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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The guards offered little protest to Sera's commands and stayed out of the room even closing the door to give the woman and herself privacy. Though with the priest she doubted she would have it long.

The woman was of mixed heritage a blending of Elven and Aundorian features. She had the dark skin of her human heritage but due to the elven blending it muted it to a dark tan color. She had blue eyes and black hair. Her face had mostly elven influences including the high cheekbones and pointed ears. Her figure however was completely human wide in the hims and large in the chest. She was wear what looked to have once been a fairly pretty silken robe or dress but it was now nothing but a fancy rag.

"My name is Angelic ironic isn't it?" The woman didn't flinch as Sera used her powers to heal her bruises and cuts. "I suppose it makes little difference if I tell you what happened or not one way or another Jorl will send some one to silence me." Looking back at the angel the woman sighed. "But sense you went threw the trouble and I want to see that pig sweat I will tell you all I know. It started about a month ago I had been exiled for being on the wrong side of a fight and I needed to leave my home of 25 years. Heading for the amazon I looked for a place to ply my trade. You see Im a skilled courtesan and mage. Thankfully I found shelter in an old abandoned mill and began to make visits into town to sell potions I had made or ingredients I had gathered." Something was off about her story so far though Sera couldn't tell that it was an outright lie she felt the woman was not being completely honest with her. "On one of my visits to town Jorl purchased my other services. When the deed was done he refused to pay me and threatened to burn me at the stake if I dared to say anything to any one. Being a smart girl I decided that it wasn't worth the trouble." This seemed like the truth to Sera as she listened on. "However that wasn't the end of it soon he was visiting me at my home demanding more and more services he even made me drug several of his priestess so he could use them as he wanted." This statement was hard to read the woman could be telling the truth or lying Sera wasn't sure. The woman was about to say more when Ivy flew up to her and said the priest is coming. Not soon after the door was opened to an irate priest. "What lies has the witch told you. No doubt she claims I raped her. Well I tell you Angel she is nothing but a demon whore full of lies!" "Oh really Jorl where is Karmin the new priestess humm its very strange she disappeared suddenly." "You probably sacrificed her to your demon lord you filthy witch!" The emotion in the room was high disrupting Sera's ability to tell truth from fiction.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The guards apparently didn't dare go against the word of an angel and were gentle with the woman and left them both in peace in a private room with just the two of them which gave Sera the chance to speak with the girl alone, and Sera thanked the two guards for listening to her, both with words and by a gentle touch on the arm, as she was fairly certain that humans tha hadn't seen an angel before would likely think themselves favored of an angel and she may be able to use that later on or so she hoped. Seeing the state of her clothing, Sera figured that this poor girl must have been through a lot, but that didn't pull her in to totally believe anything she had to say of course, she was only a little naive now since meeting Rose and the others, who had decided to teach her to not be so naive with things. She couldn't deny though that the girl was quite the looker with the rather large breasts and dark skin.

Sera knelt down beside the woman while she tried to heal her, listening to her talk as she did so. She listened to the girl, who's name she found out was Angelic, and Sera couldn't suppress a smile when she heard the girl's name, agreeing with her that it was indeed ironic. Once Sera was through with her healing, she moved back just a bit where she sat down to listen to the rest of her story, nodding here and there along the way. From what Sera was gathering the gist of the story was as thus... Angelic had sex with Jorl the priest for money after being exiled from her old home, wasn't paid and apparently refused to help him after a while and he got pissed and has her in the current predicament. Sera of course could tell that Angelic wasn't telling her the entire truth about things, but she could tell that she wasn't lying about what had happened for the most part. However she knew that she couldn't just simply side with Angelic without probing a little further into this whole thing.

When Ivy told her that Jorl was coming, Sera quickly whispered back to her little companion to move into a safe hidden corner and prepare herself to fight just in case things went south fast as she herself stood and got ready to face the priest upon entering. When he came in, Sera let him speak after entering the room, all but knowing that he would say what he ended up saying. Sera however didn't expect Jorl to accuse Angelic of being a demon, and with the high tensions in the room it was becoming increasingly difficult to tell which party was lying about all this and which wasn't.

