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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger



Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Before Sera approached the captain she stood and called out in a slightly angry voice. "Someone tell me were that gods forsaken cat girl Kattra went! I had to pull alot of strings to get her assigned here." Putting a hand to her head the captain turned and noticed Sera who gave her greeting. "Oh Matriarch how can I serve." The captain bowed slightly. She was older but still attractive in a matronly way. Ending her bow Captain April heard Sera out and nodded. "I can of course spare a few girls to assist. We have yet to do any physical strenght training so it would be good for them. Ill have them get ready and sent your way."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Seeing that April seemed to be having some trouble with a missing cat girl, she tensed a bit before relaxing, because if it was her fault she couldn't very well help it now unless she released said catgirl from her service. After asking the captain what she needed of her and her girls, Sera smiled at the answer she got from her and nodded her head in thanks.

"Ah thank you captain, and... I uh... there are a few catgirls in my harem now, and I haven't asked all of their names just yet as I haven't had the time to do so. If by chance I have the catgirl... Kattra I believe you called her, I shall release her from my service so she can come back here if you like. It was mostly an accident to tell you the truth, but there's not much I can truly do about it now I guess except try to make things right with everyone," Sera told captain April with a bit of a sigh. "And I won't work them too very hard, we just need some extra heavy lifters to have around in case there is a lot of heavy stuff to lift, because I fear that even with Feris here there with us there wouldn't be enough strength to go around and I don't want to overwork her for sure. I don't plan on keeping any of them there unless you could spare a couple of them or maybe three to make a whole squad for me to have there just in case, which of course you would be greatly praised by me as one of the best captains in the entire city guard and you'd also be compensated with some more new recruits to replace those others, and I wouldn't ask for any more of your best obviously, for I wouldn't want to take away from your own experienced military strength," Sera went on to say as she returned the bow captain April gave her in thanks.

Once that was taken care of, Sera would wait for the ones captain April would be sending with her unless she was going to send them on over shortly, in which case she'd give her the directions to the place and then she'd head on back with Feris for the time being to help get the place back in order and cleaned up, using any of her spirit powers that would help to do so.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

April frowned. "Matriarch I would have to buy her back if she is in your service. If she is Ill send Alicia along to complete her training. I will not have my units honor tarnished by one raw recruit." With that Captain April told Sera she would send the girls on their way after they orgaized and what not.

The walk back was fairly quite. Sera still got some stares but it seems she had become a regular fixture in the city. Even young girls waved at her in the street some just being innocent while others eyed her out of desire or jealously. "Such is the life a noble Mistress. Don't worry I will make sure you are unaccosted. As one of your personal guards I would lay my life down for you in a heartbeat." Sera honestly hopped it wouldn't come to that. Upon reaching her mannor Sera could see the girls all abuzz. Urma looked at Feris and Sera and harumphed clearly upset about something. Still she kept her eyes open and scanned the path to the manor clearly on guard. Crissa meanwhile was directing several of the cat girls with some light duty cleaning the tools that where left in a shed while June, Susan, and Ivy with Jolee and Penny cleaned inside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Ah, very well then captain. There was a catgirl last night that climbed in through the window who was wearing armor, so it might be her, and I wouldn't make you buy her back captain if it is her and you'd like her back. You need just say the word and it would be done," Sera replied to captain April.

After leaving and heading on back with Feris, she noticed all of the stares she was getting in the streets as they went. "Thank you Feris, but I don't think you'll need to be fighting today, at least I hope not anyway. But if anyone gets close Feris don't just push them away okay, I don't mind if anyone wishes to talk while we go along," Sera told Feris as they walked.

When they arrived she noticed Urma give the harumph about something but she didn't know what, so she decided that she'd ask her soon after that, once she saw how everything was going. "Alright ladies, captain April is sending over a few more of her girls to help with the heavy lifting for us," Sera said to everyone before looking back to Urma. "Hey, what's the matter Urma?" she asked Jolynn's daughter once she'd told everyone about the help coming.

