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Julia [Minerve]

Re: Julia [Minerve]

The hole was so strech than the meat around her touch her naughty body in every direction, her hips and breasts could feel the warm slimy objects pressing against her as she crawl, some places were so small than she must push with all her strenght to get inside, her soft skin could feel the tentacle like ends of some places caressing her body as she pass, she cant stop to feel great as this happen, even the need to stay and rub herself in that place appear at her mind, but she continue.

The slime fall at her with the salty yet delicious smell of cum on it, hopwever the place was not alone and before reach the end a pair of tentacle with needles at the end jump at her breasts and inyect her with something, the sudden bliss make her stop completely and roll her eyes, a third one hit her neck and other her clit, at the last moment she get away of that place without know what get inside her. Her body feel warm and wet, but her mind cant find any other change. After all the hole was nearly completely dark but once she get out she notice than her clit was slighty more bigger than before and her nipples heavily erect, her clothes were completely soaked in cum, her panty make her moan as she pressed her now visible clitoris and wear her bra is just pointles, her breasts were bigger and she only could cum by be dressed in that place too, her boots and gloves were filled with cum at the inside and even with all these problems she feel glad to had found her knife and gem.

She has caressed herself in the hole, but now she is aroused again and even worse she could nearly beg for relief of her actual arousal state.

With her eyes she spot the intersection and from where she had come, as also the large pat in front of her, so she need to decide if she want to continue or rest until get free of all her eggs.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

The crawl had been long and hard: it was so small and meat walls were so close one to each other she had difficulties to continue. But, although with her large belly it was even harder, she did it.

She does not know why but, instead of being just wet after having touched, caressed the walls with her skin, she feels more aroused than before, making the decision she has to take more difficult too. Especially when she notices the status of her breasts, her nipples and her clitoris: bigger and erected.

She throws away her bra, and rolls a bit on the meaty cum covered floor. After a moment of reflection, after having noticed she is completely soaked by semen, her boots and gloves are full, she decides to take her stuff back and to continue: she has to fight, even with her bad state. Totally aroused? When she will have found a good and safe place, she will be able to do whatever she wants to herself. Eggs in her wombs? She will take care of that later too. At the current moment, she cannot stop crawling, she shall not: she has to fight until she wins.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

The black haired girl had a sudden lost at her mind, she just toss away her bra and roll at the floor just as a sow at the mud, her body feel just so amazing with a dense cap of warm fluid, she even used her hands to drench herself better in each inch, but then she recover herself to stop and take her equipment, but leaving her slighty raged bra in a pool.

She crawl for a while fighting her instincts, noises everywhere make her suppose than in any moment something will take her to the complete darkness than escape of her gemstone, suddenly something wrap her legs and spread her legs, she cant see anything and only can suppose than the creature is using the cum to cover itself, more tentacles sproud from bellow, she looks herself surrounded by tentacles, so she needed to act fast or this thing will rape her.

[trapped -2 to escape rolls]
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Legs spread, surrounded by tentacles… Poor Julia. But she has not the time to complain about her difficulties.

Almost overwhelmed by lust, already so wet and excited that anything could make her faint, she is still no matter what a violent warrior who seldom lost her battles. She had a bit of a good time but she has to stop to screw up everything.

Now is time to fight, now is time to kill.

She rises her knife ready to cut the tentacles groping her legs and after that to cut other tentacles until she finds where the creature hides to kill it…
Re: Julia [Minerve]

The black haired girl turn her attention to the tendrils holding her, she prepare herself to cut them, but these started to caress her sweet spot over her nearly translucid panty, her erected clit feel like never her bliss, big enough to stun her for an instant, she bitted her lip and fighting against her needs cut the tendrils, however her freedom ended at the instant as others apendages wrap her body and even whip her neaughty body, she yelp and continue slashing, wounding as much tendrils than she could, but more taken the place of the hurted ones, her breasts were groppled and her neck pressed by them, she still is filled with energy but she must continue giving all in order to have a chance to win.

Julia 3/5 [-1 all rolls grappled] 2/5ap [low max ap thanks to be pregnant and changed by monster]
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Damn it!” she thinks. “I loved that before but it is different now and I cannot enjoy being whipped.

Fighting, struggling, cutting, being groped: the only end would surely be her capture.

The tentacles were strong and they were so many.

Anyway, she could not surrender to lust anymore. Even if the end of that action is worse if she tries to fight, she is more able to bear pain than the loss of her pride, of her honor and of her mind, of herself.

