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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 85/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep

Ivy once more cast her tracking spell her hands glowing with arcane power as she flew above the lava river. As Sera approached the bridge her enhanced senses picked up noise from some nearby chambers but it sounded distant. On the peak of the bridge Sera was able to make out more of the chamber. The lava thankfully only persisted in this small river with the other side being devoid of the molten rock. However dozens of small cave's lay before her. Keri lay on a flat rock her cloths all but shredded from her body. She didn't look awake but she was breathing which was a blessing.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Moving across the bridge as carefully and cautiously a she could while Ivy floated overhead and cast another tracking spell for them to find Jorl, Sera knelt next to Keri when she got to her, glancing over and noticing the many other directions there were to go that she heard some noises coming from. She didn't expect that to be honest, and it made everything much harder to say the least. Checking Keri and making sure she was alright and not overheated or anything, Sera would then shake her a bit to try and wake her up, hoping that she could get her roused up and then send her on upstairs to tell everyone where they were and how to get there.

"Keri... Keri dear, wake up. Are you alright? Come on Keri wake up, you need to get out of here," Sera said to Keri, trying to wake her up as she shook her a bit.

However if Keri didn't awaken for her, Sera would lift her up and carry her over one shoulder to the previous room, setting her down in a place that wasn't quite so hot as the room they were in so that she wasn't too hot and maybe have a heatstroke. Once she had either roused her from sleep or taken Keri out into the previous room, Sera came back and looked up to Ivy.

"Ivy... can you figure out which way we need to go? There's too many to just guess and hope we get the right path unless you wanna split up, which isn't a good idea to say the least. And we need to take care of Jorl one way or another, because he can't continue doing this to these poor women," Sera asked Ivy as she came back inside the room. Again though, if Ivy couldn't find their way through and to Jorl, then Sera would be forced to do her shape changing into a wolf, following Jorl's scent down whichever tunnel he had taken.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 79/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep
Sera approached the downed priestess and shook her gently. At her touch Keri's eyes shot open and her body began to convulse in spasms. She was foaming at the mouth. Looking on in horror Sera noted how Keri's body began to change her skin turning a deep crimson while her eyes deepened into purple orbs. Her body slowly agonizingly shifted in size growing to an impressive 6ft height if she had been standing. Her skin boiled and shifted as her modest bust grew 3 cup sizes settling at massive DD. Her wide womanly hips got larger and more pronounced. Meanwhile as Keri's body was changing before her Ivy had flown back to her.


It seems Joral had come to collect his newest wife leaving Sera in dangerous position. Could Keri be trusted or would her mind be warpped like Joral's. She had a few precious moments to decide.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched Keri's body beginning to convulse and spasm around after shaking her, and she saw that she was foaming at the mouth as well, which frightened her a bit. However the thing that frightened her the most was the fact that Keri's body was changing before her very eyes, her skin turned red, her eyes purple, her body lengthened to be at least six feet tall, and her breasts grew to quite large DD-cups even as her hips widened to probably accommodate larger insertions.

Sera glanced up at Ivy as she called down to her that Jorl was coming and wasn't alone, making her believe that they would have to deal with him and all four of the other nuns as well. "Keri... Keri dear, remember who you are... you are Keri, friend of an angel and nun of the temple above, don't let him change you, fight it," Sera said to Keri, hoping to prevent her from changing and turning into an enemy, which she didn't want in the least, because then she'd have to hurt her and she couldn't stand having to hurt her or anyone else if she could help it.

If it looked as if Keri wasn't going to be able to fight it before Jorl arrived and Sera could get prepared better, then she would quickly take her pistol out of its holster, where she would then bop Keri on the head with it, knocking her out the rest of the way so that she wouldn't have the chance to turn on her completely or anything. She now knew that the only way to stop Jorl was to kill him if he could do this kind of thing to these poor nuns, and she couldn't allow that to happen to anyone else, especially herself... and especially not June either. Once Keri was either out or in the position to help her, Sera stood up and called upon one of the fey knights to help her, as she knew that it would be a tough fight and she would need more than just Ivy to help her out in it.

"Please I need your help miss, there is someone quite strong coming to fight with me and he is somehow turning women into that there, he must be stopped and maybe then can the effects on them be reversed," Sera would tell the lady fey knight when she arrived, pointing at Keri and stopping her from killing Keri for the moment if need be and directing her attention towards wherever Ivy had pointed out that Jorl was coming from.

