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ACT Ci-En Fantia Active Ryona [JaShinn] Syahata's Bad Day


Well-known member
May 21, 2018
Reputation score


A Sidescroller ACT where you play as a girl named Syahata who suddenly finds herself in the middle of a zombie outbreak. Your goal is to avoid the zombies and find shelter. Gameplay plays very similar to Anthrophobia where you use a melee weapon and gun to fight your way through enemies. Enemies are able to rape the heroine upon taking too much damage. There are future plans to include animated CG game over screens.

Controls provided by Games Dude:
move : left/right arrow keys
squat down : hold down arrow key
aim : hold X + arrow keys (melee can aim up/down, guns have a moveable crosshair)
attack : hold X + press Z
reload : C
switch weapons : S
advance dialogue : Z
pause menu : Q
(inside pause menu) Q to resume, S for sound settings, T to quit to title
break free from grabs: spam X
let them grab you: hold Z while not moving/aiming

I should note that this game supports Chinese, Japanese and English by default. Check the options on the main menu.

As far as H-Content and animation goes the game is great and worth checking out on that alone. The gameplay needs some work as certain enemies are a pain in the ass to hit due to controls.
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The animation variety is quite impressive, easily one of the more robust demo's i've played.
I hope there is a dodge implemented on the final version, enemies can hit behind themselves so far.
I especially liked that the melee attack has step link, it was very fighting gamey to combo crouch attack into standing or upper attack.
C'mon guy, list the controls so I don't have to lock this thread.
move : left/right arrow keys
squat down : hold down arrow key
aim : hold X + arrow keys (melee can aim up/down, guns have a moveable crosshair)
attack : hold X + press Z
reload : C
switch weapons : S
advance dialogue : Z
pause menu : Q
(inside pause menu) Q to resume, S for sound settings, T to quit to title
break free from grabs: spam X
let them grab you: hold Z while not moving/aiming

Edit: I should note that this game supports Chinese, Japanese and English by default. Check the options on the main menu.
This demo is great. Besides flying enemies, most things weren't too bad to deal with (Controls are a little sluggish but melee works just fine and pierces everything).The game honestly has a ton of content just as a demo. Other demos would... probably have half or a quarter of what this one provides. I am quite interested to see how this game turns out. From the NPCs in the background having some fun things modeled, I am looking forward to the release indeed.

As for numbers of scenes in the demo...
1x male zombie 2x male zombie
1x female zombie 2x female zombie
1x fly 2x fly (That fill you will eggs on the pause screen)
1x worm (You birth 3 of them as orbs)
Boss has 2 scenes
1x rat
1x slime girl
1x tentacle grabber thing~

I think that was all the ones that involved the PC
Also on the allowing yourself to be grabbed, She raises her hands to start as in surrender, but when horny enough she just lifts the front part of her skirt instead. It's the small details~

Biggest issue I have with the demo... is that the gallery didn't unlock for me. But that might be a supporter benefit (Though at the end of the demo it did say it unlocked)
Biggest issue I have with the demo... is that the gallery didn't unlock for me. But that might be a supporter benefit (Though at the end of the demo it did say it unlocked)
That is, in fact, a supporter only element. It says as much on the itch.io/ci-en/fantia pages. You're supposed to unlock the gallery by clearing the demo, but the free version just plain doesn't have that option on the menu.
This is pretty damn high quality, lovely find...
Never thought, I'd find solid pixel art after seeing tiny bit-sized ones.
[but I can't blame them considering the effort to make one...]
Okay wow. Actually a really good game thus far. Dev has been pretty reasonable with enemy difficulty while not making it too easy.
Animations are lovely, art style is pretty good, got some futanari and monster girl content so diversity is a thing in this zombie apocalypse and I can greatly appreciate that.

One thing I'd like to see is zombies being a bit more unpredictable. Feigning death and coming back or getting shot causing them to drop to the floor and make them just crawl along the ground instead. Otherwise, I'm dead interested to see how this game develops.
C'mon guy, list the controls so I don't have to lock this thread.

I thought that rule was removed. I didn't even see it mentioned in the 'Read Before Posting' sticky. I guess its stated in the example post in that sticky so I'll just keep it in mind for next time. Its such a pain in the ass tho lol.
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Okay wow. Actually a really good game thus far. Dev has been pretty reasonable with enemy difficulty while not making it too easy.
Animations are lovely, art style is pretty good, got some futanari and monster girl content so diversity is a thing in this zombie apocalypse and I can greatly appreciate that.

One thing I'd like to see is zombies being a bit more unpredictable. Feigning death and coming back or getting shot causing them to drop to the floor and make them just crawl along the ground instead. Otherwise, I'm dead interested to see how this game develops.

Yeah, as is the combat is pretty terrible. You can just run past most enemies, and those you can't you can poke them once and THEN run past them. It's pretty standard for h-game combat, though, and easily forgiven due to the thematic and artistic quality.
It'd also be good to see enemies interacting with each other. Seems odd to be sex-crazed zombies and not try to have sex with the nearest hole. Downing one enemy could lure another enemy to them instead of you in exchange for some stun resource (stun gun charges), for example. This would go along great with better enemy AI.
Not that any of this is being seen by the developer. It's just fun to muse.
I thought that rule was removed. I didn't even see it mentioned in the 'Read Before Posting' sticky. I guess its stated in the example post in that sticky so I'll just keep it in mind for next time. Its such a pain in the ass tho lol.

My bad, I spent too many years narrowing my eyes at OPs without controls so now it's become habit. You are correct in that it is no longer required.
I think that was all the ones that involved the PC
Also on the allowing yourself to be grabbed, She raises her hands to start as in surrender, but when horny enough she just lifts the front part of her skirt instead. It's the small details~

Fun fact. that there is one more stage after lifting the front part of the skirt.

She turns around and sticks her ass out for the enemy to grab lol

I like the attempt at implementing locational damage. Took me four full pistol magazines to realize that you can shoot the first boss in the Big Glowing Orb to deal extra damage, and it's nice the sewer enemies have weak points you can only reveal if you bait them into attacking.
The gym boss is reminiscent of Anthophobia's
That boss was a nightmare when I first fought it
Also, futa chads keep winning 🤤
It's uncensored on the other site by the way
Ooh. Well I know where I'll be buying this game from then.
New ci-en post; next update is slated for the 20th (next saturday). Considering timezones, it might be more accurate to say "friday" for us westerners. Not sure exactly what's in the update though.
more devs should start uploading to itch. Gets around censorship.
more devs should start uploading to itch. Gets around censorship.
Unfortunately the anti-porn lobby hit Itch.io as well recently, so now devs can't just use their built-in payment processor if they want to sell a NSFW game.
Unfortunately the anti-porn lobby hit Itch.io as well recently, so now devs can't just use their built-in payment processor if they want to sell a NSFW game.

I'd wish that to kill their popularity into obscurity but no doubt the youtuber bait games will just keep them alive.
New ci-en post; next update is slated for the 20th (next saturday). Considering timezones, it might be more accurate to say "friday" for us westerners. Not sure exactly what's in the update though.

The notice says "5/19 US Central time". Kind of weird to give a timezone with no time, but a day earlier is good news.