking anything wrong with doing so. When her robes fell from her body, Sera still had her back to June, so she continued undressing herself, not needing to take off a bra as she didn't really have one to speak of, but after slipping her panties off, which didn't really do much to cover her quite large penis, Sera spun around to face June in all her naked glory, the young angel herm's fiery red hair swinging around along with her. "Well June... shall we? I believe I'll just sit and relax for a couple of minutes before we get to the actual washing part," Sera asked, gesturing towards the bath as she herself stepped down into the warm waters and eased herself down to sit, letting a soft sigh of relaxation escape her lips.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June just stood in shock. "Uh uh sure just sit right down here S-Sera" Clearly the cock was a surprise to her. It brought fourth a heat to her cheeks and a stirring in her loins that she was rather new to. "Are all ... are all angel's like that?" June began with a soft rag slowly cleaning the feathers along the outer most edge trying not to stare but as Sera was rather well endowed it was hard not to notice. A dirty but funny thought crossed Sera's mind this was probably the first time the woman had seen a penis.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled at June as the young nun told her to go ahead and sit, looking all flustered about Sera's member and all. "Thank you June, you're such a dear. And no not all angels are like me, I was born this way, though we angels are born rather quickly and mature fast, I however am about twenty years old give or take," Sera answered June with a smile, cooing softly as June started washing her back feathers on her wings, the ones she couldn't easily reach herself and sometimes needed help with.

Sera noticed that while June was gently washing her wings, that the young nun was staring at Sera's rather impressive penis, and Sera almost instantly knew that June had likely never seen one before, no matter how much she might have heard of them and what they looked like. "June... have you never seen a penis before? Oh dear what am I asking of course you haven't, please forgive me for such a cruel question June," Sera asked, then hastily apologized for as she quickly realized how mean asking such a thing was when June had been blind for so long.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh its okay I-Im sure I'll have to hear that question alot now. I better get used to it." June sadly was rather attractive and the thought of her staring at her cock would surly lead to trouble soon. Though at the moment it was behaving itself. June finished Cleaning Sera's right wing and started on her back the girls soft hands and delicate touch gently scrubbing the sweat and dirt that had made its way down there. For the most part June was staying silent though Sera could tell that she was slightly embarrassed by her hesitant touches.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera smiled as June replied to her, the young nun seeming to be putting on a brave face as she finished washing Sera's right wing and moved on to her back. Sera could feel her soft delicate hands rubbing across her body and as of now her penis hadn't even stirred slightly since her time with Joy earlier, but when she began thinking about it for a moment that June seemed to be embarrassed as she kept staring at her cock... well Sera's own body began doing against her will just what she'd wanted to not do in front of June, at least not here in the bath at their first time seeing each other naked. Sera's member began slowly getting erect, stirring only slightly at first, but quickly going to full mast as she sat there.

"I apologize for that June, but you are a beautiful girl and my body reacts to that despite me telling it not to. Despite me being an angel, I still have needs... all of my kind still feel the need for sex, some much more so than others. But anyway please continue, and don't hesitate to talk sweetie, I'm sure you have many questions, or maybe if you just wish to talk then I don't mind listening and talking back. It might help take your mind off of things to talk," Sera said to the quiet June, who seemed to embarrassed to speak now.