Firstly, Sera's going to summon a tier 3 fey knight, and I'm choosing for it to be female of course, the price being 9 EP I believe. Then if possible and she's got the time, Sera's gonna drink her energy potion to recover her EP by 50 points, putting her back up to a total of 114.

Or it should anyway unless I messed up and can't add :p .
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 114/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep

Sera had no idea of her words had reached Keri or not but after a moment she stopped thrashing about and went limp. Summoning a faye knight Sera gave her the run down of the situation and stopped her from ending Keri's life. Pointing the knight in the right direction showed 10 pairs of purple eyes coming from the darkness. Four sets of eyes belonged to the former nuns who where the first to make their way into the chamber. They all had similar shapped bodies but slight variances in height and hair color. "I see the angel has made it to our lair my dears please be kind enough to give her and her friend a warm welcome I have to go fetch my last wife." With that the four woman charged forth wicked looking claws at the end of their fingers! The knight charged fourth planning to meet the onslaught head on leaving Sera to act at range.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Jorl you fool, why have you done this to your home? You have corrupted and destroyed the peace and sanctity of your home, which is very hard to come by in these days since the aliens attacked. But it doesn't matter any longer, I can't allow you to continue this... treachery against your hometown, or the innocent people you've corrupted and are trying to corrupt... people that trusted you Jorl," Sera asked the former priest with a slightly saddened look on her face. "Try and not kill the ladies if you can help it my dear, we may still have a chance to save them, but he is free game if you can manage to do so, unfortunately I don't think he can be saved at this point," Sera added to her summoned knight ally, knowing that at this point there was no hope of saving the man, and possibly no hope of saving the nuns, but she had to at least try and save the nuns by killing Jorl.

Seeing that they were outnumbered, Sera glanced at Ivy and quietly told her to quickly blast Jorl and keep him from escaping and getting his "last" wife as he put it, whom Sera could only believe was June, and she refused to let that happen. Then Sera glanced back around at her fey ally as she charged in at their foes, quickly thinking of what to do now and deciding to try and deal with Jorl's allies as quickly as possible so that she could deal with him, knowing that she would have to do so before she would get a clear shot at him. Moving forward with her fey ally to try and get in front of her so she didn't hit her, Sera called forth her energies and blasted them out to hit as many of the corrupted nuns as possible, blasting out her druidic powers at them to hopefully knock them back and out so they could handle Jorl easier.

Using Wrath of the Elements and blasting the icy wave or cone of cold or whatnot in the 30 foot long 90 degree cone and burning a total of 11 EP with the blast so that it's a total of 2d4 * 11 cold dmg and the other bits of the power to weaken them unless they beat Sera's resistance. If possible she is trying to spare the nuns lives, so if it's enough to drop them to 0 HP by chance then she's choosing to make it non lethal if possible.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera moves and uses her power auto hit :(
45 damage to the nuns! (55-10a)
Nuns try to resist cold: Nuns 1-3 success nun 4 fails
Ivy cast magic missile (she can't hit Jorl with anything else)
0 damage (9-10a)
Knight attacks using whirlwind autohit! nuns 2,3 take 46 damage (56-10)

Nun 1 attempts to grapple knight success
Nun 4 stumbles around confused mumbling to herself
Jorl flees
Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 97/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep


Ivy: Quick status for Ivy: Ivy: HP = 23, PP = 32, EP = 25, status = fine


Nun 1 25/70hp
Nun 2 unconscious
Nun 3 unconscious
Nun 4 25/70hp weakened

"Jorl? oh you mean that fool of a priest who used to have this body. He's almost gone now. Soon it will just be me Jaxis!" Jaxis soon shut up however as Ivy let loose a small ball of arcane force that pooped harmlessly against his skin drawing an annoyed growl from the creature. However witnessing the effect of Sera and her knight companions attack caused the man to flee clearly he was out matched. Two of the changed nuns dropped under the combined assault of Sera and the knight their bodies quickly reverting back to their normal states. One of them however seemed to stumble about confused as to what was going on while the last had grabbed hold of the knight sending both tumbling to the ground struggling.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she listened to what the man said, indicating that he was all but no longer Jorl, Sera closed her eyes and sighed softly as Ivy sent a blast at him, causing him to growl in an annoying way as he all but shook it off as Sera and her allies seemed to be overwhelming his supposed "wives", forcing him to flee in fright. Sera, seeing Jaxis fleeing from her's and her allies onslaught, knew that she had to hurry and give chase after him or else he'd get away and maybe hurt June or someone else. She watched a couple of the changed nuns fall unconscious to the ground while one of the other two still standing stumbled around a bit, while the other one dove at her summoned fey knight, knocking them both to the ground.