"Mister Jorl, please be quiet, it makes it very difficult to sense any lies. And actually she didn't accuse you of anything at all to be honest, other than not paying her when you asked for sex and that you threatened to burn her at the stake for it. Which is quite curious really. Why would you threaten to do that mister Jorl? And don't accuse people of being or worshiping a demon when you don't know that they have or not for a fact, it isn't good to assume anything until you have facts. That's what causes wars and innocents to be killed," Sera said to Jorl to shut him up so that they could continue speaking. However if he didn't shut his mouth and allow her to speak more to Angelic, Sera would round on him with a very dangerous ans serious look on her face to let him know that she meant business and despite being a gentle person that she would get the truth out of both of them. "Will you go against the angelic overseer Jorl? I must find out for certain if Angelic here is guilty, I cannot and will not sentence an innocent woman to death no matter what she's done in the past and no matter what she is, simply because you wish to cover up something or another. Now tell me right now Jorl, is anything she says the truth? I don't want to have to call any of my brothers and sisters here to help deal with this, because the alien menace is being fought by many of them as we speak and every one of them that gets taken away from the front likely means another thousand innocent people will die. But I will if I must, now answer me," Sera added as she rounded on Jorl, a calm yet serious and dangerous look in her eyes that she hoped would quell him down and get him to speak the truth.

Sera didn't know if this would work at all, and she was quite sure that she shouldn't be doing this, but she also knew that if she didn't try this then it may end up in a fight, though it may very well turn into a fight if Jorl didn't take kindly to either threats or anything like that. She was fairly certain that it would probably bring this whole situation closer to a head, and that she was getting closer to finding what was really happening. Sera did however prepare herself to fight just in case, opting to merely restrain rather than hurt or kill.

Only if Jorl decides to attack either Sera or Angelic, use Entangling on him to bind and gag him using 9 EP to do so. And the same for Angelic as well, if she decides to attack either Sera or Jorl do the same thing to her with the same amount of EP being spent.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jorl started to sweat at the mention of even more angels coming to his town. "Sh sh sh she seduced me. Used her dark magic to to make me brake my vows!" "LIES! YOU FILTHY PIG I SWEAR WHEN I GET FREE I'LL" Sera raised one hand in a commanding stop gesture which quickly silenced Angelic. It took a moment but Sera finally sorted threw this last statement. It was probably true that Angelic seduced him after all she told Sera herself that she was a courtesan. However she doubted she used dark magic to do the deed. Likely Jorl let his own weakness defeat him and was embarrassed by his lust. That however didn't explain the current situation at all.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera watched the man start sweating even more so than he had been when she mentioned summoning more angels, and that was much to her liking, she was intimidating and scaring him, which would help get the truth out of him. When Jorl spoke again, it seemed to have enraged Angelic a little too much as the girl prepared to attack the man, which Sera quickly raised a hand to silence her. From the sounds of it, this was all a misunderstanding on both parts, one being Jorl's not willing to admit his faults, and Angelic had most likely seduced him in some way or another, but not through dark magics.

"First off, Angelic, you need to learn to control your temper before it gets you killed, it always pays to remain calm, cool, and collected in situations like this. And mister Jorl, I'm quite sure that Angelic didn't use dark magics to seduce you, I mean she is a beautiful enough woman to manage it without magics after all. No I believe what has happened to be all a misunderstanding on both your parts myself, because Angelic, you said that you are a courtesan after all," Sera said, taking a breath before continuing as she glanced back over to Jorl, "But that still doesn't answer why she was about to be burned alive at the stake. Mister Jorl, I believe you should tell us why Angelic was about to be burned alive at the stake. Is it simply because you broke your vows? Seems quite excessive if you ask me to do such a thing to her when you know she's innocent of using dark magics to seduce you, because you are a man after all and therefore not immune to seduction. Are you trying to hide something else by chance... something worse? Or is it merely you overreacting? I personally don't think that whatever god you worship if any would mind you having sex regardless, that is after all how babies are made. Now come, tell us why Angelic was about to be burned at the stake when we all three know she didn't use dark magic to seduce you,"

Sera would remain ready to bind either one or both of them if necessary, though she dearly hoped it wouldn't come to it in the end and that she would be able to sort this out without bloodshed of any kind. However Sera was prepared to do so if she had to, and wouldn't balk at it if she must. So while she continued trying to sort out this predicament and while the two likely stared daggers at both her and each other, Sera glanced over to where Ivy was hiding to give her a wink to tell her to be ready as well just in case.

Same as last round, Entangling if necessary with the same amount on either one of the two, or both if need be, but the more hostile first off.