Once she had found out what was wrong with Urma, Sera would look back to the catgirls about and call out. "Hey girls, is there a Kattra here? Were one of you that came in that room last night with me Kattra? If so then I'd like to apologize, and... captain April said that if you were here that she would be sending over a girl named Alicia to help finish your training," Sera asked the catgirls, looking around for the one called Kattra if she was about.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Speaking with Urma Sera soon found out what had upset her. "I thought you where better than the whores that ruled here. But here you are prancing around with your own harem." Urma looked at Sera a moment before getting up from her leaning position. "Im going for a walk alone." With that and no letting Sera get a word in otherwise the girl began to walk off. Sera could of course stop her. There where no innocents that might get hurt if she used her powers. Still no matter what she did Sera also found that Kattra was indeed in her ranks and from the looks of it carrying twins. "Mistress... I don't know if I can keep training in this state..." The girl sounded sad but it was a happy sad. She would have her own little ones to look after but it would mean putting her dream on hold.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I cannot go against the laws of the lands I am within unless I absolutely have to Urma. And last night some things happened that I could not prevent without hurting these girls, which is something I refused to do. Now don't be gone too long Urma, I wish to talk to you shortly once we've made this place livable," Sera called after Urma before she got out of earshot.

Turning back to Kattra when she stepped forward, Sera smiled warmly at her before looking down at her large belly. "Oh you poor thing Kattra, I won't make you forget your dreams in the least if you really wanted to do that. Captain April is sending Alicia over to help finish your training like I said, but I think that can be put on hold for the time being until you give birth and recover at least. But you may take as much time as you need okay, there's no rush. And... I'm sorry Kattra," Sera told Kattra with a happy smile as she reached over and petted Kattra's head softly.

With that, Sera would kiss Kattra on the forehead before moving to help with the cleaning of the manor and whatnot. She'd be sure to help Feris and her girls with the heavier lifting definitely, but she'd make more of an effort to help the catgirls since many of them if not all of them were pregnant by her, not caring to do so and refusing to sit back and just watch as they worked hard and she didn't, and making no complaints about helping them either.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

One Epic cleaning montage full of cat girls later.

Sera sat resting in the shade of a banana tree while Susan and June massaged her feet and shoulders. Crissa meanwhile had left with Feris to see to some supplies and food for the house. Unfortanatly this left Sera with a whole mess of girls who she didn't know the names of. Still it had been a long day and Sera could see the sun setting in the distance the night comming sooner due to the geography of the valley not to mention the ever persistant jungle. The group of girls that Sera had requested had indeed shown up but after most of the heavy lifting was done they departed with only Alicia staying and mentoring Kattra on some finer blade work. Though it wouldn't be to long before she left as well. All in all everything had gone well anyone that got hurt was tended to by June who put her healing magics to work and despite the lack of bedding and food the place was livable once more. Leaning back Sera thought of the layout of her manor. It was three stories tall with most of the grand room on the first floor. The secound floor housed a small library as well as larger rooms. The third floor was devouted to more private endevors it seemed. A art room and a music room on oposite ends with four rooms that where bare. She also had an out building and a run down stable. The outbuilding looked to almost be a quest house of sorts and the stable would have to be rebuilt but given the condition of the rest of the estate it was really the only down side.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

It took them a while, but eventually Sera and the others had managed to clean the place up enough to be livable, and she was now taking a rest in the shade of a nice large banana tree that was out front while June and Susan massaged her feet and shoulders, even though she didn't really need it. Crissa had gone out with Feris in the meantime to collect some supplies such as food and things like that to stock the manor with for them all, leaving Sera there to keep an eye on everyone alone with just June pretty much and her other guards.

