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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Ugh. At least this thing doesn't have eyes...

Jamie, angered at being forcibly disrobed, takes another whack at the worm - fear beginning to edge out anger as the motive for her attacks.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie again strikes out at the creature, this time focusing on the tendrils. In a single swipe, she is able to sever two and damage a third. There are still to many to count, but Jamie IS able to count the handful she has dismembered. Looking around, she is surprised at how close this battle has brought her to the northern door.

(crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 1

Flee N/S (83%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

This thing has to give up soon... you can't just cut bits off an animal and expect it to keep going. I mean, right?

Jamie continues her attack, encouraged by the damage her last swing did.

(And now watch as get counters the next 4 turns in a row and lose. :p)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(I won't tell the dice how close you are to winning, maybe they won't notice ^_^))

Jamie continues her assault on the creature, determined to kill the thing that has given her so much grief. She swings her shovel with what she hopes will be the killing blow, but before she is able to land, some of the creature's green goo gets on her, distracting her shot and she swings wide to the left. She is shocked to find that the goo is not blood, but some sort of aphrodisiac; ass soon as it touched her skin she began to feel flush.

(you guessed it, counter!)

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 3
Sandworm HP: 1

Flee N/S (83%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Oh what the hell... thing can't even bleed like a normal thing. This is only the second creature I'm aware of without red, Iron-based blood and unlike the horseshoe crab - which bleeds blue - this one actually has something completely different that's apparently designed to make me horny.

"Well fuck you, worm!"

Jamie tries to avoid getting more of the crap on her while she continues her attack.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie slices again at the worm and connects. The worm writhes backward and burrows itself into the ground. Waiting only a minute or two to see if it comes back up, it doesn't. Jamie assumes she has beaten it.

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 3
Sandworm HP: 0

Travel N/S
Rest/Recoup DEF (38% chance encounter per DEF)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Ugh, and now I have to face a boss at below-max defense and wearing only non-defensive-giving clothing? :( )

Jamie searches the immediate area for anything of use.

(Come on "boring, no encounter" rolls! Be there when I need you!)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(I'm REALLLLY sorry!)

Digging in the sand near the door, she hopes that by some stroke of luck she may find something. All she finds is that the sand around her arms give way and reveal what appears to be a submerged green plant with a slimy interior. the slime quickly grips her arms and begin to pull. The slime is stimulating and she pulls back. It is difficult, but not impossible, she thinks, to break free somehow.

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 2
Slime plant HP: 3

Attack (pull out)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"What the hell is wrong with this place! I trek all the way across two different deserts, and it turns out all the freaking violent life is waiting in front of the door out!"

Jamie struggles to pull free. (attack?)

(Now I guess I get to hope that I get free before it finishes me off, and lose to the boss instead...)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie struggles to break free. She manages to pull her arms out of the slime and she crawls backwards a few feet to clear the rapidly growing whole around the creature. She seems to have hurt it a bit when she pulled out. She stands up and looks into the hole and sees trails of slime slithering out, presumably looking to recapture her.

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 2
Slime plant HP: 2

Flee N/S (67%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Enough of this, I'm out of here...

Jamie flees through the door, slamming it shut behind her.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie rests with her back against the doorway. Huffing for a few moments she fails to take in the stairwell. This one is different form the others she finally notices. Instead of a normal stairwell, it is actually a rocky hill that doubles back on itself. Walking up the hill fully expecting to be attacked, she uns across the same kind of plant she encountered in the greenhouse. This one is larger, 10feet in diameter at the petals. When she looks around, she notices that the roots ro tentacles or whatever they are have already encircled behind her.

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 2
Plant HP: 5

Re: Jamie (thetwo)

"no... NO!"

Jamie is exhausted. First the trek across the desert, then the fight with the sand worm, and *then* the struggle to get out of the odd pit... it's all too much, her strength is nearly gone.

And to make things a thousand times worst, as she turns around to see the odd vines closing in behind her, she becomes painfully aware that she's wearing only a pair of flimsy and entirely inadequate pieces of lace.

And there are people watching me right now. And they want to see me get raped, just like last time. And... oh god...

Jamie suddenly feels a drop of liquid running down the inside of her thigh. She realizes that the worm's slime or the similar properties of the second monster outside the door have gotten to her. The tiny bit black lace is not just damp but soaked through.

