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Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"Right!" Quara grinned and nodded, her tail swishing in excitement behind her naked form. "Now Solaira said something about amulets that could help us keep contact... I do not suppose you have one of those? It would help me greatly to know that I could count on you in a time of need!" She turned and squinted, trying to determine if she could make out the bell tower from where she stood. "I do still need to go up there and ring the bell. Apparently."
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"Just look for my sign on the ground. It shines white and glows, quite hard to miss." She explained. "To approach the area of the belltower, we will need to cross the bridge guarded by a massive beast. Since we are on the same path, I suppose I could help you with that."
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"A massive beast, yes?" Quara lowered her head and pondered the situation. "It would perhaps be best you go ahead then. Take point, you call it? I shall devastate these foul creatures from afar, with brightest light and darkest lightning!" Any time she got into melee range so far, it was to her detriment. Better to let the knight get close (and get knocked down, if need be). "Now, which way is the quickest towards that bridge? I am getting restless!" Her tail slapped the ground impatiently, lending credence to her words. These bastards will pay for what they did!
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"If it's only these lesser monsters, I will have no problems dealing with them." the knight announced. "It was just that demon in black armor that was putting up such difficulties."

With that, the knight looked ahead, to the tower above them, the first normal looking structure ahead of them. "Cover me and make sure nothing comes up from behind." she asked of Quara, before rushing ahead. Suddenly, as she headed towards the stairs, a barrel came rolling down from a hollow man above having pushed it. The knight quickly backpedaled and avoided damage. Once the barrel rolled past, she rushed up and after the monster above, jumping up and making a clean slice, cutting it's head off clean as if it was so easy to eliminate them.

The knight made it inside the tower, and first looked up at the stairway leading up and towards the way they were supposed to go. "The bridge is up there," she announced, though glanced at the stairs leading down. "Don't know what goes that way, however."
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

As the knight slaughtered her way across the enemies, Quara lingered behind a bit, covering her rear (and leering at it now and then), occasionally stopping to give the bodies a quick once over for loot. More importantly though, she stripped the armor off the last undead that the knight killed, the barrel pusher, and put it on herself. As little as she cared about modesty, she felt she desperately needed some protection in this place. "I think we should take care of our quest first... Stars, I forgot to ask your name AGAIN!" The bronze-skinned beauty slapped her forehead in dismay. So much going on in her head, and yet, not enough apparently. "My name is Quara." No it's not.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

(Quara puts on shitty armor that looks like it's so ruined that it could only withstand maybe one more hit. Quara's Armor is +12 until she is hit once, at which point she becomes nude. Otherwise, she can keep her +5 leather armor that isn't falling apart and useless.)

"My name is Oscar of Astora. You may ask why I have the name of a man... Meanwhile, I ask myself why I have the body of a woman." Said Oscar, before starting up the stairs. They proceeded up fairly quickly, and came into a room filled with barrels. Quara would see a shimmer from one of the barrels along the wall, as if something sparkly was hiding there.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quite satisfied with the trade-off regarding her armour, Quara sauntered up behind Oscar. As she saw the shimmering in one of the barrels - no doubt due to her awesome sense for secret things of SECRETS - she grabbed Oscar by the arm to stop the man-named lady. Raising a finger to her lips, she motioned towards the specific barrel, then pointed at Oscar's sword. Raising both hands above her hand, she mimicked a smashing motion. The Outlander herself moved slightly towards the side and closed her hand into a fist, calling upon the secrets within herself and preparing to strike down whatever escaped the knight's blade.

She didn't know why there was anything that could be escaping. Call it a hunch. Or somebody looked it up on the wiki.

[Actions: Prepare a Devil's Lightning to throw at the critter if it survives Oscar's smash.]
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Oscar smashes the barrels and a little lizard goes running off fear it's dear life. Devil's lightning zaps the lizard and kills it, forcing it to flop onto it's back and wheeze it's final breath. It has crystals on it's back, which Quara would find to be, oddly enough, two darkhearts and a grayheart that seemed molded onto it's back.