While she relaxed, Sera took in the full layout of her manor in and visualized it mentally. The largest bedroom was obviously to be her's she figured, because she doubted that the catgirls would have it any other way. She hoped that Crissa and Feris would be getting them some beds and stuff brought out so that none of them needed to sleep on the ground, for that would just be uncomfortable on their backs, especially for the poor pregnant catgirls. She did mention such to Crissa before they left though, so surely she and Feris could manage without her, she trusted them to be able to get everything they'd need for a night and return, and then tomorrow they could finish fixing the place up. She had never had any true fixed place of living, even back in the safe haven she lived in she was always staying with various fey and other angels that lived there after she was old enough to live away from home, though all the same it wasn't like she couldn't get back there within minutes obviously.

"Ladies... gather round alright, I'd like to find out a bit about you all if you don't mind while Feris and Crissa are out. Like your names and such, and a couple of things about yourselves. Because if we're to be living together then we ought to at least know some things about each other I think, and that I mean everyone. Susan, let's start with you okay, tell us a bit about yourself okay," Sera said to all of the girls after a few minutes of relaxing after their hard work and after Alicia and the other helpers had left that April had sent her to help out.

While she waited for Susan to begin, Sera figured that their first task the next morning would be to finish getting the main manor building spruced back up first, after which they could focus on the guest house and stable. It wouldn't do for the main house itself to not be fixed up enough to be nice before the rest she thought, especially when everyone needed a good place to sleep and all.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Just as Sarah spoke and Susan stepped out to speak a voice echoed from the gate. "Mistress Im home..... wow what a dump!" Looking over at the voice revealed Gem sauntering up in a nearly see threw blouse and pants. "Oh we doing introductions! Im Gem courtasan extrodinar! I love sex and everything about it. If it has to do with Sex I've probably done it and liked it!" She smiled as the silver haird girl moved up to give her a hug.

Susan coughed at the interruption and began to speak. "Hi my name is Susan and I am a royal maid first class. As such I can cook clean sew and tend to my mistresses every need." Susan bowed her blue hair bobbing slightly under her maid hat.

"My name is Kattra and Im a soilder! I met the mistress when she first came to the city. Im so glad she made me her slave. I will be the best body guard and mother I can be!" Kattra raided her hand up in the air in an excited manner causing her pregant belly to jiggle slightly.

Im Charline Gem's sister I havn't graduated from school yet some Im a student though this is my last year!" The silver haird girl blushed as Gem smiled at her and hugged the girl.

"HI HI Im Windy and Im a maid in training!" This was the green haird girl from before.

"My name is Deirdre and Im Gem's sophiticated Rival. Hrumph she should be honored I even consider her one.
" Gem smirked at Deirdre's swollen belly.

"Hello Im Shizuka Im a wit... err alchimist in training."

"My name is Kelia I work in the libaray under Ms Rhea don't pay me any mind."

"My name is Laura scout and explorer! Need something lost in the jungle I can find it!"

And Im Luana and Im a reaseracher mage in training. Anything this dork, Luana gestures at Laura. I can identify and classify." Moving over the two girls share a kiss.

Cat girl discriptions note some are better than others
- Amathyst hair and eyes Large bountiful breasts streched the nighty she was wearing to its limit. Threw it she could see small bar pericings and could feel another slide along her cock.

- She had a glazed look in her eye and as soon as she saw Sera the cat girl jumped her locking her legs around her waist. The girl seemed to have short blue hair that covered her ears and tail as well. She was a hefty DD which impressive where not match for Sera's own enhanced chest.

- The first one up was a rather wirey cat girl with green hair and small breasts.

- a redheaded cat girl in light metal armor roll into the room from the window.

Charline Gem's sister
-a silver haired beauty in a nighty. Her eyes gleamed red in the moonlight

-This mysterious catgirl has narrow, purple eyes. She has short, luxurious, straight, black hair worn in a feminine style. Her skin is dark, with black fur on her ears and tail. She has a leggy figure. Her tail is long, brush-like and carried straight. Her fashion preferences are best described as "pin-up model." It is rare she meets someone's gaze.