Also I sent you a visitor message asking if Sera had to use Entangling on Angelic, but I went ahead and posted because it seemed that she didn't have to, I'll edit anything I need to so just let me know.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"She may have not seduced me with dark magic but what about the dying live stock or withering crops? It only started when she showed up. My art cannot find the cause and the only explanation is that she is using dark magic to do these things." Jorl stopped talking a moment to let himself calm down. "Don't listen to him Sera he drugged his own priestesses and rapped them one is even missing." Jorl got red and the face as screamed at Angelic. "HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF SUCH THINGS!" It seemed this time it was Jorl's turn to be silenced by Sera. With a commanding hand she silenced Jorl and sighed. The web of accusations was thick and reading the truth from it was increasingly difficult. Sera might have to change tactics.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to the two huff and puff at each other, with her having to shut Jorl up this time around. Just as she was about to answer Jorl and suggest another reason to him to explain the crops and livestock dying, Angelic spoke again and pissed him off once more. After he got through screaming at Angelic, Sera silenced him in the same way she did Angelic a few moments before by raising her hand to do so.

"Mister Jorl, please remain calm. There are any number of things that could be causing the livestock and crops to die. The aliens for example, or just simple corruption in the soil or a famine or disease in the livestock. It's never a good thing to just assume that the new person in town is causing it. And also, what is this about you raping priestesses and one of them missing? Tell me the truth about this and save everyone some time okay, make it easier for everyone okay," Sera said to the priest, her dangerous look still in her eyes to let him know that she would find out what happened exactly. "And Angelic, after he is through then you can tell me all of what you were holding back on telling me. I can and will call forth more of my brethren if need be. I wasn't coming here to find out the truth about what all has happened here in the first place because I'm searching for something, but since I'm here I will do so. Now I'm beginning to tire of this, so tell me the truth both of you, so that we can end this debacle and I can continue my search," Sera added to the Angelic, hoping to get the truth out of both of them with the threat of a few angels coming.

Again, same thing with Entangling as before if either acts up.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Fine all my priestesses are fine Ill show you come this way. GUARDS! make sure the witch doesn't escape." If Sera was willing Jorl would lead her to the church which was easily the largest building in Kost. Magnificent stained glass windows reflected the light and exotic birds parted from the jungle vines that grew on the structure. The ground where well kept with tidy flower gardens and even a small fountain. Entering the stone structure Sera could see that the ceiling of the sanctuary was tall enough for her to fly easily in. A handful of Nuns where present most praying but none alone. Each one seemed to travel in pairs. "See here are all the priestess that remain. Sadly some have gone missing."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Very well then, show me and I shall question them some about what has been going on around here as well, to see if I can figure out what truly has happened so that we don't make a wrong decision," Sera replied to Jorl as she began following him out and towards the church, glancing back to the guards before she went. "Do not harm her or allow her to be harmed in any way," Sera added to the guards and then went on with Jorl.

The church was quite easily the largest building in Kost that she could see, and she noticed the beautiful stained glass windows that reflected in the sunlight, and the just as beautiful gardens and the birds that flew around, and the fountain that was in the gardens was just a perfect addition. Once inside, Sera saw that the size of the place would make it easy for her to fly if she wished to, though she decided to stay firmly on the ground for the moment. She noticed some nuns praying inside as well, all of them going around in pairs, which she figured was because of what all had happened and they were scared that they too would get grabbed.

"Some have gone missing huh. Do you have any ideas or leads as to their disappearances? I will go ahead and say this to you though Jorl, I'm quite certain that Angelic had nothing to do with the disappearance of the priestesses, and fairly certain she had nothing to do with the crops and livestock. I'm not denying that she isn't completely innocent of some things, because I'm sure she's done things that are less than good, as I'm sure you have as well, but like I said it isn't good to judge before we're certain of things, because we simply don't know enough to just burn a woman alive when she may yet be telling the truth," Sera said to Jorl, making it more than clear that she wasn't siding with either of them over the other at the moment and suspected that both of them were telling the truth to some degree. Then Sera went over to speak with the nuns, calling them all over to her, asking if they minded speaking with her privately about some things.
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera approached one of the group of nuns praying. One was fairly tall and boney while the other was a little short and plump. Only their faces where visible due to the habits they wore. Getting their attention she was bombarded with praises and thank yous which only drew more of the nuns to her. It seemed their were about 12 nuns all together as the small number before swelled as news of her arrival reached them.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Thank you all for such a warm welcome, it truly warms my heart to be received like this by you all. Now I must ask, will you all please come speak with me privately elsewhere? I'm trying to learn the truth about the strange things happening with the crops and livestock, because I'm currently finding it hard to believe that Angelic did it myself, because I sensed no lies when I asked her if she truly did it," Sera said to the nuns, smling softly at them all when they clustered around her, offering pats on their shoulders, heads, and hugging those brave enough to do so.

