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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Lady Bari sipped her drink one last time before leaning sitting up straight from her relaxed position. "Its quite simple really. You've probably already figured it out." She gave Sera a serious look. "You have the Matriarch's ear. For good or ill though from what I can tell of you, I doubt it will be for ill. Still having a friend that close to our wonderful leader is always a benefit. Not to mention I wanted to apologize for my sisters rather rude behavior the other day. She has been acting rather odd after our sisters incident." She smiled "Either way I find you an interesting person and even if my house cannot ally with you at least I want to be on good terms."

No worries Ive been rather busy myself and I'm sorry I let this sit so long before my post

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"Oh? Well I can't say that I've got Jolynn's ear specifically. She does do what she wants to do, after all. But you aren't wrong I suppose. It's always good to have a friend near a leader," Sera replied, sipping her drink some more before looking back to Bari. "Also... I must admit, I'm surprised that you didn't want... a night with me, in exchange for this help you're giving me," she added with a faint blush on her cheeks as she smiled innocently at Bari.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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"My Lady." She moved to kneel beside Sera. " Maybe someday when I tire of my duties I would submit myself to your beauty. There are far worse fates to be had in this world." She took Sera's hand and kissed it. Before standing back up. "But until then I will have to decline." She smiled though Sera could see her offer had been rather tempting if the slight blush on her quests cheeks were to be trusted. "But alas I suppose I should tend to what I promised."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"O-Oh my. I didn't mean you would have to submit yourself to me or anything like that e-exactly. I merely meant just a single night stand of passion with one another. Do... none of you ever do that with each other? J-Just a single night of sex and pleasure?" Sera replied with a smile before she stood up and offered a hand to Bari to help her up, where she'd lead her out to her guards.

(Again I thought I clicked the post button the other day and apparently I didn't. :( )


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Lady Bari smiled. "Its true you are still unfamiliar with our customs. You are a Matriarch, a woman gifted with the blessing of fertility. Not to mention you are beautiful and mighty." She moved over and offered her hand to help Seara up. "I have no doubt that such .... encounters have happened before between a Matriarch and her subjects but I would not risk such a scandal and Lady Jolynn can be frightfully Jealous at times." As they walked Sera chewed over the info Lady Bari shared with her. It seemed that at least she thought Jolynn was or could be rather jealous of others. Still, she would have to think on that later as the two of them made it to the courtyard where her guards stood at attention. "A fine-looking group. Though they could use more development in their physics. Where should I start?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Hmhm, why thank you lady Bari. And... yes, the matriarch could be a bit... jealous, but I don't think she would be That jealous. I mean, she knows how... horny we hermaphrodites, or matriarchs as you call us, get. So I'm certain that she wouldn't be upset over a single night of passion. But anyway, let us do what you came to do today," Sera giggled softly, taking the offered hand and smiling as she was helped up.

Shortly after, she followed Bari out and smiled at her guards. "Ladies, you know who lady Bari here is, I assume. She is going to drill and instruct you on the tactics and whatnot that she and her soldiers use. She will not be going quite as hard as she would with her own, but she offered to impart some knowledge on all of you so that you may better protect me, just in case. I expect all of you to listen to her and show her the same respect you might show me," Sera told her guards, though she didn't speak in an unfriendly manner to them, and even smiled to show them that she trusted both them to do as instructed, and that she also trusted Bari to treat them with respect too. "And I don't know, lady Bari. Where do you think would be the best place to start? Also, please treat them kindly. I don't want them to resent me for having you come and train with them," she added to Bari.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Lady Bari smiled "I will be as gentle as I can. But Matraich remember they are your soldiers and future protectors of our Lady's wife. You cannot be too soft on them." Turning to the assembled guards. "I have a feeling this is gonna take some time to get you all into a fighting force. Not that I do not mind spending such a good time with Lady Sera. That said I can be a real bitch, and the best way for me to go is for you show improvement. No all of you done full gear and get to exercising. I want to see how much endurance you have. For about an hour Lady Bari ran her guards in full gear and weapons, berating them for being slow or incompetent. Every time one fell out of line or slowed she added extra running or pushups. It was brutal especially in the heat, however, Sera could tell the woman was holding back. Be if from a jaw clench or a quick grab for a whip that wasn't present on her hip. She even allowed them breaks for water, though she explained it as she was gonna wring it all out in sweat anyway. Still, as the sun still was high she called it. "Lady Sera... you are lucky to have very fit troops. They can proceed with the training in combat and tactics I had envisioned for them. After all elite guards need more training than soldiers, and I wanted to make sure they could handle it. If you so desire I can return in a few days to start the training, and I promise it won't be near as tasking on the poor girls." As Sera's guards made there way inside she caught the glimpse of each on looking like they could throw daggers at Lady Bari, some even mouthed less than complimentary words, but other than rather exhausted and maybe a bit sunburnt they would be fine.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"I understand that, lady Bari. I shall watch for the time being. Mostly as I have nothing better to do really. If that's okay," Sera replied, looking to the girls and letting Bari make her speech. "Alright girls, do your best. I expect great things from you all," she added to her guards and sat back down to watch them be drilled.