(Quara acquired 2 darkhart and 1 grayhart)

Then, as if nothing happened, Oscar looked to the door leading outside. It was the wall and bridge they both saw. Was a rather open space, and seemed to have a silent but ominous air about it. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Oscar announced, seeming to sense the dangerous air about the bridge that lie ahead.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quara grimaced as she picked the strange organs off the beast's back and stored them in her pockets. "Wonder what those are good for," she murmured under her breath. But hey, they seemed to be valuable, so she would keep them. Also, secrets. She loved secrets.
She peeked out the door alongside Oscar. "Way too open," Quara agreed quietly. "Move forward, but slowly. I'll see if I... see anything." She padded the heavily armored knight on the back encouragingly. "Hey, you did a great job so far. No worries."

[Actions: Keep eyes and ears open while sending Oscar out onto the bridge.]
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

HP=40, PP=55, EP=36/45, Status=Fine

Oscar looked back to Quara with squinted eyes. "Oh... I see what you're doing there! Making me go out there in case there's an ambush! Well, I've got news-"

Without warning, a hulking figure slammed down right where they were standing, sending both girls flying and then sliding along the bridge from the force of his impact. A huge demon beast with powerful muscles was standing there, looking badass and far too powerful for a mere human being to handle. Oscar hit a rock as well, and looked to be bleeding slightly from her head, as well as looking fairly unconscious. The beast had it's eyes on Quara however, stalking over her currently prone form, and allowing her to see the quickly stiffening demonic cock coming from it's crotch. It got near, it's genitals dangling just over her, as it seemed intent on shoving that massive cock into her.
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Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quara was about to spit a catty retort at Oscar (maybe pounce her, wrestling turning into making out, see how far she could go) when a stone-shattering shockwave sent her flying. Unlike Oscar, the outworlder remained conscious and shot a dirty look over towards the fainted knight. "FAT FUCKING HELP YOU WERE," she shrieked at her armoured form before something else pushed itself into her field of view. Throbbing, rising. Quara's mouth gaped open as she saw the demon's enormous cock slowly filling out. That thing would stretch her out like a condom if it somehow managed to find its way into her! And even though several parts of Quara were curious or just outright yearning for that experience, she just could not let that happen. Not again. Not without giving it her all.

Still lying on the ground, that beast towering over her, Quara raised her hand into the air, almost as if she stretched out to run her fingers across that massive bitch breaker. But no. Light began to dance between her fingertips. Within her, the voices became more riled up. Quara had to close her eyes to concentrate. What are you doing? You will hurt yourself. - YOU WILL BURN US OUT OF YOU. - YESSSSSS. BURN IT. BURN US. BURN YOU. - It is so bright! Look at the pretty light. Everybody, look at the pretty light!

And Quara opened her eyes to look at the pretty light. Her entire forearm was engulfed in it as it broke forth from between a clenched fist. It burned on her skin like a thousand sunburns, her blood fueling the spell, driving it to greater heights still. Wide in wonder, she let her sight wander away from her hand, up to the demon towering above her. "Seems like I'll burn that bridge down WELL BEFORE I CROSS IT! STARBEAM!"

Unable to hold back the spell any longer, Quara opened her fist and released the spell, aimed right at the beast's crotch.


Quara is going to break her spirit ceiling to cast a grossly incandascent Starbeam.

Points spent: 20
Additional EP lost: 11
Additional HP lost: 11

Damage: ((1d10+3) * 20) + 20 (Burning Spirit Bonus, I forgot to add that before)]
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

HP=1/40, PP=55, EP=5/45, Status=Badly Injured

Quara does 190 Damage to the beasts painis

Quara gets a dead body fallen onto her

Quara's beam shot forth, and blew a hole clean through the beast's crotch. The power she had to summon left her with a terrible headache, but seemed to perform a worse number upon the beast, who was now standing as still as a statue. It seemed he was perhaps dead, before he began to move again. No, perhaps not moving... He was falling. Falling forward. Towards Quara.

She had about two seconds to react. Two seconds of time she didn't have. Like a giant brick wall he came crashing down, and Quara was .

Everything went black. She felt no pain.

Then, everything slowly came back to light. Quara was not dead. At least, it didn't seem to be that way. She was laying on her back on the bridge. There should have been that massive beast on top of her, but he seemed to be gone. If she looked for Oscar, it seemed she was gone as well. On the windy bridge, with her whole body aching all over with severe pain, it seemed she was alone.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

A triumphant laughter rose out of Quara's mouth as her brutal spell completely disintegrated the demon's lower body. "NO RAPETIME FOR YOU, MOTHERFU - oh shit." Weakly, Quara started to scoot away from the falling body. Too slow, way too slow. The last thing that went through her mind was the front of her skull.