Jamie rushes the flower, wildly swinging her shovel. Maybe if she can end this quickly, maybe there's a chance she'll win.

I have to believe that. I have to.

(Well, I guess I have a 2/3 chance of not losing... and *maybe* a tiny chance that I score 3 hits in a row, two of which are crits? Hey, I can hope, can't I!)
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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie swings her shovel right into the main body of the flower. Before she can reach the flower, however, the flower nabs her by the back strap of her bra, causing her to fall short of her target. The vine only has her for a moment until the strap snaps, causing her bra to fly off in two pieces.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 1
Plant HP: 5

Submit (risk Succumb game over roll)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie stumbles as her bra is pulled off, exposing her breasts to the open air, but she doesn't stop her attack; aware that her only tiny glimmer of hope is to quickly defeat this thing, she presses on with the last of her strength.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues her seemingly futile struggle, oblivious to the warmth in her loins and her nipples in the warm, moist air. Perhaps it is rage, or desperation, ur just dumb luck, but her next attack lands against the main body of the flower, causing it to lose one of it's massive leaves. Jamie quickly doges the leaf as it is even bigger than her. The plan seems to be visibly shaken.

(crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 1
Plant HP: 3

Submit (risk Succumb game over roll)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie doesn't pause even a second to consider her success, for as close to collapse as she is even that could be the end.

She doesn't pause to consider that while she's injured the plant, the fact that she failed to kill it may mean she is beaten.

She simply continues her attack as if nothing has changed, for nothing has. It is still kill it *now* or be beaten.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Continuing her blind rage assault of the plant she swings at the plant. This time, her shovel is parried by one of the vines emanating from the base of the plant. Not missing a beat, she continues to circle the plant, looking for her next strike point.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 1
Plant HP: 3

Submit (risk Succumb game over roll)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Shit! Have to keep going...

Jamie keeps going, hoping the break in her attack doesn't spell the end...

(Well, I lasted longer then I thought I would...)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie keeps up her last, strong attack. Unfortunately for her, this swing would be her last. While flailing at the plant, she fails to see a vine and steps directly on it. Almost immediately, the vine snaps up and wraps itself around her let up to mid thigh. It then quickly pulls upward, throwing Jamie upside down, causing her to drop her shovel. She is quickly lifted over the top of the plant. Looking downward, her first fear is that she will be dropped from about 10 feet above the plant head first. Then she sees the plant open it's petals. Surprising to her, there is a second layer of petals inside, covered in what looks like a thick mucus.

The plant expels a pink cloud upward, directly at the dangling Jamie. She begins to feel almost sleepy, but incredibly aware of the vine touching her leg. Even with the vine not doing anything erotically, the presence of pressure on her leg sends her into a frenzy. If she feels this excited now, she thinks, she can't imagine what will happen when the plant actually starts to rape her. The vine then quickly drops her into the inner petals.

She is not surprised to find that the slime is an aphrodisiac, it seems like everything in this place is. What is surprising is that the inside of the petals are lines with millions of tiny tendrils. Not more than maybe 3 inches long, they run all over her body, covering her in the slime. For a brief moment she realizes that she could easily stand up since nothing is restraining her, but she feels the firsts waves pf pleasure roll over her. The tipping point is when the tendrils tug on her thong, driving the fabric into her pussy and ass. Bucking wildly, she climaxes for the first time.

She is rolled over by the motion of the tendrils. With her exposed breasts buried firmly in the tendrils, she quickly climaxes again, almost immediately after her fist orgasm. The tendrils begin to slip insider het thong, but she doesn't notice them playing with her clit. Her whole body is red hot, every inch of skin is an erotic center of pleasure. She maintains a near continues orgasm for what seems like an hour before she finally blacks out...

Climaxes = 2
Succumb roll = 3 > 2 Gameplay continues.

When Jamie awakens, she is lying next to the open door of the stairwell for the next level, B-2. She awakens to the musty smell of wet panties. opening her eyes, she see that her thong had been placed on her head. Angry at the degradation, but hopeful she could wear them again she inspects them only to find both waistbands had been cut my someone. Attached to the crotch of the thong she finds another note from Dr D. "I love this! You are a feisty one!" is all the note reads. Looking around, she quickly realizes that, like the last time, someone removed everything of use from the room.

LEave stairwell.
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