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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera went about making their fire and small camp. It took a little work but eventually she had a small fire going the cherry fire warming both heart and soul. Ivy on the other hand had quickly fallen asleep between Sera's breasts her hands grabbing at Sera's tit flesh gently. Eating her rations by herself for now at lest Sera took the chance to look around her surroundings. Brightly colored flowers surrounded her current camp their pollen giving the air a pleasant aroma. One particularly vibrant flower was attached to vines crawling up a damaged stone wall. Wait a stone wall? This was something she had to check out. Heading over that way Sera soon found the outline of a stone structure its walls long overgrown with vines and other plants. It seemed the roof had collapsed some time ago. Looking it over Sera figured the structure was military or similar function maybe a guardhouse or patrol base. The door which had long rotted away led directly in to the structure and Sera could check it out if she so desired.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When she finally got their campfire going for the night, Sera finally noticed that Ivy had fallen asleep and smiled down at her, taking her index finger and gently caressing her little friend's head a little bit before letting her continue on sleeping where she was, afraid to move her, lest she wake her from the slumber that she obviously needed. So Sera took one of her food rations and ate alone, watching the campfire burn and stoking it a little bit every once in a while to keep it burning good and to keep Ivy as warm as she could get her, which the poor thing obviously needed it considering she had no clothing that would fit her and all. Sera had been meaning to do something about that actually and had been working on something for her that was in her pack, but it wasn't quite done just yet. She'd taken the bottom 3 inches off of the skirt of her robe a few days before leaving home to try and make her little companion something to wear so that she wasn't constantly nude, and so that she didn't get so cold and such. Sera thought about getting the clothing she was making for her companion out and work some more on it, but before she did so, something caught her eye as she stared around at their surroundings.

She noticed the beautiful flowers all around their camp and stared at them and took in the sweet scent of them. Then she noticed the single flower attached to some vines going up an old stone wall, and when she noticed it, she stopped cold. What was there a stone wall here for? She moved closer as she wondered why it was there, soon finding that there was what appeared to be a very old stonework building that had long since fallen apart pretty much, but she did find where the front door had been once a long time ago to the apparently military building, at least that's what she thought it had once been anyway. She decided to take a peek inside, but first she figured that she ought to wake Ivy and let her know what was going on.

"Hey... Ivy sweetie, wake up. I know you're tired and all, but you have got to see this. Look," Sera said, shaking her companion awake, pulling the little mini succubus' mouth off of her nipple where it was softly suckling as if trying to get milk from her, which Ivy seemed to want to do when they slept together for some reason, Sera didn't know why, but she didn't mind it, and in fact it felt kind of good even.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy awoke and pulled her mouth off Sera's nipple with a pop. "Huh just and old building." Ivy stretched and tried to get comfortable again clearly she was unimpressed with the structure. Still Sera had made up her mind to check it out and she did. Passing threw the old front door Sera got a clearer sense of the building. Iron torch brackets still sat in the walls even though they had rusted to near uselessness and the floor was uneven and full of undergrowth. It had been a squat structure very utilitarian and not typical of elven design at all. Heading a little deeper in Sera disrupted a flock of nesting birds who scattered at her approach. Taking a step back in surprise however let Sera find a stairway down. It was covered in moss and looked slick if she wanted to explore that way she would have to be careful.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh Ivy, I know it's just an old building, but it's a stone building, out here in the middle of this nowhere pretty much. Doesn't that interest you any? I mean who knows what could be inside," Sera said to her little companion, pulling her out of her robes and placing her on her shoulder as she went into the old abandoned building.

After moving inside, she could easily tell it wasn't a normal elven type of building from the looks of it, but that didn't rule out it being elven however, Sera knew that meant nothing. As they traveled deeper into the house, Sera jumped in fright a bit as her footsteps scared some birds from their nest which flew out. After catching her breath from the slight scare and recomposing herself some, Sera noticed that she'd managed to stumble upon a stairwell leading down, likely into a basement. After taking in the looks of the path down, she saw it might be a treacherous descent, but it may provide them with either some clues as to their destination, or at the very least provide them with shelter for the night from the wind and rain if the weather went bad again.

"You want to check down there Ivy? We might find something worthwhile as to the ancient night elf city down there. Or at least maybe some better shelter than what I managed to find for us outside. Besides, I'm curious," Sera asked her companion, looking curiously down the stairway for the safest path down.