The sight of Bari being rather thorough was... impressive. She'd make a drill instructor in the empire's armies sweat, that's for damn certain. She made sure that even Bari had something to drink, and brought the woman a glass of water herself while her guards got theirs delivered by a couple of the maids. "Don't push yourself too hard either, lady Bari. It wouldn't do for you to faint from the heat, after all," Sera told Bari with a smirk as she handed the woman the water she brought over. "And thank you lady Bari. I am rather proud of them. Please, do come back and continue if it won't be quite as taxing on them. I may even join in just to see how I fare in the training, hmhm," she added with a grin before going over and giving each of her guard girls a hug to congratulate them on a job well done.

"You girls did a very fine job holding out. Now get some rest girls. You've more than earned it," Sera told them, praising them and rewarding them each with a kiss on the cheek, something each one of them would likely cherish, if she had to guess.

"Now lady Bari. Would you like to join us for dinner? We do not have much. But what we do have, I would be more than honored to share if you would like to join us," Sera asked the woman, inviting her in for dinner, offering her arm to Bari to escort her inside, where if Bari decided to join her, Sera would walk her upstairs to her bedroom, where she'd undress herself without a second thought, shamelessly revealing her nude angelic form to the woman, penis and all, before she'd help Bari get undressed, so they could get in the bath together to relax with a drink.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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As she kissed her girls they all beamed as they went in. Lady Bari however watched cooly till Sera directed her attention her way. She smiled warmly "It's an appealing offer my Lady, however, my sister needs me for a project at home. Perhaps another time." She paused a moment before smiling again. "How about my treat at one of the fancier placed in the city? I'll make sure to clear my entire evening for you, my lady."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera smiled and beamed back at the girls as she kissed each one of them, though she did notice the cool look she got from Bari as a result. Maybe the woman was jealous, Sera thought to herself. "Mmm... very well then, that would be wonderful. If you're willing to treat me to that, that is. It would give us a chance of getting to know one another a bit better at a neutral ground of sorts, and we could talk over dinner and stuff too. I think it's a splendid idea to be honest," Sera replied to Bari, smiling as she offered an arm to escort Bari out for the moment, before turning back to her guards and once Bari was out of earshot, she'd sigh softly.

"Thank you girls for putting up with that through the day. I was genuinely impressed with both your stamina, And your dedication to helping me. I hope in the future, that I can continue to rely on you all," Sera told the guards with a smile as she fluttered her wings to look all cute and bashful for them all.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Sera could almost see their hearts melt as her cute wing flutter caused them all to blush brightly. Suddenly renewed in vigor they set about their tasks. Once more her guards and servants carried on prepping dinner and cleaning. Pleased Sera smiled and felt small arms wrap around her in a hug from behind. June smiled at her and gave her a kiss. She seemed to glow with life and smile contently at Sera. "Lets take a walk in the garden."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Sera was glad that she could brighten the day of her guards, and to probably melt their hearts even further with her kindness, something they had likely never had much of before, Sera would give them all hugs and whisper in each of their ears. "If you have anything you would like to ask of me, that is within my power, then don't hesitate to tell me what it is," she'd whisper to each of them in turn, an additional thanks for their dedication to her.

Afterwards, she'd wrap an arm around June and return her smile before walking with her in the gardens. "Hah... the gardens are flourishing now thanks to the nymphs help. June... are you... still glad about joining me on my journey? After I healed your eyesight... or rather had it healed, I guess is the better way of putting it," she said softly, her wings fluttering again ever so slightly.