She was torn, wanting to give chase to Jaxis and helping her two remaining allies, so she decided to take care of one of the remaining two at the very least as she gave chase after him, flapping her wings to their fullest and taking flight, blasting her energy out at her remaining two foes as she went by, soaring past and after Jaxis before he got away, calling for her two companions to hurry along as quickly as they could if she didn't take out both of the remaining nuns.

Using Holy Fire and trying to center it to hit both of the remaining nuns, but if she can't hit both then she'll target a Holy Fire bolt at only the one grappling her fey knight ally, spending a total of 6 EP in the attack.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 85/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep


Ivy: Quick status for Ivy: Ivy: HP = 23, PP = 32, EP = 25, status = fine


Nun 1 unconscious
Nun 2 unconscious
Nun 3 unconscious
Nun 4 unconscious

Just damage really 42 for holy fire!

Sera took to the air clearing the battlefield with a blast of righteous fire. The two remaining nuns quickly fell reverting to their former selves. Jaxis had a lead on Sera but her flight gave made up for a good amount of distance. They Fey knight quickly fell behind however leaving only Sera and Ivy in hot pursuit of the tainted priest.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera, seeing that her summoned fey knight ally was starting to fall behind decided that she wouldn't be able to catch up most likely to help her and Ivy, so she glanced over her shoulder before leaving earshot of her summoned ally. "Please my friend, work on getting all of the nuns back up to the surface while we take care of Jaxis, alright," Sera called over her shoulder to the lady fey knight.

With that, Sera flapped her wings once more, moving as fast as she could in pursuit of Jaxis before he got out and to June and mother Esther or anyone else to hurt. If she managed to catch up to him only after they reached the surface, then she would speed towards him through the open, slamming into him and tackling him from the air as hard as she could, throwing him to the ground if possible, where she would slam her ice lance into his right shoulder point first, aiming to incapacitate him and maybe, just maybe change him back if it was possible. She hoped Ivy could keep up with her so that she could blast the changed man with something to help her knock him out, though if it as obvious that they couldn't save him then she would at least capture him and make him answer for all of his crimes to clear Angelic's name.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jaxis is hiding 33
Sera perception 63
63 vs 33 Sera wins
Sera: HP = 69/69, PP = 67/67, EP = 79/122, Status = Fine
Blessing +27 hit +27 dodge +18 Resistance +18 perception -4ep
Icy Lance melee weapon with Soul Soldier: 1d20 + 113 to attack, and 2d6 * 15 + 28 dmg, -1ep
Frost Armor: +21 AV, deals +21 dmg melee attacks, +28 bonus to grapple checks to escape, creatures in a grapple or melee combat must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status, -1ep

Sera chased after Jaxis but the transformed priest was just to fast and soon lost sight of him. Thankfully Ivy was using her magic to try and track the beasts so at lest they where following the right path. Her chase eventually ended up in a large cavern full of stalagtights and stalagmites. "He's somewhere in here Sera" Sera didn't need Ivy to tell her that in fact she could already sense his presence and could see the faint wispy glow of his purple eyes. She had the advantage but plunging threw towering rocks would undoubtedly hurt and it seemed the beast was not aware that it had been spotted.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera and Ivy chased Jaxis through the tunnels, the transformed priest ran quite fast... too fast in fact for Sera and Ivy to actually keep up. Ivy however was able to use her magic and track him down so that they could keep up and didn't take a wrong turn somewhere. They soon made their way into a large cavern, which she had to be careful in or risk bumping her head on the low ceiling.

Even before Ivy whispered that Jaxis was in the room, Sera spotted his glowing purple eyes in the darkness and she was about to shoot straight at him, plowing through the stalactites as she went, but she decided against it, knowing that it would be painful to do so. So instead, she decided to move in quickly behind him, flutter under the stalactites and motioning to Ivy to be quiet and then pointing at Jaxis. She would try and tail him from the air to be more silent, staying far enough back where he wouldn't see her or Ivy, watching and waiting for him to get back to the surface before making her move so that everyone up there would see. However if he didn't make his way to the surface, then she would have to attack him down there in the tunnels instead.

Regardless, once she was in the clear and wouldn't destroy her wings in the process of flying straight into the transformed priest and hitting all of those rocks, Sera would dart out at him, hopefully being able to tackle him to the ground as she rammed her icy lance into his right shoulder point first, aiming to wound and then knock Jaxis out and give it one last try to save the misguided priest, or at the very least capture Jaxis and make him answer for his crimes against the people of this town.