-This wise catgirl has almond-shaped, gray eyes. She has neck-length, curly, blue hair worn in a businesslike style. Her skin is brown, and she has blue fur with black ends on her ears and tail. She has a plump figure. Her ears are droopy and rounded, and her tail is plume-like and carried with a curve. Her fashion preferences are best described as "wicked witch." Always thinking, a lot seems to be going on in her head.

-This lonely catgirl has large, blue eyes. She has neck-length, thick, wavy, black hair worn in an impractacal style. Her fur is black. She has a thin figure. Her tail is long, brush-like and carried with a curve. She usually wears a respectable, plain dress.

-This energetic catgirl has wide, yellow eyes. She has waist-length, straight, red hair worn in a wild style. Her fur is red with gray stripes. She has a very feminine figure. Her ears are wide-set, and her tail is short, thick and carried straight. She usually wears trousers, a leather top, and a fedora. A streak of exhibitionism is obvious in her personality.

-This witty catgirl has large, green eyes. She has short, silky, straight, purple hair worn in a straightforward style. Her skin is cream-colored, with black fur on her ears and tail. She has an amazonian figure. Her tail is plume-like and carried with a curve. Her fashion preferences are best described as "would-be-wizardess." Her questing eyes seem to pierce right through you.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

When she saw Gem coming in as she spoke up to the others, Sera raised an eyebrow at her and smirked a bit. "A dump eh, well then Gem you'll be helping to make sure that it's no longer a dump in that case. Though I was going to have you help us all out in any case really," Sera told Gem before gesturing her over to them all, where she allowed her to start off since she seemed to want to, after which she had Susan have her go.

Sera sat and listened to all of the rest make their introductions with a happy smile on her face, not stopping any of them or anything and not speaking until they were all done. After Luana spoke up, Sera nodded a couple of times before raising up in her seat. "Alright then girls, I'm Sera. You can call me my lady, mistress, or just plain Sera if you like, I won't enforce any specifics on any of you, so it's up to you. And aside from the babies I don't mind if you all want to continue your work that you'd all been doing prior to the mishap last night. And I'd also like to know if I took any of you away from families that need you or anything of the sort like that. My home here is your home now, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any needs okay, and I'll do my best to make sure you don't go without. And another thing girls, none of you are considered slaves here to me, not a one, so you needn't call yourselves as such. Handmaids or servants, just anything but slaves okay," Sera said once the catgirls were all done introducing themselves to her. Then she looked up at Susan and smiled.

"Okay now, on to some other things, now that I know a bit more about you all and what you were doing before last night. Susan, since you have the most training to be a maid, you'll be the head maid of the place. Kattra, as soon as you're able you can continue being a soldier and be one of the guards here if you like or you could help Laura with her exploring, as a guard of sorts, and I thought I recognized you earlier when I first woke back up. Charline you can continue your schooling until you're done and then we can figure out what you want to do after that and what you're best at. Windy you can work with Susan as her second. Deirdre you'll probably want to take some time off from your work, but as I'm allowing Gem to continue her work as she always has you can as well if you wish, though I would suggest you work with her and use the potions she does to prevent herself getting pregnant, and if you both worked together you can both make even more money that way, whether you're rivals or not I think you can both agree on that," Sera began saying to the catgirls, making some suggestions as to what she wanted them to be doing to help them all out with making money and such once the place was up and running again. Taking a breath she continued. "Shizuka, you can continue your alchemy training, as it would probably be beneficial for not only you but the rest of us here as well if you did, and Gem can show you that potion she uses for her work and you can make it for her and Deirdre to use, among other potions obviously that we could sell to make money for food and such. Kelia, we have a library here in the manor I noticed, so I'd like you to be our book keeper and work with Crissa on keeping all of our papers in order since I named her my steward for when I'm away and whatnot and I'm sure she'll need help, if you're willing of course. Laura... Luana, I'm assuming that you're both sisters like Charline and Gem are, though correct me if I'm wrong, but either way Laura once you're able to again I'd say you ought to see what you can find out about exploring the nearby lands for things of interest as far as you dare and collect alchemical reagents for Shizuka, while Luana if you work well together with Laura then I'd suggest you both go together when exploring around and you can bring things of value back to sell to the highest bidder and whatnot I guess to bring in money for us. But I'd like mostly for you all to do what you're best at and what you want to do. I'm only suggesting these things based on what little I do know of you all currently, but I feel that we'll all get to know each other much better soon enough," Sera then said to the rest of the catgirls before taking a sip of water to wet her throat. Then she looked over at the guard ladies.