Assuming Ivy agreed to look down there, Sera would then carefully pick her way down the steps, holding onto the walls with both hands to help maintain balance, wondering what they would find. She would have Ivy flutter along beside or behind her if the miniature succubus wished to follow her down, though if she didn't want to follow her down she would tell her their camp was right outside, that she should be able to spot it easily enough.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Your the boss but if you get your plush rump bruised don't say I didn't warn you!" Joking aside the stairs down where indeed hazardous and it took Sera twice as long as normal to get to the bottom of the stairs. Here however things got complicated. The room was pitch black with the only light shining from the stairs. "Ohh spooky Ill go get us a branch from the fire stay put kay! With that Ivy was off leaving Sera in a dark room byherself with gods knows whats with her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she went down the stairwell, Sera made certain to be careful, though she still managed to slip a couple of times, thankfully catching herself before falling flat on her ass. "I know Ivy I know. Don't you worry about me too much okay," Sera said as she eased herself down the stairway.

When they reached the bottom though, Sera was overcome with total darkness, the only light coming from the stairway behind her, and that was little enough as it was. When Ivy told her to stay put and she'd be back in a minute, Sera nodded her head, glancing back at her companion. "Hey Ivy, grab one of our torches from the supply pack I hid beside the overturned log by the campfire, it'll last a lot longer than just a branch," Sera called to Ivy, then she looked back into the darkness a moment before sitting down on the next to last step, waiting for Ivy to return with something to light their way and keeping an eye into the darkness before her in case she needed to call forth her powers quickly, deciding on her holy flames to both light her way and destroy her foes.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Perception vs Stealth
Sera 28 vs 35 fail
Slime attempts to grapple Sera auto success submission hold
Sera takes 20 resistance damage leaving her at 15/35

Sera waited in the dark for Ivy to return keeping a vigilant watch of her surroundings. Well as best she could given the near complete darkness she was in. Time seemed to drag while Ivy was away and with Sera being along in the dark it just made her nerves twitch all the more. "Humph this is heavy!" The distant voice of her friend made Sera giggle and lightened her mood greatly. Turning her gaze only briefly up the stairs to check her friends progress Sera missed the slime creep up on her and as Ivy reached the top of the stairs she gasped as slime creature sprung into action wrapping itself around Sera drawing out a moan as the vile creatures aphrodisiacs began to do their work.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she sat there waiting for Ivy to return, the time dragged on, and her unease about the pitch black darkness grew with every passing second. She didn't like the darkness stretching out before her like this, but she didn't really have much of a choice at the moment, so she tried to relax her nerves a little as she waited. When she heard Ivy struggling with the torch above, Sera couldn't help but giggle a bit, which served to ease her nervousness a bit as she sat there and waited.

She glanced up the steps to see the light from the torch shining down a little bit as ivy began her descent back down, but when she did this, Sera completely missed the slimy creature that managed to sneak up on her and wrapped about her. Sera tried to stifle the moan that came from her mouth, but it was quite hard to as the slime's aphrodisiacs that began working on her, causing her body to react accordingly as her large member began hardening up in her robes, pitching a magnificent tent in the crotch of her robes as her balls churned and readied began producing cum to spurt out for the slime.

"I-Ivy... help... p-please. I-It's one of those slimes with the aphrodisiac that mom and dad told us about before we left. B-Blast it, hurry... before I get so damn horny I can't hold myself back," Sera called to Ivy, struggling a little bit before calming herself down and trying to use her powers to free herself unless Ivy could manage it, deciding on trying to bring up her frost armor to freeze the damn slime off of her if Ivy couldn't manage to herself. Though if she did she would bring her ice lance up instead to fight with, which was her weapon of choice for fighting up close.

Using Frost Armor and spending 9 EP, and Sera has Efficient Wielder aptitude which brings the upkeep down to 3 from 6. But only if Ivy doesn't manage to free Sera first, in which case she'll use Ice Lance with 6 EP instead, and she's got the Soul-Soldier spirit aptitude for it, but only using it once to attack the slime up close.
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy casts eldrich blast!
CC auto success!
Hit 33 vs 25 success! also hits Sera
Damage 33 = (4+1+6)*3
Slime dies
Sera is bruised

Sera felt the slimes gooy confines tease her skin its aphrodisiac quickly getting to work on the sensitive angel. She felt her loins stir her breath became heavy as the urge to resist started to ebb away. "HANG ON SERA!" Ivy voice came echoing down the stairway as the nude mini succubus dropped the lit torch. Sera wished she could see what Ivy was doing but the slime was just starting to tingle in all the right ways. Biting her lip trying to hold back the sensations Sera was suddenly wracked by a powerful magical energy wave that shook her body pushing her along the floor painfully but thankfully the slime that had been assaulting her fared worse as it was shaken apart by the blast. "Im so sorry Sera are you alright?" Ivy was buzzing around her head a worried look on her face.


