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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Yeah. Then I'll lose everything, and I won't be able to GM ever.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well, if the government is making you unable to GM now, I can't see what you have to lose. :D
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Oh, you'd be surprised, my reptilian friend.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Holy fuck it's starting up before I turn 25....
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

There's something that I just realized might become a problem that I want a group consensus on: time.

Some people who play this are on more often than others, and since 4 of the good team members posted before one of the evil team members even got on, I realized that it could become a major problem.

For instance: the distance each team is to the final boss is roughly the same. But if one team plays more often, they could easily get to the boss much faster than the other team in real time, even if it should be the same amount of game time.

What do you guys think can be done to avoid this? I don't want to force anything on the players, as anyone might have real life issues that prevent from posting for a week or more, but it does need addressing.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You could always make it so if one team gets to far ahead then that team has to take break... It's something I wouldn't mind doing but I dunno if others would want to agree to it <.<
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Well, you did post these in the morning and people in North America might not be able to post while at work, so... Give it a full day to trickle through.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

There's something that I just realized might become a problem that I want a group consensus on: time.

Some people who play this are on more often than others, and since 4 of the good team members posted before one of the evil team members even got on, I realized that it could become a major problem.

For instance: the distance each team is to the final boss is roughly the same. But if one team plays more often, they could easily get to the boss much faster than the other team in real time, even if it should be the same amount of game time.

What do you guys think can be done to avoid this? I don't want to force anything on the players, as anyone might have real life issues that prevent from posting for a week or more, but it does need addressing.

I've been thinking of this for a while too, Tassadar. I couldn't come up with a good way to solve it, but this just struck me...

What if 'World Turns' forced people to stop and take a rest? The characters could gain HP back from just taking a short break before night fell/day broke. It would give players a chance to roleplay a bit, but also give late posters a chance to catch up.

Or, you could just enact an old rule I had: If someone doesn't post in 24 hours, the team mates choose their actions.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

The 24 hour rule seems like it'd work fine for everyone.

I'm with Slith's idea.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

yes im also with Slith's idea. It will help if someone have problems to log in (computer maintenance, parents, government,illness, death, etc)
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

For example, I'm attending a wedding tommorow so I might not have to post
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I like the 24 hours idea... sometimes im busy with homework and I dont want to slow things down...
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So... Are we using square based combat, or just, "I attack that person" combat?

I think the way you use action points to move seems very fitting to square based combat... Else, you wouldn't have to move at all, because no battle map would be in place...

Plus, I think it would add a neat strategy element to the game. :D Like a perverted version of Final Fantasy Tactics! :O!!!
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So... Are we using square based combat, or just, "I attack that person" combat?

I think the way you use action points to move seems very fitting to square based combat... Else, you wouldn't have to move at all, because no battle map would be in place...

Plus, I think it would add a neat strategy element to the game. :D Like a perverted version of Final Fantasy Tactics! :O!!!

Yes, that's actually exactly how I envisioned it. I'm not sure on how to visually represent it to you, unless you all want to pick colors for your characters and I can make little drawings in paint using the grid I made for the world map. There will be things like elevations and choke points that I hope to make relevant, such as a character on high ground having an advantage in melee or a tank holding a space between two rocks while the ranged characters fall back to a better position so the tank can get some cover fire while she falls back. I intend to have it so that blindly charging in will most likely result in rape, since the creatures will often outnumber the characters, and will try to divide the group and capture them.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Oooohhh if you want to make a color for mine it'd be green!

In fact I might change the text to green now...


Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So, tomoe, you're having your character go a different way than at least 4 out of the other 5 characters are heading...?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

That would definitely work, although I don't know how hard it'd be on you to do this.

I used a program called, "RPG Maker XP" when I used grid combat when I, "played with myself" in another little game project. I used things like which way a character was facing when considering how hard it was for them to dodge an attack. Just like in FFT, you could move your characters, (or enemies) behind a combatant, and attack from behind, getting a better chance to hit.

Here's an example of what I mean, since I'm not good at explaining things. :p

(This is RPG Maker VX, by the way, not XP. I recommend using XP, as it's much better.)

Based on this, I could say via (X, Y) coordinates, that Shiva is at point, (6, 8)

Just an idea in hope to make your life easier. :eek:
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Thanks for the idea RJ, I might just use that. I've tinkered with those things since RPG Maker 2000, but I never finished anything.

Also, note that the groups don't necessarily have to stay together. I wouldn't recommend splitting up, since I'm not going to tone down the encounters for a lonesome player character, but it is altogether possible.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

... That's good to know because some characters have better capabilities as scouts then others =P