"Now my lovely guards, please come on over with us. Which of you has had the most training for being a leader in combat? And since she's not here herself what can you all tell me of Feris's capabilities for such, and be truthful please, about yourselves and Feris," Sera said to her guard ladies, eying Urma a bit and wondering what she might say.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera's guards looked among themselves and spoke throwing a couple glances at Urma. This of course caused the girl to scowl. "Ill make easy for you Sara. Due to my upbringing I have been trained to lead troops into battle. However I will refuse to do such now. Feris would be better at in this case. She has the respect of the girls and the most actual combat experiance. As for skills all these girls with the exception of Kattra are elite warriors as Captain April trains only the best. Each has their own strengths. Unfortantly the only one to see battle besides myself is Feris and I can say little else about their skills as they have yet to be tested."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera sat and listened to Urma speak up after the guards looked to each other for a few moments and gestured to the girl after speaking amongst each other. "I see, very well then ladies, Feris shall be your commander... and Urma her lieutenant and second in command. This way you don't have to lead directly Urma, but I need the most skilled as the heads of the guard. Now Urma, I told you that we'd speak in private earlier, so let's go do that. Come along okay," Sera said before gesturing to Urma to follow her as she went inside the manor, going in to what would be her bedroom shortly and telling the others to make sure nobody followed them inside.

Once in private, Sera would turn around to look at Urma directly. "Alright Urma now that we are behind closed doors and all we can speak freely. Firstly I didn't do this on purpose, it was an accident that these girls are now my harem, and there's nothing wrong with having a harem anyway I don't think, and secondly I am trying to help make this place better so that you won't have to leave, it is your home after all and your mother would worry terribly about you if you left. She might act harsh and all that but she truly does love you whether you think she does or not. And she has her reasons for doing the things she does, and I'm going to help you both as well as this town, for that's what my kind does after all is help people," Sera said to Urma once they were behind closed doors where nobody else would bother them.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

This brought a snicker from some of the other girls and Sera swore she saw one fack humping the air. What she did about this was up to her however, though seeing Urma's look at ther perpitrator she doubt she would. Hearing Sera out Urma spoke. "Thats how this sick city works it gets its claws into and pulls you into its depravity." Sighing Urma spoke some more. "Even if mother loves me I doubt you can help us now. Too much has happened Sera and I will leave on my own or with your help. If you think you can save the city fine but Im not intrested. Let it burn and something better come up from the ashes."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera merely smirked and rolled her eyes a bit as the others made the fake humping motions at her and Urma before shaking her head slightly and telling them that she merely wished to talk with Urma, not have sex with her.

"I see, well I was already a horny nympho angel before coming here, so that's mostly why so many of the catgirls caught me, because my other head does the thinking sometimes when I get really horny. But either way I am still going to help you as best I can, and her as well because I promised you both that I would help and that I'd do what I could to make this town better than it is," Sera replied with a determined look in her eyes, trying to show that she meant what she said about helping both. "Do you know the tower just outside of town Urma? There's a spirit or something up in that tower that Jolynn told me about and that's why it's off limits for most people that live here. She also told me that she has been cursed by said spirit that your great great grandmother I believe she said had summoned to get some sort of help, which then cursed her whole bloodline. I don't know all of the details, but I'm going to find out later today when I speak with your mother again. If you want, you could go with me and help me make this town a better place. The town here isn't as far gone as you think it is, and you could help make it better if you put your mind to it. But if you just give up and try to run at the first sign of trouble then it may be too late for this place... your home Urma. Remember that, despite what it is, it's still your home, and your family still lives here," Sera went on to say to Urma, hoping to spark some want to stay and help her mother whom she knew that Urma had to still love surely despite saying she hated her and whatnot.

