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Joanna Summers (X-man)

Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

His wounds are serious but not lethals, he then take a breath and said I cant rest to much, i come here for food and medicine for the survivors. The man noted that he was tired to continue talking and just lay there trying to rest. He just look to other side to avoid look to the body of her savior
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Seeing that the man was not as badly injured as she had first feared Joanna pulls a new set of clothes from her pack and quickly puts them on. "There are survivors?" she asked, more wondering to herself than really meaning to disturb the man. "I'll take a quick look around and see what I can find, you should try and recover a little I won't go far. Was there anyone else here with you?"

Waiting on the mans reply Joanna decides the best place to look for supplies would be the shop. She'll make her way there as stealthily as possible unless the man tells her of anyone else she should be looking for in which case she'll try to find them first.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The man said her that the rest were protecting the few survivors in a hideout, Joanna then leave looking the nearly usseles hand of the man with his bone nearly exposed, it was sure that he neet more treatment or he will lose it.

Now outside the house she slowly get close the store, there were a pair of human corpses she can heard sounds coming from them, maybe rats. There also were food, few of it rotten and the weapons were rusty and usseles with some kind of sustance on them,there also were chothes or more lakely rags of clothes and a door closed.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna scans the remains of the shop for anything that might be useful but seeing the state of things she doesn't hold out much hope. Once she's taken a quick look around she carefully approaches the door, opening it slowly and hoping she wasn't going to run into any more strange creatures.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna was lucky as the door was closed, she then saw te key over the door and opened, it was the storage room it was dark and there was a wounded fat man resting on the wall, we was moaning painfully close some food bags.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna approaches the man and kneels down next to him. "What happened?" She asks as she takes a look over his wounds and again tries to do her best to patch him up with whatever is available.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The man take her hand, she can saw that the man was dying and with his weak voice he tried to shout go away, quick...leave the town...cought...cought the man split blood in the floor and his breath was without control, his body was filled with weird bites. Joanna then found a box of first aids and something fall on the other room as some little creck noises of little animals come from one of the bodies.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Jo quickly tucks the first aid supplies in her backpack along with as much food as she can carry before making her way back to where she left the other man. She kept her staff at the ready and her eyes peeled for whatever was making the noise...
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Then she saw it, just when she leaved the store the one of the bodies cought and slowly get up, followed by the other, the first looke her and make a moan as he at the start get closer her slowly, increasing the speed every step that he does. When she get away she heard a scream from the store as the dead body opened the door, she run and found the man looking to her and the dead man w...what was that scream? who is him? he tried to prepare himself to run.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

"We need to get out of here now! Can you run? Where is this survivor camp you mentioned?" She fires the questions quickly at the man all the time keeping her eyes on the door for any sign of the walking corpses.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The man saw how the woman was stressed and he just nod as try to dont move to much his wounded arm. yes, follow me he was looky that the creature only focused on his hand, they run many streets filleds with human bodies and one that other busy creature until the church,he knock the door and said quick Jerry open the door then a old man open it and close it when both get inside, he was surprised by the serious wound in the hand of the man and there was a trap door inside, behind some benches. that looks bad Mark, maybe we must amput it said the old what happened and who is this lady?
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

"My name's Joanna, sorry I never introduced myself earlier Mark, it didn't really seem like the time." She adds the second bit with a short nod to first man. "I found Mark injured in one of the houses where he was looking for supplies, I've patched him as best as I could with what was available but I'm no doctor. I did manage to find some medical supplies and a little food, I'm not sure how far they'll go but it was all I could grab before those things appeared." She starts to dig through her pack and shows the men what she managed to scavenge. "What the hell happened here anyway?"
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

We and our families are very gratefull with your help lady Joanna. said the old man as help her to bring the things close the trap door, he knock and whisper a password and a young blue large haired woman open the door, she had a medieval dress and put her hands on her mouth when saw the arm of Mark Father, what happen?[/b] then the elder talk to the traveler it was a normal day, we heared tales of some close towns about these creatures but we believed that these were only jokes, yesterday in the dawn these things invaded our town, they taked our women and childrens as the young of us tried to protect our lands in vain.
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna ponders for a second before speaking. "Do you know much about the creatures? Any idea how many of them are in town? It might be a good idea to try clearing them out."
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The rumors said that the creatures started to appear around the swamp. We dont had anyone to fight them, im too old and Mark was the only one to be able to go for food, but now he maybe lost a hand, the others survivors are young girls, childs and old people that cant fight Jerry said as he put the food inside.

Thats not true i can use magic to fight and Serena maybe is sick but she know to use the bow, please let us help to free our town of these creatures

Mark take her from her shoulders with her sane hand and move his head to the sides, no, i wont let you see all that, its filled with monsters, please stay here to protect al until Serena and i get well, dont worry Joanna with this i could be able to recover competely
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna shakes her head. "We can't just let these things roam the streets, something needs to be done. There could be more survivors out there for all we know." Looking to Mark she adds "If no one will come with me then I'll go back out there alone, it doesn't exactly stack the odds in my favour if I come across more than one of them though."
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Mark look to her daughter and say her to give the food to the others trying to avoid that she choice to follow the traveler, but she left his protection and with her magic a staff appear at her left hand. no Annete please dont leave thei church, they are dangerous her father try to stop her but he know that she had the power to maintain him away and just said please take care and return safe Annete.tey then get of and there were many places to go Nice to meet you Joanna, please call me Ann. there are many places to go, the school, main hall, the store street, the goverment house or we could just kill all the creatures we found
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Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

"Thanks for the help Ann, you can call me Jo". She smiles at the girl. "We should probably start at the stores, that's where the majority of supplies will be, unless you can think of something else that might be a better place to start?".
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

The girl take a moment and said, it sound that it will be the place where the survivors will try to go, follow me please Jo After walk a little they get spoted by two big dogs with some kind of sickness and a weird slime snake, Joanna then remember the name of some weirds hentai creatures and then was all clear it was a famous tentacle, maybe if she were still an sex addict would jump naked to the creature but she was diferent now

dog 3
dog 3
tentale 4
Re: Joanna Summers (X-man)

Joanna blushes slightly as she remembers where she has seen the tentacle creature before, shaking her head she quickly concentrates on the battle at hand. "I hope you're ready for this Ann." "Concentrate on the tentacle first!" She tells her companion before driving her staff at the tentacle.