She keeps fighting.

Re: Julia [Minerve]

Dont giving up yet to her dark naughty side, Celes cut the tendrils pressing her breasts and neck, mare tentacles rush at her, but she manage to roll away, her mother round ample breasts bouncing freely as if they beg to be squished, just then she notice the core of the creature moving toward her still bellow the cum.

Celes jump to it, ready to stab the creature until kill it, but instead she slide and fall some feet's away the core in a tentacle sea, her body get a lot of punishment, her breasts pressed, others tentacles pull away her panty damaging the fabric, her body soon turn into just a sextoy, but just then the creature core get close her, ready to end his sluty prey, but with the last of her mind Julia stab it with her knife, the tentacles lost the grip on her for an instant, all soon turned into tentacles trying to pull her away and stabs than the nearly breeder give to save the last of her mind.

A minute later all end, Julia remain down the remains of the creature, tired and aroused in a pink blood pool mixed with cum from the beast and the cave.

She could rest there or manage to reach one of the three holes from before, one still must have the centripede, of course than she still could go deep inside the cave.

Re: Julia [Minerve]

It happened so fast Julia barely understood what she has done.

She tried to cut every tentacle moving or catching her: she did not fail and, more than that she stood the pain enough to see and to attack the core of the creature. “Never surrender” is her motto.

Her breasts are so distended now that during the fight they were bouncing, jiggling all the time. It was hard to move with them doing that, especially when she had to make circles with her knife. She squeezes them a bit, for fun, for pleasure.

After having freed herself, she saw the creature body – or whatever you may call that – and jumped on it to stab it. Alas, with her big belly, her balance is not the same than before and she fell onto the tentacles. They whipped her hardly to punish her before they may work her. She was grappled, from everywhere: her breasts being massaged, her panties pulled and she was soon going to be raped again. The creature even tried to get closer to her to taste her more: bad choice, she immediately stabbed it. And at the end, she won… Once again.

She is on the good slope. She takes her stuff and tried to put again her panties, although they are badly damaged and they have difficulties to stay at their place.

“A tentacle slut? Never!” she whispered to herself.

But she has the more or less bad idea to taste the blood of the creature; curiosity, such a dangerous thing she experienced too much.

Anyway, she needs rest but rest with something to eat or to drink is better.

So, if there is no bad effect, she will rest and if it tastes good, she will eat/drink some of the blood ^^”
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Her needs to caress her ample blossom had to wait until the fight ended. With the creature dead at her side, Julie decide to pleasure herself, licking the blood monster at her face, the taste is the same as normal blood but more salty, not her like. She focused on feel her breasts, they were firm and soft at the touch, sensitives in each part and more on her hard nipples, she moaned softly at the cold touch of her dagger and the warm crystal, she wanted madly something to suck her breasts, the need get bigger and she drop her items at her hands to pinch and grople them until she start to masturbate in front of the creature body for a while until cum. She feel like a winner, but then her pregnant belly growl, her motherly instincs made her accept to eat part of the creature, she used her knife to cut parts of his tendrils and over all the core, to clean her throat she used the cum at the floor. After be sattled, she stop eating and notice than she can see a little better at the place, maybe her body is getting used to the place, but then she notice than her fangs were a little more sharp than before, fortunately her teeth feel like normal. She could take a part of the creature and wait in one of the three holes to the birth or she could continue moving
Re: Julia [Minerve]

It tastes salty but contrary to the semen she tasted around here, it is not a good taste. She does not even try another load, although she is hungry and thirsty.

Instead, Julia gropes her ample breasts and tries them a bit: they were not like that before she goes here and has all these troubles. Before, they were, it is true, bigger than normal ones but now they are maybe thrice or fourth sizes bigger, they lactate and her areolae are darker – surely due to the full womb, hormones and stuff, her body thinking she is pregnant – and her nipples are larger and erect and become so hard. And they are far more sensitive: every soft touch is such a delight, arousing her and bringing her closer to a desired orgasm.

She drops her stuff: the cold touch of both the dagger and the crystal was really great but… She needs more. She needs like a tentacle pet to fuck her every time she needs it, capable to squeeze her breasts: such a wish she would have never thought to two weeks ago. Times change.