With that, if the nuns didn't mind doing so, Sera would follow them to a more private room where they could talk alone just between them all. When they got to somewhere suitable, Sera would sit down on a chair if there were any, but she would sit on the floor if not, while the nuns gathered around her. Sera would tell the nuns that she would happily answer any questions they might have as long as she could do so.

"Now ladies, I need to know your take on what all has been happening around here. Angelic told me some things that Jorl denied, such as he had raped some of you and things like that, and she also said that he asked for her courtesan services and refused to pay her after they'd had sex. Now I have no reason to disbelieve her, as I sensed no lies, so I figured it best to talk to the ones that she accused him of raping. Now please, tell me, has he raped any of you? Don't be afraid to answer truthfully ladies, I promise that nothing bad will happen to any of you," Sera would say once she had the nuns alone, hoping that Ivy could keep an eye on Angelic for the moment for her to figure this all out and come to alert her if anything happened.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Some of our sisters have gone missing. They where all new came together in a group of four. As for rape the father would never do such things." One of the other nuns interrupted the tall boney one. She was middle age and had the look of a mother with wrinkles from smiling to often. "What about the dreams?" The plump nun just humphed. "Keri your dreams are figments of your imagination. None of the other sisters have had any." The other sisters mostly older woman with grey in their hair simple nodded with the plump ones comment. "Its not my imagination our missing sisters had the same one before they started disappearing."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"What is this about dreams? Dreams can be much more powerful than you might think girls. What was this dream about exactly? Explain in as much detail as you can please, that way it'll give me a better idea and help me figure out the best way to deal with the situation. And also, do any of you think that Angelic did what she's been accused of?" Sera asked the nuns around her about the dreams, looking very intrigued and telling them all that the dreams may indeed have something to do with it and that they might not be just coincidence and such, though she wouldn't look or sound angry with the nuns that didn't think the dreams were worth mentioning, or any of the ones that spoke ill of Angelic.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The motherly looking one blushed as she approached Sera. "Well miss it starts out Im in bed having just finished my prayers. For some odd reason Im sleeping naked under the blankets. I blow out the candle and try to sleep when I sense a presence at my door. Looking over I see a shape of a man though I cannot make out the details. Im petrified and try to scream but my voice won't answer my call. The man walks slowly forward and in a deep voice commands me to show... to show my body to him. Much to my horror I do and the man seems pleased with what he sees and gets in the bed with me. From their he orders me to spread my legs and I do so and then he... he.... enters me. All night it seems he defiles my body with his lusts and then I wake up dressed in my nightgown in my bed none the worse for ware." The nun had a mad blush on her face and Sera could hear the other nuns whispering to among themselves. "Now now sisters we all now Keri joined our order late in life and we are all sisters in the eyes the Star God. I think our poor sister is just remembering her time before her life with us." Keri the motherly nun interrupted the one that was speaking. "Then why did Mari, Jenny, Susan, and Victoria all have the same dream!" Keri held her mouth in shock and quickly apologized and headed off in a rush. The rest of the Nuns remained silent from shame or shock it was hard to tell which.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera listened to the matronly nun Keri speak of her dreams, which sounded more a nightmare than just a regular dream, but slightly arousing in an odd way, and it was easy to see on the nun's face that it embarrassed her to no end to speak of it. She sat there until the older nun finished talking of her dreams, and then listened to one of the other nun's were thinking it was more Keri's imagination remembering her time before becoming a nun. However when Keri interrupted the other nuns and spoke again, Sera watched a little dumbfounded as Keri got up and began rushing out.

"Wait Keri, don't leave yet please," Sera said, trying to catch the fleeing Keri before she got out and bring her back. "It's alright dear, there is no need to be ashamed or anything with outbursts such as that. In fact I'd be a little worried if you tried to hold it all in and stuff, so please come on back with the rest of us," Sera added kindly to the matronly nun as she tried to catch her, putting an arm around her if she managed to catch and stop her from leaving.