Sera: HP = 36/69, PP = 67, EP = 122, Status = Fine 15/35 resistance remaining
Ivy: Hp = 23/23, PP = 32/32, Ep 19/23

A stat block for Ivy would be appreciated

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As Sera struggled with the slime on top of her, trying to get out from under it, she could feel herself growing steadily harder and harder from its aphrodisiac slime. It was becoming increasingly hard for her to resist the feeling of it, but just as she was about to burn her energy to form her armor to fight it with, Ivy came to her rescue and blasted the thing after dropping their torch to the ground. Her little companion blasted her magic at the slime, however in the process she ended up hitting Sera in the process, which knocked her across the floor painfully, but took the slime out in the process at least.

"Y-Yeah Ivy... ouch... I'll be alright. No wounds to my wings, just scratched my butt up a little bit and my back I think," Sera said, dusting herself off a bit and checking herself for wounds and finding a few cuts and bruises on her body. "Don't worry about these Ivy, you really saved me back there," Sera told her little companion, reaching out and grabbing Ivy and pulling her over and kissing her on the cheek before letting her go to grab their torch.

While Ivy got the torch down to them to use, Sera set about fixing herself up a bit with her powers, figuring that she would need to do so in case they ran into anything else down there and if it went further down, she knew that she'd need to be ready for anything. Only then would she take the torch from Ivy for them to further explore the area beneath the house.

Using Natural Order and targeting herself if it's possible to do so, which I'm assuming it is because it doesn't say you can't. Anyway though if she can, she's going to pump in 9 EP to do so and heal herself completely back to full health.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After spending her energy and righting herself Sera found much to her dismay her penis was still semi errect. Pushing that aside she took the torch from Ivy much to the mini succubus's joy. Looking about the now lit confines of the room Sara could see a tangled mess of armor in the corner. It was heavy looking and was not nearly as rusted as the other iron objects in the room. In the far left corner of the room and old chest sat raised off the floor on stone pedestals keeping it safe from the damp floor. The other corners where empty save for rotted barrels of junk. There was one other door that led to a tiny room with long rusted chains on the floor.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Once Sera had healed herself up and everything, Sera let out a sigh of relief as she noticed that her wounds were now alright and closed up, then she noticed her member was still a little erect and gasped. "Oh no, don't get hard, please don't get hard. I can't have you getting all hard on me right now," Sera said, as if trying to will her semi erection away.

She ended up deciding to try and just ignore it for now, hoping it would go away soon as she grabbed the torch Ivy had brought her. Now that they could see into the room a bit, Sera saw a suit of armor over in the corner of the room, looking much like plate armor of some sort. Then she noticed the pedestal raised up from the floor to keep the chest on it from getting wet and waterlogging what was inside. Other than that she saw nothing else of interest in that room, however she did notice another door leading to a room further on, which turned out to be a small room with some old rusty chains strewn across the floor.

"What do you make of this Ivy? You think these chains were holding whatever it was that chased those people from the camp away? Anyway let's check and see what's in that chest, and I'll grab that armor too because we might be able to sell it later on for some money when we get to a town or something, might be useful," Sera said, opening the chest cautiously to see what was inside of it. Once she had checked inside the chest, she would grab the armor as well and take all of the loot back upstairs and out to her camp, unless something happened to prevent it of course.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The chest it seemed was full of old papers and log books as well as a map of the area. Though given the date written on it the map was fairly useless and out of date though it did list a town on their route. She could read threw some of the logs books if she wanted to but they probably contained fairly dry stuff about patrols and officer reports. Other than that she was free to gather up the old armor and head back to her camp to finish the night if thats what she wanted.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... looks like just a bunch of old papers and stuff, and... oh here's a map, though it's quite old, it's still a map of the area, so it might be able to lead us on closer to the city. Well we might as well take all these with us, they aren't doing anyone any good sitting here in this chest right. Plus it'll give us a chance to look them over, and maybe later on we could give them to someone that can make more use of them, or sell them. I mean I'm not trying to be greedy and want lots of money or anything, but it'll be really useful to us," Sera said to Ivy as she rummaged through the chest and its contents.

