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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

If her name is Chisato Doushin can we just have her named Chisato Doushin and move on to more important things
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Well now, If his research turns out that the name means something, (if mind, If), then why not do an American mcguffin on this, and just do everything at once via amalgamizing it to our tune. 'Chisato Doushin, the _____' .
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

There's no real reason to have an "American McGuffin" on her name. Names generally have a meaning in some way or another and intentional name meanings are intended to be both treats for a perceptive reader/player and a means to remember who's who for a writer.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Rule of thumb is that you don't translate names into their meanings. You wouldn't want someone translating your last name as "Son of John," or "the Carpenter," or what have you. All of our first and last names have some sort of meaning, usually in a language/culture that predates our own. If you start down that dark road, you are going to regret it.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Rule of thumb is that you don't translate names into their meanings. You wouldn't want someone translating your last name as "Son of John," or "the Carpenter," or what have you. All of our first and last names have some sort of meaning, usually in a language/culture that predates our own. If you start down that dark road, you are going to regret it.

The only time that what dienow doesn't apply when it's more of a title than a name. The character Fujiwara no Mokou from Touhou can be rightfully translated as Mokou of the Fujiwara, but regular names like Sakura Ichiko being translated into First Girl(Daughter) Cherry Blossom....is just weird.

Since Chisato Doushin sounds more like a name then a title, translated it would probably be wrong and should be avoided.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Where's the download link of Hand-to-Hand Imouto - Face Off With Big Brother? I heard the translated one is out.

Never mind I found it.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Temple God is pretty much a literal translation of her name. I kinda agree with Drake that "Doushin" sounds weird for some reason, but without having it spelled out in hiragana, we have a lot of options. Here's what I found for the various readings for both:

  • On: どう (dō), とう (tō)
  • Kun: たかどの (takadono), すまい (sumai)

  • On: しん (shin), じん (jin)
  • Kun: かみ (kami), かむ (kamu), かむい (kamui), かむ-ぶ (kamu-bu), かん-ぶ (kan-bu), こう (kou), かん (kan), み (mi)
  • Nanori: か (ka), かぐ (kagu), かな (kana), かも (kamo), くま (kuma), こ (ko), こは (koha), だま (dama), み (mi)

According to the Wikipedia entry on kanji, "Japanese family names are also usually read with kun'yomi" so that could narrow it down... slightly. (Assuming the "usually" holds in this case.) And apparently the Nanori reading is typically used for names.

Still that leaves us with all possible combinations of "Takadono-" / "Sumai-" and "-ka", "-kagu", "-kana", "-kamo", "-kuma", "-ko", "-koha", "-dama", and "-mi".

Takadonkagu? Takadonomi? Sumaika? At this point it seems all we can do is just settle on what we think sounds coolest and go with that.

(Edit: I'm starting to remember why I didn't translate it....)
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Really now folks, it was meant as a joke, to draw attention to the idea of compromising.
The idea that when translating something and not being able to reach a concenus, or a sufficiently reasonable workable phrasing, doing something like stating the name AND adding a title if the name was suppose to imply status, (not translating the name which is what ya'll seem to have concluded I was saying).
I'm not a translator, and the only auxilary language I know to my primary english is 3 years of learning Latin, which really does nothing but reinforce my understanding of english and capacity to forge words and understand the forging of words.

That being said, I do agree about the hilarity of the idea of translating names literally. If my last name was translated via russian, it would mean Dog. Very hilarious because I'm a cat person and almost anyone who has barely met me knows I'm a cat lover.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Now to put re-rail this thread...

Has JSK came up with/began making any new games?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hasn't he already began making another demon girl game? I thought I heard it somewhere in the thread.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yeah, the next game is in progress but they've slowed down because of the holidays or something. It is still in the works. I'm using Google Translate for everything, but it seems like they're thinking of may be adding new "functionality" since she seems to have a "great ass".

JSK seems to regularly respond to comments on their blog, so this is in the comments not the blog post itself.

As for the name thing, since this person is not real, we can't ask her. There also appears to be no mention of any kana for her last name on the site.

So since your the translator, pick a romanized spelling you like and go with that.

I didn't mean for this subject to blow up like this...and I really don't want to be in another Horo vs. Holo type debate.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Oh god, more combat?

I'm getting tired of the combat system already. For some reason my framerate drops a ton when I play the fight sequences.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Ever tried right clicking and dropping the quality as low as it'll go?

I mean you probably have since that's a pretty basic solution, but hey, everybody's new to everything at SOME time.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yeah, the next game is in progress but they've slowed down because of the holidays or something. It is still in the works. I'm using Google Translate for everything, but it seems like they're thinking of may be adding new "functionality" since she seems to have a "great ass".

Anal? Why yes please.

And Kouzui, I went through both the games you translated. No untranslated lines so you're good. Now I have to figure where I saw the untranslated line.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Google Chrome's auto-translates yields tits and ass... Not sure I should be shocked or apathetic.

Anal would be awesome. I'm just hoping for some actual groping action. For both the ass and tits. Fucking is awesome I like to rev the engine first!
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Who is the one that keeps reporting the mediafire links?

It appears that mediafire may be trying to crack down on adult files themselves as another user on a forum that I own apparently got some links taken down for TOS violations even though only 5 other people aside from me and him had access to those links.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'm interested in this one too.It IS the old demon queen game,but it's different from the one on dlsite,kinda it's precursor. We had some version of it laying around on swfchan,named f546.swf or something,but combat there was bugged(buttons don't react after a bit,and skill points didn't add).So you can only see scenes with decompiler.
The new version on gamesofdesire and such sites however seems to be ok in combat department,but missing the girl dialogue.
Anyone knows where can i get normal swf for that version,with all the stuff working?I want to finally sink my AGTH text hooks in this :3

I answered this awhile back in this thread; the swf is perfectly fine if you put three short (or empty) sound clips in the same directory, named coin03.mp3, cursor31.mp3, cursor37.mp3. For whatever reason, these aren't embedded in the swf but requested via URL requests.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I answered this awhile back in this thread; the swf is perfectly fine if you put three short (or empty) sound clips in the same directory, named coin03.mp3, cursor31.mp3, cursor37.mp3. For whatever reason, these aren't embedded in the swf but requested via URL requests.
22nd page? Yeah,i'm kinda stopped following this halfway through.Guys doing a great job with translations,but thread is flooded somewhat now.

Anyway,thanks for the answer,buttons work now.I imagine this flash were embedded on creator's site years ago,and he didn't bother with sounds,just used the ones utilised by the site.
Considering how much it took to find a proper sound blip and convert in mp3, i can't blame him :)

I attached a .zip for anyone who can't be bothered.I used the sound from windows 7 explorer(clicking sound).


  • f4565 sound fix.zip
    4.8 KB · Views: 1
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It appears that mediafire may be trying to crack down on adult files themselves as another user on a forum that I own apparently got some links taken down for TOS violations even though only 5 other people aside from me and him had access to those links.

if i remember correctly it was because of child pornographie issues.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Would be nice if we had another thread for releases...as is, there's a lot of sifting through pages of mostly debates on 'X' topics only to find out there wasn't anything really relevant to the projects. Yeah, I'm a bit lazy. Yeah, I'm a bit of an ass. But we've gone through about 10 pages in the last month and have only had Shion, I believe.

Don't get me wrong...I'm not putting down work ethic or your right to talk about projects but it's kind of tough to keep tabs on what's actually being done sometimes.