She pinches her nipples and giggles: the need is too strong for her. One hand descends to her lower part, still filled with cum, and she starts masturbating, quickly as her urge is big. She pants heavily, caressing her clitoris while the other hand squeeze and pinches her boob and her nipple. When she reaches the end, she puts two fingers in her flower to feel more her climax. When she reaches orgasm, she arches before dropping herself to the ground, exhausted.

She licks her fingers, wet with her juices, a little of the cum, drying slower in her inside parts and of her milk she currently still keeps for what will hatch out of her belly.

She suddenly thinks to it: “Do they really have to live? What will go out of my womb? Worms? Maggots? Bugs? Centipedes? Insects, things I used to kill… Should I keep them, should I try to help them or should I crush them with my feet each time one will come out?

Anyway, she is really hungry and she has to eat: as there is nothing else, she takes her knife and takes the beast’s body and tentacles and cut a bunch to pieces to eat some. As she has no water, she drinks some cum, licks the ground and tastes it surely more than what she really needs.

Being satiated, she looks around here: the place seems brighter and she sees farther than before – but is it the light or her eyes?

She has to choose between what could be six paths: the two ways of the corridor; with one she could reach the place where she fell and start again taking another path; with the other, it could only get worse, as it is an unknown place and surely a lot of creatures roam there. And there are still the three holes: one she knows is a tunnel and is reliable to the “shortcut” she took to come here without being seen. This one, from what she has seen, was empty, and the shortcut was efficiency and nice to go through although dark and by such maybe dangerous.

The corridor being too dangerous – she already met two creatures here – and backtracking is alas! too long. The other two holes being unknown and the centipede could rest here. She decides to take again the shortcut, to hide herself from other creatures. Before she leaves, she takes the remains of the creature.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

In her hurry, Julia nearly forget her gemstone, it could be dangerous to use it at the hole, as it could call the attention of any monster, she still have problems to see at the shortcut and her luscious body nearly can fit inside, the pressure at her sensible breasts make her whimper slightly, she loved it and even stroke her body at the meatwall tunnels from time to time, fortunately nothing bad happen and after a while she reach the tunnel.

Placing her things at the floor, Julia notice than she has not explorer the end of the tunnel, she cant heard any noise, so maybe is safe, but before try it, she is so tired than she decide to just rest at the floor, caressing herself and even removing her panty to caress her big clit, minutes later she fall sleep.


Julia awake hours later, her belly is bigger now, maybe she could not get inside the short cut, the dark haired girl have hungry and her stuffed breasts looks to be ready for the birth, she need baddly to give birth.

Julia caress with love her belly, the motherly hormones are having a slowly growing at her, instintively she prepare all for the event, but then she heard something moving at the end of the small hole, it sound distant but she could check it.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

In such a place, the gem may be either great efficiency stuff or the total opposite: in the dark, she may see enemies but they may see her too… Anyway, she takes it with her.

The walls of the shortcut are still made of that cum covered meat: Julia really loves that warm substance. She has some difficulties to fit her large belly in it but still play from time to time stroking her body to massage her skin against them.

She arrives at the end without problems: the place is clear. She lies on the ground, masturbating slightly, just to have some fun. She falls asleep after less than a minute.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

After a while, the woman wakes up: how long? She does not know as the only way to know is to watch the sun and there is no sun in caves…

She caresses her pregnant belly which has become so big. Her breasts are ready to explode, full of milk. Birth will occur soon, that is known to her.

She is unsure now that she will kill them: what will come out is a little of her, especially if she feeds them. She will see later about that.

Currently, there is a danger: some noise, made in the little hole. She cannot run and if she stays here sleeping with a dangerous creature roaming around, it could be lethal: what would happen to her eggs – hers?

She decides to take the knife in her right hand and the gem in her left: she will crawl a little and if there is a creature she may kill, she will attack it, if it is too big for her she will flee, if she cannot reach or see what is it, she will flee too. Her “babies” will need her she cannot take too many risks after all.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Julie manage to move without too much problems her heavily pregnant body, helped by her motherly instincts to defend her childs inside her, she crawl a while at the hole until she reach a small meat room, there a giant ant is digging a rock hole, with the size of a big dog clearly could be a menace, but it looks to dont had spot her yet and it looks like it have a heavily filled eggbag at the tail, looks like this creature want to turn this into an ant nest, its Julia choice if she want to share "her birth place" to these vile creatures.