With that, Sera would hand Ivy as much as she could carry of the papers, while she got the rest, then she would grab the armor from the corner to take back to their camp. After carefully making her way back up the steps, flapping her wings a bit to gain leverage and balance when need be, Sera would look at the armor a little more closely to see what kind it was exactly before strapping it to her pack, or putting it inside her large pack if possible, then she would sit down and start looking at the map more thoroughly to get a general idea of where they were supposed to go to find the town she noticed on the map when she first glanced at it. Once she got her bearings with the map, Sera would put it away for now and start looking through the logbooks and other papers she'd found in the chest to see what was written on them, as she had nothing else to do that night before getting some sleep.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The armor she found looked to be complete set of platemail even if a little rusty. No doubt it would fetch her some coin when and if she sold it. The next item she dug through was the map. It was outdated but it did seem to indicate they where on a road of some sort even if it was a wee bit overgrown. Setting that aside for now Sera dug through the remaining papers. Most of them where indeed old reports on patrols and supplies all fairly old with nothing to outstanding worth reading. It would probably be best to be ride of them or keep them around to help her start fires. Ivy buzzed around camp full of energy and clearly bored her nap from before having rejuvenated the mini succubus.

"Sera Im bored." The little succubus looked at Sera and grinned widly. "Entertain me!" the little succubus flew and landed on Sera's pelvis resting her back against the still semi erect member. "Do you want to play?" The little succubus grabbed at Sera's cock threw the fabric of her robe and had a seductive grin on her face.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

After she managed to get up and out of the basement of the building, Sera got back to their camp and began looking through the papers after setting the armor aside by her pack for now. Looking at the map a bit more, she saw an old overgrown road which they seemed to be on at the moment and she decided that they could continue following it on the morrow after they woke up and set off. The other papers she noticed were rather useless to be honest, but then again they may fetch a price to a historian of some sort so she decided to hold on to them for now just in case.

"(Gasp)... I-Ivy... oh no Ivy, d-don't do that. Oh... you know I'm always up for playing. B-But should we d-do this here, a-and now?" Sera said with a slight whine of need in her voice, and she knew that Ivy would probably act and try to seduce her knowing that she was indeed more than a bit aroused still. Sera's body would tremble a little as Ivy grasped her member through her robes, and though her body would go a little limp, her member would stiffen up a bit more to where it was nearly completely erect.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy just grinned at the angel and rubbed her hands up and down the impressive shaft stiring it ever more to life. Soon however Ivy had increased her own size as well letting her hand stroke Sera's cock threw the robe. "I know you want to play Sera." One of Ivy's hands snaked under the robe and took a firm hold of the raging cock and began to stroke it up and down.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera lay there under Ivy as her hands continued rubbing her member, which brought Sera to full mast in her robes, which were now pitching a very impressive tent. When Ivy shifted herself to increase her size however, Sera gasped as she had forgotten that Ivy could do that.

"I-Ivy, d-do you think we can r-risk this? I mean... I d-don't mind, but I... oh gods that feels so good... oh to hell with it, I've gotta cum so bad Ivy... m-make me cum," Sera gasped and cooed to Ivy as the miniature succubus had grown to her size and began stroking her member.

Unable to hold her growing lust back any longer, Sera pulled Ivy down and into a deep kiss, not caring any longer as her sack churned and prepared her seed to fill Ivy with. Once Ivy had broken their kiss, as Sera wasn't going to, then Sera would merely lay there under her companion and allow her to do whatever she wished with her. Sera would however begin taking her own clothes off unless Ivy did so for her, as she didn't want to get them dirty.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Ivy swirled her tongue in Sera's mouth before breaking the kiss. Her eyes full of desire she continued to stroke the impressive shaft letting Sera undress herself. As soon as the cock was free she moved quickly and enveloped the tool with her lips teasing the angel's head with her mouth while letting her hands continue to egg the woman on. This didn't last for long however as Ivy quickly got to deep throating the member her own lust getting out of hand.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera moaned into Ivy's mouth as they kissed, then lay there and allowed Ivy to continue stroking her while she pulled her clothes off. When Sera barely had her member freed from its prison of her robes, she saw Ivy was already pouncing on it and took it in her mouth where she began softly suckling and licking. Sera moaned aloud for anything around them to hear her now lust filled voice, then when Ivy began deepthroating her she let out a soft cry of passion, all thoughts of getting rest just now gone, as well as any worries about someone or something watching them. Though Sera wasn't completely oblivious to her surroundings, well... she wasn't as oblivious as just laying there moaning up a storm, as she was glancing around while letting Ivy do whatever she wished.

"Oh Ivy... t-that's... s-so good. More... h-hurry up and fuck me, please," Sera panted as Ivy went on, begging her companion to fuck her and release the pent up stress caused by that stupid slime earlier.