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Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

smiling, the surprisingly bubbly gynoid bowed. she wore nothing right now, and had a somewhat human skin complexion, combined with bright pink pigtails and the body of a busty 21-year-old.

"Please disrobe, Miss Jade! and please tell me how I may satisfy your masochistic needs today!"
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade took her hoodie and shoes off, putting them near what she assumed was a clothing rack, leaving her only in her stockings, panties and bra, she felt experimental "Surprise me..." she said, waiting to see what would happen.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

she nodded softly, and then proceeded to bind Jade's arms behind her back and suspend her from the ceiling on the other side of the room, with her back to the wall.

"If you will please refer to me as 'Mistress Primrose' during our time together, It would be much appreciated!" noted the female, stopping for a moment before returning to the previous female.

"I'm sorry, Akiba-san, but I must attend to Miss Jade, as she is new here!" she noted, her hand changing into a gas mask that she then used to cover the girl's mouth. she then dispensed a gas to her that made her drowsy, and then induced her to pass out, "Good night!"

After that, she removed the gag from the sleeping female's mouth and proceeded to walk back to Jade with it in her hand, appearing as though she was going to use it on her.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade was slightly surprised how good primrose was at this, then she took note of the instructions "Uh okay....mistress...?" she said, noticing she was coming towards her now with a ball gag and Jade waited.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

"Because this is your first time, I shall be gentle, Miss Jade!"
she noted with her same upbeat tone of voice as always. She then caused her own hands to hum with electricity. not enough to be painful, but just enough to cause some excellent stimulation to the girl's body. she then put the ballgag into the girl's mouth and slowly embedded her hand into the girl's sweet hole, inserting her two middle fingers. she was fantastic; with the rhythm of a machine and the feeling of a human. at the same time, she used her free hand to massage the female's breast with the addition of the same pleasing current.

"Are you...a virgin, Miss jade?" she asked after a moment
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade waited for Primrose to do her thing, putting the ball gag in Jades mouth she looked down and waited, however when she started Jade enjoyed it immensely, giving out muffled moans as her lower lips were expertly worked, her breast being massaged only added to the experience as she gave out more muffled moans, she felt slightly off answering primroses question, but gave a nod anyway.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

"Aww...that's very cute! I shall leave it intact then!" she noted, not going deep enough to make the girl unpure. she continued her activities until her captive reached a wonderous orgasm, cumming onto the girl's hand.

"Oh yes! Excellent, Miss Jade! Shall we go agai-"

she was interrupted by the appearance of another woman in the doorway. however, the evil intent practically leaked off of her skin...

"What is this intruder doing here?!"

"M-Mistress! I'm sorry, I-"

"Control code 009010!!! Knock her out and bring her to my chambers!"

Primrose then regretted to do what she did, but then formed the gas mask, approaching the female and placing it over her mouth. the gas was administered to Jade almost instantly, sending her world to darkness
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade revelled in the pleasure she was getting, her muffled moans getting more frequent until she reached her orgasm and spurted on primroses hand, she was about to nod to the question, but then noticed someone else come in, and they didnt look all to that happy, Jade rolled her eyes and looked away as she found out she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as the gas filled the room her last thought was simply "Well...shit"
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

after waking, Jade would find herself in a lavish room, bound and on her knees. to her side, surprisingly, was Primrose, who had also been rendered naked, bound, and gagged. It seemed as though she was going to be punished as well.

and then into the room came the female from earlier, completely naked. she had just gotten out of the shower. However, she then began a horrible mutation, changing form into a half-spider, half-human creature, an arachne. She smiled softly...her eyes turning to a red, with three more sets growing upon her forehead.

"So. You have thirty seconds to explain yourself..or you may just find yourself staying here...making eggs." she began with a tiny giggle.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade woke up, in the same position as before, forced to kneel with her wrists behind her back, surprisingly Primrose was with her, although it looked like the person who ruled over the castle was very very annoyed, Jade had no idea how to answer and assumed the Lamia from before wasnt found, so she thought of something on the spot "I Uh...I heard of primrose...here that...S-She apparently gave out these favours and...i wanted a bit of release so...i asked to be let in and well...i got what i wanted but now im here so uh could you maybe...release us?" Jade put on a weak smile to try and persuade the dominatrix esque woman infront of her, although the Arachane was unnerving her slightly. "Bloody spiders..."
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

She didn't believe a damned bit of what this female said...Yorou-chan never let anyone past the bridge without her personal OK. She then sighed briefly.