[stealth attemp earned]
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Julia stealthily sneaks toward the noise source: an ant digging a hole. Not an ordinary ant, of course, but a giant one, of the size of a dog… What could possibly do an ant digging a hole? The dark-haired woman looks at the tail of the insect and sees a full egg bag at its tip. It was surely trying to build a nest.

It has not yet seen or heard her: she could flee or try to stab it in the back or… Yes, she could try to give birth here: centipedes, ants, all insects, and all “friends”, right? But would it not try to kill her children or to enslave her after she gave birth to her own?

Yes, in a kind of way, she loves feeling her womb full but she is still a warrior and even if she is freed after the ant has laid eggs in her belly again, she will have difficulties to fight, once again. She is a warrior and she has a mission: to find the girls which have been kidnapped and brought here. About that, she now knows what they are surely doing: they are either food or breeders.

No: the ant will not be nice with her little ones. And she is too weak to be sure of the result of a battle. Fleeing would be better. But to go where? There are two holes still… In one is their father and in the other, she does not know. Their father would be for sure nice to them but not to her: it is not a good idea.

With some luck, the third hole will be empty” she thought.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

With her fear of lost the fight and maybe her babies, Julia decide to let the ant have the whole hole and then she crawl for a while until the exit of the hole, she feel some moves at her belly and slighty feel bad.

The warrior girl find the third hole, her last chance of a possible safe place to birth, however just some feet inside the meat get opened and she fall, her hands cant grab anything yet at the end something stop her fall.

Julia opened her eyes to notice herself hanging facedown wraped in some odd vines, the place smell so sweet and there is a phallus like mushroom close her face looking too much as a very big man member, at her side bellow her is a cum river and from where she has fallen is very away to return, her knife and gem are in the meat floor close the river a feet away of her hands, her big breasts and pregnant belly feel so bad against the gravity pressing against her chin, small creatures like snakes start to fall over her and caress her, they must be baby tentacles and they are comming from a hole over her.

She could use the river or this hole, but also give birth in this small place could work if she get free and rest at the floor. Just then a lot of liquid get out of her naughty hole and she feel her hot liquid falling at her whole torso and head.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

The third hole was not empty but it was a kind of stunning what she finds in it.

No mean and aggressive creature but a luxury blossom with phallic mushrooms and even a river of sperm… This cave was amazing: everything you do not want to see is in it.

The fall hurt her but she was and is still more worried about what is inside her womb than her own pain. She was hanging facedown, wrapped in a lot of wines which helped her to not hit the concrete ground and to really hurt herself. The matter of that position is that her breasts are falling on her face, big as they are.

Some little snakes or like – surely tentacles, snakes would have bitten her – are falling on her, caressing her and surely seeking for her private insides.

She decides to try to get free and to rest at the floor until she gives birth: with luck the tentacles will not attack or anything and she will have the river to wash herself or to drink or as a lubricant if necessary.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

With some problems Julia manage to free herself of the vines, the small creatures were happily drinking her juices and even trying to squish her breasts to get her milk, fortunately they were very small, maybe they had born some hours ago, so the girl needed to use some of her streng to pull them away, but it was useless as trying to separe kids of candies. The place smell amazing even when there is a cum river at a side, she have all to give birth, even the monster remains are there.

After carefully lay on the floor, she caressed her belly who looks to dont had been damaged, she could kill the tentacles, but she remember than these creatures arent so far of a guard, her small knowledge than survived the centripede rapes make her know than meanwhile she dont kill them she will be fine, she just need to find a way to dont let them get inside her holes or suck her breasts.

Her body start to act strange, she spread her legs and feel the contractions, the birth take some minutes, but the energy and pain arent so big as she expected, with a last push a round egg fall from her at the floor, instantly it crack and a cute little centripede get free, it made some little sounds and look everywhere moving its little appendages until crawl slowly toward Julia, it is larger that her hand, the apendages caress her making some sounds before get over her making her tickles until reach her breasts and coil in one, its little eyes focus at her before finally press to get some milk drops and drink them.

Giving birth has given her some unknown feelings, the colors on it are a match of her hair and eyes, yet also the dad give a little of red on it.

The baby grople her softly and lovely, but the baby tentacles start to go over her smelling the milk, the baby is focused on her face and the milk to pay attention to the unknown danger, just then Julia feel a new birth coming, she could lay there close the quick cum river or get up and pull using the vines to hang there.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

As the tentacles assaulted nicely her, she decides to not kill them – as it could make bigger ones come – and just to push them away. Of course, it is not that easy, especially as they are sliding on her body covered by cum.