Assuming that he heads outside to make it a little easier on Sera and give her more maneuverability. Sera would be making just a basic attack against Jaxis, aiming to deal nonlethal damage if possible to try and capture him.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera tries to be stealthy 28
Jaxis is looking for her 33
33 vs 28 Jaxis has seen Sera

Sera attacks! hit (Sera's attack roll far out classes Jaxis's dodge even with conditional modifiers) 183 damage (-10a)

Sera made her move trying to outflank Jaxis and get some advantage however the echo of her wings betrayed her location. Looking up at her Sera could see that he was going to try and use his powers on her and took immediate action. Diving down Sera managed to avoid all the stalagmites the icy glow of her weapon and armor highlighting her wings which reflected the light seeming granting her a blue aura as she slammed into the tainted priest. For his part Jaxis didn't scream out or cry in pain as the icy tipped lance penetrated his body in fact Sera could almost swear he had a look of relief on his face. Standing up from the blow Sera could see the man's blood begin to flow out of him as his body shifted back to Joral. Her attack it seemed proved to be to much and the man was dying.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera soared through the air of the cavern, tailing Jaxis the whole way up, she managed to flap her wings just a little too strongly, which caused her to be heard by the transformed man as she fluttered along. Knowing that her wings had betrayed her to her foe, Sera saw that he was about to blast her with something and she took action. Darting down straight at Jaxis, Sera had to weave her way through the stalagmites and stalactites as she closed the distance between both her and her foe, but just before he was able to get off whatever sort of attack he was trying to, Sera slammed into him at full speed, the head of her conjured spear piercing him right where she'd aimed at.

She noticed that Jaxis barely made a sound as she hit him, not even giving a cry of pain to let her know that she'd even hit him, and when she looked into his eyes she saw something amazing... instead of fear and or pain in his eyes, Sera saw only relief, or what she thought was relief anyway. Watching his blood beginning to flow out of him, Sera watched as he changed back into the man he once was and she knew that she'd overdone it and that his life was fast draining out of him from the wound that she'd caused.

Tears filled Sera's eyes as she stared down at him. She hadn't meant to hurt him quite that badly with her first attack. "Oh gods... what have I done?" Sera asked nobody in particular as she fell to her knees beside Jorl. "Jorl... is that you? Can you hear me? I did not mean to wound you so badly... let me try and heal you, I must try and heal you so that you can explain the truth to everyone," Sera then said to Jorl, still on her knees beside the fallen man.

Sera raised her hands to Jorl's shoulder and began pushing her energy through and into him, hoping to heal his wound at least a little bit. If she couldn't save his life, she at least needed to try and keep him alive long enough so that she could get him to the surface to confess what he'd done for everyone to know. It was a long shot she knew, but she had to at least try.

If it turned out though that Sera could not save Jorl, she would ask him to forgive her, that she was only trying to help the town from the evil that was plaguing it. She would also tell Jorl that she would give him at least one last gift, something that not many mortals got the chance to have... a kiss from an angel and a feather from one of her wings. Should he not live despite her attempt at healing him, Sera would reach behind her, pulling her left wing up where she would then reach back and pick out a feather that was deep within the rest, so that it wouldn't hinder her ability to fly any and she would give it a tug, yanking it out and flinching a bit in pain as she did so. Then Sera would lay the feather she'd pulled out in Jorl's hand, giving him one last kindness while she had the chance to do so, telling him that she forgave him for what he'd done and that she would see to it that he was buried properly. Should Jorl not live much longer, Sera would stay there and hold his hand until he went, so that he didn't die alone, and after he was gone she would stand back up, telling Ivy to come with her as she went back to help her fey knight ally she'd summoned to carry the girls back to the surface, and then once they were all up there she would come back down and get Jorl herself, carrying his lifeless body back to the surface where she would set him down in the courtyard outside the temple.

If he lived though, she would still kiss him, though only on the forehead instead of on the lips, and she would then try and help him to his feet to aid him in getting out of these caverns, telling Ivy to go and tell her summoned fey knight to start bringing the girls up and for Ivy to help her if she could while she helped Jorl out of there.