We are still here. - We are? - DEATH'S SWEET EMBRACE ELUDES US AGAIN. - Shut up. - NO YOU. Quara opened her eyes and set up, her form surprisingly undamaged by having that gigantic demon falling on top of her. "Ouch. Ouch. OUCH," she hissed as she checked her body and found herself bruised and bloodied, but otherwise intact. The strange rules governing this world had restored her body back into shape - or at least reversed the crushing."Note to self - Be prepared to run away from enormous falling objects. Further note to self - That was fucking awesome." With a groan she stood up and grabbed the ember bottle, drinking some of the substance inside to get herself back into shape. "How about you, Oscar? Need a - oh, you're gone. Great." With a sigh, Quara stretched. "One step closer," she said out loud to nobody in particular. "You better watch out bitch, I'm coming for your ass." For now though, she thought it would be better to get back to the bonfire to fully rest up. Now that the demon was gone, she would have a much easier time pushing forward.

[Actions: drink from flask, return to bonfire]
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Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

HP=40/40, PP=55, EP=45/45, Status=Fine

After drinking her fill of the flask and resting at the bonfire, Quara would feel as if her soul was absorbing it's experiences and becoming stronger.

[Quara 8 Exp Get]

After she was done resting, she'd be able to backtrack back to the bridge, and cross it into the next tower. Going through it, Quara would happen upon a grand stone overlook of the horizon. From there, she could see the glorious sunset in the distance. But she was not alone in witnessing the beautiful sun, as the equally beautiful Solaira was standing on the edge, gazing into the warm rays without any sign that she was phased by it's light. Solaira seemed to notice Quara, and turned to the girl with a smile. "Oh, you made it too. Past that horrible beast." she said, seeming glad Quara survived.

"I was merely gazing at the sun..." She said, adopting a rather distant expression. "The sun is a wondrous body, like a magnificent father..." Solaira sighed. "If only I could be so grossly incandescent..."

Solaira seemed firmly fixed on the sun, which seemed like the only ray of light that kept the world around them from being consumed in the darkness and cold. It's presence in the sky is like a symbol of goodness and life, offering hope and warmth in an otherwise bleak and terrifying world.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

Quara gains the "Skilled Wielder" talent, raising her spirit ceiling by 2 and granting her a Wielder Aptitude. Said aptitude is

Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.

Quara smiled at Solaira and stepped next to her, joining the woman in quietly bathing in the sun's soothing light. For a moment, the rape, the humiliation and bloody battle fell off her shoulders, and she simply enjoyed the daystar's glow and the proximity of somebody kind and gentle. For just a few seconds, nothing wanted to bash her over the head and bury its dick in her. For just a few seconds, she was the one that wanted to bury. But having been on the receiving end of rape not once, but twice somewhat sobered Quara's shameless libido.

"I met a demoness on my way here. A powerful being. I was defeated by her hollow minions, and she raped me," Quara finally said, shattering the quiet peace between them. The outworlder turned towards Solaira and gently took her hand between hers. Gently caressing Solaira's palm with her thumb, she continued. "I need to find her. I have to put an end to her. She feasts on souls, of the living and dead alike." She took half a step towards the taller woman, close enough that she could feel the heat radiating off the scantily-clad warrior. Desperate determination shimmered in her bright green eyes. "This world is cold and cruel, but even within those conditions this fiend can not be allowed to continue unpunished. If you know of her location, I beg of you... Please, please tell me where I can find her!"
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"Indeed, this world is cruel... But such is it's natural nature. I get so lost in this world sometimes that I forget things. Did I ever tell you what this place really is? You may be surprised to hear it." She warned Quara, before smiling, her eyes never leaving the sun. "We are in the land of the undead. This land, where immortality is granted to all, might be a grand thought indeed... But for us, all we have is warmth. Those who have lived long enough have come to discover that immortality is not as much of a blessing as any would first believe... After all... The warmth you feel right now, Quara... Comes from humanity lost." Solaira said with a sad tone. "Neither you or I are human. We are both undead, as evident by where we came from. It was vague wasn't it? You don't recall anything before ending up at the firelink shrine, do you? When we all die, we are sentenced to the undead asylum."