If she managed to coax Keri back into the room with them, Sera would lead her back over where everyone was sitting and help her to sit before sitting back down herself and continuing her talk with the nuns. "Now ladies, do any of you think Angelic did what she's been accused of? I personally do not think she did what they have been telling me she did, though even we angels can be wrong about things. But I didn't sense that she was lying though. Oh and also, do any of you know how long the other four girls had the dreams before disappearing? And how many times they had the dreams as well," Sera said to the nuns, minus Keri if she couldn't coax her back inside.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera easily caught up to the nun who was crying slightly. "None of them believe me." Still comforted by the her Keri returned to the group drying her tears before getting back to the mass of nuns. After a moment Sera began her questions anew. Most of the nuns stated that the father has never lied to them so if he says she has done these things then she must have. A few didn't seem to agree and Keri was still keeping to herself. At the last question Keri spoke up again. "The girls had dreams for about a week before they disappeared one by one. At first we posted guards and kept watches but they turned up nothing. The girls looked up to me and told me their dreams thats how I know they are the same. M..M...Mine stated this week...... Im next." The rest of the nuns looked over at Keri most with concern but some with disdane or disbelief.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When Sera had caught up to Keri she noticed the tears in her eyes and wiped a couple of them away for her, "I believe you Keri, so don't you worry about a thing, I'll do my best in order to figure all this out, okay," Sera told Keri with a kind smile before they got back to the other nuns in the group, patting her back a little as she spoke to let her know that she believed her.


"I have heard of premonitions and dreams and such like these before being the prelude to disappearances in the past, so don't believe for a moment that it isn't possible. Remember though, just because somebody says that someone did something doesn't mean they did it. Because how does he know what's happened hmm? I'm not saying your priest Jorl outright did what has happened, but I believe he knows more than he's letting on, and I also believe he overreacted with accusing Angelic without any evidence of her guilt, because it isn't right to do such things," Sera said to the other nuns, almost scolding them a bit for the way they seemed to believe whatever the priest said and with the way that some seemed to disregard what Keri had said as silly or stupid. "You all are nuns and supposed to be kind and caring to others, regardless of what they have done. I understand that you all are upset and all about the disappearances of the others and about what all has happened with the crops and livestock. But you should never blindly believe any and everything someone says just because they say it to be true, but you shouldn't disbelieve everything someone says either," Sera added to all of them, looking very serious as she finished up.

She waited and listened to any replies the nuns gave her, preparing to answer any questions that they had for her, and listening to all they had to say passively, not getting angry or anything with any that didn't didn't agree with her. Sera would stare out of the window that was in the room while she listened, looking out and up at the sun as it shined down through it, bathing her in its radiant light.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Most of the nuns looked away in shame while several of the very very old ones nodded in agreement with Sera. "We need to weigh everything said to us with wisdom not accept it as it is told to us." It was an impossibly old nun her form bent over from the weight of age her hands deformed from sever arthritis. She was dressed a bit differently to her habit had a little more flair then the other nuns. She walked with a shuffling step and a well worn cane. Another nun fairly young held her other hand. Glancing at the pair Sera noticed the young nun was blind her eyes nearly white with only a hint of blue that hadn't clouded over. The rest of the nuns muttered and made way for the elderly woman. The boney nun from earlier made her way to the woman. "Mother Superior please your health you must not exert yourself so." The Mother Superior waved a free hand at the nun before speaking. "Oh pish posh Bev what else am I supposed to do when our little church is visited by an Angel even in these dark times it gladdens my heart greatly to see her. June their is an angel here make your request dear this may be your only chance." The blind woman let go of the older nuns arm. "Of course Mother Superior" June the blind nun had a pleasant voice and bright smile. "I can sense her aura. Angel may I touch your wings? Ever sense I was a little girl I dreamed of seeing an angel but sense Ive lost my sight I would settle for a touch of your feathers." June reached out a hand tentatively. It was shaking with excitement as the blind nun approached her drawn to Sera's positive aura.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera happily noticed that her words seemed to have the desired effect with the nuns, as most of the younger looking ones seemed to look away in shame, while the older ones nodded their agreement with Sera. When she heard the elderly nun speak, Sera turned to look over at her as she entered the room, noticing that the habit she wore was a bit different from the rest, which Sera could easily tell marked her as the head nun here. Sera thought that the younger nun walking along with the elderly nun with the cane and holding her hand was just walking with her to support her, but when Sera saw her eyes she saw that the poor girl was blind, or near enough as makes no matter anyway and she felt more than just a little pity for her.