"Yeah. Lie. It's like you didn't even try..." she noted, knocking Jade onto her back, and then getting into her face, her massive breasts pressing up into the captive's

"You are going to be here for a very...very....very long time...and you will start at the very bottom. If you work your way back up here, you may contest your right to leave with the Mistress of the castle. should you prove worthy, you will be permitted to leave...should you fail, you will submit your body soul to the denizens of this place...and you will be a plaything for them." She noted, punctuating each pause with a kiss onto the girl's lips. she then spoke again.

"As a gift of good faith, I will give Primrose away to you. As your Mistress. She will be able to guide you, and if you choose, fight with you. Just know that she has been compromised, unable to access most of her functions...so her methods of help will be limited. now. Do you understand your conditions?"
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade knew her fabricated on the spot story wouldnt believe, so she gave a frown as she was pushed onto her back, it didnt help in pauses the breasted woman gave her a kiss, which didnt help Jades concentration as she blushed uncontrollably, although she did understand the instructions she was slightly disappointed with primrose unable to access her functions anymore, Jade nodded in response to the "conditions", hoping that "working her way up" meant "We`ll drop you in a basement full of monsters and you have to fight your way up here before you can leave", and not the "Slavery" kind of work your way up, because she wanted to see so much in this castle.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

she smiled, happy that the new contestant understood.

"Now...there have been several other contestants like you...though many simply submitted to slavery...and trust me, they're better off than if they had simply lost. However, before you go, I need something from you..." she noted her ovipositor coming from her slit, and entering the girl's already moist flower...

"I've always loved seeing what my offspring looks like with different humans..."
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade was slightly startled at a ovipositor coming out of the womans slit, and entering her own, she gave out a muffled cry of pleasure, unable to struggle she could only sit helplessly and watch.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

she launched the female into a deep kiss as she began to thrust it in, breaking the girl's purity as she did so. She then smiled maliciously...

"Uh-oh...were you a virgin? haha...with the way you were moaning, I thought you were a common whore.." she teased, allowing a single, large egg through the ovipositor and into the girl's womb. this was followed by a warm, creamy fluid to nourish the egg.

"Don't worry. it only takes a few minutes to hatch...enjoy them, as I hear they're actually rather pleasurable!"
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade blushed more as she was kissed again, feeling the ovipositor thrust deep inside her broke her purity, giving out another muffled moan, she noticed the egg go through the ovipositor, worrying her it pressed against her lower lips at first then entered her womb, and she gave out a louder moan of pleasure, the fluid following afterwards didnt help either as her stomach bloated from the egg and the fluids, meaning she was now carrying a egg from this woman, she gave a quiet moan as the woman withdrew her ovipositor.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

She smiled and watched the girl, as the egg's movements, combined with the fluid she had pumped into her, would begin to pleasure her like no other...for two solid minutes until the egg would begin to hatch.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

The bindings keeping Jade kneeling combined with the egg hatching made Jade blush considerably and give out repeated moans from the eggs movements, her flustered moans became more and more common until she reached her climax, and her legs quivered, immediately being pleasured again from the eggs movements as she reached orgasm several times.
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

the egg would then hatch after the last orgasm, with a small arachne girl slowly crawling forth from Jade's birth canal. she was small, and would not cause too much pain...just a little pinch. She did, however, slightly resemble Jade, with the green eyes of the parent creature.

She would begin by instantly going for Jade's breasts, suckling from them as though she was her mother...though the child herself was unsure if Jade could even give milk...
Re: Jade Ferno (Prinny #471)

Jade was panting still from the sudden birth, but she noticed the little Arachane had the same eye colour she did, making her smile slightly, however she immediately suckled from Jades breast, making her moan in the process, the pleasure got to her and Jade started to lactate, feeding her breast milk to the child arachane.