"I intend on going to that tower to root out the evil within it before I continue my journey, but I shall need some time to prepare and all, and I'll probably need time to recover afterwards if it turns out to be difficult. And I could use any help I can get in that place. Though it is up to you if you love your mother enough to try and help break her curse, the same curse that will pass on to your sisters that Jolynn is pregnant with right now... my children," she said after a few moments, looking out the window down at everyone else in the front yard of the manor. "That is the main reason why I intend on helping Jolynn though Urma, but not the only reason," she added as an afterthought.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I don't care what my fool of a mother had done to her. I will not go to that cursed place... besides the statues are creepy..." It seemed Sera's words about this being her home had gotten to her somewhat. Maybe it was the training to protect that had been ingrained in her or she actually did care for them it was hard to say. Though not caring what happened to Jolynn did sound a little sad to Sera. After a moment of silences Urma looked at Sera and began to leave having no more to say on the matter.

Still with her discussion with Urma done for now anyway Sera was left to enjoy the company of her harem and guards if she wanted though the inccident with Kattra reminded her the cost to her guards if she partook of them. Though in all honesty the looks they gave her she thought they wouldn't care if they became her property. Still the meeting with Jolynn was on her mind and as June took her hand and leaned against her she saw Feris and Crissa approaching with a wagon full of furniture and food.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Yes you do to care Urma, despite what you might say she is still your mother and you do care about her at least a little or you wouldn't even still be here I think. But worry not about going to the tower with me if you don't wish to. I only suggested it because it would earn Jolynn's respect if you went and whatnot," Sera replied, but didn't say anything more on the matter if Urma didn't want to talk about it or anything, figuring it best not to push it much.

After heading on back down with Urma, Sera went over to the others and smiled before sitting back down as June leaned against her after taking her hand. She noticed Crissa and Feris returning with a wagon full of various foods and furniture for the house, and she also noticed the looks the other lady guards gave her as well, which told her that they wouldn't mind becoming her's and possibly getting pregnant like Kattra. Either way she refrained on doing that for the time being.

"Ah good you two are back. Let us continue with the cleaning then as soon as you're both ready, and then we can set up the beds and whatnot and get settled in after we clean up a bit more and all," Sera told everyone once they had all gathered around.

After that, they all began working once again and cleaning up the manor as much as they could on the rooms that were the most essential for the time being, mostly the living room and the fireplace therein, the bedrooms, the library enough for the catgirls that would be working there, and obviously the kitchens and dining hall. Those were the most essential for now, but the more they could get done today the less they would have to do tomorrow. Once they had the place more livable, Sera would have Feris and the other guards to help her get all of the furniture in and in place.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Getting to work Sera soon found the night set in rather quickly. Though their efforts did get the master bedroom, living room, kitchen, and library finished. The rest of the house would have to wait till the morning. Crissa went over supplies she had purchased and such while Susan and D helped in the kitchen make a meal. June meanwhile was helping several of the other girls with their own rooms as Feris set up a patrol schedual. Looking over a freshly renovated clock Sera saw the time getting late. If she wanted to meet with Jolynn she would have to head out soon.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

They worked the day away really, but managed to get the master bedroom, kitchens, living room, and the library all cleaned up rather well amazingly enough. Though the rest would have to wait until the next morning unfortunately to begin on as it was simply too late to keep working and still have enough time for dinner. Looking up at the clock next to the fireplace, she noticed how late it was getting and thought if she was going to go see Jolynn that she ought to go ahead and do it now before it was too late.

"Well shoot, I was hoping to get at least one or two of the other bedrooms done too so that you all would have somewhere to sleep too Feris. Keep getting on with getting at least one of the larger bedrooms cleaned up enough for you all to sleep in okay Feris, and Susan... Deirdre you two get dinner prepared, you can have a couple of the others help if necessary. Crissa I'll leave you and June in charge for now on getting everything finished up for the night, I'm going to speak with Jolynn and let her know how we're doing, and to ask her a couple of things," Sera said as they all began to settle down for the night.