Sera listened to one of the nuns from before speak to the elderly head nun, who just waved her off, and Sera was actually rather impressed to be honest, seeing her do such a thing at her age and in her condition and all. When Sera heard what June wanted, she smiled kindly at the young girl, despite her not being able to see her at all. "Oh of course can touch them sweetie, just be careful not to pull on any of them, but I think I can do you one better than that even. How about a hug from an angel as well, hmm," Sera said kindly to the young blind girl, still smiling softly as she took June's shaking hand in her own and gently pulled her closer to her, placing her shaking hand on her left wing to caress her feathers there, while she pulled her other hand and arm around her right side and wrapped her own arms and right wing around the young blind girl in a kind hug, giving her a chaste little kiss on either of her cheeks as she held her for a moment, with June's head resting just under her chin as she gently stroked the blind girl's hair with her hand that wasn't currently holding June.

Sera would let the young blind nun hold her and touch her feathers for as long as she wished to, but while holding her, Sera would begin thinking about horrible it must be for the poor girl to be blind and not get to see what she'd always wanted to see, and so she thought that maybe there was some way that she could maybe heal her eyes to give her the gift of vision once more. When she finally did let her go, Sera would tell June where all of the other nuns could hear to please sit down, that she would like to try something. Once June was sitting, Sera would step back a little bit and tell the others not to be frightened about what she was going to do, and then she would expend as much of her power as she needed to in order to call upon someone that could help her to heal June's eyesight. She meant to summon one of the more powerful fey mages, which she knew what it would cost her for summoning, but to her it was a small price to pay for this girl to regain her eyesight. She just hoped that the fey mage could hold off until they could get a more private place before wanting to have her pay the needed price for the help she'd be asking for.

"I need you to perform a ritual for me. Can you do so?" Sera would say to her summoned fey mage once she'd summoned him/her. Then she would whisper to the fey mage what she wanted from them and that she was willing to pay the price for it a little later that day when they could get some privacy if that was alright, as she still had many things to do that day before she could lay down, but she would appreciate any other help that her new companion could offer, and that she would explain what she was doing that would be taking so much time once the ritual was done she wanted.

I talked with Tass about it and he said that Sera couldn't do what I wanted with Lay on Hands, so I have another plan instead, Sera will just summon an Elder Lord which I spoke with Tass and he said could perform the Miraculous Regeneration ritual on her, though if I may ask I'd like for it to be a futanari elder lordess instead of a male :p . The full cost I believe for one of them is 9 EP, but you might want to double check it in case I did the figuring wrong.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera summoned forth a very pretty Fey mage. She had a crown of golden leaves adorning her head. She was light of skin but hardly pale. Her hair the color of the deep sea sparkled slightly in the light. Golden eyes sparkled with magic and a warm calming feeling accompanied her. "Summoner what is it that you wish of me?" Many of the nuns gasped in surprise but the elder nun held her ground. Taking advantage of the surprise the nuns had Sera was able to whisper her intent and her request for a later meeting to which the Elder Magus nodded in agreement to. "It will take some time summoner but please meet me before sunset so we may arrange payment." With that the Eldar Magus approached June. "Do not be afraid young one. I shall heal your eyes so you may see." The Elder Magus brought one hand up to June's face and touched her slightly on the forehead. Magical energy erupted from around the two as June went rigid from the sudden influx of power. Some of the nuns looked worried it would be up to Sera to calm them as her summon was to busy at the moment.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The fey mage that Sera had summoned was very pretty with a female body, which could only mean that she had summoned one like herself, a futanari. She heard the nuns gasp out around her as she took in the features of the fey mage she'd summoned save for the elderly nun herself, who stood her ground without any fear at all. When the fey mage mentioned meeting her before sunset to discuss her payment, Sera nodded her head in agreement to her.

"Very well then lady mage, I'm Sera by the way. Please do your best to heal her, and I shall pay the price that you ask as soon as posible," Sera said to the fey mage, giving her a smile. "Now June, this nice lady is going to heal your eyesight for you, just remain calm while she works and do what she says alright," Sera added to June, patting the girl's head gently and kissing her on the cheek before turning to leave.

"It is alright everyone, June will be just fine. While they do this please, come and let us finish talking about the matters at hand, and when they are done June you can see an angel like you've always dreamed of doing," Sera said, turning to everyone else in the room and gesturing for them to follow and give the other two some privacy so that the fey mage could do her work.

"Now, we must find out the cause behind the disappearances of the other nuns from here. Have their been any clues as to what might have taken them, and or where? And have any of you seen anything strange around the town, specifically around the temple and around Angelic?" Sera said to the rest of the nuns once they had exited the room, believing that now that she had the head nun on her side the rest would fall in line and listen to a more sensible way of thinking. She hoped to solve this mystery quicker rather than later, since now she had an appointment of sorts with the fey mage woman she'd summoned, which she could not refuse at all.