"Underneath the brilliant sunlight lies a dark world... A bleak and hopeless world clinging to whatever warmth it can. But is it so simple? The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. Both undead, both imprisoned in the asylum, and now we both end up here, in a land brimming with hollows." Solaira chuckled, before looking at Quara with a friendly smile. "Could that really be mere chance?"

Then, Quara suddenly received a nervous tightening of Solaira's hand around her own as she looked back to the sun. "... I hardly think so... You see, I came here to find my very own sun... and perhaps you will find yours as well? Ha, ha, ha..." she suggested in a friendly manner...

But something didn't seem quite right. Her intentions were clear and divine, and the feeling of companionship was undeniable... Yet Solaira had a look of longing on her face. A distant sadness. A suffering Quara wouldn't be able to understand. She too suffered this bleak world, and she too desired the comfort of warmth, despite being the representation of the sun.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

For a moment, Quara's mind was in uproar at the revelation that she was an unliving creature. Then, like a wave, the world's reality washed over her. Slowly, she raised her arm and twisted her biceps, staring at the circular brand like seeing it for the first time - while some part of her knew it had always been there. So she was like those hollow men, only... not. Perhaps they were the fate that awaited her, should she fail? Who was she kidding - of course they were. "That is a. . . strange concept. Being undead without remembering what it is like being alive," Quara murmured to herself. "It seems – unfair, somehow. It would explain the entire feeding on souls issue, though. . ." Spending little time to mull it over further, she sighed and returned her attention back to Solaira. Beautiful, lonely Solaira. Truly, something much more worthy of her attention. "Solaira, every time I meet you, you brighten my day. Perhaps, in a fashion, YOU are my sun," Quara said in a flirting voice as she raised the blonde's hand to her lips and breathed a kiss on it, the previous confusion already forgotten, buried in her vast mind – too vast for her body.

RAPE HER! - No! We need her! - She is lovely. Find a way into her pants. - THEN RAPE HER! - It is not rape if she said yes, moron. - I LIKE TO KEEP THINGS SIMPLE! - How would we even go about it? - DICK SPELL! - Dick spell? - DICK SPELL! - Huh, you are right. I did not know we have one. - WE DO! - Yes, we noticed just now.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

"Do you really think so? Well, who knows. You might be right... Ha, ha, ha." she laughed. Then, after a moment of gazing at the sun, Solaira looked to Quara again. "I will stay behind to gaze at the sun, but we will meet again. Time in this place is convoluted, but we can stay in contact. Just look for my sign, and no matter how far, I will come to aid you." Solaira promised.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

SHE IS TOTALLY ASKING FOR IT! - That is a horrible attitude. - Yeah, not touching that with a ten foot pole. - IS IT THAT LONG?! - No, you moron!

With a pout, Quara lowered Solaira's hand and let go of her after a moment. "If you insist, Solaira, I will leave you be for now. That wretched bell will not ring itself, I figure. One thing though." She stepped up to the tall blonde and gave her a brief hug from behind. "Remember that there is somebody out there that cares about you. You saved me from perishing in the desert. I will not forget that." With a sigh, Quara pulled away fully and turned. She would not get ANYTHING done if she stayed much longer. Raising her chin and putting steel into her violet eyes, Quara moved forward, as ready as she could possibly be for whatever this twisted world would throw at her next.
Re: Jolly Cooperation (Rule 34) GM'd by MAF

HP=40/40, PP=55, EP=45/45, Status=Fine

What lie ahead was a rather long bridge. There were several hollow standing post down the way, some with shields and pikes, others with crossbows. Upon seeing the wide expanse of the bridge and the hollows on it, should Quara look back for any reason, she'd see that Solaira was gone, as if she'd never been there. The only way she had to go was forward, but before she could get started, a roaring dragon suddenly zoomed by, breathing it's fiery breath that carried a heat so powerful that a rush of hot wind blasted Quara off of her feet. The dragon's fire took care of the issue of hollows, but as he took seat at the gate far across, it'd be quite obvious that her problems increased tenfold with that dragon's appearance.

If she was feeling particularly suicidal, she could try to take the dragon head on. She might do little more than possibly claim it's tail, which seemed to have a rather sharp characteristic about it...

If living sounded like a better idea, she could possibly make a run for it down the bridge. Thinking about making it all the way to the end would be outright stupid, but there seemed to be a staircase going under the bridge about halfway down. Theoretically, she could sprint there and arrive safely without her rump arriving medium-well.