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Jamie (thetwo)

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Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Right... not the Eastern wall at all. Damn. Well, at least I'm out of the greenhouse.

Jamie exits through the curtain (hey, we match!) hoping the stairwell is nearby...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Moving the curtain aside, she is surprised to be in another desert waste. The bright white wall blocks any route other than North. The sees a few desert plants, but otherwise, just rolling hills.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Oh god damn it, how many seperate desert habitats could they possibly need? And what non-euclidean horror designed this place?

Jamie doesn't hesitate more then a moment, though - the only other direction also leads north, unless this place really is non-euclidean.

(Onward into the desert!)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie travels northward, silently cursing the puppetmaster of this desert. Climbing to the top of a dune, she sees that the sea of sand continues to the North.

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

God damned sand-themed manipulators (that's people who wield marionettes), with your finely grained but monotonous endless wastelands of torment!

Jamie amuses herself with internal monologue verbose and eloquent to the point of incomprehension as the heat drives her slowly up the wall.

(Ha! Not bad for two minutes with only the spelling correction provided by default with firefox!)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues north, amusing herself with Morgan Freeman-like narriation going off inside her head. Cresting the next dune, she still sees nothing but sand, dunes, and cacti.

(damn boring die!!!!! lol)

Travel N/S
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie drudges north, wondering why there have now been two seperate desert habitats without any visible life other then the occasional cactus.

I suppose it would be unpleasant to be, um, yea, lets stop this line of thought. Damn heat is getting to me.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie continues north until, over the last dune, she sees a wall with a door on it to the north. Suddenly, the sand rumbles under her. Then, a giant worm-like creature breaches the sand right under her. Startled, the 6foot diameter worm throws her high in the air. Landing hard on the sand, she rolls a few feet down the hill. Looking upward, she is shocked to see a worm at least 20 feet long with countless tendrils protruding from it's mouth.

Jamie DEF: 2 + 2
Sandworm HP: 6

Flee N/S (< .01%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Holy crap, that thing could swallow me hole! ... LENGTHWISE!

Jamie reflexively tries to cut one of its three hearts out with her shovel.

(6 HP? And it's not even the boss? >.<)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(bad HP roll for you...)

Jamie lunges at the massive worm with her shovel. Not surprisingly, without any real plan of attack, she is quickly struck down by one of the tendrils. The sand under her cushions much of her blow, but she still feels the pain and knows that this will be a tough battle.


Jamie DEF: 1 + 2
Sandworm HP: 6

Flee N/S (< .01%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Right... that wasn't a good plan. That wasn't a plan at all, really...

This time Jamie thinks her actions through a little better.

Well, it's worked for me in the past... just stand back and smack the first thing to get near me. The thing is just so huge, though, and there's no way I can outrun it. This is not good.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie tries to get as much distance between her and the creature as possible, slowly moving toward the doorway. She maintains a defensive posture and after only a few moments of movement she is assailed by the first wave of tendrils. She is able to dodge the first, but is snagged hard on the back by the tendril's recoil. Fatigue begins to set in on Jamie.

Jamie DEF: 0 + 2
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 6

Flee N/S (< .01%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(Yea, sure, I roll "no encounter" 10 times in a row but then when I get a fight it's all "oh, more health then a boss" and "counter, miss, it hits you". Stupid randomness.)

Jamie falls back as best she can under the onslaught, hoping that any second now there will be an opening for her to attack in, but beginning to wonder if she can win this fight.

A "sand worm" is already a crime against nature, and I'm sure that somehow this one has further 'improvements' that I won't like.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(nature of dice I s'pose...)

(I assume you are waiting for an opening)

Jamie regains her defensive posture to beat back the second wave of tendrils. She moves as quickly as she can to the door while keeping her body aimed at the creature. The aching in her body combined with the dry heat is becoming something of a problem to her. When the second wave of tendrils strike at her, she is able to beat back them, and even manages to cut the tip of one off.


Jamie DEF: 0 + 2
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 5

Flee N/S (17%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(yea, that's what I'm doing.)

Jamie grunts as one of her blows finally connects.

Feels like there's a bruise forming on my back, and I can hardly stand, but I have to... keep going...

Jamie continues fending off blows, looking for another chance to strike.

(And there's probably a boss battle on the other side of that door again. >.<)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

(you're probably right... ^_^)

After parrying several more tendril strikes, she lets one slip by her, again connecting her back. This time it rips enough of her wrap to cause it to fall off the front of her. She briefly loos down and realizes how torn up it was on the back. Writing it off as a lost cause and that it is too torn to be of use, she abandons it and continues to back toward the still distant door.

Jamie DEF: 0 + 1
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 5

Flee N/S (17%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

And... there goes my top. God I hate this place.

Jamie takes another swing at the sand worm, hoping that maybe if she doesn't give it a chance to attack she might have a chance...
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie, furious at the worm, slashes at what she assumes to be the mouth, where all the tendrils are attached. She is pleasantly surprised when she sees a large amount of green goo, what she assumes is blood, flowing from her attack. Leaping backward quickly to gain distance and to keep the goo off her, she feels better about her atttack.

(crit hit)

Jamie DEF: 0 + 1
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 3

Flee N/S (50%)
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Maybe I shouldn't press my luck... ah hell, I don't believe in luck!

Jamie presses her not-at-all-luck-honestly and stays on the attack, hoping to finish this before she loses more clothing.
Re: Jamie (thetwo)

Jamie presses her attack, slicing again at the base of the tendrils. This time, the worm anticipates her move and knocks her feet out from under her. she lands hard on the sharp edge of her shovel. The soft sand prevented her from breaking the skin, but the sharp edge did rip a huge hole in her capris near the waistline. As she stands up, the capris fall to her ankles. She stands feet from the sandworm in nothing but her black thong and red lacy bra.


Jamie DEF: 0
Jamie CONST: 4
Sandworm HP: 3

Flee N/S (50%)
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