Once she was sure everything was in order, Sera would head on up to the palace, flapping her large wings mightily and flying off back up to the palace, where she'd head on in and ask to see Jolynn. When she was with Jolynn, wherever she was, Sera would sit down and smile over at her. "I just wanted to see and speak with you for a little bit before heading back. We've gotten enough in the manor cleaned up to live in for the night, and I wished to ask you a few things too," Sera told Jolynn, clearing her throat a bit before speaking up. "I wanted to ask how quickly the catgirls pregnancies will progress? And what I should do with my lady guards also? All but one of them seem to wish to become a part of my harem as well, and that one of course if Urma. She... still wants to leave this place, but she does still seem to have at least some attachment to home that I noticed when I spoke with her earlier. I think that despite everything Jolynn... she still loves you, or at least her home enough to not leave without at least trying to help it and whatnot. I believe you should talk to her one day, with me in there too. Could you tell me if it's some part of the symbols that are on your soldiers or not?" she went on to ask Jolynn when she had the chance.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Finding Jolynn was easy not getting shot down by the guards a little harder but surprisingly enough not an arrow was directed at her though the angel clearly saw some of the guards aim at her. Of course there was shouting that seemed to come from below but unassulted Sera landed and cleared up the whole misunderstanding. Meeting with Jolynn she found the matrarch sitting in her room while one of her slaves pleasured her. Not stopping the slave Jolynn motioned for Sera to sit and offered her a servent to please her as well. What ever the choice the two woman soon got to speaking.

"Well thats very good to hear Sera. As for the girls well... it depends really but on average they go for about five months. Due to their magical nature and what not they have faster gestation." Jolynn thought a moment as Sera spoke about the guard woman. "So do it." There was a matter of fact tone in her voice. "Urma however is forbidden." Jolynn got a dark look on her face. "Lets not speak of unhappy things it will ruin the mood of the evening. Oh I do have some news for you my dear. Our wedding will be held on the full moon. That way I can have an approperate places costructed. Not only will it be a beuitful venue for our wedding but the people will get another place to enjoy the wonders of our city.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Tis alright ladies, it's just me, just Sera. I can fly so you'll likely see me doing so often enough, so just try and not shoot me down okay, if you see white wings that is," Sera told the guards of the palace. Once that was done she went on inside and spoke to Jolynn.

Seeing Jolynn being pleasured by one of her slaves/servants, Sera smirked and accepted her offer of getting one herself, where she sat down and let the girl do whatever she liked, but she wouldn't treat her like a slave or anything. "Heh, alright I'll think about it with Feris and the others, and I know why not with Urma, but she doesn't want to anyway. She seems rather cross with me because I now have a harem, she told me... what was it... oh yes, that's how this sick city pulls you into its depravity. But I believe she's just upset about her situation more than anything, and I also offered her the position of head of my guards, but she refused it too despite easily having the abilities to do so," Sera said, but she wouldn't speak more of Urma unless Jolynn wished to and would tell her as such before laying back in her chair and relaxing to the pleasure she was receiving from the girl down there.

She then listened to Jolynn tell her about the wedding plans and stuff. "Hmm... sounds good to me. When about is the next full moon then?" Sera replied about the wedding plans, curious about when said full moon was and how much time she'd have to explore that tower. "Also, I actually already had another one of captain April's newer girls, name of Kattra. She was one of the ones from last night, but she didn't seem too upset really about everything, in fact she actually seemed quite pleased and proud to be honest. But why are all of your daughters off limits Jolynn? I'm just curious about that, because honestly I'd have thought you would try to push a few of them on me to try and convince me to stay longer or for good if you could manage it," Sera went on to say with a smirk, completely serious about the bit about Jolynn's daughters. She had expected it to say the least, and was surprised when Jolynn didn't do it.