Using Lay on Hands and spending 5 EP to hopefully heal him enough to keep him alive, whether it works or not she doesn't care, she's a kind young angel that'll try it anyway.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Even as Sera poured healing energies in him she instinctively knew it wouldn't be enough. Giving her apology threw her tears she barely heard Joral speak. "I-Im th-the one w-w-w-who ne-needs- to be to be forgiven.." Joral lay their a few ragged gasps of breath still in him.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sending forth her healing energies, Sera knew that she wouldn't have enough to heal the fallen priest, who lay there in front of her, his ragged breaths coming out as his life's blood flowed out of him. "I do Jorl... I do forgive you. What you did was wrong yes, but you were merely trying to extend your own life so that you might help your home more. Weren't you?" Sera said to Jorl, gently stroking his hair as she leaned over and kissed him on the lips, wanting to give him at least one last gift and peaceful thing before he drew his last breath, a kiss from an angel.

She then went ahead and pulled her wing around, picking out one of her still white feathers that was down further in her feathers, which she then took in her hand and pulled out, wincing at the pain it more than likely brought her, but taking it in stride as she then took the feather she'd pulled out and placed it in Jorl's hand, then moved it onto his chest, putting it over his heart. Sera would sit there and hold his other hand while the one clutched her feather that she had given him, while she pulled his head into her lap and whispered in his ear that she wouldn't leave him there alone, that nobody deserved to die alone, no matter what they did wrong.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Joral smiled lacking the strenght for anything else as they sat in the dark cave waiting for the end. It didn't take long but it seemed Joral was at piece with the final gifts Sera had granted him. When hey lay unmoving Ivy flew down and landed on her shoulder. "Come on Sera we should get back to the surface and help the living. We can send someone back for Joral." It was a sad end for the priest but it may have been the only answer left. For all appearances Joral had almost been completely subsumed by Jaxis and as tragic as it was he died human and not the beast he was becoming.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera just held Jorl after that until he breathed his last breath, feeling that he was at peace with her gifts and her forgiveness. She felt at ease herself despite what happened, though she still couldn't help but feel bad for the poor man. All he'd wanted was to live longer, but he ended up causing so much trouble as a result. "You're right Ivy, let's go. I'll come back and get him shortly with some help," Sera said with a sniffle, wiping the tears from her eyes.

As she gently set him down on the cavern floor, Sera couldn't help but feel that she could have done more to have saved him, but it was too late now unfortunately, as he was already gone. She could take solace in the fact that at the very least the town was safe, for the time being anyway. Sera led the way back down to where the other nuns were at, where her summoned fey knight was at, and when they arrived, Sera would ask Ivy to help them if she could do so and together with both her knight and Ivy, they would try and get the nuns back to the surface and out of this horrible place. Though she would first try and wake Keri so that she could walk back up and they would only have to make one trip back up before Sera came back down to get Jorl and bring him back up.

"Thank you for your help lady knight, I'm Sera by the way. I can't really remember if I told you my name. And this is Ivy," Sera would say to her fey knight when they met back up.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The fey knight having been left to her own devices had tied up the girls after treating them with first aid. "It was no trouble Lady Sera. I am called Luna." The knight bowed to Sera before getting back to her task. Ivy meanwhile was floating about Keri looking at her worried. "Sera what if she goes bonkers when she wakes up?" Unlike the others Keri was still in her transformed state.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When they arrived back, Sera saw that her fey knight had tied the knocked out girls up and when Sera introduced herself, Luna as she named herself introduced herself back to Sera and Ivy and set about getting back to what Sera had asked of her earlier. Listening to Ivy expressing her worries about Keri, who still hadn't reverted back to a normal human, Sera knelt beside Keri and looked her over. "Hmm... I don't think she will Ivy, I mean I did kill Jaxis and he was the one controlling them, and the others already reverted and all, so maybe she just needs a little more time before she reverts as well, seeing as he just gave her that potion or whatnot right before we came in. Ivy, can you shape change to grow larger again like you did yesterday? If so then you can help us get these girls out of here faster," Sera replied to Ivy, then she glanced over to Luna. "Luna, let's start getting them out of here and back to the surface, once we've done that you may go, and thank you so much for your help, I don't think I could have very easily handled them all by myself. If I have need of your aid in the future, I shall call on you again, as you seem very strong and capable Luna," Sera added to Luna as she lifted Keri up in her arms.

As soon as everyone had one of the girls, Sera would head back to the surface, where they would take them to the courtyard and ask for others to help take care of them, assuring anyone that asked that they were alright, but that they had the last one of the nuns to get out and then she had to get Jorl and explain everything to mother Esther, as she would likely be the one people would look to to take charge after Jorl.