She is amazed with the smell of that place: is it the river of semen that smells so good? Julia has to admit she was really turned on since the first rape and cum was one of the rare things she was thinking about a lot.

She lies on the ground, slowly and aware, and checks to see if the eggs have been damaged: she caresses her round belly so full that seems very fine except for the move inside it: it is for now, they are hatching out…

She pushes a bit the tentacles so they do not try to come inside her or to drink her milk.

Feeling eggs are going out; she spreads her legs and helps, pushing. It is not as painful as she could have thought and it does not tire her as much as she thought it too. She feels it inside her vagina, the first egg, rolling inside her go out and she pushes harder, sweating and from the still hard work.

Suddenly, it pops out: a round egg, just in front of her sex. Almost immediately, it cracks out and a cute centipede of her is there, looking everywhere before starring at her. She smiles: it crawls, with its tiny appendages toward her and especially her breasts to get feed. He is bigger than her hands and his appendages seem nice: for now, they tickle her but when he will grow up, they will be dangerous weapons against other creatures.

At first, she laughs a bit as the way he coils around her nipple to feed from it and the sensations are new: she is a mother now. The “baby”’s carapace’s color has a bit of both her dark hairs and her deep blue eyes but some touch of red, coming from his father. She is tenderly amazed in front of nature.

The only matter she has now is that these shitty and weak tentacles want to taste the milk too while she has to work for her other babies.

Another one wants to go out: he is the more important. She decides to stay here, next to the sweet river, to push these tentacles if they come too close and to give birth to all her babies: anyway, her children are far more powerful than these tiny green shits.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

Things were a little complicated for Julia, she needed to push away the tentacles from her and her babies, as also give birth, moaning she give birth to her second child, this remain in place looking all the tentacles around it, so the new mother had to take it at her hands before place it on her breasts, yet before that she caress and feel the creature.

Slowly the eggs continued to go out, maybe every 10 - 30 minutes, there is not a way than she could know, the centripedes act slighty diferent one from other, some actives and nearly violent to calm and kinds. Each have diferent color paterns using yellow, red, blue and black. Each birth take some of her energy and fill Julia with proud and happiness. However slowly she feel pleasure on it and more used to this new experience. With her body changed to be perfect to be a breeder.
At her 20th birth the pain has nearly completely turned in pleasure, moaning happily as her babies drink all her fluid coming from her, nearly five of them drinking and pleasuring each of her breasts, her milk leave a white trial than reach the floor and some of her babies were there to drink of it, some others remain in middle of her legs, tasting her fluids and rubing theirs bodies against her skin. The fights against the tentacles were common and even when at the start her babies needed all her help, now theirs numbers were nearly the same so Julia could rest a little between births.

Her belly still have some eggs and it could take some hours more, it dont annoy her, as she is now used and in some way she love this warm lovely moment. But she is tired, needing to eat, rest and drink. If only these damn tentacles could get away.
Re: Julia [Minerve]

It is hard for Julia to pushes both eggs outside of her womb and the tentacles away from her. The second egg gave her more pleasure than pain that she had to moan softly. But the second centipede is more afraid than the first one: she has to take it in her hand before she places it on her other breast.

She continues for a long time, pushing eggs that want to go out: the matter was maybe that they did not all go out at the same time or following each other. Some went out faster than others. It seems to her that the ones who went out the quickest are the more violent ones while the others are calmer. The first ones are maybe a bit more red and blue while the kind ones are maybe more of yellow and black.

Each time a new child of her goes out of her womb, although it tires her a lot, it fills her with proud and happiness – and pleasure. Alas! She feels she gets addicted to this sensation: each time she pushes one egg out, it brings her almost to an orgasm and it is more and more powerful each time.

She has now more than twenty babies, drinking her milk, pleasuring, arousing her and drinking her sweet pussy juices.

It is a lot of passionate emotions that flow inside Julia’s mind. Especially now she sees her offspring fighting against the tentacles alone, without her help, especially as they are currently winning.

She takes a little rest between each birth of course but she is hungry, thirsty, really exhausted and she still has a lot of eggs inside her. Her belly has well shrink now but it is still inflated.

She wonders if the corpse of the creature she killed before has fell with her or not, although she does not see it. For her thirst, she thinks well to the river besides her. It is one of the uses of rivers after all: to let living creatures drink.

She will take care of the tentacles later.